javascript - CSS or JS - Hide an element, while showing an inner element (IE8 only) -

I am using JavaScript only on one page (I can not use junkery)

I have this HTML code: I can not edit it:

  & lt; Td> For label = "7" & gt; Test1 & lt; / Label & gt; Test2 & lt; / TD & gt;   

I want to hide "test2", but "test1"

I currently have to show: " TD is visible: none; TD label visible: yes "

and it works for every browser except IE8 (it hides everything, even though important! Label is added to the tag, the second is added, therefore it should be more preferential

  addcss ("form table.standard td {visibility: hidden;} form t Standard Input, Form Tables, Standard Label, Form Tables, Standard B, Form Tables. Standard I can add different CSS to IE8 using Javascript, but I did not know what I should do .. < Font size ================================================ =======================  

If you want to see it / all the codes on GoogleDocs < P>

You can assign tag elements to both elements (Test 1, Test 2) and both of the elements You can apply and apply CSS for each type:

  & lt; Td> & Lt; Label = 7 "class =" first "> test1  label class =" second "> test 2    

and apply as follows:

TD. Alexander View: None; T.D. First Appearance: Yes "


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