
Showing posts from February, 2014

jquery - Authorization Header not set for cross domain request -

I have read different posts but could not locate the solution. I am calling this URL and there is a code in test.html $ Ajax ({type: "GET", url: " 123", CrossDamain: true, async: false, beforeSend: function (xhr) {Warning ('Befor Sent' ); Var text = btoa ("11" + ":" + "22"); warning ("ank:";), success: function () {} (for example, "error": "+ error"); Warning ('Thank you for your comment!');} }); I get a 401 error and when I check the header, then an authority header The problem occurs when code runs on the browser. I tried this for phonegap and it works perfectly.

curl - Add complex attirubtes as the sub attribute of another complex attribute of wso2Extension via SCIM endpoints -

I want to add a complex attribute as a sub-attribute of the other complex attribute of wso2Extension through SCIM end points . I have successfully added a complex feature as a sub-attribute of the wso2 extension in user profiles through endpoint of SCIM rest. Sub-attribute of wso2Extension in the user profile given below, working to add a complex feature called patient . "User name": "SOURCE", "password": "WSO2 @ 123"; "WSO2 @ 123" "Engineering", "Department": "Integration", "Patient": {"employeeNumber": "000111" "costCenter": "111111", "Organization": "WSO2Org", "Partition": { "First name": "test patient", "displayname": "test patit"}} "- header" content-type: application / jason "https: // local host: 9 443 / Wso2 / scim / users Now I have a complex feature calle...

Jmeter Web service Testing (HTTP Raw Request) -

How to test the web services written in PHP as "HTTP RAW REQUEST", I request the J.K. Tried these, but I do not want to do in the requested data and data file path ??? Please Soap Web Services XML is speaking REST web services are accepted and JSON I You must send a request - For correlation (Re-responding / Li> - Content type and any other header (the plugin To be available) - For correlation - - for testing Perhaps a good place to start with guidance can be. >

c# - Display GameWindow of OpenTK in projector screen -

मेरे पास GameWindow जिसमें OpentTK में कुछ एनीमेशन हैं, I प्रोजेक्टर स्क्रीन में दिखाना चाहते हैं क्या इस मामले के लिए क्लास उपयोगी है? ओपनटीके का इस्तेमाल करना; विदेशी (डिस्प्ले डिवाइस में DisplayDevice डिवाइस। उपलब्ध है) प्रदर्शित करता है {कंसोल। WrightLine (device.IsPrimary); Console.WriteLine (device.Bounds); Console.WriteLine (device.RefreshRate); Console.WriteLine (device.BitsPerPixel); अग्रगण (डिस्प्लेआरसोल्यूशन रिज़ डिवाइस में उपलब्ध है। रिसोल्यूशंस) {कंसोल। वीडलाइन (आरईएस); }} कृपया मुझे इसे प्रोजेक्टर स्क्रीन में दिखाने का एक तरीका सुझाएं। प्रोजेक्टर को मानते हुए दूसरा डिस्प्ले डिवाइस के रूप में जोड़ा गया है, फिर निम्नलिखित कार्य करेगा: var प्रोजेक्टर = DisplayDevice.GetDisplay (DisplayIndex.Second) ?? DisplayDevice.GetDisplay (DisplayIndex.Default); // यदि प्रोजेक्टर अनप्लग किया गया है तो var gw = नया गेमविंडो (प्रोजेक्टर। वीडथ, प्रोजेक्टर। हाइट, ग्राफिक्स। डीफॉल्ट, "मेरी विंडो", गेमविंडो फ्लेग्ज। फुलस्क्रीन, प्रोजेक्टर); यदि आपके पास दो से...

html5 - How to play two consistently video in html? -

In my requirement Hi I want to play two videos one by one. I am using this code for it that I want to play them continuously. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Div class = "video_player" & gt; & Lt; Width of video = "100%" height = "auto" id = "video" control & gt; & Lt; Source src = "& lt;% = videoPath1%>" Type = "video / mp34" /> & Lt; Source src = "& lt;% = videoPath2%>" Type = "video / mp34" /> & Lt; / Video & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; But this is not working, can someone suggest me? First of all, you should only list the first video. The ability to do several listings is to adjust different formats because different browsers support different formats. Add some javascript to answer another "closing" event. Inside the video tag, addended = "swapVideos ();", your Javascript function is call...

How do I get Perl to run an alias I've defined in BASH? -

I have a script which opens different files at the same time. My problem here is that when I run the system () I have defined the nickname which points to / home / user1 / software / nc, Pearl tells me that it does not execute the alias Because there is no file / directory at the current location. I know that the nickname works because when I open it directly in the shell, it opens up right. Strange, I can do the system ("Firefox") right in my script but not the alias. How do I use this nickname without any breaks? If you are smart, then you have made it defined for your nickname interactive shell, so You must launch bash and specify that you want to open an interactive shell using -i . SYSTEM ('bish', '-i', '-c', 'shell command');

mysql - how to update just one column of a table by csv using php -

I have used the following code to update a column of a table, but it will also have the values ​​of the other columns Removes, I could not find the reason to please while ($ data = fgetcsv ($ handle, 1000, ","))! == incorrect) {if ($ data [0] == 'NULL') {$ import = "UPDATE tst_stores SET store_image_url = 'http: //'"; } And {$ import = "update tst_stores SET store_image_url = '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ data [0]). ".jpg '"; } Mysql_query ($ import) or die (mysql_error ()); } Fclose ($ handle); Your SQL query is incorrect You must specify that For which example you want to use the WHERE section by using the row update tst_stores SET store_image_url = ' Au / uploads / default_store.jpg 'where = 10; This will only update the row where the colum...

