
Showing posts from April, 2013

bash: read a file content into a variable, the content contains special characters: `*` -

मेरे पास content.txt नाम की एक फ़ाइल है: $ Cat content.txt आउटपुट: * 1 2 एक ही निर्देशिका में, मेरे पास Bash फ़ाइल: को content.txt $ cat की सामग्री पढ़ने के लिए आउटपुट: content = 'cat content.txt` प्रतिध्वनि $ सामग्री जैसा कि हम देख सकते हैं कि एक * में content.txt । इसलिए, जब मैं चलाता हूं: $ sh आउटपुट: content.txt 1 2 ऐसा लगता है कि, * पार्स किया गया है। कैसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं content.txt की सामग्री? कोई भी मदद महान होगी। * चरित्र एक वाइल्डकार्ड वर्ण है Globbing जो वर्तमान निर्देशिका में फाइल नामों को विस्तृत करता है और यदि आप गूंज केवल चरित्र चाहते हैं तो उद्धृत किया जाना चाहिए या बच चाहिए। आप एक फ़ाइल से पढ़ें builtin कमांड। सामग्री पढ़ें; क्या "$ सामग्री" को किया गया है & lt; Content.txt

php - Controller dispatch error in Zend framework 2 -

I am returning Jason reaction to Zend controller this is my code Controller code get public function () {$ result = // Calling respond to other functions and array prints ("Before calling Jason Model Value in controller "); Print_r ($ result); $ Temp = $ this- & gt; ToJsonModel ($ results); Var_dump ($ temp); Return $ temporary; {$ Data = array ()} {$ data ['requestId'] toJsonModel function public function Jason Model = $ This- & gt; GetHeader ('RequestId'); Print ("before returning to the value controller"); Print_r ($ data); Return new JasonModal ($ data); } Feedback The first and second print shows the correct value, but when I try to display the wrong value and "capture to", "termination" and "children" , Then after getting value from JasonModel. I do not know why this is giving me wrong message. Can someone guide me on the right path and tell me what is the problem? Thank...

linux - compiled C file not executable -

So when I try to run a compiled program on my school's "Hercules" server, Expect service me However, I've got an assignment for which to use the fork is necessary, and running a program that the fork is denied on that server, instead, I'm running it from remote machines connecting and running from several Linux machines , From the command line However, any attempt to do this gives me this error: shell2: Exec format error The binary file is not executable Overall, my command prompt looks like this: a049403 [8]% shell2 shell2: Exec format error . The binary file is not executable The shell file is found in the directory I have working in, when I type "ls", it shows it with the * character, indicating Does that make it executable. I have tried to set my permissions for 777. This generates the same error for other C programs which I was working and was running, and "Hercules" could run the exact same file without any difficulties ...

parsing - Shell Script to get exception from logs for last one hour -

I am developing a script that will log the log of the last hour and check any exceptions and the solar system Will send emails for the platform. I followed the following steps grep -n -h date + '% Y-% m-% d% H:% M' test.logs The above command gives me the line number and then I do the following tail + 6183313 test.log | Grep 'Exception' Sample log 2014-02-17 10: 15: 02,625 | Warning | M: // DeadPoint | OSCMOD | 262 - Com. SMSP-Client - 0.0.0.R2D03-SNAPSHOT | 1201 or 101 has been refunded as an exception code from SP, but it has not been noticed on 2014-02-17 10:15: 02,625 warning. M: // DeadPoint | OSCMOD | 262 - Com. SMSP-Client - 0.0.0.R2D03-SNAPSHOT | Ignore the SP error and counterfeit success 2014-02-17 10:15: 02,626 | Information | 354466740-102951 | Serviceful 183 - org.apache.cxf | Outbound Message Please suggest any better options for working above. with GNU date , you can use one: grep "^ $ (date-d-1hour + '% y-% m-% d...

mysql - Error in last line near end -

While I perform an archived procedure, I do not know why the error appears in the previous row ... Any of me Error can not be found The error is saying Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; To use '' near line 60, check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax '' _ process 'party Balance Vivbilederaidi' (p_ledgerId varchar (50), start p_crOrDr varchar (50), p_branchId varchar (50)) (p_crOrDr = 'Dr') then select TEMP.voucherNo + '_' + TEMP.voucherType ID, TEMP.voucherType, the case when, as in select (TEMP.voucherType = 'receipt voucher') then (Select receipt tbl_ReceiptMasterWhere (receiptMasterId = TEMP.voucherNo)) from Mastreed purchased (Kridmastra D tbl_PurchaseMaster WHERE (purchaseMasterId = TEMP.voucherNo)) end in the form of vouchers, the amount of CAST (CAST (TEMP.balance Disiaisiel (24,2) AS AS four (27)) (SELECT A.VoucherNo, A.VoucherType , (SUM (ifnull (,...

jquery - how to show an empty kendo grid in cshtml -

I want to show an empty kendro grid without any data in a div section, but I am not able to do this . I can not understand what is wrong. I am using the following code $ ('# sample'). KendoGrid: {field: "column1", title: "column1", width: true, sortable: correct, page qualified: {Fresh: true, page size: right, buttoncount: 5}, column: [width: 140}, {region: "column 2", title: "column 2", width: 190}, {field: "column 3", title: column 3 ", width: 140}]}); What error are you getting or what is happening? This is your exact There is a bella with code and it works. Are you positive that you have / Pre> I had to add the code snippet to post Bella.

jsp - how to fetch records from more than two different tables using hibernate which are not mapped -

I am new to hibernate, I have a code called question and blog There are two tables. Both of these tables are not mapped to each other. I want to get the record from these two tables and they are made in hibernation. Is there a solution to this ??? I will feel very grateful for this kind of action of your kind. If the hibernation unit is available then the query may be formed as below. The list will return. Choose qst.question, question qst to, blog blg where qst.createDate = blg.createDate command blg.createDate If the hibernate unit If not available then the original SQL can be used.

