mysql - how to update just one column of a table by csv using php -

I have used the following code to update a column of a table, but it will also have the values ​​of the other columns Removes, I could not find the reason to please while ($ data = fgetcsv ($ handle, 1000, ","))! == incorrect) {if ($ data [0] == 'NULL') {$ import = "UPDATE tst_stores SET store_image_url = 'http: //'"; } And {$ import = "update tst_stores SET store_image_url = '". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ data [0]). ".jpg '"; } Mysql_query ($ import) or die (mysql_error ()); } Fclose ($ handle);

Your SQL query is incorrect You must specify that For which example you want to use the WHERE section by using the row

  update tst_stores SET store_image_url = ' Au / uploads / default_store.jpg 'where = 10;   

This will only update the row where the column is equal to ID 10.

Note: I have the column tst_stores received in the id column and the primary key is you have to change accordingly

Just look forward to reading it to see it.


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