
Showing posts from June, 2014

animation - How to use/setup TexturePacker2 libgdx -

मुझे texturepacker2 से libgdx से एक कठिनाई है I मैं texturepakcer2 का उपयोग करके textureAtlas बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा था ताकि मैं एनिमेटेड छवियां बना सकूं हालांकि मैं TexturePacker2.process (इनपुट निर्देशिका पथ "," आउटपुट निर्देशिका पथ "," texture_file ") का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता; क्योंकि यह TexturePacker2 को पहचान नहीं सका। gdx-tool.jar अंदर libs और परियोजना के माध्यम से पुस्तकालयों को जोड़ा गया - गुण - -> जावा बिल्ड पथ - & gt; पुस्तकालय - & gt; जार जोड़ें , यह अभी भी हल नहीं कर सकता है और न ही gdx-tool.jar को पहचान सकता है। मैं बनावट एटलस कैसे बना सकता हूँ TexturePakcer2 का उपयोग करके? मैंने सुना है रात का निर्माण का उपयोग करके libgdx से बनाने का एक तरीका है, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? जब मैं नवीनतम रात के निर्माण को खोलता हूं तो इतने सारे जार होते थे, लेकिन मैं सेटअप-यूआई चला सकता था। सार्वजनिक वर्ग मुख्य {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिन G [] args) {LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = नया LwjglApplicationConfiguration (...

javascript - $http in Anjgularjs: Can someone explain the flow -

In a $ http call, whatever we can pass in the URL part, I have a server address, a user Name and password Can I pass all as a json object, or do we have any other parameter (like URL) for it? Someone can help me understand what is happening on a successful call. Specifically, the code I am battling is: app.factory ('myFactory', function () {var fact = {}; fact .getData = function (a) {$ http ({method: 'POST', url: 'http: // 8080 / xx / xx.xx'}); $ Http.success (task (answer) { A (answer)});}; reality; }) See the code, however I can not find data from the server, a There are no errors at the same time. I xapp.factory ('login data', function ($ http, $ log) {var fact = {}; facts .getData = function (cred, Cb) {return $ http ({method: 'post', url: ' xxxx / xxxxxx', data : Cred}) .success (function (data, position, header, config) {cb (data);}) panic (function (data, position, header, config) {...

Validating user fed time in bash with regex pattern -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: एक उपयोगकर्ता को खिलाया समय मान: / p> read -p "प्रारंभ समय जो आप शुरू करना चाहते हैं (hh: mm: ss)" user_start_time और regex: समयपटल = "[0-2] [0-3]: [0-5] [0-9]: [0-5] [0-9]" अगर मैं ऐसा करता हूं: यह गूंजता है ..... यह न्यूबी होने की पुष्टि नहीं करता है, मैं int या स्ट्रिंग की तुलना समझता हूँ लेकिन हम कैसे समय के बारे में जाते हैं ( तिथि भी है, लेकिन दिनांक -d बहुत सी समस्याएं हल करता है ) लेकिन स्वीकार किए गए उत्तर को समझ नहीं सका! के लिए Regex मिलान करने के लिए आपको = ~ ऑपरेटर के बजाय == का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है BASH में तो इसे इस तरह का उपयोग करें: [["$ user_start_time" = ~ $ timePattern]] & amp; amp; गूंज "in if" || इसके अलावा आपको regex variable $ timePattern के आसपास उद्धरणों को हटाने की आवश्यकता है। - Syntax error with Date in sql query -

In my program, I change the date to date from the date of the date in the global variable = DtpDate_do saving. Value.Date . I am using this date to compare date from my database but I am always getting a syntax error, irrespective of which I am changing. This is my query: cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ID, order_date command from WHERE order_date =" & amp; & amp; "Order by ID DESC" The dates of my database are stored in dots in EU format - 17.2.2014 . Someone can provide me some help. Never create your query in this way Always and without exception, use parameters This SQL-Injection Avoids both methods and ensures proper formatting of your parameters. VB Sorry to know about Net, but it should be like this: cmd CommandText = "SELECT ID, order_date order by WHERE order_date = @DATE ORDER ID DESC" cmd.Parameters. AddWithValue ("@ Date", Explanation: Create your query a...

c++ - Why no error is thrown on declaring vector of vector of int using #define -

#include & lt; bits / stdc ++। H & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; #define vi vector & lt; int & gt; # परिभाषित वीवी वेक्टर & lt; vi & gt; Int main () {vi v (10, -1); वीवी वीवी (10, वी); के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; vv.size (); i ++) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; vv [i]। आकार (); j ++) {cout & lt; & lt; वीवी [i] [जे] & lt; & lt; ""; } Cout & lt; & lt; endl; }} जब मैं उपरोक्त कोड को संकलित करता हूं, कोई त्रुटि नहीं की जाती है और यह ठीक () चलाता है। लेकिन जब मैं vector & lt का उपयोग कर सदिश के वेक्टर का एक सदिश घोषित करता हूं; वेक्टर & lt; Int> gt> एक त्रुटि उत्पन्न होती है क्योंकि मैंने सही कोण ब्रैकेट के बीच स्थान नहीं रखा है तो पहले मामले में कोई त्रुटि क्यों नहीं है, जब #define करता है तो vi के साथ वेक्टर gt; और वीवी के साथ vector & lt; वेक्टर के & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; & gt; ? कारण आपको #define विधि से त्रुटि नहीं मिल रही है यह है कि प्रीप्रोसेसर बुद्धिमानी से टूटता है...

ios - How do I create a UIView subclass with a transparent gradient background? -

