
Showing posts from August, 2012

c++ - Error: *** glibc detected *** w5: double free or corruption (fasttop): -

यह मैं जो त्रुटि पा रहा हूं: ======= मेमोरी मानचित्र: ======== 08048000-0804a000 r-xp 00000000 00:28 2955225621 / घर / w5 / w5 ... अधिक निरस्त मेरा प्रोग्राम सही संकलन करता है, यहां तक ​​कि भाग मेरे उत्पादन का सही है मेरे पास 3 फ़ाइलें हैं, w5.cpp, employee.h, कर्मचारी.cpp। मुझे प्रतिलिपि निर्माता, एक असाइनमेंट ऑपरेटर और एक नाशक बनाने की आवश्यकता है। w5.cpp (इसकी थोड़ी बड़ी)। employee.h वर्ग कर्मचारी { int empNum; Char * empName; सार्वजनिक: // कंस्ट्रक्टर कर्मचारी (); कर्मचारी (पूर्णांक संख्या, const char * नाम); // कॉपी कन्स्ट्रक्टर कर्मचारी (कॉम्प कर्मचारी और स्रोत); // असाइनमेंट ऑपरेटर कर्मचारी & amp; ऑपरेटर = (कॉन्स्ट कर्मचारी और स्रोत); // डिस्ट्रिक्ट ~ कर्मचारी (); शून्य प्रदर्शन () कॉन्स्ट; बूल हैग्रेरथान (कॉन्स्ट कर्मचारी & amp;) कॉन्स्ट; }; कर्मचारी.cpp #include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; # शामिल "कर्मचारी एच" # शामिल करें & lt; string.h & gt; कर्मचारी :: कर्मचारी () {empNum = 0; EmpName = nullpt...

What is the Scala type-programming analogy for the `this` keyword? -

I'm trying to work in my own way to understand type-programming in Scala, and I've found that Most of us need to know about typing programming. There is an equivalent equivalent in price programming as reflected in it, however, I do not have to get it according to the this key word or self-type. It is expected of such things Rsha does not mean to, but I thought I'd ask. For example, I can write the following to represent Boolean as values ​​in the run time: Sealed attribute BoolVal {def not: BoolVal def or (Key: BoolVal): BoolVal def and (Key: BoolVal) = (this.not or that.not) def Imp .not (that: BoolVal) = this.not Or that} case object TrueVal extends BoolVal {do not dominate domes = FalseVal def override or (Key: BoolVal) = TrueVal} case object FalseVal extends BoolVal {Val = No TrueVal override def or o Ride (Key: BoolVal) that =} Here my and and imp are able to take advantage of the fact that this is someone It does not matter if I have the right thing...

django - Modify image extension to use later -

I am using the PIL in the document to crop the image and save the copy of it: (os.path.abspath (os.path.join (os.path.dirname (__ file __), '..')) + kid.image_url + "thumbnail", "JPEG") The image thumbnails are temporarily saved and can be accessed at: kid.image_url + "Thumbnail" I have a problem save it in the original format, do not have a thumbnail and access it later Be enabled. Is there a better solution, such as "_ thumbnail" after the image and it should be able to access it by the child .image_url + "_ thumbnail" Here you can change "example.jpg" to "example.thumb.jpg": Import OS filename, extn = os.path.splitext (kid.image_url) thumb_filename = filename + ". Thumb" + extn

session - How does OPcache in PHP determine whether a hit how occurred or not? -

What criteria are used to determine whether a cache hit has occurred in PHP OPC? I would think that things such as request URLs, headers, etc. are affected or not, but the hit is affected or not, but how OPCAC behaves with things like pages / scripts relying on cookies / sessions for presentation of the page ? You are confusing PHP opcache with an HTTP cache. The PHP Opcache output does not cache a PHP page instead, it caches the internal presentation used by PHP for a PHP source file, when the source files are requested every time a page is requested Allows PHP to execute it instantly when necessary to redirect. - Cryptic error message from VirtualPathProvider -

I have several ASCX files scattered in ASP.Net Legacy Project. & lt;% @ Register src = "~ / cms / header.scx "Tag name =" header "tagprofix =" uc2 "%> Line 11: & lt; Div id = "content" runat = "server" & gt; Class = "widget" & gt; VirtualPathProvider returned a VirtualFile object with the VirtualPath set to the expected '/CMS/Header.ascx' instead of '/MyLib/BootstrapHeader.ascx'. What could be the cause of this error? My open method is not being called either. Public class CMSContentVirtualPathProvider: VirtualPathProvider {Private const string CMSContentPath = "CMS /"; Private contact string CMSControlFolderName = "MyLib /"; Private cast string CMSPageFolderName = "Pages /"; Private cast string CMSMasterPagesFolderName = "master /"; Private constant string CMSPFix = "bootstrap"; Public Static Zero AppInitialize () {Hosting...

metaprograming on python Namespace object -

I want to assign all the items dynamically Namesapce objects But this is not working, how can I get it? export_file = {"default_value": "{0} _default_value.txt" .format (args.cam_ip), "msword": "{0} _msword.txt" .format (args. Cam_ip),} args = argparse.Namespace () key, value in export_file.iteritems (): args.key = value Usage: key, value in export_file.iteritems (): setattr (args, key, value) Examples of using setattr : & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Class namespace: ... def __init __ (self): ... self.a = 1 ... & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ns = namespace ()> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ns.a 1 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Settrer (NS, 'A', 9) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ns.a 9

sockets - Java TCP Client Server Hangs Up? -

I'm currently having difficulty understanding why my code is not working, I have my client and server code down I've come to know that my problem is somewhere in the loops, but I'm not sure how to fix it so that it does not get stuck. I have searched for the forum for a while and some said that by adding a new letter it will be fixed, but I still have trouble. My main question is how can I avoid this process and communicate properly. Can anyone point me in the right direction? import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Import; Public class My_Client {public static zero main (string [] args) unknownhost extension, IOException {socket s = new socket ("localhost", 5555); BufferedReader R = New BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (s.getInputStream ())); PrintStream w = new printstream (s.getOutputStream ()); W.print ("Hel...

wordpress - How to delete "out of stock" item prices in Woocommerce? -

The removal of WooCommerce from the stock items can not be used by CSS. I think it can be done by adding a filter, but any more clues? Please Thank you. You can hide products that are out of stock going to the dashboard - & gt; WooCommerce - & gt; Settings - & gt; There is an option called Inventory and "Out of Stock Visibility" to tuck on that box and no stock is hidden.

lotus domino - Web view doesn't refresh -

I have a web view that does not refresh after some background tasks, let me open it in the notes client and press Required to get it ctrl + shift + f9 This is not just on production for some establishments. I have also seen this and sometimes after the change, to refresh the view, View.refresh () was to add the code. Things to check: Make sure that the visual indexing option auto, after the first use or automatic See may be corrupt Make sure that the work of the indexes is running on the server.