vaadin - is it possible to create simple application without any theme? -

I'm new to the daytime. I wanted to create a simple page that should not have any topic. When I run a simple application, it takes the default reindeer theme. Is it possible to make a simple theme not to have a theme? So it looks like white background, normal HTML button, normal HTML label, etc. If necessary, I will use my own theme which can be created from the CSS file. Yes It is possible to use an empty theme. You just have to create an empty CSS or SAS file and then specify that theme to use. After this you can add the necessary styles to the file. You definitely have to use the standard HTML button and similarly. Vaadin default buttons (and most components) depend on a fair topic. This link can help you to see that when you want to start with a completely new theme, then what you need to do: Maybe the original topic There will be a middle path to start with VAADIN / themes / base / styles.css

angularjs : calling a function in select element -

How to call the function in the case below? & lt; Select class = "dropdown" & gt; & Lt; Option ng-repeat = "group in my group" ng-model = "group.Name" ng-change = "myfunction (group.Id)" & gt; {{Group.Name}} & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Ng-click will not work NG-model is required if you want to use ng-change (I do not need ng-model NG-change Also does not seem to call a function I know I can probably use NG model and $ watch, but since I don 'I really have a ng-model in this case I'm a little confused ... So, How do I call a function inside NG-Dual selection? (Its ng-selection is not as you might have seen) OK, option then selection is the value of the element. Try to do this: & lt; select ng-model = "selected group" ng-change = "your function ()" & gt; & lt; option ng- Repeat = "group in my group" & gt; {{group.nam...

android - When I generate .apk api calls return xhr.status = 0 -

My app's key. I have a very strange problem while generating an APK file. When I install my app on Android device (Nexus 4, 5, many HTC's and others), all my API calls return to xhr.status = 0 But if instead of doing that I use my devices as an emulator and run the app instead of manually installing it on the app, everything works fine and all the APIs Returns the call information. So I have no problem with my calls, and at first sight everything is fine, but the compilation is something that causes this problem and I do not know how to solve it. Any help please ???? Thanks in advance. Check in your config.xml file if you have & lt; Access origin = "*" /> in place. It is necessary to make cross domain API calls.

windows vista - Advanced Image editor Tool PHP -

I want to develop tools. It has an advanced image editor tool. So I have to make the same in PHP. Do you have a reference to make the same in PHP? Is there any reference to your JavaScript or PHP? Use the SVG editor to reference this kind of feature

php - REST and content-type -

I have a question that it is possible to locate the content type request, I am creating REST service and $ _SERVER ['CONTENT_TYPE'] but I get an indefinite index error I need to set it with content type which I should accept and which should be rejected. The explanation for me is that you request the HTTP status code of 4XX Want to answer those who are not acceptable, take a look at the question.

sql - find set of row, duplicate list, before insert -

itemprop = "text"> I have a table (this is a list of structures with 4 integers, first ID list id) ID | IDL | IDA (empty). IDB (empty) | IDC1 | 1 | 2 | Empty | 1 2 | 1 | 4 | Empty | 1 3 | 1 | Empty | 1 | 1 4 | 2 | 2 | Empty | 1 5 | 2 | 4 | Empty | 1 6 | 3 | 6 | Empty | 1 7 | 3 | Empty | 4 | 1 Now I need to put 4th list in this table idA | IDB | IDC2 | Empty | 1 4 | Empty | 1 tap 1 | 1 But, it already exists (list id = 1) idA | IDB | IDC2 | Empty | 1 4 | Empty | 1 Other exists (idl = 2) idA | IDB | IDC2 | Empty | 1 4 | Empty | 1 tap 7 | 1 does not exist. How to get a duplicate before entering the table Is the case (choose not in) Try this example: Disclaimer: In the example data that you provided lines 2 and 4, got a similar IDA, IDB, IDC set. If that column can not form a unique form and you have already got the taple in the copy table and you need a line per table per table per row, which makes Ill very difficult because in copy Ther...

python - Numpy only on finite entries -

Here is a brief example of a function. This vector shows the map of a vector, however, entries of the NAN or INX should be ignored. At present it looks random to me. Do you have any suggestions? Import samples from SAPPY import data as NPP P (VV): Mask = NP.Synff (vv) y = np.NaN * vv v = vv [mask] Y [ Mask] = 1 / V * (Stats. Hmean (v) / len (v)) Back I have come up with this kind of construction: import code from nppy as np with the imported data, only work on valid entries of ## and the same Use the vector y def __f (mcq on func, x) A: Mask = np.isfinite (x) y = np.NaN * xy [mask] = func (x [mask]) return y # Implementation of parity function def __pp (X): return 1 / x * (statistics. Hmean (X) / len (x)) DP PP (VV): Return __f (__PP, VV) - Reading Element Value from xml message with multiple namespaces -

I am very new to XML in Linux. I am trying to get the Element value of the MSGID node in this message: & Lt; / Nsah: AuditHeader & gt; & Lt; / Soapenv: Header & gt; & Lt; Soapenv: body & gt; & Lt; NS5: CREATEPMNT_FSFS_REQ xsi: schemaLocation = " CommPmntGtwyCreate-Request-Full.xsd" xmlns: NS5 = "" & gt; ; & Lt; NS5: FCUBS_HEADER & gt; & Lt; NS5: Source & gt; Source & lt; / NS5: Source & gt; & Lt; NS5: UBSCOMP & gt; FCUBS & lt; / NS5: UBSCOMP> & Lt; NS5: msgId> MsgiD01236549876546351321 & lt; / NS5: msgId> & Lt; NS5: USERID & gt; UID & lt; / NS5: USERID & gt; & Lt; NS5: Branch & gt; Branch & lt; / NS5: Branch & gt; & Lt; NS5: MODULEID & gt; Middle & lt; / NS5: MODULEID & gt; & Lt; NS5: Service & gt; Service & lt; / NS5: Servic... mvc - How to get unobtrusive client-side validation on a Required List of objects in MVC? -

I have a model that has a list of the functions of an employee, the employee must have at least one function. public class employee {[required (error message = "name is required")) public string name {get; Set; } [Required (error message = "email is required")] [Regular expression (@ "^ ([a-zA-Z0- 9 _ \ - \.] +) @ ((\ [[0- 9] {1 , 3} "+ @". [0- 9] {1,3}. [0- 9] {1,3}.) | (([A-zA-Z0-9 \ -] + \ "+ @ ".) +)) ([A-zA-Z] {2,4} | [0- 9] {1,3}) (\??) $", Error message = "email is not valid")] Public string email {get; Set; } [Required (error message = "at least one function is required")] Public listing & lt; Function & gt; Work {received; Set; }} Public class function {[required (error message) "name is required")] Public string name {get; Set; }} I have created an EditorTemplate for a function @model MvcClientSideValidation.Models.Function & lt; Fieldet & gt; & Lt; Story & gt;...

