c# - Binding static property in code behind -
I'm trying to follow it, the only difference is that I am controlling the code by behind it. Unfortunately this is not working. Here is my sample code:
Public partial class ShellWindow {Personal Static Visibility progressbar visibility = Visibility. Collapsed; Public Static Visibility Progress Bar Visibility {Get {Return Progressivity; } Set {if (progressbarVisibility == value) return; Progression = value; RaiseStaticPropertyChanged ("ProgressbarVisibility"); }} Public Static Event EventHandler & lt; Property ChangeEndEgages & gt; StaticPropertyChanged; Public Static Zero RaiseStaticPropertyChanged (String Promo) {EventHandler & lt; PropertyChangedEventArgs & gt; Handler = static property changed; If (handler! = Null) handler (empty, new property changed event event (proponename)); }} and I'm bound like this
var binding = new binding ("shellwondo. Progress bar visibility") {mode = BindingMode.TwoWay} ; Progress bar = new circular progress (); Progress bar .Setbiding (visibility property, binding); I think I'm missing something, but I do not know where I am wrong. Any help would be great.
To use the article, say:
{binding (Local: repository.color)} Since local: does not make sense outside of the XML file, I do not think it is binding with a string. You can also assign the property to binding.path , and accept PropertyInfo . To use this manufacturer, the path string needs to be specified in the token format (described). Thus: var Property Info = typeof (ShellWindow) .GetProperty ("ProgressbarVisibility"); Var merits = new propertypath ("(0)", properties property); Var binding = new binding () {Path = Property Path, Mode = Binding Mode. TwoWay};
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