
Showing posts from July, 2014 - Virtual basic Full screen resizing -

I am creating a full screen application in Visual Basic and there are some problems with full screen and control resizing. I have seen both Google, Stack Overflow and YouTube in reply but none is working for me. I have worked in my own way that I have to do anchor or docking or something like this , If I am not all wrong Edit: Picture example: Main window in my editor. when program runs on maximum screen The program's resolution is 800x600 because it is being created for that resolution screen. You probably want to use anchor point in any of your sides, sides or sides Anchor (usually the form) can anchor. When the form is resized, the control is automatically shaped accordingly. You can also use the form resize event, and manually change the size or the size of the control while changing the form size.

mongodb - Optimized environment for mongo -

I have a Rachel Linux server (VM) running a 4 core processor and running under 8 GB RAM applications - An Apache Carpool Container - An Apache Tomet Server - An Active MQ Server - and Mongoode Server (either Secondary Primary). Frequently I think Mongo consumes around 80% of CPUs. Now I see that my CPU and memory are overhauling most of the time and this has made me doubt that these Whether my hardware configurations are too low to run components. Please tell me that it is okay to work this way on a shared server. The question is comprehensive and the answer depends on a lot of variables, but I want to understand it completely Will try Can you use all these services on a single machine at minimal load? - sure. It is not clear where other shards live, but it will work in any way. You did not provide your HDD specs which is quite important for the DB server, but then it will work on minimal load. Can you use this load under heavy loads - is not the best idea, maybe i...

java - Passing an ArrayList of a class from a jsp to a servlet -

I have an ArrayList of a class room, I need to send a jsp to servlet It seems that an HTML or jsp can send a value for a sublet through a form, the method I tried to give it as a hidden parameter as follows: & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "allRooms" value = "& lt;% = request.getAttribute (" allRooms ")%>" / & Gt; But the way I submit this form, I get a compilation error "string can not be converted to list" for the following: list & lt; Cell & gt; AllRooms = (list & lt; cell & gt;) request.getParameter ("allRooms"); Change the first parameter to the object type first and then converting it to the shown list below gives the only exception, but this time as a runtime exception: object a = (object) request.getParameter ("allRooms"); & Lt; Cell & gt; AllRooms = (list & lt; cell & gt;); Is there a method to pass the list in the sublet or should I s...

android - The meaning of sentence in head of XML -

& lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: एंड्रॉइड = "" जब मैंने एंड्रॉइड एप्लीकेशन बनाया, तो मुझे एक्सएमएल फाइल के सिर में सजा दिखाई देती है। लेकिन मुझे इसका अर्थ नहीं पता। मुझे लगता है कि आप के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "UTF-8"? & Gt; ऊपर दिए गए लिंक से उद्धरण पहली पंक्ति XML घोषणा है यह एक्सएमएल संस्करण (1.0) को परिभाषित करता है यह भी जांचें & lt; linearLayout xmlns: android = ""; इसका एक रैखिक लेआउट जो आपके पास xml में है xmlns- इसका एक्सएमएल नाम स्थान एक त्वरित खोज स्टैकेवरफ्लो पर एक ही विषय नीचे दिए गए लिंक देता है जो आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर देना चाहिए

php - form variables not passing -

It seems that my code is correct, although the updates in the post variable form in the form do not echo in the user settings page. I echoed the ID from the input in the database but can not get the variable to show me. I have done it correctly in Codeigniter but I'm trying to do it in pure PHP with my own framework. $ users = new users ($ db); comes from my init.php file which is called at the beginning of the file. When I I get zero Try $ _REQUEST ['first_name'] before submitting it to the array . & lt ;? = $ _ Request ['first_name']? & Gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "first_name" value = "& lt; php if (isset ($ _ POST ['first_name'])) {echo htmlentities (strip_tags ($ _ POST ['first_name'])); } Else {echo $ user ['first_name'];}? & Gt; "& gt; Try this code

ios - NSLayoutConstraint issue on tableView -

I was trying to create a custom UITableViewCell, and when I add this cell to my cell I think That's the problem on my odds. Can you help me find layout or obstacle error? Set priority for the barriers By default, all the hurdles get 1000 priority points. This call is a conflict priority set of altitude (750 points) like compulsion V: [UIButton] - (10) - [UIButton] and resolve your problem or equal (==) restriction Not set, but set & gt; =, & Lt; =. In the shortage of the visual format between the ps button @ "V: [button1] - (10 @ 750) - [button 2]" or @ "V: [Button1] - (& gt; = 10) - [button2] "

Error while trying to add developer in Facebook Developer Console -

I am trying to add a developer to the Facebook Developer Console. When I developer e-Mail_Id, it gives me an error, "must be empty blank" I have added message window for reference . I would say the error message is not very informative. Resolve this problem something wrong with the configuration. I once again created a new Facebook project in the Android manifest file and configured ap_id additionally, Make sure the configuration in the Facebook Developer Console is correct. Make sure the developer is a friend of the Facebook Administrator. When you start typing the name should be populated by name in the box itself. Add the person. The pending situation will occur automatically in some time.

gd - getimagesize cpanel with php 5.5.8 -

जब मैं परीक्षण करता हूं तो मेरी VPS PHP 5.5.8 का उपयोग करती है & lt ;? Php $ size = getimagesize (''); var_dump ($ आकार); ? & Gt; यह त्रुटि चेतावनी: getimagesize (): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo विफल: नाम रिज़ॉल्यूशन में / home / donikids / public_html / लाइन 2 पर test.php चेतावनी: getimagesize (): स्ट्रीम को खोलने में विफल: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo विफल: /home/donikids/public_html/test.php में नाम रिज़ॉल्यूशन में लाइन 2 बूल (झूठी) पर अस्थायी विफलता आप कृपया मेरी मदद करो पोस्ट टेक्स्ट "आइटमप्रॉप =" टेक्स्ट "> इसके साथ प्रयास करें & lt;? Php $ size = getimagesize ($ _ सर्वर ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']। '/ Wp-content / अपलोड /2014/01/tu-dung-do-choi-tre-em-gk137.jpg '); var_dump ($ आकार); ? & Gt;

