Printing a PDF duplex using Java -
Text after "
I am connected to a printer cup, it supports duplex printing, I can do this to print simple How is set or duplex routine through my java?
I have tried using iText libraries and addViewerPreference using add ASET without any luck.
Can someone give some suggestions?
I created a small code sample that adds an audience preference to an existing PDF Is: Possible values for this audience preference are Which device are you using to render PDFs? (Note that I do not know what is meant by "Add ASET", you can make it clear.)
PdfReader Reader = New PdfReader (SRC); PDFStamper Stammer = New PDFFormer (Reader, New FileApplyputstream (Dest.)); Stamper.addViewerPreference (PdfName.DUPLEX, PdfName.DUPLEXFLIPLONGEDGE); Stamper.close (); Reader.close ();
pdfName.SIMPLEX ,
pdfName.DUPLEXFLIPLONGEDGE . This code implements ISO-32000-1 and works with all audiences who have implemented the audience's preferences defined in ISO 32000-1. This is not for all the viewers who will get you on the market. Perhaps this is the reason that you have no luck.
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