Unable to report Facebook install event -

I'm trying to report the events on Facebook via Android to call through Android: < / p>

  com.facebook.Settings.publishInstallAynync (& lt; references & gt;, & lt; appId & gt;); In DDS, the following request was sent to me:  
  02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Facebook SDK Request (4871): Request: 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Facebook SDK Request (4871): ID: 2 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / Facebook SDK Request (4871): URL: https: //graph.facebook .com / & lt; App ID appears here & gt; / Activities format = json & amp; SDK = Android & amp; migration_bundle = fbsdk% 3A20121026 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Method: Post 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): User-agent: FBAndroidSDK. 3.0.1 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Content-Type: Multipurpose / Form Information; Border = 3i2ndDfv2rTHiSisAbouNdArYfORhtTPEefj3q2f 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Parameters: 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Format: json 02-23 21:02 : 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): SDK: Android 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): migration_bundle: fbsdk: 20,121,026 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK .Request (4871): Attachments: 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK.Request (4871): Planting: 9201d8b6-2c14-47e1-b326-0c397a9498d0 02-23 21: 02: 30.205: D / FacebookSDK. Request (4871): Event: MOBILE_APP_INSTALL   

and received the following response:

  02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK. Response (4871): Feedback (Raw) 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK. Response (4871): Size: 4 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK. Response (4871): Response: 02 -23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK. Response (4871): True 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK Response (4871): Response 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK Feedback (4871): ID: 3 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK. Response (4871): Size: 4 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK. Response (4871): Responses: 02-23 21: 02: 31.265: D / Facebook SDK Response (4871): [Response: Response code: 200, graphObject: GraphObject {graphObjectClass = GraphObject, state = {"FACEBOOK_NON_JSON_RESULT": True}}, Error: Null, isFromCache: false}]   < P> However, I see this in the Appents tab or mentioning this activation in the Facebook Dashboard in the Mobile App Installation tab.  

I am using Facebook SDK 3.0.1, the Facebook app is installed and logged on Android device that I am testing.

In addition, I can see just the right activation of iOS activation.

Any solutions for this issue, which I do not need to upgrade to the latest in Facebook SDK version?

As a follow-up action, I can update that I updated the Facebook SDK in version 3.7 Replaced 2.0 and 'publishInstallAsync' with the new 'active app' method.

It has fixed the problem for me.


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