
Showing posts from May, 2015

java - Coding Using the classes of Jmeter -

I'm running jmeter which is using jmeter's API to write code. I am getting the following errors while using the Jorffun: About replacing in type property: class [] DEBUG 2014- 02-17 09: 37: 36.942 [jmeter.e] (): replacement results: [] DEBUG 2014-02-17 09:37: 36.945 [jmeter.e] (): replacement results: DEBUG 2014-02-17 09 : 37: 36.945 [jmeter.e] (): About to replace in type property: class pre-defined JMAT R For both examples of programmatic execution of the JMX file, please see and fly using a Java API to create a JMeter test plan.

python - Twisted producer to many clients with buffer -

I am using Twisted to distribute some information to many customers. I write a code (code IConsumer with code>)> write method to write for all connected consumer customers overridden. I have a data source implemented as a generator. Here's your main function factory = TelemetryFactory () one2many = ConsumerToManyClientConsumers () #datalines Generator writes from one2many to telegame = TelemetryProducer (one2many, datalines) factory.setSource (One2many) reactor .listenTCP (1234, factory) () So that it does not always look at how many customers run, how do I generate generator (or TelemetryProducer ) Can I run (0- 10)? Edit: Using Reactor InlineTrade (FN) seems to deliver the desired behavior, except that CTRL + C does not exit properly with the program. After CTRL + C, all connections are denied, but controls do not appear to open back. try.

java - Trouble replacing return characters in jTextArea -

I have trouble in replacing characters in a JTextArea in Windows 7. I have input text, which for data collection purposes like "" \ r \ n "with a unique string like" #! " Want to change The problem is, I can not seem to get it to change it. Prior to the problem: JTextArea Example text = New JTextArea ("Enter Text", 10,3); Change System.out.println (oneLineOfText) string oneLineOfText = exampleText.getText (). Input: text text everywhere Output: Text Text everywhere desired output: text #! Text everywhere I think I should do something really nothing stupid when I use "\ n" instead of "\ r \ n" then it's completely works fine. As I understand it, \ r \ n a Windows line Terminator is Rather than searching for only one line terminator, you can search for multiples and change them. / P> You can use regular expressions and string # replacement all for example, for example ... // s...

javascript - How to get correct order of js object? -

I have a question about the JSObJ order: When I define: / P> var objJSON = {}; ObjJSON [31] = '123'; ------------- (1) Ojjason [23] = '456'; ------------- (2) and alert the object: Warning (JSON.stringify (objJSON , Tap, 4)); It shows: "{" 23 ":" 456 "," 31 ":" 123 "}" I would like to get the object inserted In order of: "{" 31 ":" 123 "," 23 ":" 456 "}" How to do this? The properties of an object are not guaranteed if the key, value and status Important, I would instead suggest an array of objects: var x = []; X.push ({key: 23, value: '123'}); X.push ({key: 31; value: '456'}); JSON.stringify (x); // {{"key": 23, "value": "123"}, {"key": 31, "value": "456"}]

javascript - CSS or JS - Hide an element, while showing an inner element (IE8 only) -

I am using JavaScript only on one page (I can not use junkery) I have this HTML code: I can not edit it: & lt; Td> For label = "7" & gt; Test1 & lt; / Label & gt; Test2 & lt; / TD & gt; I want to hide "test2", but "test1" I currently have to show: " TD is visible: none; TD label visible: yes " and it works for every browser except IE8 (it hides everything, even though important! Label is added to the tag, the second is added, therefore it should be more preferential addcss ("form table.standard td {visibility: hidden;} form t Standard Input, Form Tables, Standard Label, Form Tables, Standard B, Form Tables. Standard I can add different CSS to IE8 using Javascript, but I did not know what I should do .. If you want to see it / all the codes on GoogleDocs You can assign tag elements to both elements (Test 1, Test 2) and both of the elements You can apply and apply CSS for each type: ...

android - Adding Views to LinearLayout with weight programmatically -

I am getting stucked on the following problem: The answer and the percentage of people answered the specific question. Therefore, I want to add the "bar" to my app which displays the percentage. I try to solve this by using the scenes in a linear layout and weighting it. I want to add different answer programs, this is the code that I have so far received. My problems are, that I am not getting close to weighting ideas and resizing them. / * Add all questions * / Relative layout my_root = (Relative layout) findViewById (; / * Add a new linerlayout as a container for the question * / LinearLayout A = New LinearLayout (this); A.setOrientation (LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL); My_root.addView (A); / * Create a new view in this container for the status bar * / view new_view = new (getBaseContext ()); New_view.setBackgroundColor (Color.YELLOW); LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = New LinearLayout.LayoutParams (50, 20, 3); Relative layout. Layout Parameters =...

javascript - Draw arrow at the end of elbow connector on Canvas -

I have applied the elbow connector tool to be drawn on the canvas, the elbow connector is working properly, but I I want to show the arrows. The end of the elbow connector I have added an arrow at the end of the line but how can I not get the proper angle for the end of the arrow and the end of my arrow rotates as my elbow connector moves . Can anyone help? Below is my code. var startPosX1, startPosY1, startPosX2 = "", startPosY2 = "", midPosX1, midPosY1; Function tool_ellero arrow connect () {var tool = this; this. Start = wrong; // cPush (); This.mousedown = function (ev) {tool.started = true; Tool.x0 = startPosX1 = ev.offsetX; Tool.y0 = startPosY1 = ev.offsetY; Cpush (); }; This.mousemove = function (ev) {if (! Tool.started) {return; } Context.clearRect (0, 0, canvas. Wide, canvas.); Context.strokeStyle = Stroke color; Var Karpos, Carpisi; CurPosX = ev.offsetX; Curcissive = ev.offsetY; // elbow connector logic if (curpicex> start pOSX1) {MIDPOS1 = ((cur...

