java - How do i disable HttpOnly cookies in Vaadin? -

I have set a cookie in Plaintiff and tried to get it from another application that was running on a different server But I was not able to get the cookie I got in Vodin?

We only need to disable the httpOnly cookie.

Can someone help me "How to solve this problem?"

header set-cookie . You can use the following code to get it:

  URLConnection urlConnection = new URL ("url-of-your-web-app-here"). OpenConnection (); & Lt; String & gt; Cookies List = urlConnection.getHeaderFields (). Get ("Set-Cookie"); By   

you delete http only :

response.setHeader ("set-cookie", "name" Flag can delete = value; http only ");

If you are working in servlet 3.0 or in a new environment, then your web.xml as the following:

  & lt; Session-config & gt; & Lt; Cookie-config & gt; & Lt; Http-only & gt; False & lt; / -only http & gt; & Lt; / Cookie-config & gt; & Lt; / Session-config & gt;   

Note HttpOnly flag is an additional flag that is used to prevent any XSS (cross-site scripting) , Getting access to session cookies

Also see:


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