.net - EasyNetQ - EasyNetQ.Topology.Queue -

Can someone explain the use of the manufacturer's parameter isExclusive for the type of EasyNetQ.Topology May be .Queue. Note: This type should be done immediately to remove a queue using the Advanced API. " Special queues can only be delivered to the current connection, and When that connection closes, it is removed. The deactivation of a special quote is not allowed by other connections. " It is a good idea to check that the queue is present before it is removed, making a passive declaration (which will not create a queue if it does not exist) will return an IQueue frequency You can use it to remove and you do not have to worry about the isExclusive parameter: // throws if queue queue queue = advancedbus.QueueDeclare ("my.queue .name ", inactive = true) does not exist; AdvancedBus.QueueDelete (queue); On one side In the IQuue, the specific parameters of IQueue are not used in the IAdvancedBus.Delete (..) method, so you can ignore it (with...

ios - Re load UIImage after game restarts -

I have a game that uses the photo library, you take a picture from the library, and then on the next screen And photos are there you play this game, and after that when you have an option to start the game again, everything is working on this point when the problem starts again, The picture does not reload. I have searched for a solution completely, but I have not got anything to help me. So basically I have a need of a game to save the picture so that the user can continue playing with that picture. After they start resume again. Does anyone have any idea how can I get it? Note: If the photo decides to choose a different picture, then the photo can be overwritten, as long as the new picture is saved. > Thanks for your time edit This is in my menu view controller - (minus) imagePickerController: (UIImagePickerController *) picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) info {self.myImage = [information objectForKey: UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage]; [Se...

Which of following is best way to query elasticsearch from python? -

Elasticsearch आयात से Elasticsearch es = Elasticsearch () का परिणाम आधिकारिक लोचदार खोज अजगर क्लाइंट Es.get (index = "test_index", id = 1) प्रिंट (परिणाम) या आयात urllib2 आयात json प्रतिक्रिया = urllib2.urlopen ( 'Http: // localhost: 9200 / test_index / _search? Q = _id: 1',) परिणाम = json.loads ( ()) प्रिंट (परिणाम) इनमें से कौन सा ऊपर अजगर से लोचदार खोज करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है? कुछ अजगर क्लाइंट हैं, आधिकारिक एक है शायद सबसे अधिक विश्वसनीय / संगत होने वाला है और अगर आपने देखा कि यह आपके 2 उदाहरण के समान होगा। यहां कुछ अन्य पायथन क्लाइंट हैं - elasticsearch पाइलीस्टिकसेर्च कच्चे

javascript - Examples of cases where using private variable/methods in oop languages is useful/necessary -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब जब भी मैं इस प्रश्न की खोज करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो आम तौर पर प्रस्तुत उत्तर "तर्ज पर होता है" इसलिए बाहर की दुनिया के पास स्थानीय तक सीधी पहुंच नहीं होती है। चर।" जो मेरे लिए यहां याद आ रही है वह संदर्भ है जिसके लिए यह लागू होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, मुझे नीचे दिए गए कोड में फ़ंक्शन व्यक्ति (प्रथम नाम, अंतिम नाम) मिलता है {var _firstName = firstname, _lastName = lastName; This.firstName = फ़ंक्शन (मान) {if (! Arguments.length) वापस _firstName; _firstName = मान; }}; चर को निजी माना जाता है क्योंकि वे केवल कार्यों को कॉल करने से एक्सेस कर सकते हैं इस का क्या महत्व है? इससे क्या फर्क पड़ता है? और सबसे नुकीला रहस्यमय है जो एक "वास्तविक जीवन" स्थिति है जिसमें "सामान्य रूप से बाहर की दुनिया के स्थानीय चर तक सीधे पहुंच नहीं है ..." का सामान्य विवरण होता है जो किसी स्थिति को नहीं देखा है जहां यह मायने रखता है। धन्यवाद SO। यह विकास को कम करने के लिए है। केवल सार्वजनिक गुण या ऑब्जेक्ट्स के तरी...

How to add a prefix-length index in postgresql? -

As we know, there are prefix length columns that can be added during index creation. For example in mysql, change the table j1 index idx_j1_str1 (str1 (5)); After searching for and, I did not find any equivalent solution in postgresql. Then someone can give me the answer except the function index id on J1 idx_j1_str (left (str1,5)); But I do not think you want something like this in postgres. An index on just str1 is probably more versatile, but of course it relies heavily on the questions you run - which you have not shown to us, so it is impossible to say how you Need an index. To use the function based index in Postgres and basically supports any other DBMS) It is necessary to include the same expression in your query as you use in the index: select = from j1 where left (str1,5) = '1234' / code> will use the above index (if this is understood, for example if The table is large and the overall results in the situa...

How to change the file type association in the dart editor? -

I would like to add .cshtml files with .html files to get syntax highlighting. I do not know any such functionality you File a feature request at

javascript - Where is document.documentElement used? -

I'm learning JavaScript for awhile Recently I got to know about document.documentElement This refers to html native tags in browser / HTML documents. Is there any other use of this? Do something please share the real world usage of document.documentElement. Thank you in advance. This is just a shortcut property that is in the context of the document root element node; HTML will have this html element. This property is read-only. It has no other use;)

ios - interactivePopGesture causes delay after popping some viewcontrollers -

Interactive PopGesture works fine when I launch my application but after using some interactive pop gestures after a few popes I have a base view controller and 5 other view controllers that expand my base controller. When I launch my app for the first time, interactive popgates works well for some efforts. But after some time there is some gap in transition between my visual controllers. See if you are not loading something in memory many times.