Check file exist or not in PHP -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं जांचना चाहूंगा फ़ाइल मौजूद है या नहीं और एक परिभाषित छवि प्रदर्शित मैं नीचे कोड का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं यह हमेशा no.png प्रदर्शित करता है, केवल 1111.pdf भी मौजूद है! $ fileUrl = "http: //localhost/Report/1111.pdf"; $ AgetHeaders = @get_headers ($ sourcePath); अगर (preg_match ("| 200 |", $ AgetHeaders [0])) {// फ़ाइल मौजूद है गूंज "& lt; img src = 'http: //localhost/Report/yes.png'>"; } और {// फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है "गूंज; & lt; img src = 'http: //localhost/Report/no.png'>"; } क्या आपने इसे googling का प्रयास किया? फ़ाइल_एक्सिस्ट file_exists एक ???? = '/path/to/foo.txt'; अगर (file_exists ($ filename)) {गूंजती "फ़ाइल $ फ़ाइलनाम मौजूद है"; } Else {गूंजती "फाइल $ फाइलनाम मौजूद नहीं है"; }? & Gt;

c++ - In copy-initialization, is the call to the copy constructor explicit or implicit? -

वर्ग एएए {सार्वजनिक: स्पष्ट एएए (const एएए & amp;) {} एएए (इंट) {}}; Int main () {एएए ए = 1; वापसी 0; } उपरोक्त कोड में, जैसा कि मैं समझता हूं, हालांकि ज्यादातर मामलों में लुप्त होकर, प्रतिलिपि निर्माता अब भी अर्थात् रूप से कॉल करने के लिए आवश्यक है। मेरा सवाल है, क्या कॉल स्पष्ट या अंतर्निहित है? एक लंबे समय के लिए मेरे मन में यह निष्कर्ष है कि एएए :: एएए (एएनए) को कॉल निहित है लेकिन प्रतिलिपि कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कॉल नहीं है। आज मुझे गलती से उपरोक्त कोड को संकलित करने के लिए जी ++ मिला है और यह त्रुटि की सूचना दी है। यदि गंतव्य प्रकार एक (संभवतः सीवी-योग्य) वर्ग प्रकार है: Ul> यदि प्रारंभिकता प्रत्यक्ष-प्रारंभिक रूप से है, या यदि यह प्रति-आरंभीकरण है, जहां स्रोत का सीवी-अयोग्य संस्करण एक ही वर्ग है, या एक व्युत्पन्न वर्ग, गंतव्य का वर्ग है , कन्स्ट्रक्टर माना जाता है लागू कंस्ट्रक्टरों की गणना ( है, और अधिभार संकल्प (13.3) के माध्यम से सर्वश्रेष्ठ चयन किया जाता है। इस प्रकार चयनित कन्स्ट्रक्टर को ऑब्जेक्ट को आरंभ करने के लिए कहा जाता है, आरंभिक अभिव्यक...

android - The background distortion when the screen turn from vertical to horizontal? -

In my piece, I set the background to relative_out . But when the screen leads to horizontal (portrait) from the vertical (portrait), the background image looks like a distorted. It can not set relative type to scale type . Can background scans the background auto rotating horizontally on screen? (screen size detection is not required, just give background to image auto-scaling and no distortion) Thanks advance! A image-view your relative layout Inside and use it as a background, like: Android: relative_loutout Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; & Lt; ImageView Android: Android: Android: Android: layout_width = "match_perrent" Android: layout_heck = "match_perrent" Android: scaleType = "CentCop" Android: src = "@drawable / my_bug_image" & gt; & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; In this way you can put other views on your BG and it wi...

python socket connecting to different subnet/domain -

Is it possible to connect to a different subnet or domain through python socket programming? I want to create a script to share files with friends, but at present I only connect to a LAN. In LAN, you can broadcast packets to find each other. And every colleague should listen to the port to receive the broadcast. This is a search protocol, you can implement it via UDP socket. Once the two colleagues decide to communicate, they should make a TCP socket. Then, they can send data through TCP. or you can use HTTP, XML-RPC, etc. to transfer data. (Not broadcast, TCP does not support broadcast). #udp broadcast import socket, time s = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt (socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) while correct Is: data = 'test'.encode () s.sendto (data, (' ', 1080)) time.sleep (1) #udp Broadcast import socket s = socket.socket (socket .finnette, socket.SOCIDARAM) s. Bind (('', 1080)) i...

How to get all svn revision details between 2 dates -

How can I get the details of all svn amendments between 2 dates (pre- February 16 to February 17) ..and how can I create a script for automation? Try: Svn Log-VR {2014 -02-16}: {2014-02-17} But keep in mind that the first date will also take the final commitment before this date. To automate the answer, you can use the command output for today date +% F and you use the calculation on the seconds calculated from the time of reference You can calculate the date by date +% S . Date --date @ Integer & gt; Use +% F to convert back to YYYY-MM-DD format. Bash script in : #! / Bin / bash now = 'date +% S' tomorrow = $ ((now - 24 * 3600)) d1 = `date --date @ $ tomorrow +% F` d2 =` date +% F` svn log -v -r {$ d1}: {$ D2} - NH

sql - Query Error, cant display correctly -

There is an error in my query, I try to display the date, the data name (which is POS and non-POS) And the number of data desired output: 02/20/2014, POS, 40 02/20/2014, non-POS, 15 question: select TO_CHAR (D.dtime_day, 'mm / dd / yyyy') to join in owner_dwh.dc_date d (select count (case Left when upper (t.ticket_customer_user_id) = upper ('POS normal') then 1 and zero end) --POS || ',' || calculation ( The case is when the upper (t.ticket_customer_user_id) = upper ('hcphuser' then 1 and zero end) from the app_account - user.strrs_ticket T WHERE Trunc (t.create_time, 'DAY') between SYSDATE - 119 and SYSDATE - Trunc Left d.dtime_day = t.create_time at 1 group (t.create_time, 'DAY')) (selection number (case when upper (t.ticket_customer_user_id) = upper ('position') then 1 and zero end) - POS || ',' || Calculation (case when upper (t.ticket_customer_user_id) = upper ('user') then 1 and NULL END) - Use...

php - Categories not appearing in magento div -

I tried to create a side bar in Magmento using the following code: & Lt; ? Php $ _helper1 = Dana :: Assistant ('Catalog / Category')? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php $ _categories = $ _helper1-> GetStoreCategories (wrong, true, wrong); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "sidebar" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Product Categories & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt ;? Php foreach ($ __category_class here):? & Gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php echo $ _helper- & gt; Mill range category ($ _ class) ;;>" & Gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ _category- & gt; GetName (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt ;? Php endforeach; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I have already set up my categories as default class subcategories, and I have cleared my cache and have completed the improvement...

Index was out of range exception when using list c# -

I am facing a problem here, and I need your help. I got the index with exception exception I was sorry for my bad english when I was out ... The code is basically making the groundwork based on the area I have. The array is composed of 1 and 0, the so-called area occurs when you have a group of 1. And to decide whether this field is or not, using the differences, if [i] - [i - 1] = 0 then it is called initial, the position of a region and when the difference is -1, then this is a The end of the field is ... here is the code which got an exception for (int i = 1; i & lt; histogrammatair.length - 1; i ++) {different = histogramwriter [ I] - Histogram-plaque [I-1]; If (different == 0 & amp; amp; amp;; and · histogramwriter [i] == 1) Area in the login area {region_देश [count_region] ++; If (state_value == true) {pos_awal.Add (i); State_awal = false; }} And if (different == -1) {pos_akhir.Add (i); Count_region ++; State_awal = true; } And if (i == histogramlatirir length - ...

