django - Modify image extension to use later -
I am using the PIL in the document to crop the image and save the copy of it: (os.path.abspath (os.path.join (os.path.dirname (__ file __), '..')) + kid.image_url + "thumbnail", "JPEG") The image thumbnails are temporarily saved and can be accessed at:
kid.image_url + "Thumbnail" I have a problem save it in the original format, do not have a thumbnail and access it later Be enabled. Is there a better solution, such as "_ thumbnail" after the image and it should be able to access it by the child .image_url + "_ thumbnail"
Here you can change "example.jpg" to "example.thumb.jpg": < / P>
Import OS filename, extn = os.path.splitext (kid.image_url) thumb_filename = filename + ". Thumb" + extn
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