c# - Runtime error 'Could not find a part of the path' E:\ -

I tried copy folder from flash disk to c: directory. Sometimes it's running properly, but sometimes I get an error: Path E: \ debug \ VIP This problem Have any idea about? Here's my code: string source_dir = "E: \\ debug \\ Vip"; String destination_dir = "C: \\ Vip"; If (! System.IO.Directory.Exists (destination_dir)) {System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (destination_dir); } // sub-location destination_dir is to remove the full path (e: \). // Directory Create sub-directory structure in Destination Forex (Directory_dir + dir.Substring (source_dir.Length)) in the gate directory (Source_Dire, "*", System.IOS Searchoption.All Directories);} Foreach (string file_name Directory.GetFiles (source_dir, "*. *", System.IO.SearchOption.All Directories)) {File.Copy (file_name, destination_dir + file_name.Substring (source_dir.Length), true);} Use to join the paths. For example directory Naaa Directory (System.IO.Path.Combine ...

wix - Installing Windows Service Multiple Times InstallShield Limited Edition -

We have a windows service that is installed using the free limited edition of InstallShield, Use a wix wxs file for the service. The problem now is that we want to be able to install two or more services on the same machine, which point to different databases, which are in different editions Therefore, we need a different example per database. During the installation, we will select a directory and name in the ideal world and it will be the name of the service and we can do as many times as we want. Is it possible with limited edition, if this is not possible with paid versions? I have tried to research and we are getting contradictory information. What you are seeing is called several instance installers. InstallShield LE does not support this. The InstallShield professional does a lot of work in these and the learning curve is a little bit but very likely.

windows phone 8 - Use WebBrowser and OnNavigatedFrom back history WP8 -

I have a webbrover in my project Windows Phone 8. I want to make browser type Internet Explorer My problem is a back button I am including these codes: WebBrowser.InvokeScript ( "eval", "history.go (-1)"); But close the xaml page P> Not available in the navigational e.cancel = true? Are you looking for override - when the return key pressed, no - when you Page : leaving , then it is removed from; Override protected void OnBackKeyPress (System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) {// You should check for example if there is a history (history exists) {WebBrowser.InvokeScript ( "eval", "history.go (-1)"); E.Cancel = true; } / / General navigation - exit pages - to meet the certification requirements} This is a button that you can override, but keep in mind to be that fit you It must be managed properly, it must provide navigation and exit apps.

html - Adding more than 1 column to ListView (ASP.NET) -

I am creating a webpage that lists the names of locations using ASP.NET. I am using a data source to read data from the database file. List view is displaying all the data in one column. What I'm trying to do is to add 7 lines of data, and as soon as the 7th row is added, add another column, and then continue to write the data in the newly created column. Here's my code: & asp: ListView runat = "server" DataSourceID = "cwDataSource" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Tr style = "" & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Asp: Label ID = "NameLabel" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # Eval ("name")%> / & Gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & amp; Nbsp & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; A href ...

sql - MYSQL statement issues please point out -

if present (select from person_datetime * where `key` = 'tag' and 'value' = 'blogger ') Start UPDATE person_data SET' value '=' AAI 'end and INSERT start in other person ID (IN, `key',` value ', person_id) IFNULL (maximum +1 ID),' AA ' , 'BBB', 1 person if the data ends; It is a complaint that there is a problem in line 1. Please tell why I did wrong change END if to END should do this. mvc - System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported -

Is it possible to get a user's password? Please, when I tried this code: WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection ("nectarys-pc.MonitoringN.dbo", "supervisor", "UserId", "matriculate", automatic cutlet : truth); Var membership = (SimpleMembershipProvider) membership the provider; Model.motDePasse = Membership GETUser (Supervision metric, incorrect) .GetPassword (); This exception appears in the last line: System.NotSupportedException: The specified method is not supported. Note that superviseur.matricule is not the source of the problem. According to MSDN - check this resource to know how

java - SPARQL delete on owlim-lite not working -

I want to remove all triplets in my Ollim-Lite store using the Java / Sesame API I tried: remove where? s? P? O}; In all types (or with its prefixes), it happens: Delete But any of these questions begin to work. I always get the same exception: org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException: "Delete" "Delete" "On line 1, column 1." One of the "was expected": " The base ".." prefix "..." select "..." the description of the creation of "..." as "..." "... ... It seems that This is a common problem as this one: except for all other questions (selections), they work perfectly well. What am I doing? You might have a wrong endpoint for your updates The SPARQL update request should be sent to openrdf-sesame / repository / / statements while the SPARQL query should go to the request OpenRDF-tsam / repository / .

spring - JdbcPagingItemReader endless loop -

Why is it receiving an endless loop? Always return ten records and do not continue with the next one & lt; Bean id = "pagingItemReader1" class = "org.springframework.batch.item.database.JdbcPagingItemReader" scope = "step" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Data Source" Reference = "Data Source 1" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Query Provider" & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Data Source" Reference = "Data Source 1" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Select" "Value =" Select ID, Image "/> gt; Property Name =" to "Classes" = "From Squares" /> & Lt; Property name = "whereClause" value = "where image: value 1 or like image: value2" /> & Lt; Property name = "sort key" value ...

Parameters are not working passing to a crystal reports from -

I am using this code to pass parameters into your Crystal Reports say, but Crystal Reports runtime input parameters . Please help me to resolve it new RPT_Maintenance rpt.SetDataSource as Dim rpt (maintenanceDetailsTable) rpt.SetParameterValue ( "datefrom", dtpDateFrom.Text) rpt.SetParameterValue ( "dateto" , DtpDateTo.Text) Rpt.SetParameterValue ( "cat", "all Vehicles") FRM_ReportViewer.CrystelReportViewer.ReportSource = rpt FRM_ReportViewer.ShowDialog () FRM_ReportViewer.Dispose () you can see the following link for directions.

angularjs - Obtaining element attributes within a custom directive used within ng-repeat -

This is making me a bit nuts I need to read the source of an image within a custom attribute: app.directive ('imgTransform', function () {return} (copy: 'a', link: function (scope, Elem, attrs) {console.log (elem.attr ('ng -src '))}}}}); This works fine when used: & lt; img ng -src = 'http: //' alt = "" img-change = "" /> However, this ng - Do not work inside: & lt; p Ng-repeat = 'image in images' & gt; img-ng-src = '{{picture}}' alt = "" img-transform = "" /> The given value is {{image}} . How can I get the actual value attrs : console.log (attrs.ngSrc); Wired: The reason for this can be that ng-repeat uses the original DOM as a template and regenerates it for each iteration. For some reason (unclear), you are reading the feature of the template. Although this explanation can be very wrong ... However, since ...