I want to create a custom UIView which has a transparent gradient background to make the text more This custom view appears on the rear view. Here is an example image: Paint the orange box under my transparent gradient view is a UIView . Then I will put text at the top of the transparent shield view and because of its darkness, the text will appear more, but you can see some orange box behind it. I am UIView . - (zero) draw in my custom UIView 's drawRect : (CGRTact) shortcut {CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB (); CGContextRef Reference = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); NSArray * gradientColors = @ [[id] [UIColor colorWithWhite: 0.0 alpha: 0.0] .Color, (id) [UIColor colorWithWhite: 0.0 alpha: 0.55] .CGColor, (id) [UIColor colorWithite: 0.0 alpha: 0.7]]; CGFloat Gradient Lesses [] = {0, 0.77, 1}; CGGradientRef Slope = CGGradientCreateWithColors (Color space, (__Bridge CFArrayRef) Gradient Colors, Gradient Lacs); CGPoint StartPoint = CG...

ios - How to instantiate UITableViewCell with custom class in switch section -

I need to create an object at the beginning of the cellForRowAtIndexPath switch section: switch (indexPath.section) {case detailControllerAddressSection: {NSString * address = [auto address text]; UITableViewCell * cell; If (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM () == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {if (IS_OS_7_OR_LATER) {cell = (CustomDetailCell *) [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: @ "AddressCell" forIndexPath: indexPath]; Cell.mainLabel.text = Address; Cell.detailLabel.text = [Object data for Self Distance Message: self.objectData]; } Else {UniversalAddressCell * cell = (UniversalAddressCell *) [Talikadrishy dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: @ "UniversalAddressCell" forIndexPath: indexPath]; Cell.backgroundView = [Self cell backgroundground view: indexing path]; Cell.mainLabel.text = Address; ... But in this case the cell is UITableViewCell and I can not get labels from the CustomDetailCell class. How to solve it? This decision is simple, but I believe ho...

c++ - Design for interaction of child classes -

I have some hints below the design problem. Suppose I want to write some classes to calculate USB devices and select special equipment and transmit data through it for different platforms. (Just a very basic scenario. More of a design question than anything related to US). Now I have to be an instrument base class for USB devices, which can get functions such as ENRAT_DEVISES on the basis of string etc., etc. Now it will be implemented differently on different platforms. So maybe I will have some child classes that can implement it using platform specific APIs. The other categories I want to now have some buffer squares which will transfer the data to the USB endpoint. It will be required to be implemented by different platforms again on the basis of providing APIs. Now suppose I am creating a Windows based USB device class and a buffer class and using those windows have implemented those who provide APIS. My question is, what should I do if my Windows buffer class needs so...

audio - c++ applying FFT to wav file data -

This is my first time wav files and fft works equally. Looking at the following code: char * loadWAV (const char * fn, int & chan, int and samplerate, int and bps, int and size) {char buffer [4]; Ifstream in (fn, ios :: binary); (buffer, 4); // Chunky "RIFF" if (StruncMP (buffer, "Riff", 4)! = 0) {cerr & lt; & Lt; "This is not a valid wave file"; Return tap; } (buffer, 4); // chunkyize in. Reed (buffer, 4); // Format "Wave" In (Buffer, 4); // "fmt" (buffer, 4); // 16 (buffer, 2); // 1 (buffer, 2); // Number of channels chan = convertretto (buffer, 2); (buffer, 4); // Sample Rate Samplerate = Converttooy (buffer, 4); (buffer, 4); // Bitracket In. Read (buffer, 2); // Block Alliance In. Read (buffer, 2); // Beats per BPS = ConvertToy (buffer, 2); (buffer, 4); // "data" (buffer, 4); Size = convertro (buffer, 4); Four * data = new four [size...

3d - Converting BIG numbers (say, 3000 or 100000) to scientific format (say, 10^3 or 3*10^5) in MATHEMATICA -

I've plotted the 3D plot through plot 3D command. Based on the parameter values, the plot shows a very large number (say, 3000 or 100000) Therefore, my z-axis looks very strange because it takes a bigger place. I want to write them in scientific exponential format, say Are 3 * 10 ^ 3 or 10 ^ 5 I also see that the Mathematica automatically transforms a large number of scientific forms, when the number is seven plus points. Can anyone help me so that I can write any number in the above scientific format? You can define functions like z-ticks for: - ticks [min_, max_, n_]: = transges [function [z, {z, function [x, scientifference [n @ x]] / @ z}] @ forest division [{minimum, max}, n ]] M = 456; Plot 3D [{x ^ 2 + y ^ 2, -x ^ 2 - y ^ 2}, {x, -m, m}, {y, -m, m}, barkriotus - & gt; {1, 1, 1}, tics - & gt; {Automatic, Automatic, Tiki [# 1, # 2, 5] & amp;}] edit The use of the following to leave the decimal point in the importance of z-axis Ticks can be d...

regex - How to extract a part of line in perl -

I would like to know how to extract a part of a line from a file in Perl. I have a log file from which I want to remove some meaningful information through a Perl script. I was able to get the full line I was looking for, but I only want one part of that line. Perl script (I used): #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; My $ file = 'F: \ 3Np_RoboSitter \ perl pgm \ input.txt'; Open your $ FH, "$ lt;", $ file or $$! Print "************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************ ******** \ n "; Print "DC status: \ n \ n"; While (& lt; $ fh & gt;) {Print / DC message / / / DC messages selected from Qualified; } Print "\ n ******************************************************************************* **********************************************************************************...

ios - ARC: copy method -

I have a page where the autoplay is called and a method is called. I make a copy of CXMLELement in that method, and use it under my project ARC. (zero) Update: (cxmilement) element {CXMLElement * node = [element copy]; PassToAnotherMethod (node); } (or) (zero) update: (cxmalement) element {self. Xml = [element copy]; // xml class has a strong proprietor which can be used in other ways) When I use the Allocation Tool, I think the copy element is at all Is not released. Here's what the problem might be. Please help me what should be done to issue the node that has been copied. When you copy the element, it means that you create a new pointer for the same object The node works as a new object, as soon as the current execution is over, it will automatically be issued when a new reference is present for the same object. (If you are sending a node instance to another object then refers to the pointer to another object node)