java - Emit a List From Mapper -

I am trying to emit a list from Mapper. list & lt; String & gt; MapFinalList = New Array's & lt; String & gt; (); Is there a way to leave a list or should I make custom writable for my list? Please suggest. UPDATE I tried to use it the Arrayable Public static class ListWritable Array {public list ) class); }} List configuration pass list = new listable (); Arrayable [] data = new derivative [dummy. Size ()]; (Int k = 0; k & lt; dummy.size (); k ++) {data [k] = new derivative (dummy to arrays (new string [dummy () ())); } PassList.set (data); Context.write (new text (""), passList); but showing the output as pck.Driver$ListWritable@75e287e5 string in a single shot, I will not apply a loop to the mapper, and every string Get out

ios - iPad launch images sizes? -

I am about to create a launch image for a universal iOS app and review sections related to launch images in both, I have found that the size of the projection images for the iPad is different in each document: The former says that a portrait launch image should be 768x1024 (SDD resolution) and later it should be 768x1004 (SDD resolution). I think the size of the 20-pixel differential status bar is due to or not considering what size should I consider? Should I include the status bar? Edit: It looks like the 768x1004 size is iOS 6.1 and below, and 768x1024 iOS 7 and above. So does this mean that the image launched for iOS 6.1 should not include the status bar in the past? I just checked in the encode: Portrait non-retina 768x1024 Portrait Retina 1536x2048

CakePHP reading Cookie with multiple dots -

I am using CakePHP to develop a website and I am currently struggling with cookies. The problem is that when I type cookies with several points, like $ this-> cookie-> gt; Write ("Figure 1.", $ Fitz ID); $ This- & gt; Cookie- & gt; Write ("Figure 1.", $ figure name); And then read, KHHP does not return nested arrays, but it returns, array ('' => gt; '82', '' = & gt; '1') I have some expectations array ((int) 1 => array ('id' = & gt; ; '82 ',' name '= & gt;' 1 ')) Actually I did not see the results for the first time when I read them after writing. But for the second time, the result was the same. Do you know what's going on? I am afraid that many points are supported if you read the CookieComponent () ) If you look at the method, you can see it: 277: if (strokes ($ key, '.')! == incorrect) {278: $ name = explosion (' . ...

ios - how to add two integer values in objective-c -

मैंने निम्न कोड लिखा है NSString * a = @ "TextField1.text" ; NSInteger b = [एक पूर्णांक वैल्यू]; NSString * p = @ "TextField2.text"; NSInteger q = [p पूर्णांक वैल्यू]; _TextLable.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", b + q]; इसे बी और क्यू जोड़ना हमेशा नतीजे 0 में _TextLable.text NSString * a = @" TextField1.text "; आपको निम्न सामग्री के साथ एक NSString देगा: TextField1.text यह निश्चित रूप से आपके लिए क्या नहीं है। समस्या यह है कि पूर्णांक को परिवर्तित करने में विफल रहता है, और यही कारण है कि NSInteger 0 है। और 0 * 2 के बाद से 0, आपको परिणाम के रूप में 0 मिलता है। यदि आप पहले से ही TextField1 और TextField2 लिंक किए गए UITextFields के रूप में है, फिर निम्न का उपयोग करें: NSString * a = TextField1.text; NSInteger b = [एक पूर्णांक वैल्यू]; NSString * p = TextField2.text; NSInteger q = [p पूर्णांक वैल्यू]; _TextLable.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", b + q]; मैं सामान्यतः उद्देश्य सी ...

javascript - Dynamically created button onClick not working -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है, जिसे $ (document) में कॉल किया जाता है .ready () : btnHolders.appendChild (_createButton ("नोट", फ़ंक्शन () {showNote ();})); Var _createButton = फ़ंक्शन (नाम, फ़ंक्शन) {var बीटीएन = दस्तावेज़.create एलेमेंट ("इनपुट"); बीटीएन। टाइप = "बटन"; बीटीएन.आईडी = "बीटीएन" + नाम; Btn.onclick = func; Btn.value = name; बीटीएन वापसी; }; हालांकि, जब मैं स्रोत को देखता हूं, तो मुझे निम्न मिलता है: इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" id = "btnNote" value = " नोट "& gt; मैंने आपके कोड को थोड़ी-बहुत रीफ़्रैक्ट किया क्योंकि आप फ़ंक्शन बुला रहे थे इससे पहले परिभाषित नहीं किया गया था इसके बाद भी जब आप पहले से ही इसमें शामिल थे, तो क्यों नहीं jQuery का उपयोग करें? _createButton ("नोट", showNote); एंट्र ({'टाइप': 'बटन', 'आईडी': 'बीटीएन' + नाम, 'मान': नाम} (_ ')' ) .बंड ('क्लिक करें', फ़ंक); btnHolders.append (btn); }; फ़ंक्शन शो नोट () {consol...

MYSQL PHP / command line syntax -

Need some help, syntax error is coming and I can not get the life of this error code and variables other Working for questions and tables / DBS. Error message Database found! Problems updating records MySQL error: There is an error in your SQL syntax; To use 'SET LastName =' dfm 'near code , check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax. > if (($ _ POST ['modified'])) {$ connection = mysqli_connect ("xxxxx", "xxxx", "xxxxx"); // Czech connection if (! Connection!) {Echo "connection fails:". Mysqli_connect_error (); } Else {// selection table $ dbName = "spr14_aglic006"; Mysqli_select_db ($ connection, $ dbName) or die (mysqli_error ()); Echo "database found! & Lt; br & gt;"; SYNTAX error below $ query = ("UPDATE students SET FirstName = '". $ _ POST [' firstName '].' ', LastName = ''. $ _ POST ['Last nam...

php - getID3 get mp3 length unexspected T_ECHO -

I want to get the length of the MP3 file in PHP. The code I received from Google is derived from IID, but it does not work. I always get the following error and I know how can I fix it. PHP Parse error: Syntax error, in unexpected T_ECHO /.../getDuration.php on line 17 My PHP-code: & lt ;? Php $ include = dirname (__ file__). '/'; Includes_Anx Dollars include 'Getid3.php'; Includes_One Dollars include 'Getid3.lib.php'; Includes_Anx Dollars include ''; Includes_Anx Dollars include 'Module.tag.apetag.php'; Includes_Anx Dollars include 'Module.tag.id3v1.php'; Includes_Anx Dollars include 'Module.tag.id3v2.php'; $ PathName = '/var/hi/audio/audio.mp3'; $ GetID3 = new getID3; $ ThisFileInfo = $ getID3- & gt; Analysis ($ pathname) $ thisFileInfo ['playtime_string'] echo; ? & Gt; You have lost a semicolon at the end of this line $ ThisFileInfo = $ getID3- & gt; Analy...

