
Showing posts from August, 2013

php - Controller to view passing an array -

तो मेरे पास मेरे नियंत्रक में कोड की यह पंक्ति है: $ this-> load- & gt; दृश्य ( 'sampleview', $ परिणाम); इसलिए जब मैं अपने विचार में जाता हूं और गूंज परिणाम की कोशिश करता हूं, या तो foreach या सीधे लिखना print_r ($ परिणाम); यह एक त्रुटि दिखाती है कि यह एक अपरिभाषित चर है। लेकिन जब मैं print_r ($ परिणाम) डालता हूं; मेरे नियंत्रक पर इसे नीचे की तरह: फ़ंक्शन शो () {$ this- & gt; लोड-> दृश्य ('नमूनादृश्य', $ परिणाम); print_r ($ परिणाम); } यह मेरे नमूनादृश्य पृष्ठ पर प्रिंट होगा जहां मुझे पुनर्निर्देशित किया गया था। Iâ € ™ मी उलझन में यह क्यों हो रहा है। EDIT पूरे नियंत्रक होगा: मेरे पास एक और दृश्य है जो मैं एक एंकर टैग एक आईडी के रूप में खंड (3) के साथ तब मैं अपने मॉडल के लिए आईडी को क्वेरी करता हूं तो इसे डिस्प्ले के दूसरे दृश्य पर पास कर देता है। $ id = $ this-> gt; uri- & gt; सेगमेंट (3); $ परिणाम = $ this- & gt; मॉडल- & gt; दिखाएँ ($ recipe_id); अगर ($ परिणाम! = शून्य) {$ this- & gt; लोड- &...

javascript - How to assign random colors to D3 bar chart? -

मैं नकली-अप के अनुसार डी 3 बार चार्ट पर काम कर रहा हूं: मैं सलाखों को यादृच्छिक रंग कैसे प्राप्त करूं? कोड: svg.append ("g") .attr ("class", "x axis") .attr ("transform", "अनुवाद करें (0 , "+ ऊंचाई +") ") .कॉल (एक्सएक्सिस); डी 3 में 4 रंग पटलों में बनाया गया है। यहाँ है जेरोम Cukier द्वारा एक और। और डी 3 रंग के लिए आधिकारिक । - नोट: बेला में मैंने डेटा में रंग जोड़कर रंगों को पार कर लिया है। यह किसी भिन्न चर से रंगों को भी पारित करके भी किया जा सकता है। आशा है कि यह मदद करता है।

javascript - Call parent controllers' function from directive in angular -

मेरे पास ball नामक डायरेक्टिव में एक एनजी-क्लिक है I मैं MainCtrl के फ़ंक्शन test () को कॉल करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं और ng-repeat के संरेखण के बॉल के मूल्य को सचेत करता हूं। क्यों नहीं मैं MainCtrl के परीक्षण समारोह को पहचान सकता हूँ? Var $ गुंजाइश; Var app = angular.module ('miniapp', []); app.controller ('MainCtrl', फ़ंक्शन ($ गुंजाइश) {$ scope.project = {"name": " Sup "}; $ scope.test = function (value) {alert (value);} $ scope.test2 = function (value) {alert ('yo' + value);}})। निर्देश ('ball', function [0,1 में {0,1 में, संरेखण-बॉक्स "एनजी-पुनरावृत्ति =" संरेखित करें {{restrict: 'ई', गुंजाइश: {'test': '& amp; test}}, टेम्पलेट:' & lt; div class = 2,3,4] "एनजी-क्लिक =" परीक्षा (संरेखण) "वैल =" {{संरेखण}} "> {{संरेखण}} & lt; / div & gt; '};}); html & lt; div ng-app = "miniapp" & gt; & Lt; div ng-controlle...

apache - giraph1.0 on CDH4 with JDK1.6 -

Can I install giraffe 1.0 on CDH4 as my default Java installer on jdk1.6? I am getting an error like this: JDK1.6 version below JDK1.7 and then the installation fail Girpa works with JDK 1.7 only. The latest version 1.0.0 which I downloaded

arrays - convert string[] to doube[,] in C# -

I have a text file that includes data: 1,2 2,3 3, 4 4,5 Now I want to save the data to an array. So I divide: using (streamer sr = new streamreader ("file.txt")) {string [] data = sr.ReadLine (). Split (','); } Although my data was saved in the string [] while I declared globaldataClass array as double [,] has gone. Something like this: Fixed class globalDataClass {public static double [,] array = new double [4, 2]; } I need to assign data to GlobalDataClass: GlobalDataClass.Array = data; So my question is that string [] to double [,] ? Since you have a 2-D array, so you can iterate on each row and remove the values If necessary, then specify it in the appropriate position. You can repeat select and . By using (var reader = new streamReader ("file .txt")) {string string; (Var count = 0; count & lt; 4; ++ count) {var data = reader.ReadLine (). Sample (','). Select (v = & gt; double. Purse (v)) .oi...

cuda - Number of Threads Calculating a single Value -

I am using CUDA with compute capability 1.2. I am running my CUDA code by comparing the other 2 matrix together with each element of the matrix. I'm calculating the value of an element by a thread. I want to know that it is possible to use 2 threads to calculate a single value. If this is possible, can someone tell me how to use 2 different threads of the same block to calculate the single value? q = m2 [i] [k] + m2 [(k +, then Use a wide variable + less iterations than two cores. Int2: __ shared____ int2 m2 [N] [N], p1 [N], q; Can use two cores, but not two threads. If you insist on two threads, then qThread1 = m2 [i] [k] + m2 [(k + 1)] [j] // in a kernel .... ... .. qThread2 = p1 [(i-1)] * p1 [k] * p1 [j] // in another kernel Then you add them to q in another thread. Synchronization, kernel launch overheads, performance of the cache utility, as well as decreased instruction level parallel can also be lacking. Perhaps the colonel's business grows but i...