Use %20 instead of + for space in python query parameters -

I've written the following Python script using Python requests: import request payload = {'Key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} header = {'content-type': 'app / jason; Charset = UTF-8 '} R = Requests. "(" Http: // ", params = payload, headers = headers, auth = (" admin "," password ")) Request: / service? Key1 = value ++ 1 & key2 = value + 2 However, the server expects ... value% 20% 201 & amp; ... I have read that as a placeholder for space + content type is part of the application / x-www-form-urlx, but clearly I requested the application / jason . In the query parameter of any dragon requests How to use% 20 as a place? Try. import urllib urllib.urlencode (parameter)

css - Fluid icon relative to parent -

In me, there are two buttons with the mouse. Currently I have fixed width for these symbols and I am using height , how can I use percent relative to the original size of these symbols? Example: 80%? Fixed width and height of my mouse: .gc_footer_nix_icon_img, .gc_footer_use_icon_img {width: 25px; Height: 25px; } HTML: & lt; Div class = 'gc_container' & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_gift' & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_gift_inner' & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_amount' & gt; $ 100 Amount & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_subtitle' & gt; Test subtitles & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_hr' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_terms' & gt; Test word & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_footer' & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'gc_footer_expiry' & gt; Test date & lt; / Div & gt; ...

java - Creating an alternating tile floor with a nested loop -

I am trying to create a program that designs an alternative tile with user input. To wit. If the use of input 3 will result in 3x3 design which looks like this: | R | B R | | B R | B | R | B R | I'm having trouble getting the right amount of tiles for the output 3 for the input of 3, the additional "| R |" in line 2 And a 4th row is created later. The output comes from: | R | B R | | B R | B R | | R | B R | | I have attached my code below. I know that there is something to do with it: if (r% 2 == 0) {System.out.println ("|"); System.out.print ("| B"); Any ideas? import java.util. *; Public class tile floor { Public static zero main (string [] algs) {// TODO auto-generated method stub scanner input = new scanner (; System.out.println ("Enter X:"); Int x; X = input .nextInt (); if (x and lt; 10) {int c = 0; int r = 0; while (r; lt; x) {while (c & lt; x) {if (c% 2 == 0 ) System.out.print ("| R"); Els...

automake - Android static library to shared library -

मैंने ढांचे / एवि / लाइन के साथ समाप्त होने पर कोड बनाया जा सकता है $ $ (BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) शामिल करें । हालांकि, चूंकि मुझे एक साझा लाइब्रेरी फ़ाइल ( कहते हैं) की आवश्यकता है, मैंने इस लाइन को $ $ (BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) में शामिल किया है तब मुझे त्रुटियां मिलती हैं धन्यवाद बाहर / target / उत्पाद / abcd / obj / SHARED_LIBRARIES / libudev_intermediates / libudev.o: फ़ंक्शन udev_new: फ़्रेमवर्क / av / libudev / libudev.c: 195: त्रुटि: 'सुरक्षित_गेटेएनवी' लक्ष्य के लिए अपरिभाषित संदर्भ प्रतीक: libcutils (बाहर / लक्ष्य / उत्पाद / एबीसीडी / प्रतीकों / प्रणाली / लिब / collect2: ld 1 बाहर निकलें स्थिति बनाने के लिए: *** [आउट / लक्ष्य / उत्पाद / एबीसीडी / ओबीजे / SHARED_LIBRARIES / libudev_intermediates / LINKED /] 1 त्रुटि: अधूरे नौकरियों की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है। ... एंड्रॉइड सिस्टम में, ऐसे कई अन्य मॉड्यूल हैं जो के आधार पर हैं। स्थिर av मॉड्यूल मेरा सुझाव है कि आप दोनों स्थिर लाइब्रेरी और साझा किए...

javascript - Option value need to be different, Instead of being same as displayed in Select Box -

I have a problem with the javascript generated box, the problem is that I have PK-1, PK-2. In the selection box, but those values ​​will be added which will be different. For example, for PK-1, I want 1 value as is the value, similarly for PK-2, I should be in the form of value near 2. But here in this code the script PK1 is passing because it is. As I am new to java script, I do not know how to do this. Here is my code function categoryInput (data) {var category_vals = document.getElementById ("categroy_renew"); (Var i = 0; i & lt; data; langati; i ++) for {var option = document.createElement ("option"); Option.text = "PK -" + Data [i] .cat, data [i] .cat; Category_vals.add (option); }} function categoryInput (Data) {var category_vals = document.getElementById ("categroy_renew"); (Var i = 0; i & lt; data; langati; i ++) for {var option = document.createElement ("option"); Option.text = "PK -" + Data [i] ...

html - Is it recommended to render your whole website with Javascript? (Optimizing) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मैंने कहीं पढ़ा है कि पेशेवर प्रिंट केवल एक पंक्ति एचटीएमएल और एक पंक्ति जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रति पृष्ठ और ग्राहक द्वारा बनाई गई बाकी की प्रस्तुति प्रक्रिया। मैंने यह बहुत आशाजनक पाया है इसलिए मैंने सोचा कि मैं पृष्ठों को प्रस्तुत करने के लिए निम्नलिखित संरचना का उपयोग करूँगा: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; {{शीर्षक}} {{मेटा टैग}} {{सीडीएन के जरिए सीएसएस}} & lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; {{वर्तमान पेज की डट्स युक्त गतिशील जेसन सरणी}} {{सीडीएन के माध्यम से जावास्क्रिप्ट लाइब्रेरी}} {{जेएस फाइलें जिसमें सीडीएन के माध्यम से एचटीएमएल टेम्पलेट्स शामिल हैं}} & lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; तो सवाल ये हैं: क्या यह वास्तव में एक अच्छा अभ्यास है? क्या सीडीएन के माध्यम से एचटीएमएल टेम्प्लेट लोड करने के लिए इसके लायक है? एसईओ द्वितीयक है, लेकिन निश्चित तौर पर मैं कुछ आवश्यक मेटा टैग प्रस्तुत करूंगा। आपके उत्तर के लिए धन्यवाद! क्या यह वास्तव में एक अच्छा अभ्यास है?...