java - recursion: determining limiting condition -

I have incomplete handout about recursion and an example asks if the "limited status" of this particular recurrence method Is: Public Static Ent Fib (int a, int b, int n) {if (n = 1 1) returns; And if (n == 2) return b; And reboot fib (A, B, N-1) + Fib (A, B, N-2); } Options are: n & gt; = 0 One & gt; = 1 B & gt; = 1 n & gt; = 1 If "limited condition" means that this method is valid, then I think the answer is n & gt; = 1? You're right. Note that if n & lt; 1 In each trip, you will reduce n by 1 (or 2) and do not exceed 1 n In an infinite loop or in practice there will be a stack overflow. The method provided assumes that n & gt; 1 To work properly, in some places it is called pre-condition. (1) Do not pay attention to the integer overflow here .... >

python - Instantiating a set of classes from a list -

I'm relatively new on Python, using 2.7. It seemed like it should work, but not. I want to make an example of class games with many examples of class player. The user sponsors the game, which specifies many players, such as Game = Game (3). I want to call player examples P1, P2, etc. I start with a method that creates a list of names def getPlayerList (self): self.playerlist = (). (Self.numplayers) for the category: self.playerlist.append ("p" + str (p + 1) self-return. Self-playlist return For 3 players, this 3 strings Creates a list of: self.playerlist = [p1, p2, p3] Now I want to create 3 instances as a player 1, P2, and P3 seemed to be the easiest way to do this: def initPlayers (self): self.getPlayerList () I myself Playerlist: i = Player (i) # Returns does not work This code loops through 3 times of urgency, but "i" strings from p1, p2, and p3 Does not replace Therefore, for example is undefined. For that matter, s...

java - Add plugin to a PlayN project -

Is it possible to display an HTML page in a PlayName game? More commonly, is it possible to add a plugin (native iOS code) to the iOS Build of a Plane Project? (Hair browser, accelerometer, ..), similar to phonegap? Thank you for your help. In principle, yes you have to define the API in the plane and implement them for implementation code for each platform. Implementation in Android should be easy, because you use Java for Android, but for iOS, you have to consider that mono touch for compilation of native to plain Java I think they support WebView so you can go with it, obviously the simplest implementation is html5 gwt.

php - Searching record within latitude and longitude range -

Hello I'm using this map I get latitude I can and I can get distance (radius) longitude of the required place. So I have a database in which each of my records has latitude and longitude. I want to find the record within the selected range on the map. How will SQL query work? For better details, each of my records has a latitude and longitude User will select the map and I want to find the records in the selected category. The way I always need you to draw a circle with the necessary circle Use the Maps API, find the long range of latitude of this circle and then ask the database: SELECT * yourtable where between C and Leng between A and B and D Where A and B are the top coordinates and C and D are right below you. Now when you have all the objects within your bounding box, you have to pass them back to your front end and determine whether they are in your radius or not. .

vbscript - Read data from ini file -

I have a vbscript that takes the input filename is the code DimTiot: Set tsout = gofs.CreateTextFile ("C: \ .... csv") Set by default: tsin = gofs.OpenTextFile ("C: \ ..... csv") How can I configure this path so that path createTextFile (....) config file ( .ini ) The file should be taken from the ini file to create and write the output-to-page This is my IN i file / / My INi file [read_file] tsout = E: ..... tt.csv tsin = E: \ .... gt.csv [cola] number1 = 4 number2 = 5 A simple version of an .ini file parser: option clear dim goFS: goFS = CreateObject ("Scripting. File system object ") 'WScript.Quit demoReadFile () WScript.Quit demoReadIniFile () function demoReadFile () demoReadFile = 0 dim tsIn: set tsIn = goFS.OpenTextFile (". \ 21825192 Ini ") Until the end of the day till ts.AtEnd: Slain = TSI. Readline () WScript.Echo tsIn.Line - 1, Slench loop tsIn.Close End Function Function demoReadIniFile () demoR... mvc - Kendo UI Grid Update button not firing -

I am developing a candoui grid with Javascript inline editable option and to click the button to update Can not click on the event Clicking the Data Update button for the server side update event will not update the grid on the customer. Hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. This is not a duplicate for it. I have tired the Juffield link in response and it is not working as well. & lt; Div id = "grid" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; @Session Scripts {& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Update: {url: "Home / UpdatePipilals", "$ {function}", {var = " (DataSource: Data Source, Editable: "Inline", DataType: 'Jason', Type: 'Post'}, Pagesystem: 5, AutoSync: True}) $ ('# Grid') .Kendo Grid , Field: "first name", title: "first name", width: 150}, {field: "id", title: "id", width: 150, hidden: true}, {field} : "Last name...

javascript - Get all xhr request -

I am trying to get all xhr position 200 and when their information is complete Is it possible to get them together in some way or when I send them, there is a reference for each of them? You can use jQuery, $ (document) ) .jaxComplete (function (event, xhr, settings) {if (xhr.status === 200) {// rest handler}}); This will ensure that all your AJAX responses will affect this method when they are completed, additional checks will be required for response status.

math - Calculations in a sequential manner? -

I am creating a calculator in javascript. I have two means for the development of the operation. Use the first instrument eval method The second method that I have not completed, must be executed in sequential mode. Example: 3-5x3 / 2 The code should not be executed before multiplying, but the result should be calculated sequentially, That is: 3-5 = -2 * 3 = -6 / 2 = -3 How can I do this? I'm not sure how you implement it, but you have to bracket around each operation ) This way it can be sequential.

mysql - better way to mark deleted entries in RDBMS -

I have to keep records for organizations in my RDBMS, even if a user removes some unit from the front That I have a user table where each user has a unique email now, with an email name1 was an email email1 . Now that user's record has been removed from the front and any user tries to create a user with name2 and email email1 . This will violate the unique barrier on the email column, but I have to keep that record in that table, so in my table is the status column with the default value 1 . Now I have a unique barrier at email and status whenever a person deletes the user, then I raise the position from 1. But this is the problem, where a user record with email email1 is destroyed twice, in that case I will have 2 user records with the status 2 then this method failed Another way is to move a deleted record in a separate table, which does not have any kind of obstruction. But using this approach, I need an extra table for each table for which I need to keep ...