ios - CocoaPods setup too slow, how to set proxy in terminal -

When I use the 'setup' or 'update' terminal of Koppod, I think that to bring it Need a lot of time. / P> So I'm wondering if there is a way to set up a proxy on my terminal, so that the results come faster? option 1 step 1: from Google Step 2: Set the proxy on your Mac Step 3: Set your terminal with your port In Proxy: export http_proxy = 'http: // your_proxy: 8000' ' Choice 2 Pod repos Remove master pod repo master Git pod repo update Choice 3 recommendation Pod installs --verbose --no-repo-update

Java Generic with bounded wildcards -

वर्ग घोषणाओं के बीच अंतर क्या है सार्वजनिक सार वर्ग Super1 & lt; T Super1 & lt टी & gt; & gt; {...} और सार्वजनिक अमूर्त वर्ग Super2 & lt; टी Super2 & lt; सुपर टी & gt; & gt; {...} पहली विधि का उपयोग करके, मैं उप वर्ग (जावा में Enum प्रकारों के समान) बनाने में सक्षम था सार्वजनिक वर्ग सब 1 Super1 & lt; Sub1 & gt; {...} लेकिन मैं जानना चाहता था कि यदि एक सुपर क्लास घोषणापत्र 2 की तरह संभव है, तो इसका कोई अर्थ है, लेकिन मैं इसे बनाने में सक्षम नहीं था उप वर्ग की तरह सार्वजनिक वर्ग Sub2 Super2 & lt; Object & gt; {...} मैंने सोचा कि वस्तु को T के लिए सुपर प्रकार के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है ?? इसके अलावा एक अन्य रूप मैं सोच सकता हूँ सार्वजनिक अमूर्त वर्ग Super3 & lt; T ext3 Super3 & lt ;? T & gt; & gt; मैं जेनेरिक सीखने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं और किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाती है। उन प्रकार की घोषणा अक्सर तस्वीर में आती है जब आप आत्म-संदर्भित सामान्य प्रकार के साथ वंशानुक्रम के सा...

php - set folder into directory -

I'm making an app to upload the file to the system but here, I'm facing a problem. The folder is properly created as I want, but when I click the upload button, the file is not saved in the folder as I have set it as a goal. Below is my syntax $ id = $ _ session ['subject']; $ Target_path = mkdir ("doc_student / $ id", '0777'); $ Target_path = $ target_path basename ($ _ files ['uploadedFile'] ['name']); If (move_uploaded_file ($ _ files ['uploaded file'] ['tmp_name'], $ target_path)) {resonant "file" basename ($ _FILES ['uploaded file'] ['name']). "Uploaded"; } Else {echo "error while uploading this file"; } Returns TRUE success or FALSE on failure. If you assign the $ target_path to the mkdir function, then the variable gets boolean, try it, $ target_path = "doc_student / $ Id "; If (! Is_dir ($ target_path)) {MKDIR ($ target_path, '0777...

Android Listview getting repeated elements on scroll -

I am using listview in the Android application I have to download various images from the web and add them under each list element to save in the SD card for future reference, downloading the image, working as expected. But as I tried to scroll the list, some images of some elements were first copied or moved to the final elements. This is a very strange behavior that has not yet come to me. Please help me if anyone gets the same problem. Thank you in advance. Be sure to implement recycling on your LIVE adapter. Here the list is a sample of the adapter that is recycling: Public Squared Newsrender ArrayAdapter and lt; NewsDto & gt; {Personal Final Reference Reference; ArrayList & LT; NewsDto & gt; NList; Public News Adapter (Reference Reference, Arreelist and News Dot> NLIT) {Super (References, R. Late Fragment_News_item, NLIS); This.context = context; This nList = nList; // Tudo Auto-Generated Producer Stub} Public Square Viewer {Text View Details; Image...

mysqli - Compare comma-separated string in MySQL column where column is also comma separated -

Compare the comma-separated strings in the MySQL column, where the column is also separated by commas Example For: Name of ID CATID 1 ABC 4,5,2 2 BCD 5 3 FEG 9, 79 SELECT * Where CATED IN (2,5,6) Here 2,5,6 I have to compare with the cated value to get the results. Any help to get the right exit, I used FIND_IN_SET, but it could not work for my case According to your problem, using the operator like the choice from INK SELECT * instead of 'Selection' from Undertake like '%, 5,%' or 'CONCAT' Like '%, 6,%' like '', ',', '', ',', '', ',', '', 'or' CONCAT '(', ', cat,', ') ', Cat,', '' '' or you can use REGEXP SELECT * testchintan where the catered rig Where place (cated, ',', '|') is the testchintan from AEX '[495]' ' OR SELECT * [9,7] '

c# - Event happens between read and clear operations, so, last data will lose -

I want to explain the question to the samples because it is an algorithmic issue. Assume that a tool and client (2 sides) use a .txt file when the tool has an event, then it will be .txt opens the file and logs in there. And for every 10 seconds, the client opens the file and checks it out, if there are any logs, remove them. I think that when the customer opens the file for 10 seconds, the file tool (the event happens) or the reverse, when the occurrence of the device occurs then the file can be used by the client on this case Will data be lost? Assume that the client uses SomeTool and there is an event called SomeEvent in the device. Therefore, when I start using that device, SomeEvent may be at any time public class client {private readonly some tools_steltall; Public Client () {// ... _someTool.eventSomeThing + = Something Happening Handler (client_evSomeThing); } Private Zero Client_evething (object sender, some data) {// event occurs and // open the file to...