c# - The directory name is invalid -

Why am I getting this error? I am using the correct path. > Solution: You need to provide the path to the directory to get all the files in the directory given on your search pattern. / P> From MSDN: Returns the names of files (including their path) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory. Try this: string directoryname = path. Gate directory name (E. falpath); Foreach (The string file name in the directory .gatefiles (directory name, "* .psps")) {// your code here}

netty - In Netty5, if I have channelID string, how to get the Channel? -

I store the channelID string in the channel group, but later I need to write something in the channel to the customer. How can I get the channel if I can get the channel ID string? Thanks! You need the channelID object and then use ChannelGroup.find (ChannelId).

custom controls - iOS Keyboard to change font,size,colour -

I have a UITextfield font, color & amp; Lesson Not sure if there is any standard method / code I have got some signals Can anyone recommend a better way to achieve all of these? Note: Actually I want to show it as a tool to appear. If I want to select a font from the font list then all the fonts should have the font style according to their name, and the color option should be only the own square button etc. Thanks See the following link about custom keyboard

arrays - MATLAB: removing some of the elements of a matrix -

Text after " I have a matrix that looks like: one = [1 5 2 10 3 12 4 25 5 8] Suppose I want to remove those rows containing elements which are larger than 10 . I am trying to use a loop and just read the matrix and use for ij = 2: jj = 2 if a (ii, jj) & gt; 10a (ii, 2) = []; End of End The problem is, I get errors about the size of the matrix. Since a line is wiped, the size of the matrix decreases and I know that I have to set the size (a) = size (a) -1 , but it does not work. Any help is appreciated! After When you can not remove any elements using subcript marking, then your error is here: a (i, 2) = []; You have two options, either remove the whole line: A (i, :) = []; Otherwise remove linearise your metrics and single elements (but then you will not be able to recover the original size: b = for numel (A): - 1: 1 then (ii)> 10a (ii) = []; end end But for this, using a loop is unnecessary and perhaps You can do this by using such a ra...

java - Eclipse: Installation of a set of Plugins from the command line -> DefaultProfile is not current. Expected timestamp -

We are trying to set up a set of eclipse plugins from the command line. For this, we are using the common command: [1] This command works best most of the time. But for some plugins, we get the same error: [2] The only difference is the timestamp. As a result, the plugin could not be installed from the command line. When installing the plugin in UI everything is working. Any idea which is causing the error [2] could be an issue with the installation order? How can we set the default profile Thanks for a hint. Best regards [1] eclipsec.exe- application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU -destination C: /developmenttools/JDT/4.3/eclipse - Profile DefaultProfile -followReferences [2] Message application error! STACK 1 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Profile DefaultProfile is not current Expected Timestamp was 13 92631752387 at 1392631752387. On Org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.SimpleProfileRegistry.lockProfile (SimpleProfileRegistry.jav...

c++ - Passing a unique_ptr to a function which adds it to a vector -

I have a class that holds a vector of unique_ptr. There is also a way to add an element to the vector in the square. class PointerVector {public: zero addPointer (std :: unique_ptr gt; p); Private: std :: vector & lt; Std :: unique_ptr & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; MPointers; }; addPointer method definition: zero PointerVector :: addPointer (std :: unique_ptr gt; p ) {MPointers .emplace_back (std :: move (p)); } So I use std :: move to move the owner of the indicator. When I call addPointer , I also use std :: move : PointerVector pv; Std :: unique_ptr & lt; Integer & gt; I (new I (1)); Pv.addPointer (std :: move (i)); Is this the right way to do the job? std :: move feels like the hassle of calling all the time. Edit : I was really a unique / square, but I wanted to try things first with an int to make things easier. Almost you do not have to use std :: move () After the temporary passage, your final piece will look better as...

Prestashop : remove shopping cart from homepage only (transformer theme) -

I am working on transformer topic and I only want to remove shopping cart from home page (without any display) : If no one is possible) I tried to edit the module "Right Bar Cart Block", but there is no effect (even turning it into idle is not changing anything) Would you like to do this? Is the idea I had a look at index.tpl index.php and header.tpl but did not find any search in the shopping cart in the code. Thanks Find module on backoffice & gt; Module & gt; Click the status, "Edit" icon and add "index.php" to the exceptions on that page.

python - Plot circles with matplotlib from text file -

I am trying to plot circles in matplotlib using the file as the source of data, The difficulties are getting. / P> This is my code open ('DataSample2.txt', 'r') as file: file.readline () # First row xy = [[Line] for the line [x] for the line (x) flag (x) ('') [: 2]] for the line in the file] rad = [[float (x) x line.split ('') [ 2: 3]] In the file for the row] Print (XI) Print (RD) # Serial = PLT Chakra (XI [0], Rad [0], Color = 'G') #fig = plt.gcf () # fig.gca (). Add_artist # Angeet Interview ('plotcircles.png') And this is my data source: xy rad 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 5 2 1 6 4 3 My problem, perhaps, is how I am creating xy and rad lists. I do not think you need a list of plot circles. Import matplotlib.pyplot as plty as numpy.random import rand ('DataSample2.txt', 'r') as f: Next (F) xmin = ymin = 999999999 Xmax = yma x = -999999999 f: x, y, r = map (float, line split ()) circle = ((x,...

ios - Core Data cloud sync -

I am working on the core data app, which requires different platforms including the web to synchronize the data. Initially, I started putting up a good candidate to handle this task. Now StaxMob is apparently shutting down. I'm seeing another bass framework / service as a replacement, everybody is suggesting using it but Pars is a 'always online' service which does not support offline sync My app's users need to be able to use app offline, and as soon as the device has an internet connection, cached data is synchronized And takes. At this time there is not an option to create my own sync backend. I 'a small developer who did not give time to do so and neither resources. What are my options, are there any services that support offline syncing for core data? Note: Since I want to sync to the web, I can not use iCloud. UPDATE: I feel that the offline core data stuck on syncing but no person with any experience with this service? You can use wrapper which...

