python - Plot circles with matplotlib from text file -

I am trying to plot circles in matplotlib using the file as the source of data, The difficulties are getting. / P>

This is my code

  open ('DataSample2.txt', 'r') as file: file.readline () # First row xy = [[Line] for the line [x] for the line (x) flag (x) ('') [: 2]] for the line in the file] rad = [[float (x) x line.split ('') [ 2: 3]] In the file for the row] Print (XI) Print (RD) # Serial = PLT Chakra (XI [0], Rad [0], Color = 'G') #fig = plt.gcf () # fig.gca (). Add_artist # Angeet Interview ('plotcircles.png')   

And this is my data source:

  xy rad 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 1 3 5 2 1 6 4 3   

My problem, perhaps, is how I am creating xy and rad lists.

I do not think you need a list of plot circles.

  Import matplotlib.pyplot as plty as numpy.random import rand ('DataSample2.txt', 'r') as f: Next (F) xmin = ymin = 999999999 Xmax = yma x = -999999999 f: x, y, r = map (float, line split ()) circle = ((x, y), r, color = rand (3)) fig = plt gcf () Fig.gca (). Add_artist (circle) xmin = min (xr, xmin) xmax = max (x + r, xmax) ymin = min (yr, ymin) ymax = max (y + r, ymax) # break # if you only draw one circle If you want to break here, plt.xlim (xmin, xmax) plt.ylim (ymin, ymax) ()   

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