javascript - Moving from Session-based token mechanism to OAuth 2.0 mechanism -

The owner of a Play Framework application to provide a set of restore APIs for acting as a backend server I am I have an Angular JS application that calls API via backend-server via AJAX. Currently, I use a solution based on the session-token mechanism. This means that when a user logs successfully, a cookie is recovered on the client side with an authentication token. On each request, the cookie value provided by the client request (Eth Token) is extracted on the server and if valid, the request is made. Now I want to use OAuth 2.0. Are the reasons : This is a great standard way of securing the API, to avoid using the datastore (memkachad), to keep the token on the server side, as I currently make available I am here. I want to provide some clients_centers and nons better secure than a single cookie so that some avoid recurrence attacks ... I restrict the quantity of customers I want, as far as the Public Rest API I provide, that is, the API allows anonymous calls, for...

javascript - EpicEditor: themes not found -

I have a static directory in which the subdirectory is in css /, js / fonts / and images / to download epic editor Afterwards, I got the APciditor in the JS / directory. MNS Placed, and this line is in my HTML: but it returns an error: get Themes / If I use a separate directory for EpicEditor instead: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" Src = "/ appicitor / js /" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; This is the error that I get: Get Js 404 (not found) How can I change the href to point to the right place? Or, where should I place different files for epic editor? I realized what I was doing wrong: the path of basepath should be a file path that the epic Moves to the theme for the editor.

android - How to override navigation bar buttons -

Is it possible to override all button in the Android navigation bar? Is it possible to add a new button? How do I change the button's appearance? I want to set another background bitmap I'm using a Nexus 7. I only know backdated but what about the other two buttons? And how is this called? I think you need to override this method! Public boolean override {int kikod, key event event} {@ (keycode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {OnClick click = new OnClick (); @KeyDown Click.onClick (findViewById (; } Return super.Condondon (keycode, event); } I have used this method to handle the event for saving my form and you use the KeyEvent parameter to handle other keys. Can be used. Good luck.

angularjs - Can we pass a route var to an ajax $http.get -

यह वही है जो मुझे चाहिए: $ http.get ('v1 / service / : चर ', {params: {variable:' val '}}) तो मुझे पता है कि यह अभी भी सिर्फ एक val एक क्वेरी परम के रूप में जोड़ता है, लेकिन मैं इसे : variable को बदलना चाहता हूं। क्या आपको ऐसा हो रहा है? अंगुलियस के $ http इस का समर्थन नहीं करता है आपको अपने आप को बदलना होगा। var url = 'v1 / service /: variable'; Var पैराम्स = {variable: 'val'}; के लिए (var varName में पैरामीटर) {url = url.replace (':' + varName, params [varName]); } $ Http.get (url); या एक sprintf जैसा दिखें।

Hide DIVs in jquery function instead of header redirect -

मेरे पास निम्न jQuery फ़ंक्शन है: $ ( "# सदस्य-सर्वीक")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {सेट कुकी ("सदस्यता", "1"); शीर्षलेख ("स्थान:"); वापसी वापस;}) ; हैडर रीडायरेक्ट के बजाय हैडर ("स्थान:"); मुझे पसंद है बजाय कुछ divs को छिपाने के लिए जैसे # div1, # div2, # div3 {display: none;} क्या यह संभव है? jquery में उपयोग $ ("# सदस्य- allready" ); $ ('# Div1')। छिपाने (); वापसी वापस;});

javascript - Headers in post request with Backbone.js -

I want to insert a header in my post service with a backbone.js in a post request, I try in two ways I do: ({header: {'x-token': myToken}}); Var name = "xtoken" + "="; Var ca = document.cookie.split (';'); (Var i = 0; i & lt; ca.length; i ++) for {var c = ca [i] .trim (); If (c.indexOf (name) == 0) tokenCookie = c.sublstring (name.length, c.length); } Xhr.setRequestHeader ('X-token', tokencookie); } call: ({before.Send: this.sendToken, success: work () {alert ("success" );}, Error: function (model, response, option) {warning ("error");}}); But this does not seem to work, it does not send the header The sign is for the model. Save ([attributes], [options]) . To add an option, you must give an empty / zero hash of properties: (null, {headers: {'X-Token': 'myToken'}}); and a demo or (null, {beforeSend: funct...

Filtering pandas in Python using 'where' -

I have a new question related to filtering pandes in Python. My original data frame, DF, looks like it date currency 1Y 1Y1M 1Y2M 1Y3M 1Y4M 2013-09-25 EUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 - 26 EUR 0 0 0 2013-09-27 EUR 0 0 0 0 2013-09-28 Euro 0 0 0 0 2013-09-29 EUR 0 0 0 2013-09-25 USD 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 -26 USD 0 -2 -4 -8 -10 2013-09-27 USD 0 -1 -1 -6 -1 2013-09-28 USD 0 -3 -6-2 -6 2013-09- 29 USD 0 -5 -16 -7 What I would like to do, in some way to filter this data on 'USD', and all those who match the criteria Indicates available data. I want to change the original data (hence not copy), i.e. the resultant dataframe (i.e., df), date currency 1Y 1Y1M 1Y2M 1Y3M 1Y4M 2013-09-25 EUR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013-09-27 EUR 0 0 0 2013-09-28 Euro 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 -2 9 EUR 0 0 0 0 0 2013- 09-25 USD 0 0 0 2013-09-26 USD 0 2 4 8 10 2013-09-27 USD 0 1 1 6 1 2013-09-28 USD 3 6 2 6 2013-09 -29 USD 0 5 1 6 7 I tried to use the function as 'where' (with printing to see the effect) ...