android - Perform action at the end of animation -

I wrote an animation to create text of a textView blink, and after following the animation I followed an action I am Is it possible to stop the animation in any way? animation listener listener = new animation listener () {@Override public void onAnimationStart (animation animation ) {// TODO auto-generated method stub} @Everride Public Zero on Animation Replay (animation animation) {// TODO auto-generated method stub} @Everride Animation Animation (Animation Animation) at Public Zero };

java - Word game 3 checks and Jtextarea background color -

I have to make a word game called "Lingo", so far everything is going well but recently I have problems In checks generated, there are 3 checks in the game. // First check (int i = 0; i & lt; input.length (); i ++) {if (input.charAt (i) == True Word.charAt ( I)) {LingoBoard [0] [i] .setBackground (Color.GREEN); // When each letter (input) matches the correct word, background (textaria) gets green // second check other {linboboard [0] [i] .Setbackground (color .radi); } // When the letters do not match the letters with the correct word, the textieria turns red // the third check // When the letters are correct words but not in the right place, Textaria Magenta is created I am checking for the third time, I can not find a way to fix my problem. I have tried to do this, but it makes background magenta for all 3 checks. if ((Lingoard [0] [i] .gettext (). CharAt (i)! = CorrectWord.charAt (I))) {Lingoboard [0] [i] .setBackground ( Color.MAGENTA); One better way to ...

javascript - Error in extraction of tweets from twitter -

& lt;; doctype html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; ट्विटर & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; मेटा वर्णसेट = "यूटीएफ -8" & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; Window.onload = function () {// सेट बटन var बटन के लिए क्लिक हैंडलर सेट करें = document.getElementById ("submit"); बटन। पर क्लिक करें = मिलते हैं; } // जब आप "ट्वीट्स प्राप्त करें" पर क्लिक करते हैं, तो हम इस फ़ंक्शन को मिलते हैं getTweets () {// एक नया XHR अनुरोध var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest () सेट अप करें; // हम search.php को बुला रहे हैं और क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग var url = "search.php? Query =" में गुजर रहे हैं; Var क्वेरी = document.getElementById ("क्वेरी")। मान; यदि (! क्वेरी) {query = "html5"; } // हम किसी विशेष वर्ण को ठीक से यूआरएल + = एन्कोडुरिक कंटेंट (क्वेरी) को संभालने के लिए क्वेरी को एन्कोड करते हैं; // यह फ़ंक्शन है जिसे कहा जाता है कि जब हमारे खोज। Php स्क्रिप्ट पर एक्सएचआर अनुरोध // संभाला जा...

compatibility - Postgresql mode INFORMIX or INFORMIX_SE -

में PostgreSQL , ecpg के साथ, दो संगतता मोड हैं: INFORMIX , INFORMIX_SE । क्या INFORMIX सेटिंग मोड और INFORMIX_SE सेटिंग में कोई अंतर है मोड? मैं इसके बारे में कोई भी विवरण नहीं देखता हूं धन्यवाद। जानकारी INformix डायनामिक सर्वर और INFORMIX_SE इनफॉर्मिक्स स्टैंडर्ड इंजिन को संदर्भित करता है। तो आपको पता होना चाहिए कि किस प्रकार का इनफॉर्मिक्स डीबी आपका लक्ष्य है एसई सी-आईएसएएम का उपयोग करता है, जहां INFORMIX RSAM का उपयोग करता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए वेबसाइट पर जाएं यह इनगॉमिक्स डीबी मॉडल दोनों के साथ PostgreSQL की अनुकूलन क्षमता भी बताता है।

javascript - Getting jQuery 'start with' selector to work with constructed Objects -

मेरे पास फ़ंक्शन लाइब्रेरीटेक (मानवता, भोजन, लकड़ी, धातु, धन) { this.humanity = मानवता; = भोजन; this.wood = लकड़ी; this.metal = धातु; this.wealth = धन; } तब मैं कुछ का निर्माण करता हूं: var पुस्तकालय_सैंस 1 = नया लाइब्रेरीटेक (0,200,200,0,0); Var लाइब्रेरी_ससाइंस 2 = नया लाइब्रेरीटेक (0,4000,0,4,4000); Var library_science3 = नया लाइब्रेरीटेक (0,30000,0,0,30000); मेरे पास तब यह है। क्लिक फ़ंक्शन: $ ("[id ^ = 'library_']")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {if (मानवता & gt; = यह। मानता है) {मानवता - = यह हैममानी; भोजन - = यह.फ़ूड; लकड़ी - = यह.वुड; धातु - = this.metal; धन - = this.wealth;}}); जहां रिलेवेंट HTML की तरह दिखता है: & lt; span id = "library_science1" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; span id = "library_science2" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; span id = "library_science3" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; फिर भी यह काम नहीं करता है, और मुझे कोई त्रुटि नहीं मिली ह...

Tortoisehg: how to revert subfolders to revision -

I would like to return only some subfolders (and all their descendants) of some repositories in a definite amendment. Note: I am using TortoiseHg, version 2.11 , if anyone knows that this TortoisHg (each single file is selected Is it possible to do without? You can easily do the manifest window in TortoiseHg. In TortoiseHg Workbench, select View -> Manifest Alt-3 , select the modification that you want, and in the manifest window, right-click the folder in question and select Back to .. . You can bring the Manifest tool directly from the command line in the following way: thg manifest -r REV Where REV is the modification you want to return but if you are happy using the command line, you can save some time by doing the following: hg back -R REV folder_to_revst After you did this, just to make local changes (the result of withdrawing files) Areas do if you decide to bring back the files, just a clean update.

angularjs - calling selectRow on ng-grid in a jasmine unit test -

I have a jasmine test of an angular controller using ng-grid. I call selectRow (1, true) on the collar grid; I want to call, but when I get the error, then TypeError: Object # & lt; Object & gt; I have an angle controller that sets the ng-grid like this: code> $ scope.myGridOptions = {Data: 'myData', Multiple Choice: Incorrect, Selected Items: $ scope.mySelectedRow, Change after selection: Function (Data) {; If ($ scope.mySelectedRow === undefined) {// do somthing} else {// do somthing else}}}; Then I have a jasmine unit test, where I use my controller inject function, scope controllers controlling objects $ Scope . Then I have a bunch of tests that do not include the grid, and they all go well. Although I want to test select handler logic so that I am testing it like this: The selection of a line in the table makes the stuff. ', The function () {// Controller is created before each root. Scope. $ Digest (); / / is required to obtain the co...