Printing a PDF duplex using Java -

Text after " I am connected to a printer cup, it supports duplex printing, I can do this to print simple How is set or duplex routine through my java? I have tried using iText libraries and addViewerPreference using add ASET without any luck. Can someone give some suggestions? "itemprop =" text "> I created a small code sample that adds an audience preference to an existing PDF Is: PdfReader Reader = New PdfReader (SRC); PDFStamper Stammer = New PDFFormer (Reader, New FileApplyputstream (Dest.)); Stamper.addViewerPreference (PdfName.DUPLEX, PdfName.DUPLEXFLIPLONGEDGE); Stamper.close (); Reader.close (); Possible values ​​for this audience preference are pdfName.SIMPLEX , pdfName.DUPLEXFLIPSHORTEDGE and pdfName.DUPLEXFLIPLONGEDGE . This code implements ISO-32000-1 and works with all audiences who have implemented the audience's preferences defined in ISO 32000-1. This is not for all the viewers who will get you on the market. Perhaps th...

python - Method to make a new twisted reactor? -

I am creating an IRC log bot which saves thel logs datewise. I want to shut down the current reactor and create a new program (this is because it will save the log in a new file). I wrote a sample program but it is unable to work - def event (): if any date_change: do not have to do general work which is to be done other: the current reactor is a new reactor Here is the actual code I am using: def irc_NICK (auto, prefix, parameter): when called "" " An IRC user changes their alias "" "old_nick = prefix.split ('!') [0] new_nick = params [0] if self.factory.filename.find (file_name_gen ()) = - 1: self.logger Log (". & Lt; them & gt; / em>;"% (old_nick, new_nick), 1) left: print "% s now known as% s new itng" reactor.stop () Irc.IRCClient.connectionLost (auto, "change day") #earlier LogBotFactory object f f1 = LogBotFactory ("meeting test", file_name_gen ()) reactor.connectTCP ("irc.fre...

c++ - assign new shared_pt object to a[1] , the reference count of the object original contained in a[1] decrease. How? -

In the code below, a 1 [1] point has been assigned a new value p3 on first 1p. The reference of the item indicated by P1 decreased to the number 1, which is the correct behavior. But I can not understand how this can be implemented. Is it done by the compiler? int main () {{cout & lt; & Lt; "1" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Std :: tr1 :: share_ptr & lt; C & gt; P0 (new c (0)); Std :: tr1 :: shared_ptr & lt; C & gt; P1 (new C (1)); Std :: tr1 :: shared_ptr & lt; C & gt; A [2]; A [0] = p0; A [1] = p1; {Cout & lt; & Lt; "P1 Count" & lt; & Lt; P1.use_count () & lt; & Lt; Endl; // print2std :: tr1 :: share_ptr & lt; C & gt; P3 (New C (3)); // p1 reference count has decreased how it is affected? A [1] = p3; Cout & lt; & Lt; "P1 Count" & lt; & Lt; P1.use_count () & lt; & Lt; Endl; // print1}}} expression a [1] = p 3 Assignments of shared APTR inviting operator This ...

Close navigation drawer in Android by tapping on the empty portion of the screen -

My Android app has a navigation drawer and its visibility is controlled by the app icon in the action bar. Not only should the tap be able to close the drawer, but if the user taps on the empty (non-occupied) part of the screen. & lt; xmlns: This is my main layout Android = "" Android: Id = "@ + id / drawer_layout" Android: layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; & Lt; FrameLayout Android: id = "@ + id / content_frame" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "match_parent" /> & Lt; Android: layout_heid = "match_parent" android: layout_gravity = "start" android: choiceMode = "singleChoice" Android: Background = "@color / white": ListView Android: id = "@ + id / left_drawer" Android: layout_width = "2...

javascript - Moving overlay content in time with HTML5 video -

I have an HTML5 video on which I have the elements placed at the top. I want to follow the content Some objects in the video are the best way for me to do this, so I can control the CSS top and left attributes (how do I see that Content that runs above the video). I have to ensure that the condition of the content is always kept in sync with the time of the video. If a user restarts the video or leaves it at a certain point, it would be good if the material knew where it was. I have seen some examples of this where they use JSON to control the condition of the material and at what time should be shown, hide and move, I'm not sure that this video player and How was the bend with the time of the video. I have not got anything to understand the JSON method or other ways of doing it. Thanks I can advise to combine, All should do. In particular, take a look at these. The popcorn base plugin is a cover for creating your own popcorn plugin, but it comes with some plug...

how to install apps in android emulator permanently? -

I would like to install some Android apps in the emulator like Google Maps and others. My problem is that I have the installation permanent, I follow the link for it to test an app with a permanent installation, so that someone can tell me solution or other alternative solution? Thanks in advance What do you really mean by "permanent" with "ADB install" An app installed will continue in AVD created by you, unless you use "data wipe" on every run, which is not really recommended. Only those applications that are installed in the past can not be removed from the system image (but they can still disable in the Android version, which is not the same except for the file, and you can Can be re-enabled)

circle view in android layout -

I want to implement the circular layout, which will be dynamic, so I've imported the CircleLayout project as a library, And the jar file has been imported well..but some error event in XML file ... my layout is ... and " & Lt; See Android: layout_width = "100dp" Android: layout_height = "100dp" Android: background = "# 00ff00" /> & Lt; View Android: layout_width = "100dp" Android: Layout_heahat = "100dp" Android: Background = "# 0000ff" / & gt; & Lt; See Android: layout_width = "100dp" Android: Layout_heat = "100 DP" Android: Background = "#FFFFFF3" /> & Lt; View Android: layout_width = "100dp" Android: Layout_heat = "100 DP" Android: Background = "#FFFFF" /> & lt; /ru.biovamp.widget.CircleLayout> & Lt; / FrameLayout & gt; Just add this line to your layout file: XMLName: App = "http://schemas.a...

