java - Setting Environment variables for Eclipse IDE launching -

I want to start a project in eclipse, but when I try to start eclipse it is not open . My instructor said that I have to set environment variables PATH , CLASSPATH , JavaWom and what are their true values ​​like the importance of environmental variables ?

> JAVA_HOME is not used by Java Some third-party programs (for example, ApacheTomcat) expect one of these environment variables to be installed in JDK or JRE's installation directory. If you are not using software for which they need it, then you do not need to set up JWBHME and JRIOOM.

CLASSPATH is an environment variable that lists directories and / or jar files, which Java will search for when it searches for Java classes to load. Normally you do not have to set the CLASSPATH environment variable, instead of using this environment variable, you can use the -cp or -classpath option on the command line when using javac and java commands.

PATH An environment variable is used in the operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) where it will look for basic execution programs to run. You should add the bin subdirectory of your JDK installation directory to PATH, so that you can use javac and java commands and other jdk tools in the command prompt window. How to set the JDK installation instructions patent


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