regex - extract partial string based on pattern in r -

I would like to remove a partial string from a list. I do not know how to define the pattern of the string. Thanks for your help.

  Library (stringer name) = C ("GAPIT..flowerdate.GWAS.Results.csv", "GAPIT..flwrcolor.GWAS.Results.csv", "GAPIT..height. GWAS.Results.csv "," GAPIT..matdate.GWAS.Results.csv ") # I want to remove" flowerdate "," flircolter "," height "and" matt "properties & lt; - str_extract_all (string = files, patterns = ".. *.") # Results I do not want.    

Here are some solutions that do not use the first two regular expressions at all. LSAT uses a single gsub :

1) read.table assumes that the desired string is always 3 fields:

  read.table (text = name, sep = ".", = TRUE) [[3]]   

2) stripescript believes that the desired string has more than 3 characters and is less case:

  sapply (strsplit (names, "[.]"), Filter, f = function (x) nchar (X)> 3 & amp; toolar (x) == x)   

3) gsub assumes that two dots proceed to the string and two Dot plus junk me There are two consecutive points:

  gsub (". *. [] {2} | [.].," ", Name)   

Additional solutions have been added to revised .


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