glassfish 3 - User Authentication and Authorization with grizzly websockets -

I have gone through several tutorials on user authentication and authorization, most of them using form based authentication (j_security_check) And @Rolls has been granted authorization and jdbcRealm Therefore, if the authorization is to work then I have to send an HTTP request from the client to the server but send the normal website request I need And if I method I am unauthorized to use (based on the @ rollers parameter) I should get an exception. Any help would be appreciated. You can use basic proofs. Base64 Encoded with your username: Send it to the authorization field of the password and request header. Then decode and authenticate for every request on the server. If the resource should be available without authentication, then use @PermitAll otherwise use @RolesAllowed ({"role1", "role2"}) . You can get the fields from the request headers like this: request.getHeaderValue ("authorization");

c# - Is there any way of deploying the WP8 app "without Cable" -

I am a wp8 developer and searching my app on a device without the " cable ". I have searched the web and nothing can be found useful I know about the "application deployment" tool in the WP8 SDK and my phone is also unlocked by the developer I know that just Windows Phone How to put an app on How to put an app I am looking for everyone, to know that is there any way that I can employ my phone without using the phone cable ? Let's say I do not have my cable, now what options do I have? Currently you can not debug an app on your phone without the USB cable. You can do this when developing for Windows 8X, maybe with the upcoming WP8.1 update, we will get the same facility for the phone .. You can do a test deployment Store but app will run through STR. Process, therefore, there is no substitute for testing during development and there is no debugging.

html - select next element CSS -

मेरे पास html में 2 div तत्व हैं: & lt; body & gt; & Lt; div id = "एक" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; मैं div से id = "one" सीएसएस से div के बाद छिपाना चाहता हूं, मैंने यह कोशिश की: # एक: {display: none} के बाद यह करने के लिए कोई अन्य तरीका काम नहीं करता है? नहीं, : के बाद छद्म ऐसा नहीं करता, आपको #one + div {display: none; } और अगर आप ALL div द्वारा #one आपको उपयोग करना होगा #one ~ div {display: none; }

ARM assembly, multiplying without MUL instruction -

I researched this large scale, and I have not received any answers. Without using multiplication instructions in ARM assembly language, I have to multiply * 17. I understand that you can use RSB, but how to use values ​​or how to use the LSL # part is misleading. Any help would be great! I agree with comments, but only a quick tip, usually compiler So you can use only one arm - * - * - gcc toolchain to get this kind of answer. $ cat m17.c int f (int i) {return i * 17; } $ Arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -O3 -S m17.c $ cat m17.s & lt; Left & gt; F: R, R, R, LSL # 4 BX LR and Left; Skip & gt; And a horrible joke: Use the tool, Luke!

Onclick in a hyperlink aloha editor does not work on chrome -

I integrate the Aloha editor into my page. While I click on the image, I want to make an onclick event on the specific image of the Aloha Editor's Show Image Toolbar. Below is my code & lt; A href = "#" onclic = "extractIseDive ('level 5');" class = "hlink" & gt; & Lt; Img style = "cursor: indicator;" Src = "http: //domainname/images/fancy_close.png" align = "right" title = "Delete" /> gt; & Lt; / A & gt; When I click on the image onclick event, it is not called in Chrome and Safari But its work in Firefox is fine. Thanks Try the background image for your copy button! Hope it will help you!

java - Cannot refer to a non-final variable inside an inner class defined in a different method -

Edit: I need to change the values ​​of several variables because they run multiple times from the timer. I need to keep the values ​​updated with each repetition through the timer. I can not set the prices in final form because this will prevent me from updating the prices, but I get the error mentioned in the initial question given below I have been: I had written first what's below: I'm getting the error "defined in a different method. And can not refer to a non-final variable. " This is happening for the price of double calls and value value value of the object. Do you know why I get this problem? I do not understand why I need to make a final announcement. Apart from this, if you can see what I am trying to do, then what I have to do to overcome this problem. public static zero main (string array []) {int period = 2000; Int delay = 2000; Double lastpris = 0; Price Value Object = New Price (); Double price = 0; Timer timer = new timer (); Timer.schedu...

CMake: How to store the SVN path in a variable? -

I am trying to store the output of the following command in a semicolon variable: Svn info | GRP URL | Ukra-F 'url:' '{print $ 2}' ' The purpose of removing the ULR is: From the beginning of the output, so that the awk final string There will be a URL starting with http . Then I tried the following in the CMAC file: EXECUTE_PROCESS (COMMAND svn info $ {CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND grep URL COMMAND awk -F 'URL:' '{print $ 2}' OUTPUT_VARIABLE SVNPATH) But I got the following syntax error: awk: cmd line: 1: $ 2} '' awk: cmd line: 1: ^ Syntax error awk: cmd line: 1: $ 2} '' awk: cmd line: 1: ^ invalid char '' 'expression in expression How do I issue this issue Can i solve This code works for me, can you try it? (Definitely change echo with svn info EXECUTE_PROCESS (COMMAND echo "URL: http: // blabla" COMMAND grep URL COMMAND awk -F "URL:" "{print $ 2}" OUTPUT_VAR...

Working with lists in Perl -

I have two lists A and B: a = ('Church. N.01 ',' Church.N.02 ',' Church_ServicesN.01 ',' Church.N.04 ') B = (' Temple N.01 ',' Temple N. 02 ',' Temple . N.03 ',' synagogue.n.01 ') I want to find a connection between a and b members using get_relatedness (arg1, arg2). How can I work in A and B in Perl, so that I pass all the possible combinations between Nested and A for two ends in Perl. Please help me solve it because I am new to Perl My @ A = ('Church.N.01', 'Church.N. 02', 'church_service.n.01', 'church.n.04'); My @ B = ('Temple N.01', 'Temple N. 02', 'Temple N. 03', 'Aradhnala N.01'); Use data: Dumper; Print dumper [get_relatedness (\ @ a, \ @b)]; Sub get_relationness {my ($ c, $ d) = @_; Return map {my $ t = $ _; Map [$ t, $ _], @ $ d} @ $ c; } output $ VAR1 = [['church.n.01', 'temple.n.01'], ['church.n .01 ...

