Java scentific date hanlding -
My question is that when we expect the earth to be by the end of the earth (expected I am sure some scientists have a library for such dates. Since it is also using for long periods of internal storage hence it is out of the area. Developing a calendar from Khalil can be difficult because we have to handle Julian's Gregorian calendar and all special cases like calendar / leap years / seconds of Switzerland ... - New date / time API in Java 8 - it already handles: For practicality, immediately deposits with some obstacles. The medial timeline is limited to the number of seconds that can be kept for a long time. It is more than the present estimated age of the universe, immediately deposited in nanosecond resolution. is one, if you can not wait for Java 8 to come out :) However, JSR-310 may be You can not handle leap seconds in the way you want to do it; Actually the system tries to (perfectly reasonable) so that the leap seconds can be removed from the system and it can be requested that any clocks Smells. (So leap seconds is not represented in the data model.) You will need to be careful around it. Of course, the dates leap forward in the distant future are second to impossible and almost certainly trivial anyway): Edit: As mentioned in the answer given below, the above quotation is effectively a tip There is an error, and 100000000000000000000-12-31 23:59 : 00.0000 + 1 ).
Instant will support "only" values up to one billion years.
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