PHP- working with date and time -

I need to recover the date of this format 2014-17-02 00:00:00 , where hour minutes and seconds are just zero, which means that today I want to start the day after midnight, or yesterday 2014-16-02 23:59:59 pm this Depending on how you see it, want to retrieve such type of time, so I have to compare my 'created' field within the database Can I do that, allowing me to get records recorded today? .. > Any suggestions? I have tried to: $ this-> Today = date ('Y-M-DH: I: S'); $ This- & gt; Today = date ('Y-M-DH: I: S', stratotem ('now')); But they do the same thing (give me the accuracy of the HM MM SS day time) which I do not want. I want to execute this query as the user, select " User_role, user (user.role) user as user_account as user. ; = '$ This- & gt; Today' // Midnight Group by a URL created before a record. "" $ this-> date = date ('Ym-D') 00: 00: 00 ';

sql server - SQL Group by doesn't show all variables -

I am getting a list from the MSSQL database, I have a system list and content in a database table. I want to get the summaries. But the database is giving me only rows which are not zero. Here is my code system_no AS 'system name', SUM (case when (mat_2 = 'AS') then 'AS' as '2', SUM (case when (Mat_2 = '' SS ') then in the form of' SS ', SM (case when (mat_2 =' CS ') then' CS 'as' CS 'as' creation 'where' 2014-02- Between 03 'and' 2014-02-09 'group' system 'by' welding_det 'unit,' system name ', SUM (in case when (mat_2 =' AS ') then' AS ', SUM (case when (Mat_2 = 'ss') again mat_2_size In the form of 'SS', SM (case when (mat_2 = 'CS') then mat_2_size end) as 'CS' from fabrication_table where between '2014-02-03' and '2014-02-09' The result of this query is below System Name SS CS Assistant ...

php - How to get timezone by IP -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास एक पंजीकरण है जिसके द्वारा मैं अपने आईपी पते से उपयोगकर्ता का समय क्षेत्र प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। jquery की तरह हम इसे इस तरह से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं मैं इसे PHP में कैसे कर सकता हूं आप GeoIP आधारित सेवाओं का उपयोग कर सकते हैं या आप ऑनलाइन सेवाओं का उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो आपको आईपी के समय-क्षेत्र देता है जो अर्थात् $ टैग = get_meta_tags ''); प्रतिध्वनि $ टैग ['टाइमज़ोन'];

c# - Add Sub child Nodes in TreeView -

How to add node hair sub-child nodes? {tree node tree node = new treeoid ("windows"); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (treeNode); TriNode = new triode ("Linux"); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (treeNode); TreeNode node2 = new triode ("C #"); TreeNode node3 = New Treeode ("VB.Net"); Treeoid [] array = new tree node [] {node 2, node 3}; Node2 = new triode ("child nodes", array); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (node2); } try it {TreeNode treeNode = New triode ("windows"); TreeNode node2 = new triode ("C #"); TreeNode node3 = New Treeode ("VB.Net"); Node2.Nodes.Add ("whatever"); TreeNode.Nodes.Add (node2); TreeNode.Nodes.Add (node3); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (treeNode); TriNode = new triode ("Linux"); TreeView1.Nodes.Add (treeNode); }

php - Query string is empty always in wordpress -

I want to hide some content on the wp page, for example depending on the query string site / article / name /? Nosidebar = 1 I use $ _GET ['nosidebar'] to view the property value. It works on the local server, but the $ _GET array is empty all time on the remote server. I tried to add custom code to the public properties via the following code: $ global ['wp '] - & gt; Add_query_var ('nobsidebar'); But still the idea of ​​what a get_query_var ( 'nosidebar') and $ _GET [ 'nosidebar'] still nothing to return to why this happens and how do I solve it Can i You can use the add_query_arg simple () function in WordPress example To: & lt ;? Php add_query_arg ('foo', 'bar'); ? & Gt; The above code will detect some links output / client /? S = word & amp; To get the variable back to foo = bar ' , use another WordPress function & lt ;? Php $ variable = get_query_var ('foo')...

ios - List of valid ASCII characters for Objective-C literals and identifiers? -

All of these variable names below are valid in xcode (compiler creates them without second thought). NSString * ª_name = @ "Something"; NSString * ¸__name = @ "Something"; NSString * Æ ?? _name = @ "Something"; NSString * A ?? _name = @ "something"; NSString * §_name = @ "Something"; NSString * API_Name = @ "Something"; NSString * ± _name = @ "Something"; NSString * a = name = @ "shift + option + 9"; // Personalized NSString * Ï ?? _name = @ "Something"; NSString * Ã__name = @ "Something"; Can I see any valid vernacular characters anywhere I can use for a variable name? Edit: Many of them still stupid xCode indexing is really good to be good 63 famous ASCII characters in C90 identifiers Allows: Latin upper - and lowercase letters, digits and underscores. Since CAM is an estimate of "extended identifier" which is supported by both the clag and the G...

How to use Android SOAP Webservice Call -

I have a great problem about calling a standard SOAP web service in Android. Any help Android from NTLM Authentication . Soap Certification Envelope SoapNeal velope = New Soap Enzyme Enfeif (SoapNevelope.SupEnvelope.implicitTypes = true; SoapEnvelope.dotNet = True; Soap Object SoapReak = New SoapObact ("Kalash: Microsoft-Dynamics-Schema / Page / customer card "," read "); soapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject (soapReq); Propinfo = new Snpttiinfo (); propinfo.setName (" no "); propinfo.setValue (a); propinfo.setType (no.getClass ()) ; propinfo.setNamespace ( "urn: Microsoft-dynamics-schema / page / customercard"); soapReq.addProperty (propinfo); NTLM Tra Nsport NTLM = new NTLM Transport (URL, Ugraid, password, domain name, the System); try {if (header! = NULL) {Ntlmkcall ( "urn: Microsoft-Dynamics-schema / page / Client card / Reed" Sabunkhana, headers);} Else {Ntlmkcall ( "urn: Microsoft-Dynamics-schema / page / client card / ...

ssms - SQL Server Management Studio 2012 does not start -

I have installed Windows Server 2012 as a VM using the Oracle virtualbox. This VM is running in MS SQL Server 2012 when the SQL Server Management Studio starts, the splash screen appears for a few seconds or minutes, using "SQL Server Management Studio" and "System Interrupt" CPU increases up to about 20% , Where it remains, when the SSMS work is over, the CPU usage of the system interrupt falls back to 0%, the GUI of the SSMS does not appear. Software is up to date Deleted C: \ user \ administrator \ AppData \ local \ Microsoft \ SQL Server Management Studio \ 11.0 To Restore Default Settings Disable all SQL Server Services "SQL Server" Other software that is installed: jdk-7u51- Windows-x64, apache-tomcat-7.0.50, ant 1.9.3, netbeans; However, I can not start SMS after the system reboot and any of these programs are going on. During these days I am working with this machine, SSMS was going on sometime. However, I had spent some time solving...

