javascript - Headers in post request with Backbone.js -
I want to insert a header in my post service with a backbone.js in a post request, I try in two ways I do: ({header: {'x-token': myToken}}); Var name = "xtoken" + "="; Var ca = document.cookie.split (';'); (Var i = 0; i & lt; ca.length; i ++) for {var c = ca [i] .trim (); If (c.indexOf (name) == 0) tokenCookie = c.sublstring (name.length, c.length); } Xhr.setRequestHeader ('X-token', tokencookie); }
call: ({before.Send: this.sendToken, success: work () {alert ("success" );}, Error: function (model, response, option) {warning ("error");}}); But this does not seem to work, it does not send the header
The sign is for the model. Save ([attributes], [options]) . To add an option, you must give an empty / zero hash of properties: (null, {headers: {'X-Token': 'myToken'}}); and a demo
or (null, {beforeSend: function (xhr) {xhr. SetRequestHeader ('x-token', 'set token');}});
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