C++ map collision resolution as java HashMap -

I have already done a good and fast algorithm in Java that uses Howardmap.

  hashmap & lt; Point, float & gt; Map;   

Point class has the following structure

  Fixed public square point {Private IX; Private int y; Int hashCode () {int hash = 5; Hash = 59 * hash + it-> x; Hash = 59 * hash + THIS- & gt; Y; Return hash; } Boolean equivalent (point P) {return x == p. X & amp; Y == p .; }}   

I should repeat my algorithm in C ++ I decided to use c ++ stl hashmap.

I copied the point class with small changes according to the C ++ syntax, and wrote the map in the following manner:

  std :: map & lt; Example of using   

[/ code]

However, I have found that sometimes the C ++ version gives the wrong result of the algorithm after a lot of debugging , I found, some point equals hashodod:

  point (8,89) .hashcode () == 17 9 66; // x = 8, y = 89 points (930) .hashcode () == 17 9 66; Java resolves this conflict as a hash dispute solution with Hashmap Hashpe's similarity function, but I do not know how to implement it in C ++. Maybe I should write a better hash function, but I think this will not solve my problem completely, only remove some collisions, but will make new ones Can you help me?  


The following code has been added to the point class:

  bool operator & lt; (Constant and RA) Cost {Return getX () & lt; Rhs.getX () || (Rhs.getX ()   

and declare as the following map:

  std :: map & lt; Point, float & gt; Mymap;   

and all start working

take a look On-depth_platform is a C ++ frame with a Java look and feel. It has been found in a Hashmap interface / behavior such as Java.

With this framework, a direct mapping can be implemented ...

  #include "cxx / lang / float.h" #include "cxx / use / Hashmap.cxx "using namespace CSS: Lung; Namespace CSS :: Usage; Square point: Public object {Private: int x; Int y; Public: Point (int x, int y): x (x), y (y) {} long hash code (zero) const {long hash = 5; Hash = 59 * hash + it-> x; Hash = 59 * hash + THIS- & gt; Y; Return hash; } Boolean equivalent (const object * obj) const {point * p = (dot *) obj; Return x == p- & gt; X & amp; Y == p-> Y; }}; Template class hashmap & lt; Point *, Float * & gt; Int main (int arzak, four ** argv) {hashmap> lieutenant; Point *, Float * & gt; Map; // add to (int i = 0; i <5; i ++) {point * p = new point (i, i); Float * f = new float (i); Map.put (p, f); } // find (int i = 0; i <5; i ++) {point p (i, i); If (map.get (& amp; p)! = Null) {// found}} return 0; }    


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