c++ - Coping with C++11 initialization syntaxes -

As a new uniform presents the initial syntax, many older styles use syntax instead of using it Recommend. At least, if it was not for the case of this so-called corner: {foo {foo {int} {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Default" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; } Fu (std :: initializer_list & lt; int & gt;) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Initist" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; }}; Int main () {F.F. F. {200}; // print "initlist"} Using a {} -ways-style screams for trouble, especially for the new syntax in the template only takes three safe uses: Clearly request for std :: initializer_list-constructors POD-constructors default-constructor But there is also a case in which we have to use the same initial syntax: Non-static data member initiator can identify C ++ for some reason zero times () {foo f (200); } but straight bar {FUF (200); }; Question # 1: Why inside the function () -Syntex works, but no classes? Doe...

Highcharts markers on bar charts -

I have created a chart using hierarchs, and now I would like to add a marker in the form of each of the bars But on a vertical line I am trying to use "scatter", but only allows me to add a marker of the group repeatedly. Is there any way to change this? Or any other solution? Thanks! You have two solutions: Scattering as you Use, but the calculation of the x-position (for example, two times from the series mean -0.25 and +0.25 x-range. For example [1.25, 200] the second time in the second category plotOptions: {time: {DataLabels: {enabl [{Stack: 1, name: 'year 1800', data: [107, 31, 635, 203, 2]}, {Stack: 2, Name: 'Year 1900', data: [9 133, 9 14, 4054, 732, 34]}, {stack: 1, link: 0, type: 'column', name: 'year 1800 ', data: [107, 108], [107, 108], [107, 108], [107, 108], [107, 108]]}, [107, 108], [107, 108], [ 107, 108], [107, 108], [107, 108], [107, 108], [1] 107, 108]]}, [sta [10, 11], [107, 108], [107, 108], [107, 108],...

cordova - phonegap-appgyver mobile app - redirect back to app from outside? -

I am playing with Appgiver - Steroid app and I think there is no difference with phonegap in the context of the question. Is it possible to go to the external URL in any way that redirects the app? Like & lt; A href = "http: // Target = http: //localhost/tutorial.html" & gt; Click & lt; / A & gt; Yes, you can redirect back to your app .. Just do something on your server: & lt; A href = "http: //localhost/tutorial.html" & gt; Go back to the app & lt; / A & gt; Or use a redirection service back to URL e.g. (or preferably your own page control)

javascript - modifying html content on android phonegap application -

I have the following code that brings all the contacts from the device, and displays them in a table. Function Backout allContacts () {var htmltd; Var filter = ["displayName", "phone number", "email"]; // field navigator.cont.find (filter, function (contact) {// contactList = JSON.stringify (contact); alerts ('found' + contacts.length + 'contact'); (var i = 0; I & lt; Contact.length; i ++) {html5 + = '& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt;' + contact [i] .displayName + '& lt; / td & gt; Lt; td & gt; '+ contact [i] .phoneNumbers [0] .value +' & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td & gt; '+ contact [i] .mail [0] .value + & Lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; ';} if (htmltd ==' ') {Warning (' array populated empty '); and {document.getElementById ("tablebody"). InnerHTML = htmltd;}}, on error, {"multiple": true}); Function on error (con...

Parsing multiple rows of json in Android -

I want to get a json file from my server and want to display it in my Android app. Now, it's just showing in the log console I'm able to get the full Jason file, like something: [ However, if the word "name": "jan", "surname": "connor"}, {"name": "border", "surname": "connor"}] I try to use a string like this, so it fails because [] If I try: JSONObject json = new JSONObject (results); // log the previous string in the result. I ("test", json.toString ()) is; I have to delete [and] to proceed and log in to NN, I have my Jason's first entry. If I leave [and] more, then do not just do anything, stop before the first line. The full example code is change it JSONObject json = new JSONObject (results); // log the previous string in the result. I ("test", json.toString ()) is; with JSONArray json = new JSONArray (results); // log the previous...

matlab - How can I calculate the volume of unshaped objects by image processing? -

मुझे MATLAB सॉफ़्टवेयर मुझे एल्गोरिथ्म लिखना है जो ऑब्जेक्ट की कई तस्वीर को इनपुट के रूप में लेता है, और आउटपुट के रूप में ऑब्जेक्ट की मात्रा की गणना करता है। प्रत्येक मदद वास्तव में सराहना की जाएगी धन्यवाद अगर आपके पास केवल छवि और पृष्ठभूमि में आपकी छवि I है, O = im2bw (I); % लगता है 1 वस्तु पर लेबल और पृष्ठभूमि पर 0 वॉल्यूम = लंबाई (खोज (ओ == 1)); उपरोक्त कोड आपको ऑब्जेक्ट का वॉल्यूम देगा। यदि आपके पास छवि में विभिन्न ऑब्जेक्ट हैं और उनमे एक वॉल्यूम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, आपके पास एमआरआई मस्तिष्क की छवि बाईं ओर नीचे की आकृति में दिखाई गई है, और आप एडिमा की मात्रा (अंदर पीले हिस्से) प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं: I2 = im2bw (I); I2 = बावेयरओपेंन (I2, 100); आई 2 = आईएमडीलाट (आई 2, वाले (3)); बीडब्ल्यू = बीव्लैबेल (I2); उपरोक्त कोड में बीडब्ल्यू आपको सही पर आंकड़ा देगा। जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि 1 - 3 के साथ लेबल किए गए तीन हिस्सों हैं। फिर, आँकड़े = क्षेत्रप्रॉप (बीडब्ल्यू, 'पिक्सल इंडिक्स लिस्ट'); लंबाई (आंकड़े (1)। पिक्सेल आईडी ल...

data structures - Why are skip lists not preferred over B+-trees for databases? -

I was reading about leaving lists and mem SQLs and wondering why to leave lists more use in the database Not done? Are there any major exceptions to using skiplists? Database is generally so large that they have to store external storage, such as large disc drives. There is a hindrance in most database applications, which we have to do in memory storage from disk drive to main memory. B trees and their variants are specially designed to reduce the number of blocks required to complete each of their operations and writes mathematical, expected memory for each B-tree operation The number of transfers is (log n / logb), where b is the block size. Compare it to the Schelist, which requires O (log n) memory transfer on the expected. Since B is usually measured in megabytes, log B can be in the neighborhood of 15-25, so the B-tree can be quite fast. Even when the database is in main memory, the effect of the memory hierarchy (L1 and L2 cache etc.) can be very clear that B-tree var...

