C++ map collision resolution as java HashMap -
I have already done a good and fast algorithm in Java that uses Howardmap.
hashmap & lt; Point, float & gt; Map; Point class has the following structure
Fixed public square point {Private IX; Private int y; Int hashCode () {int hash = 5; Hash = 59 * hash + it-> x; Hash = 59 * hash + THIS- & gt; Y; Return hash; } Boolean equivalent (point P) {return x == p. X & amp; Y == p .; }} I should repeat my algorithm in C ++ I decided to use c ++ stl hashmap.
I copied the point class with small changes according to the C ++ syntax, and wrote the map in the following manner:
std :: map & lt; Example of using [/ code]
However, I have found that sometimes the C ++ version gives the wrong result of the algorithm after a lot of debugging , I found, some point equals hashodod:
point (8,89) .hashcode () == 17 9 66; // x = 8, y = 89 points (930) .hashcode () == 17 9 66; Java resolves this conflict as a hash dispute solution with Hashmap Hashpe's similarity function, but I do not know how to implement it in C ++. Maybe I should write a better hash function, but I think this will not solve my problem completely, only remove some collisions, but will make new ones Can you help me? UPD: The following code has been added to the point class:
bool operator & lt; (Constant and RA) Cost {Return getX () & lt; Rhs.getX () || (Rhs.getX () and declare as the following map:
std :: map & lt; Point, float & gt; Mymap; and all start working
take a look On-depth_platform is a C ++ frame with a Java look and feel. It has been found in a Hashmap interface / behavior such as Java.
With this framework, a direct mapping can be implemented ...
#include "cxx / lang / float.h" #include "cxx / use / Hashmap.cxx "using namespace CSS: Lung; Namespace CSS :: Usage; Square point: Public object {Private: int x; Int y; Public: Point (int x, int y): x (x), y (y) {} long hash code (zero) const {long hash = 5; Hash = 59 * hash + it-> x; Hash = 59 * hash + THIS- & gt; Y; Return hash; } Boolean equivalent (const object * obj) const {point * p = (dot *) obj; Return x == p- & gt; X & amp; Y == p-> Y; }}; Template class hashmap & lt; Point *, Float * & gt; Int main (int arzak, four ** argv) {hashmap> lieutenant; Point *, Float * & gt; Map; // add to (int i = 0; i <5; i ++) {point * p = new point (i, i); Float * f = new float (i); Map.put (p, f); } // find (int i = 0; i <5; i ++) {point p (i, i); If (map.get (& amp; p)! = Null) {// found}} return 0; }
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