delphi - JvMail (JEDI) component not sending mail -

The JvMail component is not working correctly or I'm doing something wrong.

  Process TForm1 RzURLLabel1Click (Sender: Toobject); Then start if cxLookUpComboBox1.Text = '' then cancel the other with JvMail1. Start SimpleMAPI JvMail1. clear; JvMail1.Recipient.AddRecipient ('smtp:'); JvMail1.Subject: = 'Lost Password'; JvMail1.Body.Text: = 'Request Password:' + # 13 # 10 + cxLookUpComboBox1.Text + # 13 # 10 + EdoffStastusBr 1 Panels [4]. Text; JvMail1.SendMail; End of end;   

My mail will not be sent until I put the email address prefix 'SMTP:'.

It is clear that


The format of the address specified by the parameter is [address type] [email address] . Examples of valid address fax: 206-555-1212 and SMTP:


The following code adds a recipient to the recipient list: JvMail1.Recipient.AddRecipient ('SMTP: ', 'some a');


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