javascript - jQuery error when defining object -

I have an Ajax form that calls a javascript function OnFailure . Here is a function that the user should show an error message in the div: function show error (ajaxcontontext) {var response = ajaxContext.responseText; Reaction = $ (reaction); Var itemVersion = response.filter ("div") [0] .innerHTML.trim () ToString (); Var error = response.filter ("p") [0] .outerHTML.toString (); $ ("#" + Item Warsons. Location (".", "") + "-instant installer results"). Blank (); $ (Error) .appendTo ("#" + Item Warsons. Location (".", "") + "-instanturable results"); } response = $ (response); , the code fails when an error occurs in the jQuery 1.9.1 file: Sizzle.error = function (msg) {new error ("Syntax error, unrecognized expression:" + Msg); }; Error: syntax error, unrecognized expression: & lt; P & gt; You have not entered a valid date & lt; / P & gt; & L...

c# - SQL Command not returning specific record -

I have a program in C # that reaches an old Firebird 1.5 Databases from a third-party program will receive data for a project by a quotation or ID in a way: (sorry about some Portuguese words) public Static list & lt; Object & gt; GetFollowUpData (Ent ID, Tipo Followup Tips) {var res = New list & lt; Object & gt; (); String q = tip == TipoFollowUp.Orcamento? "Select ('Q-' || c.CLIENT_CODE || q.CQUO_FNUMB) Codigo, form form q.CQUO_NAME, q.CQUO_SENT as the data, q.CQUO_TOTAL as the total, as empresa c.CLIENT_NAME, As in CONTACTO m.CCON_NAME, ((The case is when m.CCON_PHONE1 is null then 'remaining m.CCON_PHONE1 end)}' is '/' || (This is the case when m.CCON_PHONE2 is empty then '' someone And m.CCON_PHONE2 end) || '/' || (The case is when m.CCON_PHONE3 is null then 'remaining m.CCON_PHONE3 is the end') '' '' (The case is when m.CCON_PHONE4 is empty '' Someone else m.CCON_PHONE4 end) ||...

javascript - Query on Bootstrap Accordion -

I have a problem I want to keep only one item activated , Others need to shut down. But I did not think how to do this I code (the above link) shows what I have tried so far. PS: Ideally, each box has a button to post a check box that is checked on the next page. Thank you There is an error in your markup You have 3 panel-group elements But you only need one. For more information Fixed code: View official documents

scikit learn - Binary vectors as y_score argument of roc_curve -

स्केलन आरओसीकार्व राज्यों: "y_score: सरणी, आकृति = [एन_एसम्प्ले] लक्ष्य स्कोर, कर सकते हैं या तो सकारात्मक वर्ग, आत्मविश्वास मानों, या द्विआधारी निर्णयों की संभावना अनुमान है। " किस स्थिति में यह एक द्विआधारी सदिश (" बाइनरी फैसले ") को y_score सेट करने का अर्थ रखेगा? क्या उस पर एक बिंदु के साथ एक आरओसी की अवस्था का परिणाम नहीं होगा, जिस तरह से किस तरह से इस बिंदु को खारिज कर दिया? यदि आप एक क्लासिफायरियर का उपयोग कर रहे हैं जो आउटपुट संभाव्यता स्कोर (जैसे svm.SVC बिना स्पष्ट probability = True ) नहीं करता है, तो एक आरओसी वक्र की गणना करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है । एपीआई डिजाइनर के रूप में, आपके पास दो विकल्प हैं: एक अपवाद बढ़ाएं और उपयोगकर्ता को कोई उपयोगी जानकारी नहीं प्रदान करें, या एक डेटा बिन्दु के साथ वक्रित वक्र का साजिश करें। मैं बहस होगा बाद में अधिक उपयोगी है।

Matlab unique function -

I am struggling to determine the probability of the occurrence of unique elements in the thresh_strain matrix (below as the form of 100 x Can be seen in 16). I was trying to use the code given below to do this, but I get the same probability of the event related to each element, while I want the possibility of an event related to unique elements in thresh_strain. function [thresh_strain] = MCsolution () no_iterations = 100; Thresh_strain = zero (100, 16); Casechoice = input ('1 for first layout and 2 for second layout:'); For I = 1: no_iterations for Jammu = 1: 16 J = Nielsen (casechoice); Thresh_strain (I, h) = J (1, j); End end% [exclusive value, ~, unique idex] = unique (thresh_strain); % Frequency = deposit (uniqueindex (:), 1) ./ numel (thresh_strain); thanks This title is not really clear and Description, but I think you can find something like this: myUniqueValues ​​= unique (myMatrix); Nelements = Hist (myMatrix (:), myUniqueValues); % Plots (myUniqueV...

android - Drag & Drop without removal from owner -

I'm using it on a rainy layer with three textured drag and drop to move it to another container. My code: OnDragListener dragi = new OnDragListener () {@Override Public Boolean OnDrag (see ARB0, DragEvent arg1) {// TODO auto generated stub int action = arg1.getAction () ; Switch (action) {case drag event Action_rag_STARTED: break; Case dragage Action_rag_ENTERED: break; Case dragage Action_rag_EXITED: break; Case dragage Action_DROP: View View = (see) arg1.getLocalState (); ViewGroup Owner = (ViewGroup) view.getParent (); Owner.removeView (see); // liner layout container = (linear layout) arg0; Container.addView (see); View.setVisibility (View.VISIBLE); } break; Case dragage Action_rag_ENDED: break; Default: Break; } Back true; }}; My problem is that I do not want to delete the view from the base container, it should remain there and just add a copy in the second container. Thx Any view should be the only parent in any given moment What you can do on your drag inst...