UIWebView javascript with IOS Issue -

I try to use the iOS call function javascript but still not working me pleasee !! With this help, javascript function geturl (getdata) {// document.getElementById ('test1'). Src = ''; Warning (GetData); } and the iOS code - (bool) webview: (UIWebView *) inWeb shouldStartLoadWithRequest: (NSURLRequest *) inRequest navigationType: (UIWebViewNavigationType) inType { NSURL * URL = [request URL]; NSString * stringURL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", URL]; NSString * urlString = inRequest.URL.absoluteString; NSString * getdata = @ "Please come"; NSString * sendBack = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "geturl ('% @')", getdata]; [SubView StringAvleuating JavascriptFromString: Sendback]; // SubView UIViewview Returns Yes; } I try to use this way, but the data is not alert that what help me please !! Do not know - (void) webViewDidFinishLoad: (UIWebView *) WebView {if (loadingPage & LT; [Book count]) {NSURL * URL ...

c# - Change from Windows Forms to WPF Application -

I have already created an application that is using the Windows form, but I knew that the Windows Format Setup Now Visual Studio 2013 was not available, I was created to install both Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 2013. When I want to make some changes in my application and want to recreate the setup, then I should run Visual Studio 2010 instead of Visual Studio 2013. The reason I'm using Visual Studio 2013 because I like this version and I'm using Visual Studio 2010 because when I want to make some changes to my application Application. And I'm thinking of uninstalling Visual Studio 2010 and working with Visual Studio 2013. Do I have to rewrite WPF on the code of my application? Because of what I've heard, some functions in the WPF are not the same in the Windows form. And suppose I have successfully changed WPF by replacing my application with Windows format, what system has been provided with WPF? So can other users use my application on my computer? ...

How to require a user-installed gem in ruby when system-wide gem with higher version is also available? -

I have two versions of a gem: system-wide 1.3.2 , and user- Installed 1.0.0 . I just need to use the version 1.0.0 , which is set in the directory of my house. Do I like to install user-installed gems gem Is there a way to tell ? before need You can specify which gem version you can use by using. gem 'foo', '1.0 0' expected 'foo'

java - Setting Environment variables for Eclipse IDE launching -

I want to start a project in eclipse, but when I try to start eclipse it is not open . My instructor said that I have to set environment variables PATH , CLASSPATH , JavaWom and what are their true values ​​like the importance of environmental variables ? > JAVA_HOME is not used by Java Some third-party programs (for example, ApacheTomcat) expect one of these environment variables to be installed in JDK or JRE's installation directory. If you are not using software for which they need it, then you do not need to set up JWBHME and JRIOOM. CLASSPATH is an environment variable that lists directories and / or jar files, which Java will search for when it searches for Java classes to load. Normally you do not have to set the CLASSPATH environment variable, instead of using this environment variable, you can use the -cp or -classpath option on the command line when using javac and java commands. PATH An environment variable is used in the operating system (Window...

installer - Wix - Get user input to create a registry entry -

I need to create an installer that receives user input to create a registry entry. I have seen in the tutorial in the Wok and it is very clear how to install registry entries but I need to give some information to the user (in this case it is a URL) so that the URL can be used on the registry entry. How can I do this? Duplicate question !? If this helps, please see this answer: Edit - Make a little change in the answer given in the link: Start by adding this component, notice the value in the property [USERINPUT] & lt; DirectoryRef id = "INSTALLDIR" & gt; & Lt; Component id = "registry entries" guide = "{YOURGUID}" & gt; & Lt; RegistryKey Root = "HKLM" key = "Software \ Company 123 \ App123" verb = "create" & gt; & Lt; RegistryValue type = "string" name = "UserInput" value = "[USERINPUT]" /> & Lt; / RegistryKey & gt; & Lt; / Compon...

sql server - SSRS + Report Manager looks strange -

I have an "old" SQL Server 2012 installation with reporting services that works very well and where reports Should look like a manager: Now I have a The SQL Server is installed only on Server Version Version 2.5 and immediately after installation , the report manager is broken by some sort: its al Or format of my reports is suddenly broken. I used: The same version of SQL Server 2012 ("old" server: "old" server: evaluation | "new" server: MSDNAA) The same version of SQL Server 2012 ("old" server: evaluation | "new" server: MSDNAA) same version of Internet Explorer I do not know what kind of bug it is ... "post-text" itemprop = "text"> In your screenshot, it seems IE has the other screenshots enabled in compatible View (ie, a new report server) but not before (ie old report server). Ensure that both the environment are being viewed equally through IE or should solve the p...

android - Failed to create Context 0x3005 emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer -

I am trying to create an emulator to test my application, but I am getting the following error and mine The emulator is just showing black. Starting the emulator for the AVD_for_Xperia_Z1_by_Sony 'Reference 0x3005 failed to create the emulator: Warning: Using the software renderer, OpenglES could not start emulation. WglGetExtensionsStringARB could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB wglGetExtensionsStringARB could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB wglGetExtensionsStringARB could not get wglGetExtensionsStringARB wglGetExtensionsStringARB could not handle wglGetExtensionsStringARB I had a lot of google issue to solve it, but none of them got my problem Does not solve Can someone suggest me how to solve this issue and what exactly does this error mean? Thank you Google this error, I found some ways to decide: (,, ...) to Raise the RAM for the adapter "sdk \ tools \ lib" to "sdk \ tools" (4 files start with DLL n...

javascript - Function call after Value is changed -

I am trying to get a logout button that first sets the session and then closes the actual tab gives. So far I only got a part to destroy the session and I did not know how to close the tab. After the session ended with the session, I tried to resonate that function, but with the set interlol I did not manage to complete it. Does anyone know a few things? Thanks! Edit: All the codes are on the same page Here's my code: [HTML] & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "vLogout" value = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "logout" name = "logging out" onClick = "logout (this.form)" style = "background-color: # cc0000; color: #ffffff" & gt; [PHP] This is the first line of code & lt ;? Php if ($ _REQUEST ["vLogout"]) {session_start (); Session_unset (); Session_destroy (); Echo "& lt; script & gt; closeTab (); "; } [Javascript] fu...

