ruby on rails - Can I replace class variables with class instance variables in Simple Form gem? -
For stylish reasons, I would like to avoid using class variables and would like to change them with a class instance variables. So if I have:
module SimpleForm mattr_accessor: input_error_class @@ input_error_class = 'error-field' ... end and I change it in I: Module SimpleForm @input_error_class = 'Error Field' Category & lt; & Lt; Self attr_accessor: input_error_class end ... end Will this break a simple form?
If there is a class that is a sub-class or SimpleForm Superclass, then the shared code is @@ input_error_class , then by changing the class instance to the class instance variable, the variable will no longer be shared by sub / superclass, and it can break the code Also, If there is an example method that uses class variables, which can break the code. Otherwise, it does not break.
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