How to display a php variable from every post in a WordPress loop -

I have a custom post type, and in each post I have a variable named $ grandtotal The value of $ grandtotal is the result of calculating the data recorded on a frontend form on the post.

In my template for posts, I have this:

   ? & Gt; For example:  

Grand total: 543

Now, on the second page, I run a loop of all the positions and the $ of each post The liability needs to display the value of not all your content - the title of the post with just $ grandtotal </ code>. </ P> <p> How can I pull this variable? Can I store <code> $ grandtotal </ code> in the database, so I can drag it into the loop? I'm not sure how to do this. </ P> <p> Thank you for your help! </ P> <p> <strong> Update with the Answer </ strong> If anyone needs it, then this is the last code used on the correct answer given below. </ P> <pre> <code> & lt ;? Php if ($ grandtotal) {add_post_meta (get_the_ID (), 'grandtotal', $ grandtotal, true) or update_post_meta (get_the_ID), 'grandolate', $ granultol); }; ? & Gt; </ Code> </ pre> <p> And then in the loop, I called it with it: </ p> <pre> <code> & lt; Php echo get_post_meta (get_the_ID (), 'grandtotal', true); ? & Gt; </ Code> </ pre> </ div> <p> <div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> <p> yes ........ </ p> <pre> < Code> update_post_meta ($ postid, meta_key, value); Like Update_post_meta (232, "_Grantola", 200); </ Code> </ pre> <p> and to pull </ p> <pre> <code> $ value = get_post_meta (232, "_ grandotel"); </ Code> </ pre> </ div> </ html><br /><br /> </div> <div class='post-bottom'> <div class='post-footer float-container'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-2'> </div> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'> </div> </div> <div class='post-share-buttons post-share-buttons-bottom invisible'> <div class='byline post-share-buttons goog-inline-block'> <div aria-owns='sharing-popup-Blog1-byline-1896878621811503406' class='sharing' data-title='How to display a php variable from every post in a WordPress loop -'> <button aria-controls='sharing-popup-Blog1-byline-1896878621811503406' aria-label='Share' class='sharing-button touch-icon-button' id='sharing-button-Blog1-byline-1896878621811503406' role='button'> <div class='flat-icon-button ripple'> <svg class='svg-icon-24'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_share_black_24dp' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> </div> </button> <div class='share-buttons-container'> <ul aria-hidden='true' aria-label='Share' class='share-buttons hidden' id='sharing-popup-Blog1-byline-1896878621811503406' role='menu'> <li> <span aria-label='Get link' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-link' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Get link'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-link'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_link_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Get link</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Share to Facebook' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-facebook' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to Facebook'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-facebook'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_facebook_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Facebook</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Share to X' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-twitter' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to X'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-twitter'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_twitter_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>X</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Share to Pinterest' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-pinterest' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to Pinterest'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-pinterest'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_pinterest_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Pinterest</span> </span> </li> <li> <span aria-label='Email' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-email' data-href='' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Email'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-email'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_24_email_dark' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Email</span> </span> </li> <li aria-hidden='true' class='hidden'> <span aria-label='Share to other apps' class='sharing-platform-button sharing-element-other' data-url='' role='menuitem' tabindex='-1' title='Share to other apps'> <svg class='svg-icon-24 touch-icon sharing-sharingOther'> <use xlink:href='/responsive/sprite_v1_6.css.svg#ic_more_horiz_black_24dp' xmlns:xlink=''></use> </svg> <span class='platform-sharing-text'>Other Apps</span> </span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script async src="//"></script> <!-- heasre --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9190653543669347" data-ad-slot="8743468119"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 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