cassandra - Default float value -

A column type is float in the table, which does not populate when a row is inserted, i.e. later populated Is there a way to select those rows to go? CCL CLI has shown the value of zero. I tried it. Select & lt; Table & gt; To Where & lt; Columns & gt; is null; And then it is followed i.e. Unfortunately, this is not currently supported. Cassandra interprets the null as a lack of value, as opposed to a particular constant, I think adding the null support to choose the questions (as well as indexing, division, etc.) based on the code code and how the data The tables remain in, there will be a major redesign in this context, so it is not currently being released. / P> For an alternative solution, I would recommend using a fixed value that you would interpret as "tap" on the client side (like: NaN , -Infinity , or something beyond your normal range of values) You must make sure that you explicitly start the appropriate lines with this v...

css - Bootstrap modal backdrop create model in accesseble in chrome... working in firefox -

The Bootstrap modal is properly running in Firefox, but there is a problem with Google Chrome, if I delete the following code, then it's running in Chrome: .modal-backdrop.modal-absolute {position: relative; Background color: red; Z-index: 940; } {status: Completed; Top: 0; Correct: 0; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Z-index: 1030; Background color: # 333333; Opacity: 0.8; }. Model-Backdrop, {Opacity: 0.45; Status: Completed; Z-index: 1030; Filters: alpha (opacity = 45); Background: black; } Please tell me what is wrong with this code Difficult to say without seeing the output. If you are using the full position, are you right / left & amp; Top / below attributes in terms of elements instead of margins Perhaps also make sure that the position of your container (the parent of the full elements) is: relative; , Then the status of her children (fulls) will be her relatives. Search and search Google for anyone else having t...

java - Runnable Jar file - src file path issue -

I have to read all the Java file names available in the script package to execute a particular method. The code below works fine with Eclipse I want to run a test using Runnable Jar - as strTestScriptsPath = "src / com / xyz / test / scripts" is a src, it is How to use this reference this.getClass () GetResourceAsStream () In the note :. I am trying to give the path of the directory not the file. I only have to give the name of the file name from the above code: ( Hanuman, if you want to make a runner jar, you will have to configure the manifest file by providing a fully qualified class name, as well as this class should have: Public Static Zero Main (string [] Args) { Information about data leadership is available here:

unity3d - Unity Expansion files download finished -

I am currently working on an APK extension file but I am unable to test expansion file downloads from Google Play . I actually did, but when I run my app, it is stuck on the download UI screen with 0 MB / 0 MB. The message has been printed in "finished downloading" but there is no obb in sdcard. I defined BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY as my GooglePlay publisher account. I uploaded both APK and extension files on GooglePlay as a draft. I'm running an application in unity. Did I miss something else? Do I need to provide some types of URLs? If so, how do I get the URL and set it? To test the Google Play OBB downloader, after uploading the app with the extension version, The version you are testing directly from Google Play on your Android device needs to be downloaded. You can download the version, even if it is still releasing it as alpha / beta in the draft and creating a test group as shown in the link below. Also allow several hours for the promotion of the app. Apart f...

c# - SystemOutOfMemory exception after working with Stream -

This function rotates the image stream at 90 degrees, after calling it 5-6 times on Windows Phone, give me the SystemOutOfMemory exception got private writeable bitmap _rot (stream stream) found {var bmp = new bitmapImage (); Bmp.SetSource (stream); Var src = new writable bitmap (BMP); Var w = src.PixelWidth; Var h = src.PixelHeight; Var p = src.Pixels; Var dst = new writable bitmap (h, w); Var i = 0; Var RP = DST. Pixel; For (var x = 0; x = 0; y--) {var srcInd = y * w + x; RP [I] = P [srcInd]; I ++; }} / * Is trying to free the memory, but nothing of that task * / // bmp = null; // src = null; Return DST; } I know that the problem in that function, when I'm not calling - all work fine. Try to use it: Compile (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers ();

c# - Dateime Parse method adding one day to input date -

I am reading a date from an XML file and parsing it in the format I want to add this date to one day And I am not able to understand it. Input: 2014-02-12T15: 21: 19-08: 00 Output: 13 February 2014 01:21 My code is for parsing date: string date = datetime. Mercury (line ["count"]. Tostrings ()). Toasting ("DD MMM yyyy HH: mm"); Any help would be greatly appreciated. The reason is that time zone information should be used to adjust time in your local time zone. Used to be. If you remove the suffix "-08: 00", then you will find that time will not be adjusted. However, you have to know that the timezone information is important before ignoring it!

javascript - Jquery UI progressbar not animating with asp button -

I'm trying to use a jQuery UI progress bar which will show in a jQuery UI dialog when I have a ASP: Button . has been declared as a button: & lt; Esp: Button ID = "Button 2" Runat = "Server" text = "TA © Laurers Charger" Reasoning WAITING = "False" OnClick = "Button 2 Black" On ClientClicks = "Javascript: Display Dialog ()" /> Dialog has been declared as follow: and finally javascript: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# dialog"). Hide ();}); Function displayDialog () {$ ("# dialog") conversation (); $ ("# Progress bar") Progress Bar ({value: wrong}); $ ("# Dialog") show ().; } & Lt; / Script & gt; This works fine (since both are called onclick and the OnClientclick function). The code behind the code is executed correctly and also shows the dialog. Although the progress bar an...

go - Does a Virtual Machine have to interpret Bytecode or can it interpret the VM's assembly directly? -

I am planning to implement VM in Go. I have seen the tutorials where people have their own VM The assembly was designed, but the virtual machine did not execute the assembly code directly. He instructed every VN to direct every number of instructions and make special bytecode for his machine. Is it better to interpret a bytecoke or can you explain assembly code and get the same result? If you want to use your VM in different guest platforms, then yes . The advantage is that bytecoc gives you portability (hence the alternative nomenclature "P-code" , which "portable code" Em>.) If you are planning to use your VM in your platforms, you will be able to get the bytecode. So you have to be careful to compile the program in bytecode instructions and take care of the VM balance.

c# - Filter items based on an IEnumerable -

I have a list of objects that have a property (product name) that is a IEnumberable & lt; String & gt; . How can I filter this list on the property, so that I only get a list where the item is another IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; (FilterProductNames) matches all the items? I have tried the following, but it seems that all the items that match anything in the IEnumberable filter matches one match (one or a style match): Items Where (x => x.ProductNames.Intersect (FilterProductNames) Anyone ()) UPDATE have tried to use the answers but I think that should give me an empty set is just one item in FilterProductNames but it still did not give me anything, so I tested the same filter by doing the following: if (count == 1) {// it will return me item 4 item = item Where (x => x.ProductNames.Contains (FilterProductNames.First ())); } Else {// When I remove the above, it will only filter items on the same item item item = item. Where (x => x.Produ...