Removing or preventing duplicate template matches in OpenCV with Python -

I have a map on which there are similar symbols spread across the map. I am using OpenCV to find X, Y coordinates of all symbols. It is less well-working, but I'm getting duplicate results in a large number that I number of duplicated by many symbols increases filter threshold I I results based on proximity I tried to write some code to filter but I'm not fortunate enough. Anyone have any info in what I can try here? img_rgb = cv2.imread ( 'images / map.jpg') img_gray = cv2.cvtColor (img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) template = cv2.imread ( 'images / tree.jpg', 0) W, h = template.shape [:: - 1] Race = cv2.matchTemplate (img_gray, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) pt_count border = 0.35 matches = np.where (RAC & gt; = threshold) match = at 0 pt: tree_count + = 1 cv2.rectangle (Aimji_arjibi, PT (PT [0] + W, PT [1] + H), (255,0,0), 1) cv2.imwrite ( 'found_map.jpg ', Img_rgb) print "end" + map I think of two options Can result Do ou...

android - How to make AutoParallaxBackground fit to the screen -

I am developing an Android game with andengine, I use AutoParallaxBackground while repeating the background but on my background image screen Is not fit for How to solve the same This is my code AutoParallaxBackground autoParallaxBackground = new AutoParallaxBackground (0, 0, 0, 10); AutoParallaxBackground.attachParallaxEntity (New ParallaxEntity (-25.0F, New Sprite (0, 0, PageRemissionRegion, Engine .getVertexBufferObjectManager ()))); GameScene.this.setBackground (autoParallaxBackground); Thank you in advance You attempt to scale the phantom To make the screen fit before creating ParallaxEntity, something like: AutoParallaxBackground autoParallaxBackground = New AutoParallaxBackground (0, 0, 0, 10); Sprite MySprit = New Sprite (0, 0, Background Titration Regions, EngineGetWortexBufferObjectManager ()); MySprite.setScaleY (1.0 F / (mySprite.getHeight () / CAMERA_HEIGHT)); MySprite.setScaleX (1.0F / (mySprite.getWidth () / CAMERA_WIDTH)); AutoParallaxBackground.atta...

linux c compile with ftw library -

मेरे पास सरल कोड है: 1 #include & lt; ftw.h & gt; 2 # शामिल & lt; stdio.h & gt; 3 # शामिल हैं & lt; stdlib.h & gt; 4 # शामिल & lt; स्ट्रिंग एच & gt; 5 6 स्टैटिक इंट डिस्प्ले_इनोफ़ा (कॉन्स्ट चार * फ़ेपाथ, कॉन्स्ट्रस्ट्रैट स्टेटमेंट * एसबी, इंट टीएलएफएजी, एफटीडब्लू एफटीडब्लू * एफटीडब्लूएफएफ) {7 प्रिंटफ़ ("% 3s% 2d% 711d% -40s% d% s \ n", tflag = = FTW_D)? "D": 8 (tflag == FTW_DNR)? "Dnr": (tflag == FTW_DP)? "डीपी": (tflag == FTW_F)? "F": 9 (tflag == FTW_DP)? "डीपी": (tflag == FTW_SL)? "Sl": (tflag == FTW_SLN)? "Sln": "?", Ftwbuf- & gt; स्तर, (लंबे समय तक) sb- & gt; st_size, fpath, ftwbuf- & gt; बेस, fpath + ftwbuf- & gt; आधार); 10 वापसी 0; 11} 12 13 आंत मुख्य (इंटी argc, char ** argv) {14 int flags = 0; 15 अगर (argc & gt; 2 & amp; amp; और strchr (argv [2], 'डी') = = नल) झंडे | = FTW_DEPTH; 16 अगर (आरजीसी & gt; 2 & amp; am...

javascript - Ajax result is not an object -

My AJAX result is ["1", "O"] I'm trying to reach 1, but console.log (Results [0]); gives me '[' How can I make it as an object and Can I already get the element of my array result? Try it that you are listed in the string of your result var resultObj = JSON.parse (results); Console.log (resultsObj [0]);

input - In Ruby, how to read data placed inside the program/script itself? -

इसमें पर्ल एक __ डेटा __ टोकन जो इनपुट को अनुमति देता है प्रोग्राम / स्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल से खुद को लोड किया गया रूबी समकक्ष क्या है? के बाद डेटा रखें __END __ टोकन, इसे डेटा.read (जो स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट देता है) में पढ़ें, स्ट्रिंग को न्यूलाइन पर विभाजित करें ( \ n ), और परिणामस्वरूप सरणी से प्रत्येक या पसंद पर पुनरावृत्त करें। #! / Usr / bin / env ruby ​​data Read.split (/ \ n /)। Each_with_index do | l, i | डालता है "पंक्ति # {i + 1}: # {l}" अंत ___END__ लाल नारंगी पीले हरे नीले इंडिगो वायलेट उदाहरण रन: -बैश & gt ; रूबी- W / tmp / x.rb रेखा 1: लाल रेखा 2: नारंगी रेखा 3: पीले रंग की पंक्ति 4: हरा पंक्ति 5: नीली रेखा 6: इंडिगो लाइन 7: वायलेट

css - jQuery cycle.lite plugin - how to give containing div a responsive height? -

How can I style this page so that the height of the slide show div is the height of the images in the slideshow? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; IMG {width: 100%;} & lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Screenshots & lt; / H1> & Lt; Div id = "slide" style = "position: relative;" & Gt; & Lt; Img src = "" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Hidden Text - How Can I See It? This text is hidden beneath the slide show & lt; / H1> & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt...

javascript - Adding and removing a class to a list of divs for creating a content slider -

I am creating a very basic content slider in CSS3 but this question is in relation to its section of jQuery. My content structure is as follows: & lt; Div class = "slider> There is an ambiguity of 0 in these slides, but when .active is added to the slide, I change the opacity to 1. What I am trying to do is to activate each class in every div for every x seconds . if ($ ('.cl slider'). Length) {// Element var height = $ ('slide.col-md-8') exists. External height (), slide = $ ('slide'), wait = 5000; $ ('Slide'). CSS ('height', height); Slide.each (function () {}); } All this I can come up with. I am sorry if this is not enough, then I also apologize if this is very easy and I am wasting my time only. I have to learn elsewhere I hope that I will not get a vote, I am trying to build my representative with this awesome community of developers. Collect an example of a script implementing a class with elements in s...

javascript - php show login status message does not update -

I am trying to display a status message when someone tries to log me in. The problem I have is: After checking the login, and it does not match, this output does not $ loginStatusMessage == "does not match" Is but not within HTML (which I like because it is wrapped in CSS styling tag). Instead, HTML $ loginStatusMessage echos "welcome" even after the variable is updated. I'm guessing because PHP is called to run only after the form, re-sms reload message with this $ login? How do I create it so that HTML changes $ loginStatusMessage to when I submit the form I have a global variable $ Login status message $ loginStatusMessage = "welcome"; If (isset ($ _ POST ['submit'])) {login ($ user name, $ password); } Function login ($ username, $ password) {if (check! Login ($ username, $ password)) {$ loginStatusMessage = "does not match ..."; Echo $ loginstats messages; } And {session_start (); This output output...

