- Using SelectSingleNode with XML file, node repeats twice -
Here's a file I'm trying to parse I You will need to use it for Result: Edit < / Strong> Only one idea, if you are just trying to use one of the & lt; CountryName & gt; and
& lt; CountryAbbrev & gt; You can get data from , but
& lt; Gml: name & gt; node Note that this node in the XML file twice, at the top level and
& lt; Hostip & gt; Appears under node, it is a syntax I am using:
Doctor Selected SINGLANOD ("//" Country Name ")
& lt; HostipLookupResultSet xmlns: GML = "" xmlns: xsi = " XMLSchema-instance "version =" 1.0.1 "xsi: a namespace location location =" http: //"> & Lt; Gml: description & gt; This host Lookup service & lt; / Gml: description & gt; & Lt; GML: Name & gt; Hostip & lt; / GML: Name & gt; & Lt; GML: boundedBy & gt; & Lt; GML: Null & gt; Inappropriate & lt; / GML: Null & gt; & Lt; / GML: boundedBy & gt; & Lt; GML: featureMember & gt; & Lt; Hostip & gt; & Lt; IP & gt; & lt; / IP & gt; & Lt; Gml: name & gt; Carson City, NV & lt; / Gml: name & gt; & Lt; Country & gt; United Nations & lt; / CountryName & gt; & Lt; CountryAbbrev & gt; America & lt; / CountryAbbrev> & Lt; IpLocation & gt; & Lt; GML: pointProperty & gt; & Lt; Gml: point srsName = "" & gt; & Lt; GML: Coordinate & gt; -119.763,39.233 & lt; / GML: Coordinate & gt; & Lt; / GML: Point & gt; & Lt; / GML: pointProperty & gt; & Lt; / IpLocation & gt; & Lt; / Hostip & gt; & Lt; / GML: featureMember & gt; & Lt; / HostipLookupResultSet>
xmlns alias < Code> GML . Try doing this:
XmlNamespaceManager nsmanager = New XmlNamespaceManager (doc.NameTable); Nsmanager.AddNamespace ("gml", ""); Debug.WriteLine (doc.SelectSingleNode ("// Country Name") innerText.); Foreach (Xmlnode node in the doctor. Selection nodes ("// gml: name", nsmanager) {Debug.WriteLine (node. INTERTEX); }
United States Hosts Carson City, NV
gml: name nodes, then the following xpaths are respectively for the first and second one Sub-projection will:
// HostPooseUpsetSetset / GML: Name / Text () // Hosted LookupRetsetset / GML: Feature Mail / GML: Name / Hostname / Text ()
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