python - no reference field 'parent_column' for 'object_child' -

I'm new to OpenEnerP for one week and I'm working on a module that I want to add to OpenEnerP .

This is a part of the module I am working on:

  class vehicle_details (osv.osv): _name = "work_order.vehicle_details" _description = "vehicle details "_columns = {'vehicle_name': fields.char (" vehicle name ", size = 128), 'vehicle_gps_id': fields.char (" vehicle GPS ID ", size = 128), 'vehicle-available': fields. Boolean (class vehicle (OSV.OSV): _name = "work_order.vehicles" _description = "vehicles_id ': fields.many2one (" work_order.vehicles "," vehicle id ", ondelete =" no action ")} class vehicle (Osv.osv) Vehicles "Type": "vehicles_type": fields.char ("vehicle type", size = 128), 'veh Fields.integer ("vehicle amount available"), 'unit_of_measure': fields.character ("uom", size = 64), els_total ': fields.integer ("total vehicle", readonly =),' vehicles_amount ' 'Vehicle_package_details_id': field.On2Money ("work_order.values_package_details", "vehicles_id", "package description id")} class vehicles_package (osv.osv): name_ = "work_order.vehicles_package" _description = "vehicle package" _columns = '' Vehicles_until_date '': fields.datetime ("up to date"), 'vehicles_package_description': fields.text ("package description"), 'vehicles_package_details_id': fields.one2many ("work_order.vehicles_package_details", "vehicles_package_id", "package Description ID "), 'Vehicles_package_total': fields.integer ("Package Total")} square vehicles_package_details (osv.osv): name_ = "work_order.vehicles_package_details" _description = "vehicle package description" _column = {'vehicles_id': fields.many2one ("work_order. Vehicles "," vehicle_id ", ondelete =" no action "), 'vehicles_package_id': fields.many2one (" work_order.vehicles_package "," package id ", ondelete =" no action "), 'vehicles_details_total': fields .integer ("Description Total")} class lem_package (Osv.osv): _name = "work_order.lem_package" _description = "LE Package" _columns = {'Work_order_id': fields.many2one ("work_order.work_order", "Work Order Id ", ondelete =" no action "), 'clab_package_id': fields.many2one (" work_order.clab_package ", "Contract labor package id", ondelete = "no action"), 'equip_package_id': fields.many2one ("work_order.equip_package", "device package id", ondelete = "no action"), 'contents_package_id' : Fields.many2one ("work_order.materials_package" "content package id", ondelete = "no action"), 'vehicles_package_id': fields.many2one ("work_order.vehicles_package", "vehicle package id", ondelete = "no action" ), 'Hr_package_id': fields.many2one ("  

'vehicle_details' tells each and every vehicle as a list, maybe only one 'vehicle' type.

'vehicles_package_details' is a middle table between the 'many vehicles' and 'vehicles', which is broken down to many other tools (normalized). There may be many 'vehicles_package_details' in 'vehicles_package' for many vehicles

There may be a 'vehicles_package' in many 'lem_package' for many vehicles, which can be 'vehicles_package_d'

Error I 'm getting this error:

  "Programming error' work_order.vehicles_package_details'"   

No reference field 'vehicles_id' has been found. I added some complexity of the relationship and try to install this module in OpenEnerP.

Is there a mess in the relationship or is there any missing content that needs to be added to some words or misspellings?

I tried to restore OpenEARP and module / reload DB / Refresh ... I have been stumped now.

thanks =)

There is a mistake on your vehicles_package_details, I often do sooooo ^^

_column = & lt; --- _columns & lt; - Finally s


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