CSV to postgresql using stored procedure -

I want to copy the CSV to the database using the stored function. My work is as follows: Build function gis_portal.copycsv (in the path text) as' Zero 'with copy GIS_port al.temp_excel along the way DELIMITER' LANGUAGE Sql volatile LEAKPROOF; query from the path with CPI gis_portal.temp_excel DELIMITER ',' CSV header with . While creating this function, giving error as a syntax error near the path. Please help me. 'copy GIS_portallet. Way via temp_excelDELIMITER' ^^^^^^^^ ^^ What delimiter? If you use that keyword, then you have to specify one. Try: create gis_portal.copycsv (in path path) $$ as zero return from $ cgi gis_portal.temp_excel with path DELIMITER ' , '$$ LANGUAGE sql; Or whatever you want. In addition, you can not use the identifier in SQL Functions, you should use static parameters like $ 1. But because copy is not a static statement, you can not use the parameter in it. You must use PL / PGSQL a...

html5 - fillText() doesn't work while strokeText() works -

I have a canvas with a cycle in which there is some text on it, the text display with the stroke text function is perfectly fine , But the text is not displayed with the fillText. var ctx = canvas.getContext ("2d"); // Build gradient var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient (16,15,16,30); Grd.addColorStop (0, color1); Grd.addColorStop (1, Color2); // fill with shield ctx.beginPath (); Ctx.arc (16,17,15,0,2 * Math.PI, false); Ctx.fillStyle = grd; Ctx.fill (); //ctx.strokeRect (75,50,50,50); Ctx.font = "Italic 35px Cursor Gray"; Ctx.strokeText ("I", 11.27); The above code is a part of the function that accepts the canvas and two colors to drag the object. With Filltext function it does not show anything thanks. Please try the code below Its job is OK Hope you should be helpful and please let me know. Thank you. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Body {margin: 0 px; Padding...

html - Kudakurage Ligature fonts in IE10 -

I am trying to use Kudakura Ligature fonts on my site. It works in all "modern browsers", however for some reason, it does not work on IE10. If I create a separate HTML file with some elements to test fonts, then it works fine! The code I used is absolutely the same, and I have used the debug tool to ensure that none of the CSS rules suffer from actually Would like some help on this issue. I do not want to resort to the old trick to use images on my site again: ( The code has been used: HTML: @ font-face {font-family: 'LigatureSymbols');" class = "lsf" & gt; Refresh & lt; / Div & gt; ; Src: url ('LigatureSymbols-')) src: url ('LigatureSimples-2.11.eot? #Ifix') format ('embedded-opentype'), url ('ligictSmoles-2.11.WeF') format (' ('TrueType'), URL ('LigatureSimples -2.11 SVG # LigatureSimmels') format ('SVG')); URL ('ligaturecimples -2.11.TTF') fo...

mysql - How can I make this SQL non sargable? -

I have used an online tool to analyze one of my SQL Curves (the query made me age Have taken the age). My query takes one word (in this example the word 'dog') and tries to find it in the 'qa' table, when it joins the line data from the login table, where === qa.u Select,,, qa.end, qa.react,, qa.stock, qa. Num, qa Qa.k like ratio, qa.u, qa.t, qa.k, qa.swipes, qa.d login, qa where = qa.u and ('% dog.%' Or qa.k = '.dog.') ORDER BY qa.d DESC LIMIT 0,15 I understand what the tool is telling me: leading There is a prominent wildcard character in the logic argument with wildcards, such as "% foo" is not perturbed with this argument and can not use the pointer if one exists. But I do not know how to use the index inside '()', without changing any harmful or results ... Can someone please explain that I How can I use an index in terms of an inquiry? I think if this is non...

java - Spring bean instantiation by passing constructor args? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर 1 उत्तर मेरे पास वसंत सेम नीचे है। सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी 2 {निजी इंट आईडी; निजी स्ट्रिंग का नाम; निजी डबल वेतन; सार्वजनिक कर्मचारी 2 (इंट आईडी, स्ट्रिंग का नाम, डबल वेतन) { = id; = name; इस.salary = वेतन; अब मैं स्प्रिंग कॉन्फ़िगरेशन फ़ाइल में कॉन्फ़िग के नीचे है। & lt; bean id = "emp2 "वर्ग =" com.basic.Employee2 "& gt; & Lt; constructor-arg नाम = "id" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; constructor-arg नाम = "नाम" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; कन्स्ट्रक्टर- आर्ग नाम = "वेतन" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; / सेम ​​& gt; अब मैं गतिशील कोड से ऊपर के रूप में मानों को नहीं मान सकता। अब मैं स्प्रिंग बीन प्रोग्रामाइम नीचे कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। बीन स्कोप सिंगलटन है। कर्मचारी 2 एएमपी = (कर्मचारी 2) applicationContext.getBean ("emp2"); Div class = "post-text" itemprop = ...

javascript - Removing Current value from dropdown -

I have 2 dropdown boxes that allow users to choose their age and gender. These dropdown boxes attract my value from my database (PHP 5.5+ MYSQL), and use the retrieved value as the default value shown to the user. Other dropbox options are generated through pageload operations. The functions are: function age dropdown () {var list = document.getElementById ("age"); (Var i = 1; i & lt; 100; i ++) for {var opt = document.createElement ("options"); Opt.value = i; Opt.textContent = I; List.appendChild (optional); } } function genderlists () {var list = document.getElementById ("gender"); Var option = ["M", "F"]; (I = 0; i Although my code works perfectly, and all of the options are displayed, whenever I click on the dropbox to change the value, the current value is additionally for options that are generated. Example Age 18 1 2 3 & lt; ---- The value shown in the select dropdown 4 5 6 gender mmf ...