How to remove successive whitespace php & sql server -

मेरे डेटाबेस में एक टेबल है: --------- ---------------------------------- आईडी कार विवरण ------------- ------------------------------ कार 1 की कार 1 क्वार्फ़िशन कार 2 2 car2 का वर्णन कार 2 3 कार 3 की क्वार्फ़िशन कार 3 मैंने SQL सर्वर 2008 के आयात और निर्यात डेटा उपकरण का उपयोग करते हुए Excel कार्यपत्रक से तालिका का डेटा आयात किया है। मैंने एक PHP एप्लिकेशन बनाया है इस डेटाबेस को प्रबंधित करने के लिए और इसके साथ कुछ परिचालन करने के लिए। मेरी समस्या है: विवरण कॉलम में कुछ मानों के लिए, मैंने पाया कि लगातार सफेद स्थान के साथ कुछ मान हैं, कोई भी कारण है कि लगातार सफेद स्थान हटाएं और केवल एक ही क्यों न रखें? एक अन्य प्रश्न, क्या हम PHP _POST ot _GET का उपयोग करते समय लगातार सफेद स्थान हटाते हैं? NB: क्योंकि डेटाबेस में मैं समझ नहीं सकता कि क्या हुआ Div> अत्यधिक सफेद-स्थान को दूर करने के लिए नियमित अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करें। preg_replace ('/ (\ S) + /', '', $ स्ट्रिंग); संदर्भ: PHP किसी भी _POST या _GET मान को संपादित नही...

jquery - Check if a radio box is selected -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मैं थोड़ा शो का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और तर्क को छिपाने के लिए। मैं एक पे बटन दिखाने के लिए देख रहा हूं, लेकिन केवल एक बार "पैकेज प्रकार" का चयन किया जाता है। मुझे यह काम करने के लिए प्रतीत नहीं हो सकता। मेरा HTML कोड इस प्रकार है ... & lt; लेबल वर्ग = "चेकबॉक्स इनलाइन" & gt; & Lt; img src = "http: //local.halo-smart/assets/img/icons/icon-package-one.png" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "रेडियो" शीर्षक = "69" मान = "पैकेज 1" नाम = "बाइक [] 1" वर्ग = "रेडियो-मूल्य" & gt; & Lt; / लेबल & gt; मैं इस चुनिंदा होने के विरुद्ध कैसे जांच करूं? अग्रिम धन्यवाद। $ ("इनपुट [name = 'बाइक [] 1']")। है (': चेक') उपरोक्त कोड सच वापस करेगा अगर रेडियो बटन का चयन किया गया है और इसके विपरीत।

php - mysqli access denied (42000/1044) linux permissions? -

मुझे php त्रुटि मिलती है mysqli :: mysqli (): (42000/1044 ): उपयोगकर्ता से 'sec_user01' @ 'लोकलहोस्ट' के लिए प्रवेश 'सुरक्षित_लॉगिन' के लिए प्रवेश निषेध किया गया है मैंने इस डेटाबेस को निम्न के साथ बनाया: सृजित डाटा 'सुरक्षित_लॉगिन' ; मैंने उपयोगकर्ता को CREATE USER के साथ बनाया है 'sec_user' @ 'localhost' द्वारा पहचान '*************************************************************************** चयन करें, INSERT, 'सुरक्षित_लागिन` पर अपडेट करें। * से' सेकंड_ यूज़र '@' लोकलहोस्ट '; मैं डीबी से शामिल_ऑन्सेस 'web_psl-config.php' का प्रयोग कर हूं; // जैसा functions.php शामिल नहीं है $ mysqli = नया mysqli (HOST, USER, पासवर्ड, डाटाबेस); कॉन्फ़िग फ़ाइल को सफलतापूर्वक शामिल किया गया है यह कुछ घंटे पहले तक काम किया। मुझे लगता है कि बदल के बारे में सोच सकते हैं कि केवल एक चीज है कि मेरी php स्क्रिप्ट में मैंने 755 एक्सेस के साथ कुछ फ़ोल्डर्स बनाया है। क्या यह संभव है कि जिन फ़ाइलों से स्क्रिप्ट न...

how to change the email structrue in magento -

itemprop = "text"> How to Send Flat Order Details of Email In the flat order table of sales we have the delivery date column, I want to send in the mail, someone can help please. Thank you in advance You must override the sendNewOrderEmail () function App / Code / core / pimple / sales / model / order.fip and within the sample template merge () you can pass whatever parameters you can pass.

javascript - Facebook page picture publishing working or not? -

यहां एक फेसबुक पेज की पेज तस्वीर प्रकाशित करने के दस्तावेज पढ़ना: क्या यह पोस्ट समापन बिंदु काम कर रहा है? मैं get / {page_id} / picture से चित्र प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हूं; redirect = 0 & amp; height = 200 & amp; टाइप = सामान्य & amp; चौड़ाई = 200 के बजाय GET / platform / picture redirect = 0 & amp; height = 200 & amp; टाइप = सामान्य & amp; width = 200 के रूप में यह डॉक्स में कहते हैं (यह लगातार कहते हैं / प्लेटफॉर्म / सभी उदाहरणों और संदर्भ में।)। लेकिन जो कुछ भी मैंने कोशिश करते समय POST / endpoint को प्रकाशित किया: पोस्ट / {page_id} / एक फ़ील्ड के रूप में यूआरएल के साथ तस्वीर मुझे मिल रहा है: {"error": {"message": "(# 1) मैंने पीएसएपी के माध्यम से और ग्राफ़ एपीआई एक्सप्लोरर के माध्यम से पेज ऐक्सेस का उपयोग करते हुए दोनों की कोशिश की, "तस्वीर नहीं लाया जा सका": "ओअथएक्सप्शन", "कोड": 1}} क्या यह फ़ेसबुक ग्राफ़ एपीआई में टूट गया है या क्या मैं यहाँ कुछ गड़बड़ कर रहा हूं? ...

go - Regex match does weird things for me -

I am trying to create a simple command line, date entry function. I get strange behavior while matching regexp pattern with golfing: The correct pattern makes the Mac lie but spoils with my loop, while the wrong format just returns false. Function that generates error: func ReadDate (field name string) (value string) {var validID = regexp.MustCompile (`^ \ d \ d \ d \ d \ s ({Value = "" Fmt.printf ("% s - example for January 2014) for January | February | March | Apr | May | Jun | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Dec | Days) \ s \ d \ d $ Fmt.Scanf ("% s \ n", and value) if value == "" {break // empty value is fine for input}, fmt.printf ("validid% v \ n" ", ValidID.MatchString (value)) if validID.MatchString (value) {break} else {fmt.Printf (" Invalid entry, reprint When I run it, I get the following: Dates - example 2014 January 01 : X valid false date - e.g. 2014 January 01: X valid false date - eg. January 01, 2014 Januar...