java - Can I save the changed initial values to a spring file? -

एक आवेदन स्प्रिंग फ़ाइल से आरंभिक मान लेता है। एक उपयोगकर्ता, कॉन्फिगरेशन का उपयोग करके, कुछ प्रारंभिक मान बदलता है। क्या आवेदन नए प्रारंभिक मान को वापस वसंत फ़ाइल, फिर से उन्हें फिर से शुरू करने के लिए पुन: उपयोग करने के लिए? बेशक, मैं सामान्य आइओ कार्यों के माध्यम से फ़ाइल के साथ काम कर सकता हूँ, लेकिन स्प्रिंग की सुविधाओं के बारे में क्या खुद? संपादित करें: इसके अलावा, मैं गुण, डेटाबेस और कई अन्य चीजों का उपयोग कर सकता हूं लेकिन मैं स्प्रिंग के बारे में बात कर रहा हूँ क्या यह संभव है या नहीं? आप अपनी कॉन्फ़िगरेशन (प्रॉपर्टी) मान डेटाबेस के बजाय, पढ़ सकते हैं वसंत फ़ाइल, और यदि वह बदल गया है तो नए मानों को बचा सकता है। इसे देखें

Shebang for compiled Python code -

! / Usr / bin / python ... and I can execute file by chmod a + r / My .p But after bytecode compiled, the script can only be executed by Python and Shebang no longer works. dragon my.pyc Is there any way to make AAB able to work with Python script? ./ my.pyc Shebang only Works for text scripts, not binary files Regardless, you binfmt_misc to *. Pyc can be used to execute files directly, as is reported: Linux, you can use binfmt_misc to run executable from PVC code To: imp.get_magic ()] for import imp, sys, string magic = string.join (["\\ x% .2x"% ord (c) c: ") Reg = ': pyc: M ::% s ::% s:'% (magic, sys.executable) open (" / proc / sys / fs / binfmt_misc / register "," wb "). Writing (reg) Once on your Linux system (or, rather, at boot time), and all the PVC files are executable (if the XBit is set) In Debian, installing binfmt-support package will do this for you. ...

Neo4j embedded event handlers also fire when updating data in neo console -

We currently use neo4j in embedded mode, so we start it in our webpages. With this we also start the standard neo4j console. We have some event handlers which do some security checks, so we can never have users who have to delete them to correct it works, completely, but this If we now want to manually remove the nodes (one bug or something is found), then we can not remove it from the console, because the event is fire Is there any way we can We used the setup and have not removed the event to come from INITIATIVES console? And will it also work for spring-data-neo4j events? We are a mixture of both. Like the hash approach: thread curentthread (in your tx) ). Event handler check for GetName () . Thread name should be different when running Tx by your console (depending on Tomcat, Zebb, ....) depending on your server type. Appendix: I have accepted speaking to you. Depending on a name, the event handler may be automatically muted for this request.

android - How to retrieve related records on Quickblox custom objects? -

I know how to create a relationship: QBCustomObject customObject = new QBCustomObject ( "Comment"); // Your Class Name Custom Object.Put (FieldHill, 99); CustomObject.put ("Text", "The first movie in the series was ..."); CustomObject.setParentId ("50aa4d8fefa357fa14000001"); QBCustomObjects.createObject (qbCustomObject, new QBCallbackImpl () {@Override complete at public zero (result result) {if (result.isSuccess ()) {QBCustomObjectResult qbCustomObjectResult = Result (QBCustomObjectResult) Result; QBCustomObject qbCustomObject = qbCustomObjectResult.getCustomObject (); Log .d ("new record:", new custom object.tostring ());} and {log (e. "Errors", results. Gate erosers (.) ToString ());}}}); But, how do I get when I have a parent ID? You should make a separate request for this: QBCustomObjectRequestBuilder Request Builder = New QBCustomObjectRequestBuilder (); Requestbuilder.eq ("_ parent_id", ...

ios - NSDateFormatter with NSIslamicCalendar doesn't work correctly -

After I am changing the Greogorian date to the Hijri date using NSDateFormatter using a With the help of NSIslamicCalendar setter form set as the setter setCalendar the problem is that the result of the Hijri string is always more than the actual date for example one day if we out of today's Greg The code given below will be used to convert the date 18 '|| 1435 which is as wrong as today 17 Rabi '|| 1435 , I have seen many posts for these problems and I tried all possible solutions in those posts, but it does not make any sense !! Here is the heater for the hijriDateFormatter property: - (! _hijriDateFormatter) (NSDateFormatter *) hijriDateFormatter {{if_hijriDateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; } [_hijriDateFormatter setTimeZone: [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]]; // I have trie also to set the time zone as localTimeZone _hijriDateFormatter.locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier: @ "en_US_POSIX"]; [_hijriDateFormatter setDateFor...

pom.xml - Configure multiple repository, Custom Repo, Maven Central and Pentaho together -

I have used the Sonatipe Nexus Repository Management and I expect: First of all, all Custom Nexus repos should come in the picture, Maven should be checked first If there is no jar, then it should go to Maven Central For those jars here Not as far as Maven Central (Egenebase-XOM) it should be pentah However Are not working for me, due to an absence of EEJenbase XM, an artifact error has been shown because it is not being downloaded If someone can help you then this will be a great help. Tell me where am I wrong? & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Settings xsi: schemaLocation = "" xmlns = "http: // Maven "xmlns: xsi =" "& gt; & Lt; Mirror & gt; & Lt; Mirror & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; MyRepo & lt; / Id &...

Refresh webdrivers on reload selenium -

I am using 32bit IE Webdriver and Selenium 2.0 and IE9 (VS2010 Test Project). I have to switch between tabs (tables) and clicking on tab is dynamically clicked on the tab. In this case also you can use F12, I can get control and frame but can not get it on the WebDriver. I think the web driver is not being refreshed on the reload? Just found that the frame source is dynamically set instead of the full page load. I need to set everyone the source of the frame. To work it does not throw an unexpected error ?? String = "SomeDocument.aspx? TxtCallingMode = Witness and intEventID = & amp; CoP DefPCD Consultation = N & IntCaseID = 378" as Dim Netpath IJavaScriptExecutor as Dim Jse = CType (driver, IJavaScriptExecutor) jse.ExecuteScript ("document. GetElementById ('frame page'). Src =" + navPath + ";") If you want to navigate between different frames then first you need to go back to the main frame and then children do not ne...

