ruby on rails - Searching for Associations -

I am trying to print the factory BBB_A.

I have two models

  • aaa has_many bbbs
  • bbb belong_to aaa

    aaas. Rb

      Define factory grades Factory: Do After AAA (Build). AAA | Aaa.bbbs & lt; & Lt; Build (: BBB_A) aaa.bbbs & lt; & Lt; Factory (at the end of the end of Bibibi_ B)   


      Factorigirkdifain Factory: BBB Factory: Bibibi_a and Factory: Bibibi_ B End End End End   


      require describe 'spec_helper' Aaa it "puts works" AAA = Faktrigrlksent (AAA) aaa.bbbs (: Bibibi_a) # this gives both Bibibi_a and Bibibi_bi AAA. The Shild_net Bi_anil and end   

    console output

      BBB 1 BBB finished in 2 0.11593 seconds Example 1, 0 failure seeds 44359 With random   

    what do i want

      1 example ended in 0.11 billion seconds, random failure with seed 4435 9   

    Why is it that both put BBB_A and BBB_b? How can I just print it bbb_a?

    You have to replace what you have to do Aaa.bbbs (: bbb_a) with

      puts aaa.bbbs.first   aaa  and  


      puts aaa.bbbs [0]   

    and BBB model, Rail creates the basic example methods for you as aa #bbb and BBB # aaa . This method accepts 0 or 1 arguments. If you pass an argument to this method as true , then the query is removed on the database to obtain the relevant records. And if you argue this method as false , it only raises the cached results of the query (the query provided was removed once for caching).

    Therefore, when you do

      puts aaa.bbbs (: bbb_a)   

    passed the value only Neither true or false .


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