How to use Android SOAP Webservice Call -
I have a great problem about calling a standard SOAP web service in Android. Any help
Android from NTLM Authentication . Soap Certification Envelope SoapNeal velope = New Soap Enzyme Enfeif (SoapNevelope.SupEnvelope.implicitTypes = true; SoapEnvelope.dotNet = True; Soap Object SoapReak = New SoapObact ("Kalash: Microsoft-Dynamics-Schema / Page / customer card "," read "); soapEnvelope.setOutputSoapObject (soapReq); Propinfo = new Snpttiinfo (); propinfo.setName (" no "); propinfo.setValue (a); propinfo.setType (no.getClass ()) ; propinfo.setNamespace ( "urn: Microsoft-dynamics-schema / page / customercard"); soapReq.addProperty (propinfo); NTLM Tra Nsport NTLM = new NTLM Transport (URL, Ugraid, password, domain name, the System); try {if (header! = NULL) {Ntlmkcall ( "urn: Microsoft-Dynamics-schema / page / Client card / Reed" Sabunkhana, headers);} Else {Ntlmkcall ( "urn: Microsoft-Dynamics-schema / page / client card / Reed" Sopanvelp);} object Retob = soap. If (writ Oz example Softfolt) {Sopfolt fault = (Easyfault) rate oz; ex-exception = New exception (fault.faultstring); If (eventHandler! = Tap) eventHandler.Wsdl2CodeFinishedWithException (ex); } Else {SoapObject result = (SOAP object) retObj; If (result.getPropertyCount ()> 0) {System.out.println ("RESULT 2" + result); Object obj = result.getProperty (0); Soap object j = (soap object) ob; }
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