How to convert an integer (time) to HH:MM:SS::00 in SQL Server 2008? -

यहां मेरे पास एक समय कॉलम (डेटाटाइप है integer ), अब मुझे पूर्णांक मान को समय प्रारूप HH: MM: SS: 00 में SQL Server 2008 में परिवर्तित करने की आवश्यकता है। इसके बाद के संस्करण में समय की आवश्यकता है प्रारूप, क्या 00 मिलीसेकेंड का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है? कृपया इस पर मदद करें। उदाहरण: 23421155 23: 42: 11: 55 का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है; 421151 का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है 00: 42: 11: 51 आशा है कि यह अब स्पष्ट है। घोषित @T int सेट @T = 10455836 --सेट @ टी = 421151 का चयन करें (@ टी / 1000000)% 100 घंटे के रूप में, (@ टी / 10000)% 100 मिनट के रूप में, (@ टी / 100) % 100 सेकंड के रूप में, (@ टी% 100) * 10 मिलिसेकंड का चयन करें दिनांक का जोड़ा (घंटा, (@ टी / 1000000)% 100, तिथिअड्ड (मिनट, (टी / 10000)% 100, तारीख वाला (दूसरा, (@ टी / 100)% 100, डेटएड (मिलीसेकंड, (@ टी% 100) * 10, कास्ट ('00: 00: 00 'समय (2)))))) परिणाम: घंटे का मिनट दूसरा मिलीसेकेंड ----------- ----------- ----------- --- -------- 10 45 58 360 (1 पंक्ति प्रभावित) ---------------- 10: 45: 58.36 (1 ...

When to use dump vs. generate vs. to_json and load vs. parse in Ruby's JSON lib? -

The claim to David 4dev is that an object has a JSON string in json library: JSON. Dump (object) JSON.generate (object) object.to_json and two equal methods to change a JSON string: Object JSON Loader (string) JSON.parse (string) But seeing the source code, each of them looks pretty different, and there are some differences between them (e.g.,). What are the differences between them? TL; DR: P> In general, use of to_json or equivalent generate , and parse Please. For some special use cases, you want the dump or load , but it will load is unsafe to use. Extended Explanation: JSON :: Dump vs JSON :: generated As part of the signature of its logic, JSON :: generate allows you to set options such as indented level and white location details . On the other hand, :: Generate inside, calls JSON :: dump with specific pre-set options, so you lose the ability to set it yourself Are there. According to the docs, be the part of JSON ...

Oracle datapump import into new database -

We are currently migrating to a new brand / Oracle DB to upgrade our memory To populate, we have decided to use the functionality of the Oracle data pump and create a flat export file that is completed without any error. However, when it is imported into the new DB, then it is returned the following errors: The exact import as soon as possible Update this question with syntax: Update: as impdp â ???? / sysdba Div cl AD = "text"> Here is the main error message: ORA-04030: When trying to allocate 4194328 bytes out of the process memory (Pga heap, buf_kgcstate) This date Base is not enough memory to complete the import. It is not related to the amount of RAM on the box, but the amount of RAM is specially allocated to the Oracle. It is controlled by the memory_target parameter in Oracle 11g. Which version of Oracle is running? Here is a known bug about the import of data in Version 11.2: It seems that you are killing this problem. To carry out working...

vba - Show saved date in label -

I am saving a date in a table like this: me! Caption = Set now db = Set currentDb rs = db.OpenRecordset ("background", dbOpenTable) rsAddNew rs! [Date] = me! give and take. Caption rs.Update rs.Close I want to read this date from the database and show it in the label: sqlstrdate = "background Selection date from "_ & amp; "WHERE SAP_ID = '" _ & amp; me! Sapidtxt.Value & amp; "'" Retvaldate = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset (sqlstrdate) Even here it is working, but if I now get the error message in the form of MsgBox or in a label Attempts to display "retvaldate": 13 types of mismatched error. I am trying to use it to show the date saved in the label. me! Last modification.change = (retvaldate) To change the label type there or do I change to date type "retvaldate" (which also gives me the same error) There is an option for. You are trying to set a 'reset' like opening a reset to...

javascript - Limit the number of newline of dynamic textarea in jquery -

I am trying to limit the number of a new line that can be entered in a dynamic textrera, but I The code that is created is not working. I have to set at least 4 new lines that the user can do. In addition I have set the maximum characters to 40 characters. Here's my code. $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("[name = 'memo []']"). Each (function () {$ (This) .keydown (function) () {NewLines = $ (this) .val (). Partition ("\ n") Length; $ (this) .text (newLines); if (e.keyCode == 13 and Newlines = 4) { Warning ("forward"); return false;}});});}); Try it out: $ (document) Each function () {var textarea = $ (this); Textarea.attr ('maxlength', 40); Textarea.keydown (function (e) {var newLines = textarea.val (.) Partition (/ \ r * \ n /) length; if (e.keyCode === 13 & amp; amp; amp; new & Gt; = 4) {Prevent error.};}}); }); }); UPDATE : Do not warn and the code works properly Demo link is:

javascript - Html script tag - can script be added when src is used -

मैं src विशेषता के साथ एक html स्क्रिप्ट टैग का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: & lt ; स्क्रिप्ट src = "http: // ..." & gt; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मुझे पटकथा चलने के बाद पेज को पुनर्निर्देशित करने के लिए थोड़ी अधिक कोड भी डालनी है - क्या यह मौजूदा / स्क्रिप्ट टैग्स के बीच स्क्रिप्ट को जोड़ने के लिए मान्य / स्वीकार्य है या मुझे किसी दूसरी स्क्रिप्ट को जोड़ना चाहिए अंत में? यह: & lt; script src = "http: // ..." & gt; ... कुछ और वह & lt; / script & gt; या: & lt; script src = "http: // ..." & gt; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; ... मेरे दूसरे कोड यहाँ & lt; / script & gt; नहीं यह नहीं हो सकता। नीचे एक का उपयोग करें । लंबे समय तक उत्तर ?? | w3c राज्यों एक ???? एक दस्तावेज के अंदर स्क्रिप्ट को स्क्रिप्ट देता है। यह तत्व किसी HTML दस्तावेज़ के प्रधान या बॉडी में कितनी बार प्रकट हो सकता है। स्क्रिप्ट को SCRIPT तत्व की सामग्री के भीतर या किसी बाहरी फ़ाइल में परिभा...

mysql - Combining two SQL queries to create an automatic procedure? -

I've visited this forum several times to find answers to my questions, but this is my first post. This is a specific question, so I was searching for what I was searching for. My SQL is quite limited, I have just learned what I should do, as I have gone together, but it is well on my head! I run a free pub advertising website - Pub can add your upcoming events to your individual pages along with a comprehensive pub guide. This is a completely free service, both pubs and pub hollers support I use WordPress for my backend. Some added events are weekly / fortnightly events and I want to automatically publish them again. I was thinking that this can be done to investigate events by running a stored procedure and they are marked weekly / fortnightly by adding 604800 (or 604800x2) seconds. At this time I have 2 SQL queries that I run, first to find all events marked as weekly or fortnight ... SELECT ID, post_title , wpr.object_id, wp_re...

python - no reference field 'parent_column' for 'object_child' -

I'm new to OpenEnerP for one week and I'm working on a module that I want to add to OpenEnerP . This is a part of the module I am working on: class vehicle_details (osv.osv): _name = "work_order.vehicle_details" _description = "vehicle details "_columns = {'vehicle_name': fields.char (" vehicle name ", size = 128), 'vehicle_gps_id': fields.char (" vehicle GPS ID ", size = 128), 'vehicle-available': fields. Boolean (class vehicle (OSV.OSV): _name = "work_order.vehicles" _description = "vehicles_id ': fields.many2one (" work_order.vehicles "," vehicle id ", ondelete =" no action ")} class vehicle (Osv.osv) Vehicles "Type": "vehicles_type": fields.char ("vehicle type", size = 128), 'veh Fields.integer ("vehicle amount available"), 'unit_of_measure': fields.character ("uom", size = 64), els_total ...

weblogic11g - set class path in weblogic 11g console -

Set the class path in the weblogic 11g console for classes present in text And the structure below my classrooms, which require exceptions to be set in class path to avoid preloading these classes. / com / CDY / ws / a.class files /com/cdy/ws/b.class files /com/cdy/ws/c.class files Please help, thanks You are viewing Weblogic To say ... let's define your web application as dependent jar: WS_CLASSPATH = / com / cdy / ws in your environment variable Set this means that your WebLogic server weblogic.jar can be added to your relevant JAR again, your WS_CLASSPATH script EXT _PRE_CLASSPATH can be loaded with and alloted to do it. EXT_PRE_CLASSPATH = $ WS_CLASSPATH Weblogic will not be in the opposite direction of the CLASSPATH after the available libraries with specific setDomainEnv script EXT_POST_CLASSPATH.

data structures - How to implement retrieve and update in a C struct -

Suppose we have the following structure in C: ; Four names [50]; Four nickname [50]; Four courses [50]; }; Any person can retrieve (R, C, S) and updates (R, C, S) . Retrieve () R a Structure student , s An indicator for this would be the value of this field in the area of ​​ struct and C . Update () then Structure student , an indication for s Struct is a field of and finally the value of c in the field struct . Since you are limited to using C, your options are limited. In fact, there are two different options (assuming you do not want to dive into memory / pointers magic): Your data on the basis of the actual type Create alternate functions to set / retrieve Create your own "version" datatype as a struct . Using the Dispute Hire Function, you can do something like this: Recover vowel intent (Constant Student Student Dataset, Const char * Field, int * value) {ifet! (! Dataet ||! Field ||! Value) // some minor error check...

angularjs - filtering objects based on their parameters, not values -

I can search by Jason objects on page that are shown with ng-repeat, but I can select them Be able to 'filter' with a certain parameter with the HTML element. To better understand, it says my HTML code: & lt; Select ng-model "selectGroupToShow" ng-option = "group. MyGroups name for the group" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; - Choose something - & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Let's say my group's name features "Group 1, Group 2, Group 3". "|" Are there. They also indeses and have other parameters, but what I am selecting by name (this is what the user wants to see) The object is created like this: {'GroupID': value, 'parameter2': value, 'parameter3': value, a ?? |} A ?? | Now if I use selectGroupToShow as a group, objects are filtered by group. The name that is correct, but my objects do not have a group. The name is as the value o...