R - Adjusting squared root function with lm -

I want to adjust a function like this: fit4 = lm (mut ~ Ent + Score + Vatt + I (Ent ^ 2) + I (Score ^ 2) + I (wt ^ 2)) When I summary (Fit 4) I see: coefficient: estimate estimate error t value P (> | t |) (interception) -1.779381 0.086256 -20.629 I would like to receive it now but the original class of the above work is doing the error: sqrt (ent + score + wt + i (ent ^ 2) + I (score ^ 2) + I (wt ^ 2)), but when I just add "sqrt ()", then summarizes something: Estimates (interruption) 1.066025 (Sqrt (ent + score + weight) + I (ent ^ 2) + I (score ^ 2) + I (wt ^ 2)) -0.24028 (For more studs Error, T-value, etc.) How do I add "root squared" or "log" and for each element of the function the mother I can get? You must apply the function to all those that induvidually fit4 = lm (mut ~ log ++ log (score) + log (wt) + log (INT ^ 2) + log (I (score ^ 2)) + log (I (wt ^ 2 ) will be due: log (ent + score + plus + i (ent ...

php - "Invalid ns" when connecting to mongodb server -

I'm trying to connect to a Mongolabs Mongodb server I'm working on a small project for setup I can connect properly when connecting to my local machine, but when I try to make a connection to my mediation server, I get an 'invalid ns' error: Mongodebi Unable to connect to: Failed to connect: dsXX send_package: query returned failure: invalid ns [XXXXXX_dev / XXXXXX_dev. $ Cmd] (Code: 16256) Any suggestions on how well it is, it will be a great help to you. Perhaps your database name or your name in the connection name () You should make sure that your connection string is OK. For example, I look like this mongodb: // mydblogin: 44444 / mydatabase Also make sure the name of the collection is legal.

Change flow of sequence of policies using Java Script in apigee? -

If I want to execute the XSL Transform-1 policy, when the URL contains "tennis" keyword, then I How can I do this using the java script policy in apigee? URL:? Apikey = rgnmd3naaw2qwv79fdtjgz77 Policy: XSL Transform-1 & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? & Gt; & Lt; XSL async = "false" continuOnError = "false" enabled = "correct" name = "xsltransform-1" & gt; & Lt; DisplayName & gt; XSLTransform-1 & lt; / DisplayName & gt; & Lt; FaultRules / & gt; & Lt; Properties / & gt; & Lt; Source & gt; Feedback & lt; / Source & gt; & Lt; ResourceURL & gt; XSL: // xsltransform -1 & lt; / ResourceURL & gt; & Lt; Ignore ParametersInventedVerify = "True" /> & Lt; OutputVariable & gt; ABC & lt; / OutputVariable & gt; & Lt; / XSL> XSL file: xsltransform-1 &...

java - Displaying from database issue -

I am doing an assignment with Java in Eelpse Indigo. I have to create a program for a school and that program is a spell check program. I am able to assist the staff; Students also log on and change their passwords and edit their accounts. I am also able to reach them to create and edit the test. But one thing that I can not see is available available in a list of available tests to see how many tests have been set. I do not know what will be the change in my code to fix this problem. To display tests, I've created a method called displayTest . I've created storage for testing using hashfile . I Here I have saved storage for testing in an hashfile . string test_FILENAME = "datafiles / test.dat"; Hashfile testFile = new hashfile (test_FILENAME, 100, new test ()); I have continued to add a test (there is storage for variable testing at the top of my coding document): public zero addTest (test) Test = new test (); // Create a storage for a teacher tes...

jQuery fiter function with ID and class as variables -

I try to create a filter function in jquery. I have jquery two variables: both rowid and realclass with both the correct values I try to use my filter function: $ ("input"). Filter ('"#" + rowid .realclass'). Show (); But this function is not working. If I use it: $ ("input"). Filter ("#" + Queued). Show (); Then everything is fine, but I need to get the actual class variable as a square in this statement. Any ideas? Try $ ("input") .filter ( "#" + Row + ".realclass"). Show (); and I think you can use it directly from id because a id will be unique to a page

hadoop - how client will Get access to DataNodes -

I have a little doubt about reading and writing HDFS. In general, when the customer wants to read / write data from HDFS, then he will ask NameNode for block information. After that, there will be some information about the enrollment block, which will include data. After that, the customers will go directly to Daytonode and will conduct the operation. What if the customer does not ask for nomination for block information and should reach the detention directly without any authentication? Can anyone explain this? It depends on whether an authentication (such as Kerberos) was configured for the cluster. If not - this hack should work, even if it is good for it, it is not clear.

c# - how to reduce Dropdown List loading time in asp -

I have 500 records to display in the dropdown list. It takes too long, is there any dropdown list Can help reduce loading time? There is a lot more in the 500 drop down - to scroll 499 items to actually get them Wants Perhaps instead of using / using an autocomplete drop down list; After the user starts typing, only a subset of drop down items will be filled - in most cases the better for the user. Here's an example:

javascript - how to open default_popup on contextmenu item click in chrome extension -

How to open default_popup on context menu items click in Chrome extension Anyway? When users click on the context menu item, we can call / open the HTML file, which is defined in the default_popup for the browser verb. I did not already have the following link there (no possible way). If no one, then what should I do to get it to any option? Google Chrome developer team has said that this feature is a Can not be added to: The philosophy for browser and page action popups is that they should be triggered with user action. Open the popup.html file in a new tab by using the following code or something similar Note: To make a call from the background page Required and requires "tab" permission // popup.html opens in new tab chrome.tabs.create ({'url': chrome.extension. GetURL ('popup.html')}, function (tab) {// tab opened}});

c# - Binding static property in code behind -

I'm trying to follow it, the only difference is that I am controlling the code by behind it. Unfortunately this is not working. Here is my sample code: Public partial class ShellWindow {Personal Static Visibility progressbar visibility = Visibility. Collapsed; Public Static Visibility Progress Bar Visibility {Get {Return Progressivity; } Set {if (progressbarVisibility == value) return; Progression = value; RaiseStaticPropertyChanged ("ProgressbarVisibility"); }} Public Static Event EventHandler & lt; Property ChangeEndEgages & gt; StaticPropertyChanged; Public Static Zero RaiseStaticPropertyChanged (String Promo) {EventHandler & lt; PropertyChangedEventArgs & gt; Handler = static property changed; If (handler! = Null) handler (empty, new property changed event event (proponename)); }} and I'm bound like this var binding = new binding ("shellwondo. Progress bar visibility") {mode = BindingMode.TwoWay} ; Progress bar = new circular...