html5 - In a html form in the password field value is not showing as password -

The HTML form I created for my webpage is not showing as a password value. Instead of "password" This code is ... & lt; Form id = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "success_wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "success" & gt; Contact form submitted! & Lt; Br> & Lt; Strong> Thanks for registering & lt; / Strong> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Label class = "name" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" value = "name:" & gt; & Lt; Br class = "clear"> & Lt; Span class = "error error-empty" & gt; * This is not a valid name. & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "empty error-empty" & gt; * This field is required. & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Label class = "email" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text...

inheritance - Java one child class containing other siblings -

I saw that some code has a child in which there are other siblings, for example, in the below Child1 Brother-Sister Child 2, Child 3 are included. I wonder if there is a problem in this design? Public Class Parents {...} Public Ultimate Classroom Child1 Parents Detail (Private Child 2 Children 2; Private Child 3 Children 3; ...} Public Finals Class Child2 Mothers- Expanding the father {...} Public Final Class Child3 Parents Expansion ... Itemprop = "text"> There is nothing wrong with the code posted by you technically, but let me The question arises whether this is the right way to model your domain. Does it make sense to talk to children 1 and Child3 from the point of view? Or is this just a way to divide your code into logical classes? In addition to this, The tree should be avoided where the legacy is probably the strongest form of coupling. Perhaps you can apply the same functionality by using the strategy method to reduce coupling.

objective c - ios: how run location manager in background -

I want to run what I do in my work: - (Zero) Location Manager: (CLLocationManager *) Manager updated notebook location: (CLLocation *) from the new location location: (CLLocation *) Old Location {} In the background I have my page There are several elements and I do not want to stop using the map's loading app. When the app loads, the map has started and the user must wait a few seconds for the map to load. I know that we can do something in the background with dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^ {[self doWorkInBackground];}); But I'm not with location manager. So I want to load the application without the map, and when the map is over it will appear on the application. Can you help me Thank you Yes, you should put your code between the async block that you posted. To show the map to the block you call another method on your view controller. You have to execute in the main thread otherwise your boy will mess ...

php - Adding an MD5 Hash to my password Generator -

After text "itemprop =" text "> Your custom Moodle is trying to add an MD5 hash to your password generator for the sign up script. Here's what I have: Every time I try, does not it look like that? Not sure how to test it, but it does not seem to havehing. Any advice on how to test the text after this You can remove that line: $ n = MD5 (rand (0, $ alphaLength)); and to change the next line: $ pass [] = $ alphabet [rand (0, $ alpha lang)]; Works well - you get an 8-character random password.

c - Configuring Qt Creator for GTK+ -

I can not set up QT creator for GTK + on Ubuntu. I'm trying to compile this example but I Errors were found complaining about header files: but I included it in the .pro file + = / url / include / GTK-2.0 \ /usr/include/glib-2.0 \ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include/ \ / usr / include / cairo / \ /usr/include/pango-1.0/ \ / Usr / lib / i386-linux-gnu / gtk-2.0 / include / \ /usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/ \ /usr/include/atk-1.0/ but Me that Just know what to add to LIBS + = add this to work Done Unix: CONFIG + = link_pkgconfig unix: PKGCONFIG + = gtk + -2.0

javascript - Jqmath producing strange behaviour, incorrect rendering -

I am using jqmath for math rendering. This is the complete code / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; It is fully working in Firefox, but not in Chrome 32 and IE8. I checked the compatibility and it says that jqmath is compatible with both versions. So why is not it working? The strange part is that it is working perfectly and when I type the math expression in the text area available for practice on the homepage, it is being sung properly.So where's the problem? edit Symbols are appearing but they are scattered. It seems that the problem is only with division - eg. 2 / 3. If I write the same expression in the available testing area by going to the homepage of jqmath using the same version of Chrome, they are presented correctly. Example 1 Firefox (correct) Chrome (wrong) Example 2 Firefox (right) Chrome (wrong) jqMath uses browsers in MathML, including Firefox and Safa There are recent versions of RE (WebK...

Giving default values to only some function variables in Matlab -

मैंने एक Matlab फ़ंक्शन बनाया फ़ंक्शन फू (argone, argtwo) समारोह की शुरुआत उन वेरिएबल्स के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट विकल्प की अनुमति देती है अगर फ़ंक्शन को केवल एक या शून्य तर्क के साथ ही कहा जाता है function foo (argone, argtwo) अगर (~ मौजूद ('argone', 'var')) argone = defaultargone; अंत अगर (~ मौजूद ('आर्ट्स', 'var')) argtwo = defaultargtwo; अंत ...% कोड के बाकी हम फ़ंक्शन को foo ()% के रूप में कॉल कर सकते हैं डिफ़ॉल्ट मान argone और argtwo foo को असाइन किए जाते हैं Myargone)% डिफ़ॉल्ट मान दिया गया है argtwo foo (myargone, myargtwo)% कोई डिफ़ॉल्ट मानों का उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है लेकिन कैसे आर्गोन के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट मान देने में सक्षम हो? यदि फ़ंक्शन को foo (~, myargtwo) के साथ कहा जाता है, तो कोई भी डिफ़ॉल्ट मान नहीं है; एल्गोन को शून्य मान मिलता है (यह मूलभूत मूल्य नहीं है) आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद एक वैकल्पिक तरीका खाली इनपुट को संभालने का विकल्प शामिल करना होगा: फ़ंक्शन फ़ू (argone, argtwo) अगर ~ मौजूद है ('argone', ...

c++ - Is this behaviour of delete[] expected - deleting only the first two elements? -