c++ - Find the source of error in qmake-files -

I am new to QMac. I need some Windows / QT based software port. I have a big experience with SIMKK, And when I see many files, which are included in many other QMake files in this project, I am very confused, as far as I know it is normal for QMake. Anyway, I have created an error: mkdir -p mkdir: missing operand Obviously, this would be some empty variable command in qmake files is. But the search in the project provides "MKDIR" in many places. My question is, there is no way to find out that *. Pro , *. Primary (or any other qmake-file) is the source of the build error? You can add prudent probes like: isEmpty (Variable) {message (variable is empty)}

any matlab function for date (day-month-year) -

मैं दिनांक "30-4-2013 16:36:58" से डाटा कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? yt = datestr ('"30-4-2013 16:36:58"', ' Dd-mm-yy ') yt = 04-10-35 समस्या यह है कि मेरे पास डेटा का गुच्छा है & lt; 112577x1 सेल & gt; और कच्चे डेटा की तरह है: "4-2-2014 16:36:58" "4-2-2014 16:37:03" "4-2-2014 16:37:08" सेल सरणी के साथ, Bibek Subedi के उत्तर पर एक संस्करण काम करेगा: out = datestr (डेटैनम (सी, '' डीडी-एमएम-वाई एचएच: एमएम: एसएस ''), 'डीडी-एमएम-वाई'); यदि आपको कुछ अन्य आउटपुट की आवश्यकता होती है तो आप दूसरी प्रारूप स्ट्रिंग बदल सकते हैं। संयोग से यदि आप एक पाठ फाइल में textscan जैसे कुछ के साथ पढ़कर उस कक्ष सरणी को प्राप्त कर रहे हैं तो आपको उन्हें बिना सीमांकक के रूप में जोड़कर " पढ़ा जाना चाहिए एक से अधिक सीमांकक का इलाज।

java - How do i disable HttpOnly cookies in Vaadin? -

I have set a cookie in Plaintiff and tried to get it from another application that was running on a different server But I was not able to get the cookie I got in Vodin? We only need to disable the httpOnly cookie. Can someone help me "How to solve this problem?" header set-cookie . You can use the following code to get it: URLConnection urlConnection = new URL ("url-of-your-web-app-here"). OpenConnection (); & Lt; String & gt; Cookies List = urlConnection.getHeaderFields (). Get ("Set-Cookie"); By you delete http only : response.setHeader ("set-cookie", "name" Flag can delete = value; http only "); If you are working in servlet 3.0 or in a new environment, then your web.xml as the following: & lt; Session-config & gt; & Lt; Cookie-config & gt; & Lt; Http-only & gt; False & lt; / -only http & gt; & Lt; / Cookie-config & gt; & Lt; / Session-con...

sql - Why doesn't my query use my criteria? -

I have a DB in access and I'm trying to get a text box to run my query and one As the criterion for the value of the other bound text box in DLookUp . I have a running query in the design scene and when I enter the criteria directly it gives the right result when I open the report, then gives me the sum of all the possible rows. In other words, it does not filter rows I have not used access in almost twelve years, thank you , and till that point I have done that tutorial / Example patchwork, but here it is. SQL query: SELECT Sum (IIf (present = -1,1,0)) with presence of Students_Classes_Attendance WHERE (((CST ([Student's link / help ] [Class_Id])) = [CLASSID])); DLookUp as a control source: = DLookUp ("[total attendance by class]! [Presence]", "[total attendance by class]", "[square_ID] =" & amp; ; [Class_ID]) I am lost at this time I'm guessing that the query is not worth before the fire and since the criteria is an opt...

ios - Distribution Profile not showing under Code Signing Identity BUT shows up in Accounts -

I have Xcode 5 and want to distribute my app, but my delivery profile is Target - & gt; Create setting - & gt; Code Signing Id ... is only my developer profile but not a delivery profile. But the funny thing is that the distribution profile is my account (xcode -> preferences> & gt; view details - & gt; sign the signature) my developer and distribution Profile is. Do you know what could be wrong, or what am I doing? Delete the distribution certificate from the keychain, cancel the delivery certificate, and create a new distribution certificate and profile.

ios - Multiple annotations at same coordinate? -

Every time the user presses on the map. I want to add a pin point in the map. It's working perfectly. Now I want to add annotation to the same coordinate . But at this point I can not explicitly add because since an annotation will already have user interaction, go to annotation button action. How can I remove this problem I have already mentioned the questions that they are adding annotation programs, did not help me. I hope some easy solution will be done 1) I'm sure you were included in the longpress gesture or any kind of action With which action has been taken Iprogram = "text"> specific period 2) Run NSTimer with the time interval EX = & gt; - If LongPressGesture duration is 0.25 then - then with `` NSTimer '`` timeinver` to make 0.25. REPEAT = "no" and you argue (about adding annotations to the same coordinate) in NSTimer's Method .

ADOX - tables in an SQL Server Schema not listed -

I am retrieving table names using ADOX, but any table, other than DBO Not listed in Schema, are not listed. sub listababo () as new dimension of ADOB.Connection 'Conne.Provider = "MSDASQL" Conn.Open "DSN =" to get the Open Connection Database objects you want. ..; Database = ...; "," UID "," PWD "'Create Catalog Object, New Adox. Catalog, as catalog set catalog. ActiveConcation = Connection 'table and column dim tableble for each table in the form of adoices. Debug Print table I left the code using ADOX, re-coded all of my catalog information processes, instead of using ADO OpenSecma methods. While doing so, I could not find ADOX beyond the DO schema. - Specific number of item in OpenFileDialog -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मान लें कि मेरे पास ओपनफ़ाइल डायलॉग और यह बहुसंयंत्र संपत्ति सच है, और यहां इसकी सूची है कि उसे क्या करना है। यदि आइटम की संख्या 5 से अधिक है, यह एक संदेश बॉक्स को पॉपअप करेगा जिसमें आइटम की अधिकतम संख्या केवल 5 है। यदि चयनित आइटम की संख्या कम से कम 5 , हम कहते हैं कि 4, यह कहेंगे कि आपको अभी भी 1 आइटम चाहिए यदि चयनित संख्या 3 है, तो यह कहता है कि आपको अभी भी 2 आइटम चाहिए। यह केवल तभी स्वीकार करेगा यदि चयनित आइटम की संख्या बिल्कुल 5 धन्यवाद :) मंद numselected = openFileDialog1.FileNames.Length Dim message as स्ट्रिंग दीम maxNumber = 5 मंद हो जाने पर इंट32 = अधिकतम संख्या - num चुना गया यदि अनुपलब्ध & gt; 0 तब संदेश = स्ट्रिंग.फ़ॉर्मेट ("आपको अभी भी {0} आइटम की आवश्यकता है।", अनुपलब्ध) संदेश बॉक्स। दिखाना (संदेश) अन्यथा लापता & lt; 0 तब संदेश = स्ट्रिंग.फ़ॉर्मेट ("चुने गए आइटम्स की अधिकतम संख्या {0} है।", मैक्सनम्बर) संदेशबॉक्स। दिखाएँ (संदेश) अन्य 'वैध ...' अंत अगर ...

