PHP- working with date and time -
I need to recover the date of this format want to retrieve such type of time, so I have to compare my 'created' field within the database Can I do that, allowing me to get records recorded today? .. > Any suggestions? I have tried to: But they do the same thing (give me the accuracy of the HM MM SS day time) which I do not want. I want to execute this query as the user, select " User_role, user (user.role) user as user_account as user. ; = '$ This- & gt; Today' // Midnight Group by a URL created before a record. "" 2014-17-02 00:00:00 , where hour minutes and seconds are just zero, which means that today I want to start the day after midnight, or yesterday
2014-16-02 23:59:59 pm this Depending on how you see it,
$ this-> Today = date ('Y-M-DH: I: S'); $ This- & gt; Today = date ('Y-M-DH: I: S', stratotem ('now'));
$ this-> date = date ('Ym-D') 00: 00: 00 ';
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