java - SPARQL delete on owlim-lite not working -
I want to remove all triplets in my Ollim-Lite store using the Java / Sesame API
I tried: In all types (or with its prefixes), it happens: But any of these questions begin to work. I always get the same exception: It seems that This is a common problem as this one: except for all other questions (selections), they work perfectly well. What am I doing? You might have a wrong endpoint for your updates The SPARQL update request should be sent to where? s? P? O};
org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException: "Delete" "Delete" "On line 1, column 1." One of the "was expected": " The base ".." prefix "..." select "..." the description of the creation of "..." as "..." "... ...
openrdf-sesame / repository /
OpenRDF-tsam / repository /
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