मेरा कोड: # include & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; cstdlib & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {int * p; पी = नया इंट [5]; पी [0] = 34; पी [1] = 35; पी [2] = 36; पी [3] = 44; पी [4] = 32; Cout & lt; & lt; "हटाने से पहले:" & lt; & lt; endl; (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 5; i ++) के लिए {cout & lt; & lt; पी [आई] & lt; & lt; endl; } हटाएं [] पी; Cout & lt; & lt; "हटाए जाने के बाद:" & lt; & lt; endl; (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; 5; i ++) के लिए {cout & lt; & lt; पी [आई] & lt; & lt; endl; }} यदि को हटाएं] को नया के द्वारा बनाई गई सभी स्मृति ब्लॉकों को हटाना चाहती हैं तो फिर केवल पहले दो तत्व यहां हटाए गए हैं? यह आउटपुट है: हटाए जाने से पहले: 34 35 36 44 32 हटाए जाने के बाद: 0 0 36 44 32 एक संभावित कारण मैं सोच सकता था कि यह पहले दो को हटा देता है जो कुछ कैसे स्मृति प्रबंधन को सोचता है कि जब ज़रूरत होती है तो पूरे ब्लॉक फिर से आवंटित किए जाने के लिए स्वतंत्...

javascript - TypeError: tinymce.get(...) is null - Does not seem to be finding ID properly -

I'm using tinyies in Wordpress for some custom requirements. I was doing it, but now I feel that it was not the first to throw an error with firebug : type error: tinymce .get (...) is zero geqqo_new: tinymce However, things look perfectly appropriate - they were working before - so please check me twice: JS : tinym Ce.get ('geqqo-editor-new'). GetContent () Generated HTML : & lt; Form action = "" method = "post" target = "_ blank" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "wp-geqqo-editor-new-wrap" class = "wp-core-ui wp-editor-wrap html-active" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = 'stylesheet' id = 'editor-buttons-css' href =' http: //localhost/hawaii/somelocal/wp-includes/css/editor.min.css? Ver = 3.9 'type =' Text / CSS 'media =' All '/> & Lt; Div id = "wp-geqqo-editor-new-editor-tools" class = "wp-editor-tools hide-if-no-js" & gt; ...

javascript - How do I bind Ext JS controls with ASP.NET MVC? -

I am starting a new project with ASP.NET MVC, and I have to use ExtJs as a Widget Library (we are not going to 'MVC in customer') because the company has a license for it . We have a bad experience binding to the HTML generated by the MVC from the previous project. We usually use MVC & lt; Input & gt; etc., generated ExtJS control based on their properties, and synchronizes the values ​​of both, it is difficult to maintain, and it looks ugly in code. What do I want that ExtJs controls will be able to get their value directly from the HTML generated by ASP.NET, and will be able to submit them in a way the controller MVC will understand and will be able to deserialize a model object . I would also like to use jQuery validation, which is integrated with ASP.NET MVC, and not ExtJS assumptions. Is it possible with ExtJS controls? Thank you. Good, because no one answered, I'll tell you what I am doing. On each input, add a data-type type type, which expl...

c# - Microsoft.Expression.Blend in a WPF app targetting .net 4.0 -

मेरे पास एक wpf ऐप लक्ष्यीकरण है। नेट 4.0 मैं Microsoft.Expression.Blend.dll का उपयोग कर रहा हूं हर बार मुझे कई चेतावनियां मिलती हैं जो इस तरह दिखती हैं: प्राथमिक संदर्भ "माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। एक्सक्शन। ब्लेंड, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, पब्लिककेय टोकन = बी 0 3 एफ 5 एफ 7 एफ 11 डी 50 ए 3 ए, प्रोसेसर अरकोटेक्चर = x 86 "का समाधान नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि इसकी .NET Framework असेंबली पर अप्रत्यक्ष निर्भरता है" Microsoft.Build.Engine, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, सार्वजनिककीटोकन = बी03f5f7f11d50a3a "जिसमें एक उच्च संस्करण" "है संस्करण "" वर्तमान लक्ष्य ढांचे में। या यह: प्राथमिक संदर्भ "Microsoft.Expression.Blend, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a, प्रोसेसरआर्चाटेकचर = X86 "का समाधान नहीं किया जा सकता क्योंकि इसकी असेंबली पर अप्रत्यक्ष निर्भरता है" माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। एक्सक्शन। डिज़ाइनहोस्ट, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, पब्लिककेय टोकन = बी03 एफ 5 एफ 7 एफ...

java - removing underscore form a string -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 जवाब मेरे पास स्ट्रिंग है जो दिखता है जैसे कि abcd = "name_person" लेकिन मैं इसे इस तरह पढ़ना चाहूंगा: abcd = "नामपरिवार" मैं जावा के साथ यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ abcd = abcd.replaceAll ("_", "");

android - GridView only lists first image in directory -

I am trying to display all the images in a GridView in a certain directory, but only the first image is displayed Has been there. Here's what I am using: OnCreate: iconGrid = (GridView) findViewById (; GetImageFiles (); IconGrid.setAdapter (New ImageAdapter (this)); getImageFiles (): public zero getImageFiles () {file dir = new file (environment .getExternalStorage directory ("," IMG "); For (dir.isDirectory ()) (file F: dir.listFiles ()) (string EXT: IMAGE_EXTENSIONS) if (f.getName (). ToLowerCase (). EndsWith (ext)) {Log.d ( F ToString (), "Adding File"); Files.add (f.getAbsolutePath ()); }} imageAdapter () public class ImageAdapter BaseAdapter extended {personal reference reference; Public imageadapter (reference reference) {this.context = context; } Public int getCount () {back files.size (); } Public object getItem (status of int) {return status; } Public ITMID in the long run (status of return) {Return Status; } View...

firefox - Barcode scanner causes chrome manifest error in FF, when typing doesn't? -

We have an EVO laser USB barcode scanner, and when we do some scans, my web app (type?) Breaks If we type in the same thing, then there is no problem. In fact, the scan is successful, and typing in numbers from the barcode, and it brings it to the next page in sequence. The difference is that the barcode scanner pops up the browser error with the following error: It is consistent: Typing works, but the scanner decides the error. I thought the computer could not tell ... how is it on firefox-specific error causing the earth? (FF28.0 Clean Stock Install.) It happens, my app was a port of desktop old After app scanning created around the scanner, the old scanner did not emit any particular character, so the desktop app will automatically respond after typing / scanning the number of precise digits. I have worked the webapp port in the same way, however, the use of new scanners is being released after scanning CRLF, due to which FF can already write some javascript call form...