ruby on rails - https only working with localhost using thin server (ssl) -

I am trying to run my Ruby on Rail Project for testing purpose using the following URL: https: // systemipaddress: 3000 but the above does not work. It seems that this works only for local hosts How can I cope with this issue because I will also run my project on a remote machine using SSL encryption. / P> = "text"> The links below will be helpful to you Http:// / Div>

oauth - How to sign a quickbooks online API request in ColdFusion 9? -

In my CF app, I have used tokens and login tokens from QuickBooks online and it works fine. After starting to create the header I tried to call the Qubo API (I follow the instructions here on the "HTTP Authorization Header" section :). Then on the basis of code methods on Riafoge created HT headers because it worked. In addition, I respect the order of parameters given by Intuit in previous links). When I launched the API call, I received a response: "signature_invalid" I really want directions to sign the QBO online API call with CF 9 if I 6 Top Parameters: oauth_token oauth_nonce oauth_consumer_key oauth_signature_method oauth_timestamp > is that I use to generate signature and header for request token, Hold using additions are made to the other signatures. On th eway. paramsStr = "oauth_callback =" & amp; Signal data (CALL_BACK_URL) & amp; "& Amp;" & Amp; "Oauth_consumer_key =" ...

xaml - Selecting two items from different lists at the same time via multi-touch in WP8. -

How do I choose two items from two different long list selector controls at the same time? I am developing an application that requires selecting one item from two different lists at the same time. & lt; Phone: Longlist Selector x: name = "Input list" item source = "{binding input list}" & gt; If you have multiple controls and You want to handle multi-touch events, you have to do it manually. Use Touch.FrameReported to remove touch points, find out which controls are under each touch point and then work on it. Check out this example here:.

Volley retry request -

I am currently testing the volley library but when the request fails (404) it did not execute again Or there are at least no errors. However, the data is not lost. This is a request, so it has been unsuccessful, is the right way to try again? Thanks in advance req.setRetryPolicy (New DefaultRetryPolicy (5000,1,1f)); Queue.add (request); Usage: JsonObjectRequest req = null; For (int i = 0; i & lt; profielen.size (); i ++) {final integer = i; Request = New JsonObjectRequest (Request.Method.GET, imageLocUrl, Null, New Response.Listener & lt; JSONObject & gt; () {@Override Public Zero onResponse (JSONObject response) {try {setImageOnProfile (status, response.get (" Thumbnail ") .toString ());} hold (JSONException E) {// TODO auto-built cache block e.printStackTrace ();}}}, New Response.ErrorListener () {@Override Public Zero onErrorResponse (VolleyError Error) {}}); Req.setRetryPolicy (new DefaultRetryPolicy (5000,1,1.0F)); Queue.add (request); } ...

ios - ARC AC Algorithm used by Objective c for memory management, is this garbage collection? -

Since Apple began counting automatically terms in 2011, but never really thought about it, but if you all According to the objects are destroyed after some time. And if I release you Video looks like so you can see that it is not garbage collector question is if it uses garbage collector algorithms tend to be lost in all the objects that end, the garbage collector, why not? Sorry that has been asked before, but I'm really confused about this matter and I need help in understanding it well this is a bit of a philosophical question, but essentially, it's a compile-time garbage collector, which is a Run-time is in the form of a protest against the garbage collector. The garbage manages to maintain the vehicle, together with the program, instead of collecting the collected subsystem and ensures that all the necessary releases and maintenance are kept in the right place. The practical consequence of this is that because it is done by the compiler, it is less ...

javascript - SVG Adding radial gradient to donut chart -

I d3.js. I am portrayed with. Is it possible to add radial gradient to the donut chart, how this picture? See, we can reuse the example to come in the example : var dataset = {capsules: [53245, 28479, 19697, 24037, 40245]}} Var width = 460, height = 300, radius = Math (width) , Height) / 2; var color = d3.scale.category20 (); var pi = d3 layout. () .sort (faucet); var arch = D3.svg.arc (). Wichtredius (Radius - 100). Ottera radius (radius - 50); ("height", height). Append ("g") .attr ("transform", "sv"). " Translate ("+ width / 2 +", "+ altitude / 2 +") "var grads = svg.append (" defs "). All (" radialgrid ") data (pie (dataset. Apples)) ("Radialgridient") .attr ("gradientUnits", "userspaceOnUse") .attr ("cx", 0) .attr ("cy", 0) .attr ("r", "100%") ) .attr ("id", function (d, i) {return "grade" +...

android - Fragment Back button -

I know how to add a piece to the backstack, but how do I know when the user presses the back button, The piece I left and where did I go? I need to take a certain action, depending on which I should know which unit I am going through. Especially I should know which team I have left, if it is a fixed piece, then I can remove a button. Override onBackpressed in activity : @Override backdone at public null () {fragment manager FM = matching supportfragmentation manager (); Piece f = fm.findFragmentById (; // Get the segment that is currently in the placeholder object tag - f.getTag (); // tag handle with the help of // call super method super.onBackpressed (); }

r - label column with count fill value in ggplot2 -

I would like to label each column with that count of fill_factor for that specific column, but I can not find more than one Label per column. mydata.df & lt; - data.frame (Fill_factor = c ("Fill1", "Fill3", "Fill1", "FILL2", "Fill1", "Fill1", "ABA", "AA", "CA", "BB" "AA", "B.B.", "F", "FILL2", "FILL2", "FILL3"), Calculation = C ("AA", "CC")) Q & lt; - qplot (calculation, Data = mydata.df, fill = Fill_factor, geom = "bar", position = "fill") # gene name q # theme (axis.text.x = element_text (angle = -90, hjust = 1), text = element_text (Size = 10)) fill in the table (mydata.df $ calculation, mydata.df $ Fill_factor) 1 FILL2 Fill3 FILL3AA 2 2 0 0 BB 1 1 1 CC 1 0 0 1 I have also used the function DDPA but I do not know how to get the correct position mydata.df count &...