google cast - Chromecast channel not starting channel after stop iOS -

I am using Google Cast to stop MediaControl Channel [mediacontrolchannel stop ] This session is stopping but when I try to start the Stop channel, I get an error of INVALID_REQUEST. Any reason could be stopped and playing a channel works fine , But playing after the channel is closed does not work Any help will be received I am not familiar with iOS APIs but if I draw parallels with the Android API, then the" stop "command unloads the media on behalf of the receiver, so again to start it again Load media if you are planning to start playback again, then you can use "pause" rather than "stop".

c# - How is "using" statement supposed to work? -

I am trying to take advantage of the statement using in the following code: Uri Uri = new Uri ("http: // localhost: 50222 / odta"); Var Container = New Course System. Container (Yuri); CourseServiceRef.NotNeededededededTempUser = New coursecaref.noted () {email = model. Username, Username 1 = Model User name}; Container.AddToNotNeededs (newTempUser); Container.SaveChanges (); Although it does not compile. Why? - does not match - for those objects that implement it so that they can block the code Automatically resolved at the end of: using (var toto = new MyDisposableClass ()) {// do stuff} if any This interface of your classes implements the interface (or whatever it happens), you can use the syntax above to call the disposable () method. You can use this int Can not use the use blocks for objects that do not apply the ruffs, it will not be compiled simply. Basically it will be like the following: var toto = New MyDisposableClass (try) {// do st...

haskell - Understanding Identity functor -

I am working my way through this. As mentioned in the tutorial, I copy some of the code below to represent factor structure and identity factor (F (ga)) example (Show (f (ga)) = & gt; FComp fga = C {unC :: f (ga)} Example (Show (f (ga)) => Show (Fcomp FGA) where Show (C X) = "FComp" ++x Example (Factor F, Fencer G) = & gt; Functor (FComp fg) where fmap h (C x) = C (fmap (fmap h) x) newtype id a = identification {unId :: a} deriving For example show Functor Id where fmap fx = Identity (f (unId x )) Now, this is what about the tutorial about the identifier factor : same Combined with the identity factor in the category was thought to be such. FQF = F IDAFF = F What I'm stuck with is that it is trying to think about the factor formation as FComp Below is an example of the code given above: $ a = C (identity (bus (5 :: int)) $: ta :: FComp ID may be $ int $ B = C (bus (identity (5 :: int)) $ $: tbb :: FComp probably ID int I type that t...

How to tell which JList among two has cursor focus in Java Swing? -

हाय, मैं जावा स्विंग का उपयोग कर एक साधारण टैगिंग टूल का निर्माण कर रहा हूं घटक में दो JLists हैं, और जब भी मैं टैगिंग बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, मैं दिए गए पाठ में एक टैग जोड़ना चाहता हूं। यदि मेरा कर्सर फ़ोकस बाएं JList पर है, तो मैं बाएं JList पर टेक्स्ट को संशोधित करना चाहता हूं, और यदि यह दाईं ओर है, तो सही को संशोधित करें कर्सर फ़ोकस से मेरा क्या मतलब है वह जगह है जहां मैं कुंजीपटल तीर का उपयोग करके सूची आइटम को नेविगेट कर सकता हूं। तो बटन श्रोता को बता देना चाहिए कि वर्तमान कर्सर फोकस बाएं जेल्स्ट पर है या सही है मुझे यह कैसे करना चाहिए? मैंने पहले से ही "GetFocusOwner" का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन यह बटन मैंने अभी क्लिक किया है। सबसे खूबसूरत तरीका नहीं है, तो आप अपने कोड को FocusListener जोड़ सकते हैं Jlist s सार्वजनिक वर्ग CheckFocus JFrame {JList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; ध्यान केंद्रित = नल; JList & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; List1 = नया जेलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (नया स्ट्रिंग [] {"ए", "बी"}); JList & LT; स्ट्रिं...

Detecting unknown XML tags in Scala -

I am creating an XML parser in Scala and want to be defensive against user mistakes. If the user returns a tag that I do not support (for example, instead of & lt; name & gt; ) or more commonly , The wrong place on the tag, I want to find it and throw an error. How can I do this scala? The best suggestion I have received is to get the XML schema and validate that file. Use the. W3schools show how to make a schema, there are many tools and classes that use these schemas to validate XML, I hope to update this answer as soon as possible, the way I work most efficiently Do it

java - Does putExtra() method of class Intent return a value of Intent object? -

I am a new novice learning about Android development after the tutorial on The class code of putExtra () gives a value of the object. But the code for the tutorial is intent.putExtra (EXTRA_MESSAGE, the message); . If so, then the method can not return a value. Can you tell me why? Thanks awfully. In addition to the additional data put in using the getIntent.getextras, the following activity can be accessed into a bundle object The bundle object can then be used to return data using GetString by using additional message as a key.

what is the correct way to define a non-alphanumeric char in c++? -

Sometimes I need to define the char which is a non-alphanumeric Char . What is the correct way to define its value in C ++? EOF or char_traits & lt; Char & gt; :: Using eof () A good option? You are reading too many words in four . At the end of the day, it is slightly more than a size. In this case, 8 bits shorts are 16 (and you can wear them on the beach), ints 32 or something else, and long time 64 (or ints, or a quick conversation with the relevant authorities on the beach) May be, so you both lost pairs of shorts). The correct way to define a value in C ++ is basically placed below what the maximum value can be kept. char_traits :: eof () is actually a good static, but out of context - very little means

umbraco7 - umbraco cms not reflecting changes made directly to files on disk -

I have some templates that I have edited directly with the sublime text or visual studio (no matter what). The UI for Umbraco CMS will not reflect these changes and therefore the website is not rendering changes either. Do Umbraco have any setting / move to force them to take these changes? Try to kill Ctrl-F5 because there is a lot of caching inside the Umbreco and the new Angels backoffice With that which is very good, but there is also pain with such things in the ass.

