mongodb - Optimized environment for mongo -

I have a Rachel Linux server (VM) running a 4 core processor and running under 8 GB RAM applications

  - An Apache Carpool Container - An Apache Tomet Server - An Active MQ Server - and Mongoode Server (either Secondary Primary).   

Frequently I think Mongo consumes around 80% of CPUs. Now I see that my CPU and memory are overhauling most of the time and this has made me doubt that these Whether my hardware configurations are too low to run components.

Please tell me that it is okay to work this way on a shared server.

The question is comprehensive and the answer depends on a lot of variables, but I want to understand it completely Will try

Can you use all these services on a single machine at minimal load? - sure. It is not clear where other shards live, but it will work in any way. You did not provide your HDD specs which is quite important for the DB server, but then it will work on minimal load.

Can you use this load under heavy loads - is not the best idea, maybe it is better to have different servers controlling these services.

Monitor as a composite server load: Check the logs for CPU, memory, IO slow questions, if your queries should run fast and they do not, then you will need more hardware .

No one will really be able to tell you how a specific server configuration can handle. To get these days you need at least 512 MB of RAM and 1 CPU, but very soon you will press the limit. It all depends on how many users you have, what kind of questions they run and how much data they cover We do.


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