delphi - Media player as windows service -

I have been searching for information for a while but nothing has been useful for us. We are building a SmartCar complex system, which controls more or less everything in the car. Its a god project, here is not the "change the wheel again", it's just the point of doing it completely with scratch is. Since it is going to be a heavy load, we have created a PC based on i5 proc with 8 GB RAM, running Windows Server 2012 Datacenter on Intel's S335 SSD hard drive. So far, the main controller services are running as well and there is good response for all tasks such as lock / unlock, side mirror movement, windows movement, complete climate control, ignition, light etc. .. However, we can just sound a bit like this ... The reason is that we use all the services because it has no monitor, but the Android tablet and phones and Windows tablets Sa It also talks through WiFi and 3G. We have tried to do this through a remote desktop connection, but it is a waste of resour...

jquery - Select all ID tags containing a certain string in coffeescript -

I am trying to find the coffeescript version of Jquery below $ ('Input [Id * = "contact_date"] ') datepicker () .; I have a rail that users can use to create multiple nested records, in which there is a field, where "contact_date" is part of the ID for a date field. I want to add date picker to all those areas. An example of the date id will be "Investor_Investor_Compare_Savents_392640934673_contact_date" Any advice would be great Jquery & amp; New Sort on Coffeescript I'm not sure that you can use the regex match in jquery selectors. I recommend that you put a class selector on each input that you add the Datapicor and select them as the following: $ ('.contact_date'). The other solution will be to insert all the input into a div block and select all children: $ ('# id_of_your_div'). Childern.datepicker The difference between the CaufScript and the Javascript code in your case is that you can ski...

java - How to redirect to a page in webcenter sites -

Is there a way to redirect web sites to a page / template using tags? Or should we rely on standard j2ee respnose.sendRedirect () method ?? If you are using a JSP wrapper, then you can not really do this because JSPs response Headers start to start very quickly, you have to present an HTML page with tags. If your cover is XML or Groovy, then you can use it using the WebSensor Sites API. There is a Groovy example.

javascript - html: execute function when link clicked, get alert and then redirect to another page -

What is the best way to combine two wires string 1: & lt; A href = "javascript: myFunc ();" Onclick = "warning ('myFunc execution')" & gt; Click here & lt; / A & gt; and string 2: & lt; A href = "" & gt; Click here & lt; / A & gt; so that: myFunc () executed; The alert appears; Once the alert is clicked, the page is redirected to , I ask the most correct way of doing this I am here. Thank you. Try it out: & lt; A Href = "javascript: zero (0)" onclic = "alert ('myFunc executed'); myFunc (); window.location = 'http: //'" & gt; Click here & lt; / A & gt; Explanation: Javascript: zero (0) is to see a link.

Java scentific date hanlding -

My question is that when we expect the earth to be by the end of the earth (expected 100000000000000000000-12-31 23:59 : 00.0000 + 1 ). I am sure some scientists have a library for such dates. Since it is also using for long periods of internal storage hence it is out of the area. Developing a calendar from Khalil can be difficult because we have to handle Julian's Gregorian calendar and all special cases like calendar / leap years / seconds of Switzerland ... - New date / time API in Java 8 - it already handles: For practicality, immediately deposits with some obstacles. The medial timeline is limited to the number of seconds that can be kept for a long time. It is more than the present estimated age of the universe, immediately deposited in nanosecond resolution. is one, if you can not wait for Java 8 to come out :) However, JSR-310 may be You can not handle leap seconds in the way you want to do it; Actually the system tries to (perfectly reasonable) so that ...

css3 - CSS how to use pseudo-class :not with :nth-child -

It is possible to use : not () with nth-child ? I tried to do this without any luck: td: not (: nth-child (4n)) {text-align: center; } Although this works: td: not (: first-child) {text-align: center; } I am trying to align all the table columns in the middle except 2 and 4 columns. Columns are dynamically generated to add a custom class to these columns. : no (: nth-child (4n)) Which is not : nth-child (4n) , which is not the fourth, 8th and so on. This will not leave the second child because 2 in 4 are not valuable. To exclude the second and fourth, you need one of these: td: no (: nth-child (2n)) If you have less than 6 columns, or td: not (: nth-child (2)): no (: nth-child ( 4)) If you have at least 6 columns and do not want to leave only 2 and 4th and only every column.

java - Instances of classes -

Does a non-static method make an example of that class in which it is declared? Why does this code work? import java.awt. *; Public Class Main Frame {PUBLIC MAN () {// SUPER KEYWORDS Do not Need a Class Shelter? Super ("My Frames"); Supersatsis (200,100); } Public static zero main (string [] args) {new main (); }} If a non-static method creates an example of a class, the next code should work ... . *; Public class extends the main applet (public zero print) (System.out.println ("Hi");} Public Zero Init () {this.print ();}} A non-static method can only be accessed In the context of an example Pre-existing . Public square fu {public static zero someStaticMethod () {/ * ... *}} Some nonstaticmethod (public) from zero. . *}} elsewhere: Foo.someStaticMethod (); // it's Foo.Som ENonStaticMethod () works; // This foo foo = new foo () does not work; foo.someNonStaticMethod (); // But it within a non-static method You ...

javascript - how to get the value of an input and put it into an onclick -

I have this problem, there was a function on AJAX which needs latitude and LNG variables, so that the function test (latitude, LNG) . .. This HTML is a simple code: & lt; Fieldet & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; Servise de geocodifixio & lieutenant; / Legend & gt; Latitude: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "lat" value = "42.3600077" /> gt; & Lt; Br> Longitude: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "lng" value = "1.4579696" /> gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "veer dades" onclic = primer () /> & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "weir coordinate" / & gt; & Lt; Br> Carrier: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "car" /> & Lt; Br> Ciutat: & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "article" id = "ciu" /> gt; & Lt...