tcpdump showing dbus adapters -

TCPDump is trying to start learning however whenever I use it using tcpdump -nS Instead of giving a list of adapters when trying to use it, I get: tcpdump: Warning: SIOCGIFADDR: dbus-system: There is no such device tcpdump: link Packet printing is not supported for type DBUS: to tcpdump -D : 1. Dbus-system 2. dbus-session to tcpdump -w : tcpdump version 4.5.1 libpcap version 1.5. 1 You need to run tcpdump Root's. Otherwise, tcpdump -D will not show all possible devices. Then you have to specify the interface you want to capture, -i : tcpdump -i eth0 If unspecified, tcpdump searches the system with the least numbered, configured interfaces (except for loopback) for the interface list.

python - How to access an enum type by value in cython -

मुझे कुछ कोड दिया गया था जो इस तरह दिखता है: "header.hpp" में: enum वर्ग my_enum_type {val1 = 0; ...} "header_lib.pyx" में: cdef extern से "header.hpp": enum my_enum_type: val1 = 0; ... ... बाद में "header_lib.pyx": def foo (): ... वापस my_enum_type.val1 मुझे बताया गया था कि इसमें कोई समस्या नहीं होनी चाहिए, लेकिन यह मेरे अनुभव से अभी नहीं है, और इस पोस्ट में स्पष्ट है: हालांकि, यह "val1" को अपने आप में नहीं पहचानता है, अगर मैं "वापसी val1" लिखता हूं ऐसा करने का सही तरीका क्या है? आप एक enum को घोषित कर सकते हैं के रूप में: ctypedef enum विकल्प: OPT1, OPT2, OPT3 या ctypedef enum विकल्प: OPT1, OPT2, OPT3 और और उदाहरण हो सकता है: def मुख्य (): cdef विकल्प परीक्षण परीक्षण = OPT2 f (test) cdef void f (options) Inp): यदि inp == OPT1: प्रिंट ('OPT1') elif inp == OPT2: प्रिंट ('OPT2') elif inp == OPT3: प्रिंट ('OPT3') जब मुख्य () चल रहा है तो आपको "OPT...

mvvmcross - How to resolve a Collection of Types from within the IoC Container -

We are using MvvmCross in our app, and In App startup, we register Are all our migration The successor of all migration It is easy to connect with the type of immigration. Assembly. Surgery type (). Inheritance & lt; IMAGE & gt; () .AsTypes (). Registrar Ezazzi Sysington (); After the registration of the migration, we need to constantly run them, and so the migration operator looks something like this. Mvx.Resolve & lt; IMigrationRunner & gt; (). RunAll (SystemRol.Customer, new list & lt; emigration & gt; {Mvx.IocConstruct & lt; migration 2001 & gt; (), Mvx.IocConstruct & lt; Migration 002 & gt; ()}); As you can see, I am clearly using MVX to build each migration. It is tedious and there is a possibility of mistakes, when a bunch of migration ends in the app. What I want to be able to do is hide the entire collection in one, each time I create a new migration, then touch it. Is there any way to do this through MVVMCross? ...

java - get byte array from database -

I want to get a byte array (java) from the database and manipulate it, send it to DOM as the original image In, etc. BasicDBObject condition = New BasicDBObject ("_ id", new object id (_id)); DBObject Dataset = Data Entry GetInstanceClass () Getdatasets () FindOne (condition); Byte [] image = (byte []) dataset.get ("image"). ToString () GetBytes (); String s = new string (image); System.out.println ("Provider:" + s); It only gives information: Provider: [B @ 3B 240000] : System.out.println (" Provider: "+ image); or: System.out.println ("Provider:" + new string (image)); The result of both is to print the default toString () , which is an array of arrays (in your case, rather ugly [ B @ 3B 249009 ) If you want to see more suitable string presentations of the byte array, you can find the answer from: System Out.println ("Beautiful string as byte array:" + Arrays.toString (image)); Also, as yo...

javascript - Dimple.js bar chart transitions including removed bars -

When a dimple bar chart changes new data with fewer or different bars, then on top of the bars being removed Due to the left side of the chart, stay for each other and for complete transition time. Here is an example of a code, which rebuild the effect: var svg = dimple.newSvg ("# chartcontainer", 590, 400); Var = Figures = [[Animals: "Cats", Value: (Mathematics. Randem) * 1000000)}, {Animals: "Dogs", Value: (Math.Rendam) * 1000000)}, {Animals: "Mice" Price: (Math.Rendam) * 1000000), {Animals: "Rat", Value: (Math.Rendam) * 1000000)}, {Animal: "Cow", Price: (Math.Rendam) * 1000000)}] ; Var myChart = new dimple.chart (svg, data); MyChart.setBounds (60, 30, 510, 305) var x = myChart.addCategoryAxis ("x", "Animals"); X.addOrderRule (["cats", "dogs", "mice"]); MyChart.addMeasureAxis ("y", "value"); MyChart.addSeries (empty,; MyChart.draw...

Java Relative Path Issue -

I am facing a problem when trying to solve the file path using relative path in Java. I'm not sure where I have failed, can you get help from me? Thanks! @Test Public Null Exempt Object (Nautical) Exceptions thrown {FileReader fileReader = New FileReader (GetClass (). GetResource ("./ JavaPractice / resources / tests / codeeval / fileReaderTest.txt" ) .Wire()); AssertNotNull (FileReader); } Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at (FileReaderTest.java13) on the sun. .NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (native resident method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke ( Directory structure: JavaPractice - resources.tests.codeeval.fileReaderTest.txt (the file that I am trying to access) - (that is Janet Trying to use the above file) Money files are not. They are usually jar file ent...