How can I get a URL from a selected hyperlink using Applescript? -

come ??? In an attempt to create an Apple script that will grab the URL from a selected hyperlink. For some background story: the system that is in my company place ???? If T does not play well with generating the report, then I created a script which I can paste a list of URLs, and at this point the Safari will go through each page and select all the data, copy it, And parse what I want. However, each page that IA ??? MM Parsing has a link on it that says, for example, "edit" if I post it, say, page, hyperlink is protected. It would greatly accelerate my flow if I somehow URL might be rooted in that hyperlink. Any thoughts? After Attract, I suspect you did not get a response because it is difficult to understand what you want . But, here's a script that will capture the raw text of a web page, and then look for the first ARH link, the first hyperlink called "edit", and then return the target URL that is linking to it. Uses the curl to pull and of...

go - How do you determine if a variable is a slice or array? -

I have a function that has been passed to the map, each of which should be controlled separately, its basis But that this type of a primitive or a piece piece is not known ahead of time. How can I determine which element are slices (or arrays) and which are not? package. To play with you. package main import "fmt" import "mirrored" func main () {m: = make (map [string] interface {}) I ["a"] = {] string {" A "," b "," c "} m [" b "] = [4] int {1, 2, 3, 4} test (m)} function test (m map [string] interface {}} { For V: = Range m {rt: = Reflect. (V) switch rt.kind () {Reflect matter. Slice: fmt.Println (k, "is a piece with element type", r. T.Elame ()) reflects the case: ARR: FMT. Printline (k, "element type Is the array with ", RT Eelam ()) default: fmt.Println (k," something else is completely ")}}}

regex - Why does Python add extra quotes in my array returned by split()? -

The relevant data is parsed here: Optional classname: 'FutureServ', optional Classname: ['HardwareHarvi'], Alternative ClassName: ['OptimusServe', 'OptimusSwive Two'] Here's my Reggae: alternate_regex = re .compile ('. * AlternateClassName \ s *: \ * (\ [* * * * * * * *.]] [\ * \ "] \ * S (*) \ * s [\. ? '\']). * ', Re.m) And here is my code: alternate_match = alternate_regex.match (line) if Alternate_match and alternate_match group Alternate_mackgrup (1): Alternatelist = Alternate_mackgrup (1) Kstrip (). The printed (',') print is alternateList dependent _mapping [classpathTxt] ['alternateList'] = Optional list printed here: [" I was hoping that this would be: 'futurus'' '[] ["hardware service"] ["[' optism savour ',' 'optimusvers'' ']] ['FutureSwarvi'] ['Hardware servi'] ['Optimism Servi', '...

ios - Cost of switching between many EAGLContexts? -

I am doing some work, which has some grid views (~ 20 hair scenes on screen at a time). The view of each child draws its contents in GL, and its own drawing thread and EAGL Context The advantage of this is that each scene is relatively isolated from other GL usage, although on 20 such visual screens, we have to do glFlush + setCurrentContext: 20 times per frame. My stomach tells me that this is not the most effective use of GL. My question: What is the cost of changing references? Is glFlush really slow down for each context or does glFlush stall only the current context? References have its own individual command stream. For drawing on a single GP, all of these things are eventually sorted, so the command stream for 20 concurrent references The driver is going to put some pressure on any part. Fortunately, GL does not guarantee any kind of synchronization between different contexts, so the GL itself is not spending a lot of effort, so that it can be ensured that...

javascript - Count all hex colour codes in SVG/string -

I have a SVG image and I want to get all the color hex codes in an array. & lt; Svg width = "640" height = "480" xmlns = "" xmlns: xlink = "http: // www / 1999 / XLink" & gt; & Lt; G display = "inline" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Layer 1 & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Ellipse ry = "116" rx = "66" id = "svg_1" cy = "130.7" cx = "375.2" stroke-width = "3" stroke = "# 000000" Fill = "# FF 20000" /> & Lt; Ellipse ry = "104" rx = "68" id = "svg_2" cy = "133.7" cx = "248.2" stroke-width = "3" stroke = "# 000000" Fill = "# FF 20000" /> & Lt; Ellipse ry = "73" rx = "47" id = "svg_3" cy = "161.7" cx = "231.2" stroke-width = "3" stroke = "# 0000...

Jquery DatePicker Change with dropdown -

I have a dropdown and JQuery UI Date Picker Consider two values ​​of dropdown are Sunday and Monday. If I choose Sunday in the dropdown, then I want to disable Calendar on all Sundays. If I choose Monday in the dropdown, I want to enable Sunday and disable it on Monday in Detector. When the page loads for the first time, it works fine but when I change the dropdown value, the date picker's value is not changing, it still disables the old values. Do you want it? Javascript: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# datepicker") datepicker ({inline: true, numberOfMonths: 2, hideIfNoPrevNext: True, first show: function (date) {var val = parseInt ($ ('# temp'). Val ()); var day = date.getDay (); console.log Returns (day, val) [val == Day: False: true]}, altField: '#alternate',});}); HTML: & lt; Select ID = "Temporary" & gt; & Lt; Option value = 1> Monday & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = 0> Sun...

javascript - push an assoc object into array -

says that I have done this: var user = [{id I use push to insert (': 1', 'gender': 'male'}, {'id': 2, 'gender': 'female'}] {'Id': 2, 'gender': 'female'}] I tried User [0]. Push ({'Swami': true}); But it does not work tht the way. You are not pushing an object in an array, you are pushing an object into an object . You can do it by using the jquery method var object = $ Expansion ({}, object 1, object 2);

jquery - Click on dynamically added element in Magnific Popup not detected. Trying to navigate to next item on click of current item in ajax gallery -

I am creating an image gallery where full-size images are presented in a lightbox. The content of the lightbox is AJAX loaded html from the external file. I am using this script for this behavior. I am trying to do this so that you can navigate to the next gallery image directly by clicking anywhere on the current image displayed in the lightbox Are there. The problem is that I am unable to locate the click event, although it has been explicitly inserted into the dom. Main view: main.html & lt; Div class = "gallery" & gt; & Lt; A href = "gallery.php? Photo = image-1.jpg" & gt; Thumbs-1.jpg & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "gallery.php? Photo = image-2.jpg" & gt; Thumbs-2.jpg & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "gallery.php? Photo = image-3.jpg" & gt; Thumbs-3.jpg & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Lightbox content: gallery.php & lt ;? Php echo '& lt; Img cl...