sql server - How can I parameterize the tablename in a CREATE TABLE expression? -

I was wondering if syntax have to have something like the following: announcement @MyTableNameVARCHAR (50) SET @ MyTableName = 'AccountSummary' Create table dbo @ MyTableName (id int NOT NULL identified (1,1), ACCOUNTID zero-sum actual int) Of course, not working above. I've worked with my scripts with EXEC , but it seems that it's complicated. I create a table with a parameter for tablename ? DECLARE @MyTableName NVARCHAR (50); SET @MyTableName = 'Account Beautiful'; DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR (max); Set @Sql = N'CREATE table '+ QUOTENAME (@MyTableName) + N (Id int NULL identified (1,1), ACCOUNTID, not int amount minus execute real)' sp_executesql @Sql OR DECLARE @MyTableName NVARCHAR (50); SET @MyTableName = 'Account Beautiful'; DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR (max); Set @Sql = N'CREATE table [@MyTableName] (id int NULL identified (1,1), ACCOUNTID not int, amount minus actual) execute sp_executesql @Sql, N '@ MyTableName ...

c++ - How to use "extern template" with a nested class which is used by a templated member in the same class? -

First of all, some references: I am trying to use pepple idols as the Herb Sutter presented it. This title will appear in the file: #include "pimpl_h.h" class widget {class impl; Pimpl & lt; Impl & gt; Meter; // ...}; The implementation will look like this: #include "pimpl_impl.h" class widget :: impl ... {}; I am trying to solve the problem, when using a technique, a class uses another pimple class for its own implementation. This includes "PIMPLIMPLH", so the compiler (in my case VC ++ 2013) is referred to as pimpl & lt; Impl & gt; For the knowledge of the concrete template of the other class is obtained and attempts to incorporate it, which certainly results in compilation errors, because the implementation of that class is not known. To solve this, I used the new "external template" feature of C ++ 11 in the header: #include "pimpl_h.h" Square widget {class impl; Pimpl & lt; Impl & g...

rest - Extracting data from angularJS $resource -

I have a problem using Angel's $ processing service. Because my API sends a full response (headers, etc.) , As well as an error field in the data object, I need to get a specific object from the response. It is quite simple with the $ http service, but I do not understand these resources with the $ resource service how to get. Down $ http is working. $ http ({method: 'GET', url: '', header: {' x-ap-secret ':' Xxx ',' authorization ':' xxx ',' content-type ':' application / x-www-form-urlencoded '}}). Then (function (feedback) {console.log (feedback); $ scope.topics =;}); And this is my unsuccessful attempt with unsafe requests: var topic = $ resource ('http: //api.discussorama com / v1 {'X-Api-secret': 'xxx', 'authorization': '/': 'id', {id: '@id'}, {query: {isArray: false, method: 'GET', h...

c++ - OpenCV element-wise matrix multiplication -

ओपनसीवी कहते हैं एमुल (बी) प्रति-तत्व गुणा है फिर भी निम्न कोड निम्न आउटपुट का उत्पादन करता है, और फिर यह त्रुटि देता है: OpenCV त्रुटि: इनपुट आर्गुमेंट्स के आकार मेल नहीं खाते । कॉट & lt; & lt; लैपलासीयन_पीरामिड [आई] [न्यूज़लेव्स - 1 - एल] .रोस & lt; & lt; endl; Cout & lt; & lt; गाऊसी_वेट_पीरामिड [आई] [एल] .रोव & lt; & lt; endl; Cout & lt; & lt; लैपलासीयन_पीरामिड [आई] [न्यूक्लीव्स - 1 - एल]। Cols & lt; & lt; endl; Cout & lt; & lt; गाऊसी_वेट_पीरामिड [आई] [एल]। Cols & lt; & lt; endl; देता है: 339 339 571 571 तब: मैट प्रोड = गाउसियन_वेट_पीरामिड [आई] [एल] .मूल (लैपलासीयन_पीरामिड [आई] [न्यूक्लीव्स - 1 - एल]); त्रुटि देता है मैंने कोशिश की Mat :: multiply एक समान प्रभाव के लिए। मैं सुझाऊंगा एकल चैनल को तीन चैनल में कनवर्ट करना: चटाई A = चटाई :: शून्य (100, 200, CV_32FC1); चटाई बी = चटाई :: शून्य (100, 200, सीवी_32 एफ 3); // Mat सी = एमुल (बी); // इनपुट आर्ग्यूज के आकार Mat Afc3 से मेल नहीं...

javascript - apply css style to a div within an angular js directive -

In my instructions I'm handling jqueryui I was having an issue where it was very upset and Firefox so I took some suggestions and when the instructions were issued then I added a div to the dome ... changed the shape of it ... and in the end I I joined the original device and got rid of the added divis. The only problem that really took care of my jitter issue is that during the recycling it should be added to a square in the added class which will appear on screen in size .... That class has not been added. My command is as follows: Instruction ('resizable', function () {return {restricted: 'a', scope: {callback: '& amp; OnResize '}, link: function post links (scope, amm, ethers) {elem.resizable ({accessory: function () (returns (jQuery ("& lt; div>"). CSS ({height: jQuery ( This).), Width: jQuery (this) .with ()} AddClass ('resizeHelper'));}}); elem.on ('resizestop', function (evt, ui) {if (scope.callback) {S...

excel - Parse HTML in VBA to extract information from description list? -

I want to remove information from the website with Excel XP I have some examples to the code () and the following: function as strHtmlElementValue (htmldoc HTMLDocument, ID as a string) String Dim HtmlElement Set as IHTMLElement in HtmlElement = htmldoc.getElementById (ID) strHtmlElementValue = ID & amp; ":" & Amp; HtmlElement.innerText End Function I tried it with the following URL ( htmldoc loaded as): If I The use of the string "open busted for id", gives the title of the function page, which is fine. But how can I use E. G. Information like price? In HTML code, it seems there is no ID and if I getElementById the class name to try to use "is24qa-kaufpreis", I get an error message . & Lt; DL & gt; & Lt; DT & gt; & Lt; Strong class = "is24qa-kaufpreis-label" & gt; Kaufpreis: & lt; / Strong> & Lt; / Dt & gt; & Lt; Dd class = "is24qa-kaufpreis" & gt; 2.190.0...