How to execute an echo with Java script content before header in php -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: यह मेरा कोड है: / P> ob_start (); गूंज "& lt; script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; चेतावनी ('गलत उपयोगकर्ता नाम या पासवर्ड कृपया पुनः प्रयास करें') & lt; / script & gt;"; हैडर ( "स्थान: http: //localhost/xampp/my_hospital/login.php"); ob_end_flush (); यह कोड एक अलग फाइल में स्थित है जिसे login_check.php.I नामक एक पॉपअप को पॉप अप करना है और फिर इसे login.php पर पुनर्निर्देशित करना चाहिए। समस्या यह है कि चेतावनी नहीं दिखती है यह प्रयास करें: गूंज " & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = 'टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट' & gt; चेतावनी ('गलत उपयोगकर्ता नाम या पासवर्ड कृपया पुनः प्रयास करें'); स्थान = 'http: //localhost/xampp/my_hospital/login.php'; & lt; / script & gt; ";

regex - extract partial string based on pattern in r -

I would like to remove a partial string from a list. I do not know how to define the pattern of the string. Thanks for your help. Library (stringer name) = C ("GAPIT..flowerdate.GWAS.Results.csv", "GAPIT..flwrcolor.GWAS.Results.csv", "GAPIT..height. GWAS.Results.csv "," GAPIT..matdate.GWAS.Results.csv ") # I want to remove" flowerdate "," flircolter "," height "and" matt "properties & lt; - str_extract_all (string = files, patterns = ".. *.") # Results I do not want. Here are some solutions that do not use the first two regular expressions at all. LSAT uses a single gsub : 1) read.table assumes that the desired string is always 3 fields: read.table (text = name, sep = ".", = TRUE) [[3]] 2) stripescript believes that the desired string has more than 3 characters and is less case: sapply (strsplit (names, "[.]"), Filter, f = function (x) nch...

Corresponding dependency and target lists in Makefile -

In a mess file, assume I have two similar dependencies and target lists, such as: Of course, my example is more complicated than this, but I want to know whether you have your goal, XO, Yo , GC relies on AxC, YC, JCC, respectively: xo: xc yo: yc zo: zc I think the question was that these goals How to create rules for each, how to OBJS to SRC (though it's good to do so!). The easiest way is to use the rule already created, to know how to do it; You do not need to write your own just use: all: $ (objs) and they will all be prepared for you CC By setting the variable CPPFALGS variable, and CFLAGS , you can control the preprocessor flag by setting other compiler flags. Variable If you really want to write your rule, then the pattern rule will be easy for you: % O:% .c $ (CC) $ (CPP FALGS) $ (CFLAGS) -C-O $ @ $ & lt;

javascript - refreshing specific div using AJAX -

I'm totally new to AJAX, so I'm sorry if the question is too stupid or anything. / P> OK, so goes here ... Assume that the file has the following content: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; HEAD & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Ajax Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / HEAD> & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;! - No need to replace other materials - & gt; & Lt; One class = "vomiting" href = "#" & gt; Button & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "rainbow" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo mt_rand (0,100); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - No need to replace other materials - & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; I want to create it so that whenever clicked a.puke , content of div.rainbow will be refreshed. How do I get such a result? Thank you. Since you are new to AJX, here is an example of code for AJAX and PHP. View this link $ .ajax ({url...

sql server - PHP/MSSQL.. Select ID based on username, insert to table based on ID? -

I've seen a lot of code and examples. This code is such a small one, but I just have I have dbo.accounts in which ID, username, password, creative time .. I have a simple form that You type in the username, and I need a selected query to return the ID based on the username. $ result = mssql_query ('dbo.account from selection id WHERE name = $ username'); The dbo.gamemoney table will insert just some hard information such as a number of coins for the game. My problem is that if I use a query I do id = 123, it works, but when I try to capture the id of dbo.accounts by using the username, I do not get back anything. I know that it should be a little bit, but I have tried Thank you for your time, Since, the $ user name is the string type, you must add it to quotation marks. $ result = mssql_query ("SELECT id FROM Dbo.account WHERE name = '$ username'");

android - Concept : Does Handlers also execute network request sequentially as like AsyncTask -

Hello as you know asyncTask by default to run your network request Unless you are executor . Does the handler network sequence execute sequentially? If not then to run them parallel? As I came to know that handlers are done sequentially as this process If you create a different thread and do different networks, then use the lopar thread, then you get altruism.

java - JSONParser: Unexpected token COLON(:) -

I am trying to parse a JSON file with JSONParse and am receiving the error, the following Jason Initially with error: Unexpected token colon in position 11. { "276716878": { "followers": [2435018580, 1664252310, 372262434], "following": [16211434, 945 440 9 5, 130682467, 264257750, 900526363, 318231688, 40335029, 64044676 ]}} I have written json file with the following: FileWriter out = new FileWriter (JSON_FILE); Out.write (json.toString (1)); Out.flush (); Out.close (); You may have some format error in passing Jason string. . The sample code works fine below import; Import; Import java.util.logging.Level; Import java.util.logging.Logger; Import org.json.JSONException; Import org.json.JSONObject; Public class test {private static final logger logger = logger.getlogger (test.clash.jetname ()); Private static final string JSON_FILE = "/home/visruth/Desktop/Visruth.txt"; Public static ...

ubuntu - gulp -v throwing error after installation -

I am trying to use GLUP on my Ugrant machine (Ubuntu box), and so install it like this : install sudo apt-get nodejs npm sudo npm install -g gulp But when I tried the pupp-ve, I found this: Immigration @ Lavail: / var / www $ gulp -v node.js: 201 throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on the first tick ^ error: the module in the function can not get 'optimistic'. _resolveFilename (module.js: 332: 11) function K_lod (module.js: 279: 25) Modulkrekwayr (module object. JS: 354: 17) (module required. JS: 370: 17). & Lt; Anonymous & gt; (Module. Js: 441: Objektkkjis module (module 26). JS: 45 9: Modulk_kanpail (module 10). Js: 441: 26) to (/ usr / local / lib / node_modules / Gulp / bin / gulp: 4: 10) function at Array.0 (module.js: 47 9: 10) at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js: 192: 41) ._load in (module.Jesus: 348: 32) Load (module .js: 308: 12) so I run additional sudo npm install -g optimist . The above error was solved, but now I...