Pass Windows path to MySQL stored procedure -

I have a stored procedure based on this question:. For some reason I can not work with Windows Path. Always get file writing error.

Any ideas on how to pass the parameters?

Just tried this and struggled a little too. Here's how I'm doing it:

  1. On the folder where MySQL writes files, make sure that the proper privileges are given for writing If security is not a concern, right click on the root folder, click on Properties -> a great way to do this; Add the Security tab, "Everyone" and provide "full control" However, depending on it and why you are doing it you may need to be more careful / selective ...

  2. Archived Use something like proc:

    call export_dynamic ('C: /dump/test1.txt');

    ... or ...

    call export_dynamic ('C: \\\\ dump \\\\ test2.txt');

    (Assuming C: \ dump is the folder where the files will be written with the permissions set from above.)

    Note: There are other possible problems with disk space, anti-virus etc., but personally I do not see anything like this (Microsoft Security Essentials is Running)


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