Unable to report Facebook install event -

I'm trying to report the events on Facebook via Android to call through Android: com.facebook.Settings.publishInstallAynync (& lt; references & gt;, & lt; appId & gt;); In DDS, the following request was sent to me: 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Facebook SDK Request (4871): Request: 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Facebook SDK Request (4871): ID: 2 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Facebook SDK Request (4871): URL: https: //graph.facebook .com / & lt; App ID appears here & gt; / Activities format = json & amp; SDK = Android & amp; migration_bundle = fbsdk% 3A20121026 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Method: Post 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): User-agent: FBAndroidSDK. 3.0.1 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Content-Type: Multipurpose / Form Information; Border = 3i2ndDfv2rTHiSisAbouNdArYfORhtTPEefj3q2f 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Parameters: 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Fac...

eclipse - Heap out of memory exception -

In my eclipse, while running a Maragrett program, it is throwing out of memory exception In Eclipse.ini (-Xms40m-Xmx768m values ​​-Xms4000m-Xmx7680m) the parameter is changed, only the same error is happening, what will be the solution for this. Only eclipse.ini setting sets heap for itself. For the program, you run eclipse run the configuration for the program and set the XMX value in the VM arguments .

html - jquery closest anchor in view port -

I am developing a one page website where I have two images on the "joystick" mouseover Down Navigation, I can easily manage it with jquery .scroll () method and jquery on that page, I have many anchors I have another behavior Want - When a user clicks on the up or down arrow, I want to scroll the page to the nearest anchor on the page. - When the user clicks " above ", the last anchor button and the closest " anchor " when the user clicks the down arrow because My scroller has been stabilized, .closest () jquery method does not work. What is the way to find the nearest anchors in the viewport? JS Fidel: Any help would be greatly appreciated You can try doing something like this: $ (". Joystick .down"). Click (function () {var anchors = $ ('. Page & gt; a'); var anchorpopss = []; Anchors.each (function (ind, anch) {anchorpositions.push (anch.getBoundingClientRect (). );}); ...

php - how to display contact address as the permanent address by clicking the checkbox -

I want to display the contact address and permanent address by clicking on the checkbox for example : If I type contact address and click on the checkbox the same address should be displayed in the permanent address field. How to use jquery? Thanks in advance .. I have done this through java script. Maybe it's useful for everyone. Check box code: & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "current" onclick = "permanent (this.form)" & gt; JavaScript code: & lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function permanent (p) {if (p.present.checked == true) {p.per_add.value = p.temp_address.value; P.per_city.value = p.temp_city.value; P.per_state.value = p.temp_state.value; P.per_country.value = p.temp_country.value; P.per_pin.value = p.temp_pin.value; }} & Lt; / Script & gt;

android - How to trigger onClickListener for HorizontalScrollView? -

The question is that I want to tell everything. Horizontal Scrollview is only a widget for which the setOnClickListener () triggers. Note: I can not use touch events because it is the trigger 4-5 on every touch. I too can not use my parents' view on touch because parents have many functions in the scene. The following details are not important: But still, these are the existing links I have searched for (no help): > I Many questions were asked, 1 of which was "OnClick Listener for Horizontal Scroll Weave" I have come in two ways to do this. Simple (but less ideal): Horizontal scrollview scrollview = (horizontal scrollview) searchVBIID (RID scrollView)); ScrollView.setOnTouchListener (New On-TargetListener) {@ Override Public Boolean On Touch (see V, Motion Event Event) {if (event.getAction () == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP} {// do Stuff} false return;}} ); When you click, drag or whatever you do with your finger, it will be as...

jsf 2 - Primefaces- append dollar symbol and format comma of the currency value in input text -

मेरे पास प्राइमफेशस इनपुट पाठ (p: इनपुटटेक्स्ट) के साथ एक रूप है। इनपुट पाठ मूल्यों में से कई प्रकार की मुद्रा में हैं डॉलर.जब मैं उपयोग करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो यह उपयोगकर्ता को मूल्य के लिए जोड़कर $ प्रतीक शामिल करने के लिए अनिवार्य करता है। इसमें कोई भी तरीका है जिससे क्षेत्र के ब्लर पर डॉलर के प्रतीक का शुभारंभ होता है और संख्या को उचित अल्पविराम के साथ स्वरूपित किया जाता है। प्राइमफेशेंस एक्सटेंशन पर एक नज़र डालें ऐसा करने के लिए उनके पास एक घटक है यह कोड होगा: & lt; pe: inputNumber id = "Input2" value = "# {inputNumberController.input}" प्रतीक = "$" प्रतीक स्थिति = "s" दशमलव सेपरेटर = ", "हजार सेपरेटर ="। " / & Gt; यह है

javascript - Adding random number of images inside div -

I have & lt; Div & gt; and I want to add images to it. The number of images will be randomly different What I'm trying to do here $ (document) .ready (function () {var img = document.getElementById ("img"); $ (($ I; l> = randomnumber; i ++) {$ (this) Click to (function () { Var randomnumber = Math.floor (Math.random (* * 11) + 1; .append (img);}}};}); but it is not working please You probably should use a clone. Why As Simone suggests, or you can create new images: function getImage () {var img = new Image (); Img.src = "http: //cdn.acidcow Com / pics / 20110830 / lolcats_ever_13.jpg "img.width = 200; return IMG;} var rand = Math.flur (math.rendum) * 11) + 1, IMG CONTAINER = $ (" #IMG CONTAINER "), I; $ ("#ImGNo") for text (rand). (I = 0; i & lt; rand; i ++) {imgContainer.append (getImage ()); }

actionscript 3 - how can I get my game to fullscreen in iPhone 5? using air 4.0 -