c# - Set global variable from database -

I'm new to the new MVC, I'm working on Visual Studio 2012. I just want to get data from the database table, the controller and store this value in different variables. For example: Public Class Test Controller {Public Actioncell Testing Method () {var model = some LINQ code; }} Now I want to store this model value in different variables such as string , int etc. is required. First you mvc 4 . There are lots of tutorials on the Internet Here are some sample codes: In your controller: public class testController {public activity} testMethod ( ) Get data from the database using {ViewBag.someData = / Linq or SQL Query // You can see the model / model view in View (model)}} ( Cshtml) :: @ {var someData = ViewBag.someData; // Now you can use this data in your CSSML file}

c++ - How does the standard threading library compare to Boost’s? -

I am writing a little legacy code in C ++ 11 and want to make the processing more concurrent. I have read about the C ++ 11 Threading Library, but want to see if anyone has used it and if you want to share it then you want to share the idea of ​​how easy it is? Between Boost Threading and this library, which is one more better and why? Threading libraries are similar to the Boost standard (if you activate the new interface) but add features that are currently C ++ 14 / Proposed for expansion for 17, it also offers more synchronization tools than the current standard or C ++ 14 draft. What you need to know is that standard and promotional libraries are actually low level concurrent structures, they do not provide yet high level construction, but to add such constructions, both standards Work has been done by the Committee and Boost Developers. I have recommended reading the book "C ++ Consolation in Action" which in depth describes how C ++ 11 Threading Library works...

c# - Fastest way to put a smaller n-dimensional array in a bigger one (2d graphical analogy: paint rectangle on canvas) -

मेरे पास यह 10x5 सरणी है: ......... .................................................................................................. P> और यह 1x2 सरणी: एबी सीडी ईएफ अब मैं दूसरी सरणी को स्थिति 1/2 (एक्स -पोज / वाई-पॉज़), सभी पुरानी मूल्यों को हटाना (मेरा उदाहरण शून्य आधारित और amp; शामिल है)। परिणाम होगा: .......... .......... एबी ........ सीडी ...... एएफ ....... एक ज्ञात अधिलेखित पदानुक्रम के साथ कई उप एरेज़ हो सकते हैं, सरणियों में 3 से अधिक आयाम हो सकते हैं और एरेज़ जटिल वस्तुओं। क्या सी # में ऐसा करने के लिए एक सर्वोत्तम अभ्यास है? क्या भाषा अज्ञेयवादी समाधान है? ठीक है, बफ़र। ब्लॉककॉपी बाइट-बाय-बाइट डेटा को कॉपी करने से काफी तेज है, यहां तक ​​कि आप सीमा जांच को समाप्त करने के बाद भी। दिलचस्प बात यह है ऐसा लगता है कि Buffer.BlockCopy 2 डी सरणियों पर तथ्य काम में करता है:) आप कुछ इस तरह का प्रयास करना चाहें तो: बाइट [,] स्रोत = नया बाइट [1000, 100]; बाइट [,] dest = नया बाइट [2048, 2048]; इंट ऑफसेटएक्स = 100; इंट ऑफसेट वाई = 20; Int width = ...

python - How to use thread instance function inside a function? -

I was trying to use a thread function in the function. But my terminal says that the global name 'thread1' is not defined? import time import threading count = 0 square screen (threading thread): def __init __ ( self): threading. Thread .__ init __ (self) self.thread_stop = incorrect DRF run (self): while not self. Thread_stop: main () def stop (self): self.thread_stop = true def test (): thread 1 = screen () thread 1. Start (DEF) main (): Global thread 1, count, while true: time. Sleep (1) count = 1 if calculation & gt; = 3: thread1.stop () Print "Stop!" > test function: thread1 def test (): global thread 1 ... Otherwise, the behavior of the dragon in thread 1 in test is in the form of a local variable, so it is not seen as being started in the main thread1 . approach (which seems more clear and secure): import time import threading count = 0 square screen (threading thread): def __init __ (auto, Count): Threading. Thread .__ i...

jsp - Adding A Euro Symbol to Amount field in JSTL -

I have the following code that shows the amount field. I want to add a Euro symbol before the zodiac field is displayed. Is it possible to do this without changing the formatting? & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Duration class = "zodiac" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Fmt: formatNumber type = "number" minFractionDigits = "2" maxFractionDigits = "2" value = "$ {pay.Amount}" var = "fmtAmount" /> & Lt; C: out value = "$ {fmtAmount}" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; Currency characters are part of the Unicode character set, so you have to declare that your Head of documents: & lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = utf-8" /> Add the format below to your value so you can show the value of your money as the Euro. Friendly code: & Euro; Numerical code: & amp; # 128; Hex code: & amp; # X80; Hope it helps. ...

