objective c - ios: how run location manager in background -
I want to run what I do in my work:
- (Zero) Location Manager: (CLLocationManager *) Manager updated notebook location: (CLLocation *) from the new location location: (CLLocation *) Old Location {} In the background I have my page There are several elements and I do not want to stop using the map's loading app. When the app loads, the map has started and the user must wait a few seconds for the map to load. I know that we can do something in the background with
dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^ {[self doWorkInBackground];}); But I'm not with location manager. So I want to load the application without the map, and when the map is over it will appear on the application. Can you help me Thank you
Yes, you should put your code between the async block that you posted. To show the map to the block you call another method on your view controller. You have to execute in the main thread otherwise your boy will mess up.
__ weak type is quite (self) weak; true = self; Send_Administrator (Dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {// Load your map here Send_Association (Send_a_Man_Queu), ^ {[weak self-mapled];})}}; __ Memory leaks with weak blocks.
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