I am playing in Flash IDE using Adobe Air, I want to make it a full screen, my platform size is 560x320 , But it is unused screen on the sides. Can someone guide me that what is the small thing that I am missing, the whole rest of the game is complete. Thanks Specifically you need to be in the default image for iPhone5 Do not forget to add: default 568h@2x.png ensures that your stage is the full area of ​​the screen and not windowed you You can see all sizes here:

laravel - Select item by specific property -

I am working in Laravel 4, I can simplify my model: Maximizes the class function of the public function chod ()} (return $ this-> STTO ('chode', 'chod_id');}} class tad spreads \ supernatural {public function food ( ) {Return $ this-> affiliation mail ('food');}} class food spreads \ supernatural {public event meal projects (return) {return $ this-> hamine ('food professional');} } category Expanded \ Eloquent {public function propertyType () {return $ this-> affiliation ('property type', 'property_type_id');}} and I property_type_id I want to select MealProperty . I was doing it like this: $ prop = $ dayVariant-> chod- & gt; Food- & Gt; first () -> foodfood () -> where ('property_type_id', '=', $ Foo) - & gt; first (); It is necessary that for every meal, get 5 of the same food properties . It works well, but I do not know how to load the eager load to reduce the querie...

how to disable datagridview mouse click event for headers in c# -

I am trying to get value from the DataGrid view on mouse click event. Works great if I do not click in the data grid view, I get an error saying this: The index was outside of the non-negative and Must be less than the size of the collection. The name of the parameter: I use this code to locate the mouse click: Private Zero Datagram View 1_CellMouseClick (Object Sender, Data Grid ViewMobileAvenEventErgusE) {if (DataGridView1.Rows [E.Rindex] .index! = -1) {Textbox 1 text = DataGrid viu1. ROS [E. ROExX]. Seals [0]. Value Toasting (); } Other {textBox1.Text = ""; }} "DataGride View 1.RO [E. Randex] .index! = -1" does not work and I do not know why. There will be no easy solution to disable the mouse click on the header! Thanks! I also use it: dataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; The entire column and cell content does not work to select. If I'm lucky, CEllContentClick works 3/10 times try to write...

Java - How to move element in Array to another Array? -

I created this code: integer [] array = new integer [999 ]; Integer [] dump = new integer [99 9]; For (int i = 0; xconv ​​= 0;! ++ i) {// ignore this array [i] = xconv% 2; // ignore this xconv ​​= xconv ​​/ 2; // ignore this println ("array =" + array [i] + "xconv ​​=" + xconv); & Lt ;; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; // do this, then (array [i] == faucet) // // ignore the ignore array here [i] = ArrayUtils.toArray (dump, i); // & lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; See here}} System.out.println (Arrays.toString (array)); // & lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; Look at here I want to move the element which is zero value if the structure wants to "dump" another array, because if I do not do this, then this "tap" A bunch of values ​​keeps showing, when he reads the last line I tried to use ArrayUtils.toArray, but ...

c - memcpy with char * not working -

चार रिक बफर [8024]; Char * temp = (चार *) मॉलोक (65536); ज़िरोमेरी (रिकबफर, 8024); ज़िओमोरी (अस्थायी, 65536); बाइट्सरेड = आरक्यूवी (_socket, recBuffer, आकारफलक (रिक बफर), 0); मेम्क्पी (अस्थायी, और रिकबफर, बाइट्स रीड); memcpy यहाँ काम नहीं करता है यह अस्थायी रूप में एक यादृच्छिक चार में प्रतिलिपि बनाता है। और अगर मैं पॉइंटर्स के साथ खेलता हूं तो मैं इसे प्राप्त आंकड़ों के पहले चार को कॉपी कर सकता हूं। मैं यह कैसे ठीक से कर सकता हूं? मैं चाहता हूं कि डेटा रिक रिकर को टेम्पप बफर में कॉपी किया जाना चाहिए। संपादन: टिप्पणी से कार्य कोड: #include & lt; string.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int main () {चाइर रिक बफर [8024]; Char * temp = (चार *) मॉलोक (65536); स्ट्रकपी (रिकबफर, "हैलो \ n"); इंट बाइइट्स रीड = 7; मेम्क्पी (अस्थायी, और रिकबफर, बाइट्स रीड); Printf ("% s \ n", अस्थायी); वापसी 0; } 2 संपादित करें यह क्यों विफल रहता है ?: #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; शून्य संलग्न (चार * बी, चार डेटा, इंट लेन) {memcpy (बी, और ...

jquery - Prevent scroller sidebar to overlap with footer -

मेरे पास कोड के साथ एक साइडबार है & lt; अनुभाग & gt; & Lt; div class = "8u" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "4u" & gt; & Lt; div id = "साइडबार" & gt; & Lt; div id = "scroller-anchor" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "scroller" शैली = "मार्जिन-टॉप: 10px; चौड़ाई: 270 पीएक्स" & gt; यहां सामग्री & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / अनुभाग & gt; & Lt; पाद लेख & gt; सामग्री फुटर & lt; / footer & gt; मेरी समस्या यह नहीं है कि जब मैं स्क्रीन स्क्रॉल करता हूं तो साइडबार स्क्रॉल आसानी से होता है, लेकिन जब साइडबार पाउडर पर पहुंचता है तो साइडबार पाद लेख सामग्री को ओवरलैप करता है मुझे लगता है कि पाद लेख प्रारंभ होने पर आखिरकार स्थिति में साइडबार अवश्य होना चाहिए। साइडबार को स्क्रॉल करने के लिए मेरा JQuery कोड है: // & Lt;! [सीडीएटीए [$ (विंडो)...