javascript - How can I use ngAnimate with ngTable? -

View this plnkr where I am trying to combine both nG-animate and ng-table: As you can see, I have injected both the directions in the radius, and I have CSS for animation in style.css, but there are no animations for any reason Has anyone been ... Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? (There is currently no error in the console) Any help would really be appreciated! Thanks, Mike Element should be placed as ngRepeat directive:

ruby on rails - Searching for Associations -

I am trying to print the factory BBB_A. I have two models aaa has_many bbbs bbb belong_to aaa aaas. Rb Define factory grades Factory: Do After AAA (Build). AAA | Aaa.bbbs & lt; & Lt; Build (: BBB_A) aaa.bbbs & lt; & Lt; Factory (at the end of the end of Bibibi_ B) bbbs.rb Factorigirkdifain Factory: BBB Factory: Bibibi_a and Factory: Bibibi_ B End End End End aaa_spec.rb require describe 'spec_helper' Aaa it "puts works" AAA = Faktrigrlksent (AAA) aaa.bbbs (: Bibibi_a) # this gives both Bibibi_a and Bibibi_bi AAA. The Shild_net Bi_anil and end console output BBB 1 BBB finished in 2 0.11593 seconds Example 1, 0 failure seeds 44359 With random what do i want 1 example ended in 0.11 billion seconds, random failure with seed 4435 9 Why is it that both put BBB_A and BBB_b? How can I just print it bbb_a? You have to replace what you have to do Aaa.bbbs (: bbb_a) with puts aaa.bbbs.first aaa...

code to get phone nos from contacts in android -

I am creating an app that has contact with contacts, , me A ready code should be done to do this and the user should be shown in a layout which he has chosen. I've heard that this work is being done in a background thread , I was thinking that if I put it in the extension asyntask Is this true ?? Please give me full code to do this. My Activity In which I have to include this code, it is like this: Public category registration activity is removed. OnClickListener {registered user user; Edit Text Name, Mobile; Button Guardian 1, Guardian 2; Submit the button to the override protected creation of zero (InstanceStatus saved from bundle) {button; Super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.registration); Submit = (button) Find VVBIID (RID.Registry_Rugeration_Submit); Submit.setOnClickListener (this); } @ Override Public Wide Onclic (Switch) (Switch (Getit.GetID)) {Case R.Did Register: "); New SendRegistrationData (getBaseContext (), Registration....

sql server - Does the Poor Mans T-SQL formatting add-in for Management Studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014? -

Bad Mens T-SQL formatting add-in for management studio 2012 work in Management Studio 2014? In SSMS 2012, if I go to Tools, then it is shown in the list. In SSMS 2014, it is not. I tried to run the installer again, and he gave me the options to repair or uninstall. I had set up the formatter before installing 2014. Edit: Create Folder % SystemDrive% \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ SQL Server Management Studio \ 12.0 \ Addins \ If it does not exist, then simply copy the file Copy: % SystemDrive% \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ SQL Server Management Studio \ 11.0 \ Addins \ PoorMansTSqlFormatterSSMSAddIn.AddIn to % SystemDrive% \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ SQL Server Management Studio \ 12.0 \ Addins \ PoorMansTSqlFormatterSSMSAddIn.AddIn

python - Broken images in calendar feed in Plone CMS -

We have broken images from time to time in the calendar feed on the main home page. The problem is that our script that pulls the feed into the Home Scheme is prepaid on all image URLs, which creates a failure when the image in question is hosted on the remote server instead of the network server. How can I tweak the script so that it does not add to a root URL url if an image url already has HTTP? Here is the snippet of the Python script which I need to modify: and & lt; / Div & gt; If "URL" is already linked to "remote" (remote server), how can I add an "if" statement to leave the part? Thanks for your help! As a stopgap, it can work (untested - I do not have an installation at home ): & lt; Img tal: define = "url python: event ['image'] and event ['image'] ['URL'];" Tal: condition = "python: event ['image']" tal: attributes = "src python: url url.startswith ('...

php - Social Media website refresh issue -

OK, so I'm in the process of creating a social network like Facebook (not that I'm going to make next Facebook I can try it, but so how can I learn it) Overall it's good to come, but I have some problems. My basic layout is that I have a postframe.fpp with all the loops in the database, and on the posts.php page, I load the postFrame.php dynamically with the jquery .load () function. I also refresh the table with the setmefunction function. It refreshes every five seconds. So my post loads dynamically on my post.fp page and refreshes every five seconds. In my post frame, at the bottom of each post, there is a place where you can comment on that post. (Just Like Facebook) The only problem occurs when typing in the comment box, it still refreshes and after five seconds it removes everything in the Textrera comment area. Now, Facebook automatically loads any new posts and comments, and your comment does not disappear every few seconds. How are they loading new stuff and ...

ServiceStack Restrict Visibility -

I using'm trying to optimize the visibility of a ServiceStack endpoint so as restricted Attribute. [root ( "/ test", action = "GET")] [Limit (VisibilityTo = RequestAttributes.Localhost)] public class TestDto {...} However this API is the reason for being invisible from both localhost and external. I LocalSubnet is the same behavior with are all gray formats on metadata page and when browsing localhost I do not see the way in Swagger. because it's happening so you have not defined the format that implement this ban in . Metadata page indicates that this is not showing any format available. You can specify formats such as . [Restricted (VisibilityTo = RequestAttributes.Localhost | RequestAttributes.Xml | RequestAttributes.Json)] get route visible way Swagger on localhost request to Json and xml formats will show it You have to give Json permission.