oracle - Select Top (Max) Amount From Two Of Four Fields (Columns) -

मेरे पास यह क्वेरी है SELECT code, username, week1money, week2money, week3money, week4money से (--स्यूबक्वेयर यहां जाता है) शीर्ष दो हफ्तों का चयन करने के लिए, अर्थात् हफ्तों के उच्चतम मूल्य के साथ? मैं सटीक होने के लिए शीर्ष दो सप्ताह में राशि जोड़ना चाहता हूं। अगर मैं सही समझता हूं तो आप 2 प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं प्रत्येक प्रति शीर्ष मूल्य (कोड, उपयोगकर्ता नाम) पंक्ति और (कोड, उपयोगकर्ता नाम) रिकॉर्डसेट की कुंजी है मान लीजिए कि आप दो शीर्ष सप्ताह उसी मूल्यों के साथ रख सकते हैं और आपके पास नल नहीं है यह समाधान में से एक हो सकता है: SQL & gt; टी के साथ (आईडी, कोड, सप्ताह 1, सप्ताह 2, सप्ताह 3, सप्ताह 4) 2 (3 का चयन करें 1, 'ए', 10, 15, 11, 8 दोहरी संघ से सभी 4 चुनें 2, 'बी', 7, 4, 2 , दोहरी यूनियन से 9 सभी 5 चुनें 3, 'सी', 3, 3, 1, 0 दोहरी 6) 7 आईडी चुनें, अधिकतम, अधिकतम (सप्ताह) पहले_टॉप, न्यूनतम (सप्ताह) next_top से (8 चयन आईडी, कोड, Row_number () से अधिक (आईडी द्वारा विभाजन, सप्ताह के अंत तक कोड ऑर्डर) rnk, सप्ताह 9 से (10 चयन करें, ...

ruby - uploading via google api from remote url -

I am trying to upload a file through the Google ruby ​​API client. This works Media = Google :: APIClient: upload ('test.jpg', 'image / jpeg') but It does not work Media = Google :: APIClient :: Upload ('', 'image / jpeg') How do I upload media from remote servers such as S3? I did not find a solution to this question. I have finished using the Ruby tempile class which is my The external files on the server will be downloaded to a temporary folder and will remove it after the debris is removed. How to use this class

c# - Binary Deserializing implementations of an abstract class -

I have an abstract class that I am trying to serialize and delete a solid implementation. I have this in my abstract base class: [DataContract] Public class MyAbstractBase {[DataMember] Public string foo {get; Set; } // Some other abstractions that are meant to implement derivative classes} And in that class I add a method to the serialize: Serialize the public string serializase 64 () {// one base 64 string byte [] bytes; Long length = 0; MemoryStream YS = new memorystream (); Data Contrectorcierizer serializer = New Data Contributoriserizer (This .gateType ()); XmlDictionaryWriter binaryDictionaryWriter = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter (YS); Serializer Right object (binaryAdshire, this); BinaryDictionaryWriter.Flush (); Length = ws.Length; Bytes = ws.GetBuffer (); String encoded data = bytes. Long + ":" + Convert. Tobase 64 string (bytes, 0, bytes lang, base 64 formatting option. Non); Return encoded data; } It works fine, "something" is ge... - Using SelectSingleNode with XML file, node repeats twice -

Here's a file I'm trying to parse I & lt; CountryName & gt; and & lt; CountryAbbrev & gt; You can get data from , but & lt; Gml: name & gt; node Note that this node in the XML file twice, at the top level and & lt; Hostip & gt; Appears under node, it is a syntax I am using: It does one thing - Doctor Selected SINGLANOD ("//" Country Name ") Does it work? Any ideas? & lt; HostipLookupResultSet xmlns: GML = "" xmlns: xsi = " XMLSchema-instance "version =" 1.0.1 "xsi: a namespace location location =" http: //"> & Lt; Gml: description & gt; This host Lookup service & lt; / Gml: description & gt; & Lt; GML: Name & gt; Hostip & lt; / GML: Name & gt; & Lt; GML: boundedBy & gt; & Lt; GML: Null & gt; Inappropriate & lt; / GML: Null ...

if statement - Run a shell script with While condition in an infinite loop based on conditions -

I need to create a shell script to enter some indicators / flag files in the directory / dir1 / dir2 / Flag_file_directory based on the request flag received from a shell script in a directory / dir1 / dir2 / req_flag_file_directory and the source files in a directory say dir1 / dir2 / source_file_directory . For this, I need to run a script in an endless loop using the while condition because I do not know when to make the source files available Will go So, my implementation plan is somewhat like this - say that JOB1 is scheduled to run sometime in the morning, before a request flag (e.g., / dir1 / Dir2 / req_flag_file_directory / req1.req touch) while saying that this work is in progress, so look for source files of the pattern present in the file_pattern_YYYYMMDD.CSV (file patterns are different for different jobs) source File directories, if they exist, then calculate the number if the files are If the count is correct, then first remove the request flag for th...

Error with SQL Server Stored Procedure & C# -

I am developing a stored procedure to obtain a register from the table, so I created the following query to get it : Alternate Processes [DBO]. [Process_odd] @CodeCCNINT, Nomodes Varna (500), @ Kod Mate varchar (500) as Ghora varchar (50); Set @ hora = (ra_hpl_horarios_planificacion), select b.man_nomhor at Hpl_codman = b.man_codigo where an .hpl_codcil = 100 and a.hpl_codemp = (select emp_codigo from pla_emp_empleado where emp_nombres_apellidos = @NomDoce) and a.hpl_codmat = @ codMate and a.hpl_descripcion = @codSeccion) @hora end I have this query is tested (query stored procedure with the query) and it works just fine in my SQL server console Does. The problem is that when I call it from C #, I still do not try to do the work! Apart from this, I tried to develop a stored procedure with the output parameter but there were no results. In addition, I have other ways to try (which is very good and works fine!): select an internal b.man_nomhor ra_hpl_horarios_planificacion...

List of lists: indexing and assigning values (Python) -

I'm sure this stupid is simple, but in some way I can not understand it. a = [[0] * 4] * 3 a [0] [0] = 1 a [[1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0 ], [1, 0, 0, 0]] I'm just trying to allocate 1 to the first element in the first row. Instead, the value of the first element 1 is assigned to the every line. How should I indexing so that value can be assigned to the right element? Thank you! First you should understand this fact. If you do A = [5] * 3 It is a surprise that a [0] , a [1] and one [2] are the same thing you can do to ensure this by doing so. id (a [0]) == ID (a [1]) == ID (a [2]) #True Sounds like the following. a [0] - + a [1] - + - - 5a [2] - + If you do a [0] = 10 The following is the like. a [0] ----- & gt; 10 A [1] - + - - 5a [2] - + OK. Now back to the list of your list's list. To simplify your problem, define a : a = [[4, 5, 6]] * 3 Unknowingly these are similar objects. id (a [0]) == ID (a [1]) == ID ...