ruby on rails 3 - ActiveRecord Query Where Last has_many Record Matches -

I have a class, we can contact with a number of changes ... The class contact has_many: contact for transition ... and class transition ... and What I want to do is find out all those contacts whose last In transit 'system', obviously, there is a display_ by column in the transition that can be 'system' or 'user' Sh am, but really what I need. I'm thinking from something ... get contact ((transition). Where ('transitions.performed_by =', 'system') but it will receive all those contacts who have any infection with 'system' And I only believe that you can try this Code> contact = contacts.first contact.transitions.where (: performed_by = & gt; 'system'). Previous

sonarqube - Unable to Analyze trunk and branch in sonar Differential Views -

I have a huge codebase that I am analyzing through sonar. I have integrated sonar analysis in the CI creation process, and the current structure looks like this: --- product creation --- -Projectkey: ABC-Prod-project warsen: 2.0 - Project Name: ABC Now, I have the process of running all our feature branches overnight (I do not want to change it for preview analysis and want full sonar for all) . This nightly branch analysis looks like this: --- Feature 1 --- - Project's key: ABC-Feature 1-Project Warson: 2.0.1 - Project Name: ABC - Fetcher 2 - - -Projectkey's: ABC-Feature2-Project Warsen: 2.0.2 -ProjectName: abc My question is: In this kind of structure, I get the difference between Prode Build and Feature Build I am not able to analyze. I know that there is a "compare" option to compare projects with different keys, but this is not enough for my case, because we want to see the exact new issues that have been added to the new features such as In protes...

javascript - how to deal with an if statement in a loop in AngularJS? -

मेरे पास यह 2 लूप हैं & lt; आयन-सूची & gt; & Lt; ion-item ng- दोहराने = "श्रेणियों में श्रेणी" href = "#" & gt; {{}} {{}} & lt; आयन-मद एनजी-दोहराने = "परीक्षणों में परीक्षण" href = "#" & gt; {{}} {{test.cat_id}} & lt; / आयन-आइटम & gt; & Lt; / आयन आइटम & gt; & Lt; / आयन सूची & gt; मैं परीक्षण करना चाहता हूं अगर ( === test.cat_id) तब दूसरी सूची दिखाएं मैं नहीं हूं ngif का उपयोग कैसे करें और कैसे करें, या अगर मुझे नियंत्रक में इसका ध्यान रखना चाहिए और मेरी ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए पहले से ही एक ऑब्जेक्ट फॉर्मेट किया गया है .. कोई भी विचार? अगर मैं सही ढंग से समझता हूं तो आप दूसरे एनजी-दोहराने को सशर्त रूप से दिखाना चाहते हैं। यदि ऐसा है तो आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं: & lt; आयन-सूची & gt; & Lt; ion-item ng- दोहराने = "श्रेणियों में श्रेणी" href = "#" & gt; {{}} {{}} & lt; ion-item ...

How to get a list of most popular pages from Google Analytics in Python (Django)? -

I am trying to use the Google Analytics API using the code provided by my documents: import httplib2 import running OS import apiclient.discovery import construction oauth2client.client import oauth2client.file import storage flow_from_clientsecrets CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join (os.path.dirname (os .path.abspath (__ file__)), 'client_secrets.json') MISSING_CLIENT_SECRETS_MESSAGE = '% s missing'% CLIENT_SECRETS flow = flow_from_clientsecrets ( '% s'% CLIENT_SECRETS, scope =' https: //www.googleapis. Com / auth / analytics.readonly ', message = MISSING_CLI ENT_SECRETS_MESSAGE,) TOKEN_FILE_NAME = os.path.join (os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath (__ file__)), 'analytics.dat') def prepare_credentials (): Storage = Storage (TOKEN_FILE_NAME) credential = storage. Get () if credentials have no or credentials.invalid: credentials = run (flow, storage) return credentials def initialize_service (): http = httplib2.Http () Credit = p...

c - Numbering Elements in a Linked List of structs -

I am trying to write a task that takes a logical form that is a linked list of strokes. One of the elements of these strokes is a value to accumulate a situation, for instance the structure is # 3 for element 3. The list that comes in is not in the order. I want to go through each element in the linked list and I want to set the price based on that sequence. How do i do this Nodt number strikes (nodt * temporary) {int i; I = 0; While (temp! = NULL) {temp-> Struct.struct_order = i; Temporary = temp-> Next; I ++; } Return temporary; } This is not going to clearly cut it, but this is what I have so far received. Apart from this, to clarify, I am adding elements, adding elements, removing elements. Every time it matters that anything changes in the line order, I want to call a function to straighten them. This allows me to change the pointers of linked list structures whenever I want to make changes. typedef struct nodeT {struct node * next; Int struct_order; ...} Nod...

dynamic expresso - Ability to set the context of the expression -

Is there a way to set the context of the expression, so that we can do something like this: interpreter.Eval ("first name", new parameter ("person", new {first name = "homer", last name = "Simpson"})); interpreter.Eval ("person.FirstName", new parameter ("person", new {first name = "homer", last name = "Simpson"})); Maybe we have another option which is to use the first parameter as the reference of the expression. I think that it may also be another version of the parse and the Evil Methods that assumes the expression text and ordinary objects in terms of expression. Besides this, lack of support for more dynamic types, I really like this library. I did something similar in the way, but did not add support for extension methods and general method calls. Thanks to the great library, Neal There is no built-in solution but you It can be simulated in many ways: Option 1: An expressio...

Check if a label has visible property to true.c# winforms -

How to check how a label looks? It is not working ... if (labelFS.Visible = false) {do sth} else // labelFS.Visible = true {do ​​other} Code>, not the assignment operator (a single = ). By using a single = , you are actually setting the value of labelFS. Visible to incorrect , which hides it. (there is no need to type true and false .) If (labeled F.Visible) // do something else / do something else I suggest reading the difference. Here's a beginning ...