c++ - 3D Vector normalization issue -

I found a problem with the 3D vector normalization, Vector changes Example code: Vector3 v1 (-0.9650 9453265, -0.210381150246, 0.156014174223); Std :: cout.precision (15); V1.normalize (); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; V1 & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; V1.normalize (); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; V1 & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; V1.normalize (); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; V1 & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; V1.normalize (); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; V1 & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Output: -0.965090330430436 -0.265090453624725 -0.210381150245667 0.156014174222946 -0.965090334415436 -0.210381120443344 0.156014159321785 -0.965090453624725 -0.210381150245667.1156014174222946 General function: zero Vector3 :: normal () {if (length () == 0) return; Vector 3x = * this; Float sqr = x.x * x.x + x.y * x.y + x.z * x.z; * This = x * (1.0 F / STD :: SQLT (SKR)); } Is this a problem with float exact, or is there anything wrong with my cod...

how to take amazon instance backup? -

I have two examples running I have done a lot of configurations on the examples I want to shut down the server, so charge me Not done, but I do not want to store my configuration and data in examples. What should I do to ensure that I do not have to lose data? Then basically create an image as the following: And then if you do not want to lose any state, then you can press 'reboot' Can not use:

matlab - Using loops to get multiple values into a cell -

I have 31 topics (S1, S2, S3, S4, etc.) 3 images in each topic, opposite 1 IMG, Contrast 2 IMG and Contrast 3 Are IMG I p In a NX1 cell named P, I would like to use a loop to get all the paths of contrasts from all the subjects: data / S1 / contrast1.img / S1 / contrast2.img data / S1 / contrast3.img data / s2 / contrast1.img data / S2 / contrast2.img Data / S2 / contrast3.img ... Data / S31 / contast3.img This is what I've tried: A = {'S1', 'S2', 'S3', ..., 'S31'}; % All topics C = {'contrast1.img', 'contrast2.img', 'contrast3.img'}; For each = P = cell (31 * 3,1) for each topic, the required contrast images: Length = A for Jammu = 1: Length (C) P {j} = spm_select ('FPList', Fullfile (data_path, q {i}) sprint ('% s', cell2mat (c))); % Of each topic is to select three contrast images, it works in my script, it is probably not 100% correct, because I had to simplify this example. End of ...

C++ singleton implementation -

I was reading an example of singleton pattern in C ++. class singletons {Private: stable single singles alone; Singleton () {}; ~ Singleton () {}; Singleton (constant singleton and amp;); Single & amp; Operator = (Constant Singleton & amp;); Public: Stable Singleton and Economics (); Return once; }; } I do not understand what the following line does. Singleton (Constant Singleton & amp;); I have always used const for the method, but now the method is for the formal parameter, and '& amp; There is a special meaning or just a strange name and then the line: Stable Singleton and Millstein () {Return once; }; Why a & amp; In front of the law? That row is given a name when you assign an object to an object The only type since it has been declared private in this case, this means that the copy maker will not be called outside the classroom. Okay, this is the issue for a singleton, right? '& amp; On the other hand the context is called....

java - How would i stop my timer? -

So I created a timer class for the game vs. and I already have the start button action to start the timer, But I'm confused how to stop the timer and reset it back to 0. If someone can provide some solution to my problem then it would be nice. import javax.swing. *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; The expansion of public class MyTimer panel (private Jeelab time display; private Jebtn Risetbtn; private Jebtn Startbtn; private Jebtn Stopbutn; Timer; public MyTimer () {MyTimer timer; Startbutton = new Jebtn ( "Start Timer"); Stopbtn = new Jebtn ( "stop timer"); Taimdisple = new Jeelabel ( "... waiting ..."); Risetbtn = new Jebtn ( "reset timer"); this.add (resetButton); this.add (StartButton); this.add (stopButton); this.add (timeDisplay); Event E = new event (); StartButton.addActionListener (e); Event 1C = new Event 1 (); stopButton.addActionListener (c); Event 2D = new Event 2 (); resetButton.addActionListener (d);} publi...

ios - Tapku not integrating -

is moving forward with this question I tried to solve and it was not working . I have exact issues like the author of that question. Any thoughts? In Settings, edit the architecture, select another and remove anything present there. Click "+" and enter in the field: $ (ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) This will support all architectures other than 64 bit.

c - Stack around the variable 's' was corrupted -

I found this error in my RC4 algorithm, it works well, but every time this message is too large I get this error, like 1000kB, here's the code: char * rc4 (const int * key, int key_size, char * buff, int buff_size) {int i, j , K; Int es [255], RK [255]; // rk = random_key char * encrypted = alloc_char_buffer (buff_size); For (i = 0; i 'encrypted' to be "non-empty Ended ", so if the string is left 10 I will only assign 10 bytes, 11 for '11 0 'should not be If you need this, here is the code for alloc_char_buffer (unsigned int) char * alloc_char_buffer (unsigned int size) {char * buff = NULL; Buff = (four *) coloc (size + 1, size (four)); If (! Buff) _error ("Program fails to allocate memory."); to return; } SWITCH: // inversà £ ÃÆ'à ¢ â,¬Å¡Ãƒâ € šÃ, © zero-SWITCH (int * a, Int * b) {* (a) = * (a) ^ * (b); // a random number * (b) = * (a) ^ * (b); // one * (a) = * (a) ^ * (b); // get b} char * encrypted = alloc_char...