php - datatable server-side href variable -

I am using an example for the server side datatable plugin This works fine, But now I am trying to change the code for my table, because the example is not exactly how I see my table. There is a problem: {$ row = array (); $ I = 0; $ I & lt; Count ($ acolumn); $ I ++) {if ($ a columns [$ i] == "setid") {$ row [] = ($ aRow [$ a columns [$ i]])? '& Lt; A href = \ 'http: //$aRow [$ aColumn [$ i]] \' & gt; Trial & lt; / A & gt; : $ ARow [$ a column [$ i]]; } And if ($ aColumn [$ i]! = '') {/ * Normal output * / $ line [] = $ aRow [$ a column [$ i]]; }} $ Output ['adata'] [] = $ line; } The problem is right here: $ line [] = ($ aRow [$ a column [$ i]])? '& Lt; A href = \ 'http: //$aRow [$ aColumn [$ i]] \' & gt; Trial & lt; / A & gt; : $ ARow [$ a column [$ i]]; When I click on "test" in my table, it goes to $ aRow [$ aColumn [$ i]]] instead of the id...

html - How to Style CSS Checkboxes with Font Awesome -

I'm trying to style my checkbox with the font strange style, checkboxes are auto generated from a plugin I " I'm using it with WordPress. I have a motive for what I see in JSfield It seems that there is something wrong with my CSS but I do not know Input Type =" Checkbox "name =" OffCard -Rarity [] "value =" 14 "& gt; Epic (40) & Lt; / label & gt; & lt; li class = "cat-item cat-item-11"> Labels & gt; & lt; input type = "checkbox" name = " OffCard-Rarity [] "Value =" 11 "& gt; Free (83) & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "cat-item cat-item-15" & gt; & Gt; Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "offcard-rarity []" value = "15" & gt; Mythical (36) & lt; / Lab L & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "cat-item cat-item-13" ...

vector - Vectorizing diff function on lags in R -

मैं एक ऐसा कार्य करना चाहूंगा जो निम्न करता है: c & lt; - {Sum.diff [k] & lt; - sum (diff (c, lag = k)} पाश के बजाय वेक्टरिंग के माध्यम से विशेष रूप से, मैं एक सदिश (यहाँ 'सी'), और अंतराल मूल्यों का एक सदिश (यहाँ '1: n') भेजना चाहता हूं, और के-वें अंतर की राशि को के-वें प्रविष्टि में प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं आउटपुट वेक्टर (यहां 'sum.lags')। उदाहरण के लिए, c & lt; - 1: 100 के साथ n & lt; - 10 चाहिए: 99 1 9 100 2 9 1 ... 900 से मेल खाती है: sum (diff (1: 100, lag = 1)) sum (diff (1 : 100, लैग = 2)) राशि (अंतर (1: 100, लैग = 3)) ... राशिफल (1: 100, लैग = 10)) कोई भी विचार? ए डेटा के योग्य नकलीकरण (आपके कोड से थोड़ा अधिक तेज होना चाहिए बड़े डेटा सेट) a & lt; - 1: 100 b & lt; - 1:10 लाइब्रेरी (डेटा योग्य) डीटी & lt; - डेटा योग्य (बी) [, रिज़ः = योग (ए, बी)), द्वारा = बी] डीटी # बी आरएस # 1: 1 99 # 2: 2 196 # 3: 3 291 # 4: 4 384 # 5: 5 475 # 6: 6 564 # 7: 7 651 # 8: 8 736 # 9: 9 819 # 10: 10 900

Xpath to extract data from a table using contains -

The 2 xpaths below work fine to remove the data in the table. I want to combine these 2 and create 1 XPATH statement which can be used as needed I tried to experiment, but Forx for this: // * [@ id = "codeRow"] / td [in (वंशज: * / text (), "Bessoner") did not work. ] [ Please advise // * [@ id = "codeRow"] / TD [in it (., "Bessoner")] XPath Engine . will replace (the current node) in the string , then the call function will be included in () . The current node and all the hair nodes are searched for pieces of a text node "Bessonear", there is no need to use the axis to select all the races and their text nodes.

linux - Secure mode can access secure / non secure memory how? -

According to the Cortex Contractor Guide TrustZone hardware also effectively provides two virtual MMUs, one for each virtual processor The page table description contains an NS bit, which is used to determine whether the access is in a secure or non-secure physical address space. Although the page table entry bit still exists, normal virtual processor hardware does not use this field, and memory access is always created with NS = 1. Secure Virtual Processor can therefore access secure or normal memory. Cache and TLB hardware allow for general and secure entries for co-existence. So, if a code (to be running in safe mode) should be written to access, then the address can be coded to 0xA0000000 [Ns] and 0xA0000000 [S] how? So if a code (to run in safe mode) is to be used to address address 0xA0000000 [ns] And 0xA0000000 [S] How will it be coded? It is possible that you have a conceptual issue here. There is no physical address 0xA0000000 [ns] and 0xA0000000 [s] , ther...

c++ - How to link a binary with the library with the version name -

मैं संकलक को इसलिए साझा लाइब्रेरी के साथ g ++ के रूप में जी ++ -shared -Wl, -someame, libtest.1.0 -o libtest.1.0.1 test.o लेकिन जब मैं इस के साथ एक बाइनरी लिंक करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ लिब एक लिखिए: जी ++ -ओ बिन-एल। -लिटेस्ट -Wl, -rpath लिंकर को किसी भी संस्करण संख्या के बिना खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहा है। मैं -l लिंकर विकल्प को संस्करण संख्या के साथ लिब नाम कैसे दे सकता / सकती हूं? इसे आज़माएं: जी ++ -ओ बिन-एल -Wl, -rpath =। -l: libtest.1.0.1 सामान्यतः, कम से कम लिनक्स पर -lnamespace , ld के साथ फ़ाइल को या libnamespace.a नाम से अपनी लाइब्रेरी खोज पथ सूची में लिंक किया गया है, लेकिन -l: namespace , ld के साथ अपनी लाइब्रेरी खोज पथ सूची में नामस्थान नाम की फ़ाइल खोजेंगे।