database - Can a entity be a attribute of a relationship in an ER diagram? -

An assignment was given to draw an ER drawing and convert it to SQL Working, but I have trouble. My problem is more about cleanliness, I am using the evening method and the assignment specifies that I have a unit of almost every unit. To wit. "3. Employees are in charge of many tasks: sell music to customers." Now these three organizations are employees, customers and music. I was wondering if it would be acceptable to connect the employee and the customer with the sales relationship, then there is a connecting feature to sell music, while I still have a connecting feature in the picture I am making a music unit. Apart from this, two of these are acceptable to the same institutions, I think using an organization loses twice for the purpose of drawing? When I coding, I think I can use only one indicator, so my question is, is it also acceptable in the ER diagram? You may want to mention this guide because it tells more in detail:

ruby - Use DateTime to print name of day from a date? -

I am trying to use date time to go through a list of dates, and weekdays (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Amp; c) which are often associated with each date in the list. I'm trying this: content = 'event_attendees.csv', header: true, header_converter :: icon content. Line | Time = {| Line | Line [: regdate]} target_days = hash [times.group_by {| T | DateTimeTermMem (T, '% M /% D /% Y% H:% M') Wday} .map {| K, V [K, v.count]} Sort_by {| K, v | V} .reverse] puts target_days I get: {1 = 6; 2 = & gt; 5, 5 = & gt; 4, 6 = & gt; 2, 0 = & gt; 1} What do I think that every day is 0 (Sunday), 1 (Monday) & amp; How can I change this day as a real name? Or how can this short name (Sun, Mon, Mars, and C.) be changed? Besides, I am not positive, I am returning the right day on the day. Looking at my list, there are six dates for 11/12/2008 November 12, 2008 was a Wednesday ???? But it seems like it is showing that the ...

node.js - keep separate the local database for local dev and nodejutsu database URL for nodejitsu app? -

When I'm developing on your local box I mongodb: // localhost / data also extend my connection string is connected to that Mongodibi which is running locally. But when I upload / update Nodjetsu your local app am I Nodjetsu mongodb: // nodejitsu_XXX: 29950 / Nodjetsu_ provided went URL XXX_nodejitsudb12121212 will change how do I switch my localhost Mongo dB connection url between a provided Nodjetsu? I want every time to keep it changing and changes, when I want to test your local changes in cloud ... I use nconf therefore, you can easily change between the different configurations of

.net - How do I edit an existing table with EPPlus -

I have a template xlsx file with an Excel worksheet with a table. I am making the worksheet popular with EPplus how do I edit the table? The problem in the answer given above works if it changes the number of columns and names / columns It has not happened, but if there has been a change in schema then it will fail. Set set count to table columns . Element: The table header table Columns in your table with the column elements inside the Syncronise column element on table = sheet.Tables. First(); Var table element = table TablesXml.DocumentElement; Table element Attribute ["referee"]. Value = RNG Address; Var columnNode = tableElement ["tableColumns"]; ColumnNode.Attributes ["count"]. Value = rng.End.Column.ToString (); (Int i = 0; I & lt; dataTable.Columns.Count; i ++) {if (columnNode.ChildNodes.Count == i) {var clonedNode = columnNode.ChildNodes [i - 1] .CloneNode (true ); ClonedNode.Attributes ["id"]. Value = (i + 1)...

python - How to check if a user input is a float -

I am learning Python hard ways to practice 35. Below is the original code, and we are asked to change it so It can accept numbers in which they do not have just 0 and 1. def gold_room (): Print "This room is full of gold how much do you take?" Next = raw_input ("& gt;") If next to "0" or "1" in the next: Next example: how_much = int (Next) Others: Dead ("Man, learn how to type a number.") If how_much & lt; 50: Print "Well, you're not greedy, you win!" This is my solution, which runs fine and recognizes the float value: def gold_room ( ): Print "This room is full of gold, what percentage do you use?" Next = raw_input ("& gt;") Try: how_much = float (next) except ValueError: print "man, type a number learn how to." Gold_room () if if_much & lt; = 50: Print "Well, you're not greedy, you win!" Looking through similar questions, I got some answers that h...

How to install PHP SSH2 extension in a non-standard folder on linux without root access -

I am out of my area of ​​expertise and none of the Internet and the stack overflow to move the solution to this problem Got it I'm trying to install the PHP SSH2 extension in my account folder on Linux (I do not know what is the taste address) hosting server where I do not have root access. I have successfully libssh2 -1.4.3 in the Private Folder with the following instructions: ./configure --prefix = / home / myaccnt / php / ssh2 / install Install and / home / myaccnt / php / ssh2 / install / lib in the folder ends with the following files: libssh2.a So far, very good (at least I think that sounds great). Next, I tried to create Ssh2-0.11.3, but I can not go into the configuration phase. I have tried several different ways to run the configured command: .config --prefix = / home / myaccnt / php / ssh2 / install --with-ssh2 = / Home / myaccnt / php / ssh2 / install --configure --prefix = / home / myaccnt / php / ssh2 / install --with-ssh2 = / home /...

Is it possible to have different level names for different handlers in Python Logging -

In Python 2.6 (and later on versions, but I'm looking at just 2.6), it appears that the lale name of the logging module ( _levelNames = {CRITICAL: 'CRITICAL', error: 'error', warning: 'warning', info: 'INFO', Warning: 'Notice': Notice, 'Debug': Debug, 'Not Notice:' Notice ',' Critical ': Serious,' Error ': Error,' Warne ': Chet The module provides a way to override these names: Def addLevelName (level, levelName): "" "with associate 'level name' 'level'. This message is used when converting levels in text during formatting." "_acquireLock () Try: # There is a possibility to do this, but you never know ... _levelNames [level] = levelName _levelNames [levelName] = level at the end: _releaseLock () but this is a On a global basis. I need to enter syslog so that ERR or log messages are tagged "Head" and warning log message tags are "MI... - Need To Remove Checkboxes From OwnerDrawn ListView But Still Keep Checkbox Functionality -

I have a custom made list view control that shows a list of notifications to the user. Basically, when a new notification arrives, a new entry has been added to the list view in bold. When the user reads the notification, it changes to regular font. The only way I can work This was probably to use the checkbox to obtain (a read state) so a new notification should check its item and when it was read, Then it was unchecked. It works well and what I need, seems to get it. However, I have a question ... In a way I can remove the picture of the check box, but still keep the functionality in the background. For example, do not draw checkboxes for list view items, but still to use ListView.Checkboxes = really be able and ListViewItem.Checked = true? My ListView control is ownerdrawn and the code for my DrawItem event appears as: Protected override sub OnDrawItem (eg DrawListViewItemEventArgs) E.State and ListViewItemStates.Selected) = 0 'Then there is a background draw for a ...