ruby - Rails 4 - Creating associated model during update of another model -

I am using rogue gem to make an example of a model in steps (step 1, step 2, etc.) ) On the third step, however, I need to make an API call to collect some data and store it in the example of another model (this will be one: related to other models). What I am thinking is that how do I communicate with this API and store information, while I am still in the process of creating the first model. Is this a good design pattern? Or should I deal with API information in some other way? My idea is that I can redirect the form to make API calls and I can redirect back to the fourth step after dealing with the API. Is there a specific design of rail to deal with third party APIs? No, this is not a good design pattern, but sometimes there is no way around it It is that Everything is covered by a single database transaction, and that, as I understand from your question, that is the case. Your objects are connected to the "relation to relations" connection, so they can b...

performance - Android ccache sharing among workspaces -

I'm using a workspace designed to use other workspace Sikas would like to share, so that Sikas data A copy of the same source code to be used to compile. Ex: 1) A workspace (home / user / source_code1) has been created. 2) server has been synchronized code here 3) USE_CCACHE = 1 Code went compiled as I am now I have the following Case 1: 1) a workspace (Home / User / Source_code 2) has been created. 2) The same source code is integrated from the server 3) The same compilation as I did earlier in the workspace. Case 2: 1) Delete Workspace home / user / source_code1 2) Rebuild the first workspace (home / user / source code 1). 2) synced again address the server is compiled code with 3) USE_CCACHE = 1 would like to use ccache designed source_code1 up I want source_code2 compilation and when I have the same scope Remove and re-create, then I need to compile the cache with the already created cache. The result is that I am now seeing in both cases above, even though this...

AngularJS : Transcluding SVG elements in directives -

I am interested in creating a composite SVG by composing the reusable graphical elements wrapped inside Angular.js instructions. For example, I might have: & lt; Div ng-app = "svgApp" & gt; & Lt; Canvas & gt; & Lt; Drawing ng-repeat = "i [1,2,3]" cy = "{{i * 40}}" & gt; & Lt; / Drawing & gt; & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Where I am defining the following instructions: .directive ('canvas', function () {return {template:' & lt; Svg height = 200 width = 100 ng-transclude & gt; & lt; / svg & gt; banned: 'e', ​​replace: true, transclude: true};}) Directive ('drawing', function) ({{template: & lt; circle cx = 50 r = 15 & gt; & lt; / circle & gt; restrict: 'e', ​​replace: true};} ) The problem is that the SVG element is properly passed, a clue seems to be that it is mostly because SVG nodes have not been properly formed wit...

ios - Warning: Attempt to present <UINavigationController while a presentation is in progress -

Contact Editor VC when I try to present receive an error message alert : Attempts to submit & lt; UINavigationController: 0x15fe273f0 & gt; On & lt; UINavigationController: 0x15fe0e730 & gt; While a presentation work is in progress! I believe that this is because my UIImagePickerController is still active. Here are my didFinish is Method - (minus) imagePickerController: (UIImagePickerController *) picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) info {UIImage * Image = info [UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage]; Animated: yes]; [Picker sharpening viewer unnecessary: ​​yes complete: zero]; [Self scan with image: image]; } As you can see, in the second message the VC should be dismissed, but it is not, and it remains till the end of execution of the application. scanWithImage: end says showNewPersonViewController Here's the method: - (minus) showNewPersonViewController {ABNewPersonViewController * Picker = [[ABNewPersonViewControl...

c# - Identity outside of MVC -

I created a login system for an MVC app based on the new identity framework, and since I already have all the To modify my database to match the Hard Identity 2.0 requirements, I was wondering if it would be possible to use it outside of MVC, so that I have already created, the login system for a desktop project I can use it again Example and I am working. If so, can I implement the login system on a .dell which can be used in other projects? Yes, you can use your existing database for other applications ADO.NET Entity Data Model Add, and point it to your database. After that, if you need to, choose "update model from databases" and you should have all sets. However, it can be as easy to create your own user / roles tables, it is disappointing (for me) that identifies the primary key as a string, even if it is essentially Guids are

javascript - Is it not feasible to make PHP run on .js pages? -

I'm curious about passing PHP output to JavaScript Especially two things: I assume that the script tag on this .php page can be safely used. Is there no reason? Can you run PHP on .js pages? What configuration changes would be required? And then, is there any reason? I agree that this is a .php page The script tag can be used safely on the screen. Is there no such reason? Yes no reason Can you run PHP on .js pages? What configuration changes would be required? And then, is there any reason? Yes, you have to use the PHP module for your webserver for a .js suffix. On Nginx, you can add a space row for files ending in .js: - location ~ \ .js $ {} Apache But you want to do something like this: - AddType application / x-httpd-php .php .js One reason may be that you Do not do this, any static JS files will have to go through the PHP module and this will cause additional overhead. Another option is HTML script tags like: - & lt; Script src = ...

java - Repainting Graphics Issue -

I'm trying to write a small side-scroller game, but ran into a problem with redrawing The key listener works only when it presses the direction key, increases the x and y value and decreases. Just repeating () does not seem to be repetitive. Public class SideScroller implements the JPNL KeyListener {Private random random = new random (); Private Ent RR, G, B; Private int X = 0, Y = 0; Public Zero Key is pressed (key ID) {if (e.getKeyCode () == E.VK_UP) {y - = 5; } Else if (e.getKeyCode () == e.VK_DOWN) {y + = 5; } And if (e.getKeyCode () == EVKLLFT} {x - = 5; } And if (e.getKeyCode () == E.VK_RHHT) {x + = 5; } Color (); } Public Zero Key Related (Key Event E) {} Public Zero Key Type (KeyEyeE) {} Public Zero Color (Graphics GG) {gg.setColor (New Color (R, G, B)); Gg.fillRect (x, y, 50, 50); } Public static zero main (string [] Args) {SideScroller SS = New SideScroller (); JFrame f = new JFrame (); F.add (new sidecroller ()); F.setSize (500, 500); F.setLocationRelativeTo (zero...