How to display a php variable from every post in a WordPress loop -

I have a custom post type, and in each post I have a variable named $ grandtotal The value of $ grandtotal is the result of calculating the data recorded on a frontend form on the post. In my template for posts, I have this: ? & Gt; For example: Grand total: 543 Now, on the second page, I run a loop of all the positions and the $ of each post The liability needs to display the value of not all your content - the title of the post with just $ grandtotal . How can I pull this variable? Can I store $ grandtotal in the database, so I can drag it into the loop? I'm not sure how to do this. Thank you for your help! Update with the Answer If anyone needs it, then this is the last code used on the correct answer given below. & lt ;? Php if ($ grandtotal) {add_post_meta (get_the_ID (), 'grandtotal', $ grandtotal, true) or update_post_meta (get_the_ID), 'grandolate', $ granultol); }; ? & Gt; And then in the loop, I called it ...

c# - Getting the fully qualified name of a type from a TypeInfo object -

After In any way to get a fully qualified name of the type contained in a TypeInfo object possible? Many of these values ​​in the debugger are shown as well as System.Int32 , but when it is printed, in one of them it is completely Not a valid name. I need to provide a code for Type.GetType () . var type INFO = moneycontrol Model Gate type info (logic); Var w = typeInfo.ToString (); // Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.TypeInfo var y = typeInfo.Type.ToString (); // int var z = typeInfo.Type.ToDisplayString (); // int var a = typeInfo.Type.OriginalDefinition.ToDisplayString (); // int var b = typeInfo.Type.OriginalDefinition.ToString (); // int var c = typeInfo.Type.Name; // Int32 var d = typeInfo.Type.MetadataName; // Int32 var e = typeInfo.Type.ToDisplayParts (); // {int} var f = typeInfo.Type.ContainingNamespace; // system Note that this should work for every type, so I can not just add a namespace with the name Optional:. Is there another (more favorable) way to get the exact...

php - getChildHtml inside a foreach in Magento -

I'm working on a new template in Magento to avoid duplicate code, I want to preview one for each product I want to use hair template. In particular, I have performed such a way: $ products = Mage:: getModel ('list / product') - & gt; GetCollection (); Foreign currency ($ products as products $) {$ this- & gt; GetChild ('preview_product') - & gt; Set data ('product', $ product); $ This- & gt; GetChildHtml ('preview_product', true); // to avoid caching correct} The block preview_product file is called preview_product.file, which contains the following code: The problem is simple In this case the result is: Generating the same hostility or similar HTML How can I use this code? copy $ this-> getLayout () - & gt; Create Block ('Core / Template') - & gt; Settemplate ('path / per / template.file') - & gt; Setproduct ($ product) - & gt; ToHtml ();

ios - UITextView - anyway to figure out if entire string is visible? -

After I am thinking, to find out if the whole string is appearing within a UITextView UITextView an irregular shape). I do not know enough about what TextView means about having an irregular shape, though I have a Method written that returns a BOOL result to tell you whether or not the string is visible. . If you are using the font within the set font that you are using within it, it works out based on them. - isStringFullyVisibleWithinTextViewWithString: (NSString *) yourString {CGSize textViewSizeOversize = CGSizeMake (TextView .frame.size.width, textView.frame.size.height + 100); NSDictionary * string properties [= NSDictionary object with the object: [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 13] forKey: NSFontAttributeName]; CGSize stringAreaSize = [your string bounding linewith the size: text view view options: NSStringDrawingTruncatesLastVisibleLine | NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin Features: String Properties Reference: Zero]. Shape; CGFloat stringEreahHeight = StringArais...

How to connect Arduino to remote processing server? -

I have an Ardino connected to the RN-XV WiFi module. I want to send it to the data processing server which will be in a remote location (can be anywhere in the world and keeps changing). RN-XV can only be connected to a specific IP address, which should be programmed in advance, but if the processing server moves to a different location, I will not be able to change that IP. Is there any way to do this? I concluded this by setting a server on a machine and assigning a static IP address to RNSV data Will send and processing will collect data from there.

java - How to start service whenever a new application is launched? -

I want to run a service whenever a new application starts on the Android device. Creating an anti-virus based behavior for the Android system I works by collecting system call trash of these applications. Everything is fine, except that how do I determine the time of service to run so that it can cover all the applications in a way, I schedule it to run at specific intervals. However, every time a new app is launched, it is more logical to run. Once the service started, the system will collect the call data for the running application (I use the Stress Program for that) to send the data to the network on the remote server, which all processed, and ends. Any indication how I can accomplish this (runs a new app on startup) pro-grammatically (yes I have searched extensively before posting this question)? I do not have enough experience on Android. Are there other ways to stress all the apps installed on Android? There is no way to inform you when an app launches to launch App...

geolocation - OpenStreetMap offline tiles - licensing issue -

In my application, I want to pair the devxpress WPF map control with a bunch of tiles. I do not need any deep zoom level - anything up to 5-6 zoom level will be acceptable. Is it permissible to download such tiles from OpenStreetMap? Thanks The main OSM tile server built by CC-BY -A-2 licensed so that you can legally enable them to download, share, etc., as long as you adhere to the standard Creative Commons licensing requirements (eg). However, due to the bandwidth effect when specifically reaching the TileSaver, "Bulk downloading strongly disappointed" should follow.

vba - Programmatically add a .MSG file to an outlook folder -

I am trying to make a PST with a sample of MSG. Instead of dragging and dropping, the desired folders, Outlook. Provides a way to add a .msg file to an Outlook folder in the filefile (VBA) file system (I do not want to recreate MSG, do something to drag and drop in a folder). The case of my simple use I have a file that has some e-mails on my local file system. MSG says c: / someLocalFileSystemFolder In Outlook, I have a pst folder called some PST folders Let me know something -similarity. MSG is importing into some PST folders, such as structure somPSTFolder someLocalFileSystemFolder + someEmail.msg The file system is managed to reuse the folder structure in PST folder structure VBA. Is it possible to import programsmatically? Consider using . Method, document here: Whether the message has been rebuilt or not, I'm not sure. If so, you can always remove it from the source if you do not need it anymore.

How to run an unblocking background task in a Meteor/JavaScript client? -

I will run a task on a meteor client which is a hungry resource in the background and is responsible for the interface, in the meantime user functions Makes some math (for example, to find the key numbers described here). I have tried to follow the suggestions, but the interface is not yet complete until the "freeze" interface. setTimeout, setInterval and those packages, like my current perspective also do not help: var workQueue = new PowerQueue (); TaskQueue.add (function (done) {doSomeMath (); // It is still blocked / freezing even until () is not completed;}); DoSomeMath () is running or I'm doing something wrong to make the interface responsive (it also does not seem like you can do a lot in PowerQueue)? Javascript libraries that solve the problem of asynchronous queuing, assume that the queued function is running concurrently But single-threaded environments such as node.js or your browser. However, in your case you only need more than concurrency - ...