cassandra - Default float value -

A column type is float in the table, which does not populate when a row is inserted, i.e. later populated Is there a way to select those rows to go?

CCL CLI has shown the value of zero.

I tried it.

Select & lt; Table & gt; To Where & lt; Columns & gt; is null;

And then it is followed


Unfortunately, this is not currently supported. Cassandra interprets the null as a lack of value, as opposed to a particular constant, I think adding the null support to choose the questions (as well as indexing, division, etc.) based on the code code and how the data The tables remain in, there will be a major redesign in this context, so it is not currently being released. / P>

For an alternative solution, I would recommend using a fixed value that you would interpret as "tap" on the client side (like: NaN , -Infinity , or something beyond your normal range of values) You must make sure that you explicitly start the appropriate lines with this value, because the default values ​​are also currently unsupported.


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