How to create submit button in PHP using HTML forms? -

इस कोड के बिना मेरा वेब पेज ठीक काम करता है ... प्रतिध्वनि "& lt; form नाम = "रोगी" क्रिया = "रोगी_हृष्टि_डिस्क.एफ़पीपी" विधि = "जाओ" & gt; "; गूंज "& lt; इनपुट प्रकार =" जमा करें "मान =" रोगी इतिहास को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें "& gt;"; गूंज "& lt; / form & gt;"; हालांकि, कोड के इस हिस्से को जोड़ने के बाद, मुझे दो त्रुटियां मिलीं: त्रुटि 1: स्क्रीन: त्रुटि 2 के लिए त्रुटि दमन को नजरअंदाज कर दिया गया: पार्स त्रुटि: वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि, अनपेक्षित T_STRING, '', 'या'; '' आप कर रहे हैं उद्धरण से बचने के लिए नहीं "यद्यपि गूंज के लिए आपको एकल उद्धरण के साथ आरंभ करना और बंद होना चाहिए ' गूंज & lt; form name =" patient "action =" patient_history_display.php "method =" get "& gt; '; गूंज' & amp; lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "जमा करें" मान = "रोगी इतिहास को देखने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें...

python - 'module' object has no attribute 'views' django error -

If I created django in the login view as the following code Django.conf Import import pattern, include, django.contrib.auth.views import urlpatterns = pattern (url (r'login / $ ', login, name =' login ') URL), Everything works fine, but if I include it in the following way import code from , import url from django.contrib auth urlpatterns = 'pattern (' ', Url (r'login / $', auth.views.login, name = 'login'),) I get the following error Exception value: 'module' object has no attribute 'witch R ' Who's really bothers me that he is in any other project I've been imported from the other way and it is working fine. Does anyone know what's going on here? In another project you probably already call the auth.views module auth.views.login before you can. The python will split your imported module, when it can happen. For example, this will work & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Django.contrib...

How to make scrollbar can scroll in UITextView in iOS? -

I have a very large text to show in UITextView . My case I want to scroll with UITextView's scrollbar touch. In UITextView , I can only scroll with the basic scroll feature. I want to scroll UITextView with the scrollbar which is present on the right side of the UITextView like the browser but I can not scroll it. In Mac, we can scroll in the same way with the scrollbar. How can I do this Am I required to have a custom control? Try this code. UITextView * textView = [[UITextView alloc] init]; TextView.scrollEnabled = Yes; Hope this will help you.

html - Horizontally align text within absolute position -

I'm trying to remove a box. Within this box, I want to make the position of some elements in the top left and right corners, then by dragging additional elements down the hinge on the lower part of the box, but now not in the corners. The lower left element, I want to focus it on the left column / half of the box, while I want to combine the right element under its right column / half box. I have created a JSFDial to make it clear what I am doing. I have to align the lower texts in the lower part of the box to position: complete; Bottom: 0 , although text-align properties do not appear to do anything now. What can I do to get these alignments again? Thanks! EDIT: I have updated jsfiddle to use the stylesheet. The goal is to preserve the placement of the text below each column. In the lower left, I want to focus the text inside my column. On the lower right, I want to right-align the text in my column too. You need Divs to assign a width to text alignment. For exam...

rubymotion Cannot find executable for CFBundle -

On my iMac I just installed RubyMotion I made my first app -. Hello This is the code: class AppDelegate def application (application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions) @window = UIWindow.alloc.initWithFrame (UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds) @ window.rootViewController = HelloViewController .alloc.init @ window.rootViewController.wantsFullScreenLayout = true @ window.makeKeyAndVisible true end end I $ racks to run and Ios simulator start /Applications/; CFBundle 0x8d8a130 & lt could not be executable 2014-04-25 18: 58 :: 03.157 Hello [70B 10488] and I get this error /Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform /Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator7.1.sdk/System/Library/AccessibilityBundles/CertUIFramework.axbundle> (Not loaded) I took it from another question: temporary solution: IOS simulator & gt; Reset content and settings ... and run again. text "itemprop =" text "> This is a relatively harmless (min...

Dropdown menu won't close when an item is clicked - jQuery -

I am trying to create a responsive menu and I'm going with one last thing that I have to do with it I am trying. When the menu item is clicked, that page is navigating to the right place, but this menu is not closed Here's my code: & Lt; A href = "#" class = "mobile" & gt; Menu & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "hide menu mobile" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "about #" & gt; About & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Schedule" & gt; Schedule & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# Trainers" & gt; Instructor & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#place" & gt; Venue & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "# sponsor" & g...

android - using onresume to redirect activity after pressing back -

is an activity I use I am open to valid information about the user logging into your Android app I am This action to redirect the GUI and verification activities based on the information. Either way my app will go back to this screen and just get stuck on an empty activity. I have not coded onResume . I onResume () to'd like to use and at the same time would like to get it back up the stack to prevent it? Thank you! When you successfully before moving on to another activity to validate user information "activity", call ends (); // This will remove the previous activity stack I hope this will solve your problem

swing - java netbeans disable another jFormattedTextField when the first one is empty -

I am using jFormattedTextField because it can be easily formatted because I want it instead of jTextField. I only allow input as a number. Case: I have two gerformed testfield forms, assuming they are txtA and txtb, txtB is disabled. When txtA is empty, then TCTB will always be inactive. Otherwise, when txtA is not empty, TCTT will be enabled. If I remove all input in TSTA, TCTB should be disabled. I have put the code in the keyReleased event. Here's the code snippet: Private zeros txtAKeyReleased (java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {if (! (TxtA.getText). Equals (""))) {int Form = txtA.getText (). Length (); If (as> gt; 0) {txtB.setEnabled (true); } And {txtB.setEnabled (wrong); }} And {txtB.setText (null); TxtB.setEnabled (false); }} At a glance, it works but, it does not work perfectly. When I type something in TCTA, then TCTB is enabled. Problem 1: But, if I remove all inputs in TSTA, then TCTB is still capable Problem 2: Identifying TSTA as input ...

