ubuntu - gulp -v throwing error after installation -
I am trying to use GLUP on my Ugrant machine (Ubuntu box), and so install it like this :
install sudo apt-get nodejs npm sudo npm install -g gulp But when I tried the pupp-ve, I found this:
Immigration @ Lavail: / var / www $ gulp -v node.js: 201 throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on the first tick ^ error: the module in the function can not get 'optimistic'. _resolveFilename (module.js: 332: 11) function K_lod (module.js: 279: 25) Modulkrekwayr (module object. JS: 354: 17) (module required. JS: 370: 17). & Lt; Anonymous & gt; (Module. Js: 441: Objektkkjis module (module 26). JS: 45 9: Modulk_kanpail (module 10). Js: 441: 26) to (/ usr / local / lib / node_modules / Gulp / bin / gulp: 4: 10) function at Array.0 (module.js: 47 9: 10) at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js: 192: 41) ._load in (module.Jesus: 348: 32) Load (module .js: 308: 12) so I run additional sudo npm install -g optimist . The above error was solved, but now I stuck with it: vagrant @ laravel: / var / www $ gulp -v node.js: 201 throw e; // process.nextTick error, or the 'error' event is not a function on the first tick ^ TypeError: undefined / usr / local / lib / node_modules / gulp / bin / gulp: Array.filter at 26: 12 (the original) GetGulpFile (/ usr / local / lib / node_modules / gulp / bin / gulp: 25: 6) on the object. & Lt; Anonymous & gt; (Module. Js: 441: 26) objects in the module .. JS (module. JS: 45 9: 10) on the module K_kanpail (module. Js: 441: 26) to (/ usr / local / lib / node_modules / Gulp / bin / gulp: 8: 18 function at Array.0 (module.js: 47 9: 10) at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js: 192: 41) ._load in (module.Jesus: 348: 32) Load (Module Js: 308: 12) Any ideas? Thanks!
These versions are running:
vagreg @ laravel: / var / www $ node -v v0.6.12 vagreg @ laravel: / var / www $ npm -v 1.1.4
Your nodes js version is too old It can be a very good problem, Gulp starts running only. This is the oldest of the apt-get package, you can get the latest version with this periodic script: config.vm .provision: shell, inline: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa: chris-lea / node.js" configuration .vm.provision: shell, inline: "sudo apt-get update" config.vm.provision: shell, inline : "Sudo apt-get install -y nodejs --no-install-recommends"
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