c# - How to make HTML javascript template work aspx -

With the ASPX and Javascript templates, I am trying to transfer the following JS template to SPX in the new IM and HTML, but how can IM call?

Object from my javascript in aspx

In my JS file, I have a function I

  function to template (photo) {PHOTO: {count: photo.likes.count, Avatar: photo.user .profile_picture, Photo: photo.images.low_resolution.url, url: photo.link};   

In my basic work HTML code, I have created a script and href = '& lt;% = url% & gt;' Using the URL, the URL from the JS file is on the HTML page. Goal = '_ blank', which works fine.

If I want to do the same (dynamic link object "url") in the aspx from js file, how should i do? I tried the same way but did not work.

Thanks in advance for anyone's help.

You can read this article to get any solution for a friend!



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