postgresql - PostGIS: Create Extension failed -

मैंने psql में कमांड चलाया है: my-spatial-db = # एक्सटेंस पोस्ट बनाएं ; और त्रुटि प्राप्त करें: त्रुटि: विस्तार नियंत्रण फ़ाइल "/usr/share/pgsql/extension/postgis.control" खोल नहीं सके: ऐसा कोई नहीं फ़ाइल या निर्देशिका my-spatial-db = # का चयन करें postgis_full_version (); नोटिस: फ़ंक्शन postgis_gdal_version () नहीं मिला। क्या रास्टर समर्थन सक्षम है और rtpostgis.sql स्थापित है? सूचना: फ़ंक्शन postgis_topology_scripts_installed () नहीं मिला। टोपोलॉजी समर्थन सक्षम और टोपोलॉजी एसक्यूएल स्थापित है? सूचना: फ़ंक्शन postgis_raster_scripts_installed () नहीं मिला। क्या रास्टर समर्थन सक्षम है और rtpostgis.sql स्थापित है? सूचना: फ़ंक्शन postgis_raster_lib_version () नहीं मिला। क्या रास्टर समर्थन सक्षम है और rtpostgis.sql स्थापित है? Postgis_full_version ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- POSTGIS = "2.0 .2 r10789 "जीओओएस =" 3.3.6-सीएपीआई-1.7.6 "प्रोज =" रिले 4.8.0, 6 मार्च 2012 "LIBXM...

ios - Auto-layout: What creates constraints named UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Width & Height? -

Some of the structures are right in my layout constraints Interface Builder, but introduce an exception to determine the height and width The sequence is thanks to the obstacles that I really do not want to do, why are they there, and how to stop them? They are the last two obstacles shown in the list of logs: 2014-04-26 09:02: 58.687 BBC News [32058: 60b] Unable to complete There is probably at least one obstacle in the following list that you do not want. Try it: (1) Look at each obstacle and try to figure out what you do not expect; (2) Get the code that connects unwanted obstacles or obstacles and can fix it. (Note: If you are looking at the NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you do not understand, see the documentation for the translation of the UIView Property Indexed MaskNet Consultants ("& lt; NSLayoutConstraint: 0xbf478a0 UIViewiew: 0xbf4a3c0.height == 0.28125 * UIView: 0xbf4a3c0.width & gt; ; "," & Lt; NSLayoutConstraint: 0xbf47190 UI...

how to set value in perl using system cmd -

We can set the value in the batch file so that I am experiencing a problem using the system CMD in Perl code. The previously tried command: system ("(one set = 10) and% echo% acho)"; I'm expecting a print of Wall 10. I do not know anything about windows batch files but googling: if you have a batch file cmd.bat : @echo closed set one = 10 echo% a% and then perl script From system ('cmd.bat'); Or maybe this is not what's for you

three.js - Setting face colors in fiddle -

It looks like I can not set the face color in a bela I like this Setting face color var faces = new three Face 3 (inx 1, in 3, inx2); Face color = color; Face.ambient = Color; Face.normal.set (0,0, -1); Geometry.faces.push (face); Facials and Norms are inverted because I am cutting the shadow and the face does not work if the face is not set in such a way. But I set the double side face: var pMaterial = new three.MeshPhongMaterial ({vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors, shininess: 100, side: THREE.DoubleSide}); The end result is that the faces are black The exact same type of installation is working fine in the local. (Well, I think thinks this is the same). I can not understand what the problem is ... Three.js version that comes Try including the latest "bundle" in Jsfiddle is a little too old. & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;

string - C++ copy of char* data in struct to another struct -

I have a problem when I try to copy data from one strat here is the structure struct connection_details {char * server; Four * users; Four * password; Four * databases; }; And what I'm trying to do is to copy the data from one object to another (connection_setup is a personal connection_details object) This is the code from the second object creator : Settings * tmp = new settings (); This- & gt; Connection_setup.server = strdup (tmp-> getSQLSettings (.) Server); Removing TMP; I maintain the fault of division which makes sense because I probably touch the stuff that I should not do. Actually both the settings object and the object in which I am a private member variable of type connection_details I.e class setting {public: settings (); ~ (Setting); Connection_details getSQLSettings (); Private: connection_details sqldetails; }; Thanks for any advice! First of all, you are using it for new and free, this is a very bad idea because in general the d...

css - Getting weird vertical scrollbar -

मैं क्या हासिल करना चाहता हूं यह है "alt =" result "> इसे पाने के लिए, मैंने इस शैली के साथ एक div (.toolbar-left) बना दिया .left-toolbar {width: 300px ; पृष्ठभूमि: #ddd; पैडिंग: 15px; बाईंओर तैरना; ऊंचाई: 100%; } मैंने भी इस शैली के साथ। Div डिज़ाइन किया है: .paint {margin-left: 300px; ऊंचाई: 100%; } मैं इन शैलियों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, अगर उनकी समस्या के साथ कुछ करना है: *, *: before, *: after { -मोज़ बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; -वेबकिट-बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; बॉक्स-आकार: सीमा-बॉक्स; } Html, शरीर {मार्जिन: 0; पैडिंग: 0; फ़ॉन्ट-परिवार: 'मोंटेसेराट', 'बिना-सेरिफ़'; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 14px; ऊंचाई: 100%; } यह ठीक से काम करता है, लेकिन जैसे ही मैं चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई 100% के साथ एक कैनवास तत्व जोड़ता हूं, एक ऊर्ध्वाधर स्क्रॉलबार जोड़ा जाता है। तो, मैं स्क्रॉलबार क्यों ले रहा हूं? संपादित करें : मैं अपने आकार और सब कुछ (डिव्स, बॉडी और कैनवस) की एक ही ऊंचाई की जांच करता हूं। एक JSFiddle बनाया: आपको कैनवास में डिस्प्ले ब्लॉक जोड़ने की आ...