installer - Wix - Get user input to create a registry entry -

I need to create an installer that receives user input to create a registry entry. I have seen in the tutorial in the Wok and it is very clear how to install registry entries but I need to give some information to the user (in this case it is a URL) so that the URL can be used on the registry entry.

How can I do this?

Duplicate question !?

If this helps, please see this answer:

Edit - Make a little change in the answer given in the link:

Start by adding this component, notice the value in the property [USERINPUT]

  & lt; DirectoryRef id = "INSTALLDIR" & gt; & Lt; Component id = "registry entries" guide = "{YOURGUID}" & gt; & Lt; RegistryKey Root = "HKLM" key = "Software \ Company 123 \ App123" verb = "create" & gt; & Lt; RegistryValue type = "string" name = "UserInput" value = "[USERINPUT]" /> & Lt; / RegistryKey & gt; & Lt; / Component & gt; & Lt; / DirectoryRef & gt;   

Contextual reference to your facility:

  & lt; Feature & gt; & Lt; ComponentRef id = "Registry Entries" / & gt; ... & lt; / Feature & gt;   

Get user input when you install using msiexec:

  msiexec / i your.msi / qb + USERINPUT = "http: //urlYouWantToStoreIn.Registry "  

Check Registry HKLM Software \ Company123 \ App123 \ UserInput, URL should be.


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