java - Passing an ArrayList of a class from a jsp to a servlet -

I have an ArrayList of a class room, I need to send a jsp to servlet

It seems that an HTML or jsp can send a value for a sublet through a form, the method I tried to give it as a hidden parameter as follows:

  & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "allRooms" value = "& lt;% = request.getAttribute (" allRooms ")%>" / & Gt;   

But the way I submit this form, I get a compilation error "string can not be converted to list" for the following:

 < Code> list & lt; Cell & gt; AllRooms = (list & lt; cell & gt;) request.getParameter ("allRooms");   

Change the first parameter to the object type first and then converting it to the shown list below gives the only exception, but this time as a runtime exception: < Pre> object a = (object) request.getParameter ("allRooms"); & Lt; Cell & gt; AllRooms = (list & lt; cell & gt;);

Is there a method to pass the list in the sublet or should I set it as a session variable in JSP?

Thanks in advance.

Use session . This is a best solution.

ARLL to send through the HTML form. Instead use session


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