ios - iPad launch images sizes? -

I am about to create a launch image for a universal iOS app and review sections related to launch images in both, I have found that the size of the projection images for the iPad is different in each document: The former says that a portrait launch image should be 768x1024 (SDD resolution) and later it should be 768x1004 (SDD resolution). I think the size of the 20-pixel differential status bar is due to or not considering what size should I consider? Should I include the status bar?

Edit: It looks like the 768x1004 size is iOS 6.1 and below, and 768x1024 iOS 7 and above. So does this mean that the image launched for iOS 6.1 should not include the status bar in the past?

I just checked in the encode:

Portrait non-retina 768x1024

Portrait Retina 1536x2048

iPad background size


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