c# - SQL Command not returning specific record -

I have a program in C # that reaches an old Firebird 1.5 Databases from a third-party program will receive data for a project by a quotation or ID in a way: (sorry about some Portuguese words)

  public Static list & lt; Object & gt; GetFollowUpData (Ent ID, Tipo Followup Tips) {var res = New list & lt; Object & gt; (); String q = tip == TipoFollowUp.Orcamento? "Select ('Q-' || c.CLIENT_CODE || q.CQUO_FNUMB) Codigo, form form q.CQUO_NAME, q.CQUO_SENT as the data, q.CQUO_TOTAL as the total, as empresa c.CLIENT_NAME, As in CONTACTO m.CCON_NAME, ((The case is when m.CCON_PHONE1 is null then 'remaining m.CCON_PHONE1 end)}' is '/' || (This is the case when m.CCON_PHONE2 is empty then '' someone And m.CCON_PHONE2 end) || '/' || (The case is when m.CCON_PHONE3 is null then 'remaining m.CCON_PHONE3 is the end') '' '' (The case is when m.CCON_PHONE4 is empty '' Someone else m.CCON_PHONE4 end) || '/' || (Case when c.CLIENT_PHONE1 then null '' another c.CLIENT_PHONE1 end) '' '' '' (case is when c.CLIENT _PHONE2 is empty '' another c.CLIENT_PHONE2 end) || '/' || (The case is when C.LIENT_PHONE3 is the end, then '' other C.CLIENT_PHONE3 end) || '/' || (In case C CLIENT_PHONE4 '' other C.CLIENT_PHONE4 end)) as the telephone from CMULTIQUOTES q, Client C, CCONTACTS m WHERE q.ID = @id and c.CLIENT_ID = q.CLIENT_ID and q.CLIENT_PM = m.CCON_ID " : "Codigo, as Numeric q.PROJ_NAME, q.PROJ_COMPLETED as data, (select as Q.PROJ_CODE as sel ECT amount (JCJOBTOTAL) CJOBS J from where j.PROJ_ID = @id total as , C. In the form of CLNAET Empressa, MCCCCON as Conto, ((Case is when M.C.C.N.HH 1 IIS is empty then '' other M.) || || '' '((When the case is MCCONHON 2 is unstable) Then '' Second M. '' '(When the case is MCCONNHO3, then' 'Second M.CCCOphone 3 End)' '' '(When the case is MCCONH PHON4 ISL then' 'Second M CCCONHOH 44E) || '/' || (Case is when CLIINI is PHONE1 IS NULL '' OTHER C.CLIENT_PHONE1 end) || ' '' '' (Case when C. is CLIENT_PHONE2 '' else c.CLIENT_PHONE2 is the end) '' '' (The case is when CLIINphone 3 is, then '' other C. CLIENT_PHONE3 end). '/ (|| Q.CLIENT_PM = M (CMD Connection = New FBA Connection (Connection String)) (CMD.connect.open (); CMD.Pameters.Add ("CCDIADAID") sub Yoga (CRD.connection = New FB Commands (Q) {CommandType = CommandType @id ", id); (FbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {while (reader.Read ()) {res.Add (ID); // id res.Add (Reader [0]); // Código Res.Add (Reader [1]) // Nome Ridge. Ed (Reader [2]); // Data Ridge. Ed (Reader [3]); // Total Res. Ed (Reader [4] ); // Empresa res.Add (Reader [5]); // Contact Res.Add (Reader [6]) // Telephon res.Add (tipo); // Tipto; Reader. Close ();} cmd Connection. ();) Return leak;}   

It works most of the time - but it is not returning any data (Project ID 8771) for a particular project

The query has been pested in Floamrobin, it is connected to the database, replacing the ND in the query with the ID @ 8771 and the Laurabin gives me the desired data.

So if the Phloromin my query Why can not I get the data even if I do not get my program? In my method, Reader.Read () imediatly incorrectly and I do not have any data from the database for that project Do you get any idea?

Any ideas whatsoever?

Sorry, everyone estimated around half an hour in the morning that I had my own development / test I am using my copy under the database copy (VS) and connecting to the copy of the production in flamerobin. P

This was being caused due to the sync between the database

The project in question was in existence in the copy - thus Flemirobin was showing it - but The development / test copy used by the program



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