rest - Extracting data from angularJS $resource -
I have a problem using Angel's $ processing service. Because my API sends a full response (headers, etc.) , As well as an error field in the data object, I need to get a specific object from the response. It is quite simple with the $ http service, but I do not understand these resources with the $ resource service how to get. Down $ http is working.
$ http ({method: 'GET', url: '', header: {' x-ap-secret ':' Xxx ',' authorization ':' xxx ',' content-type ':' application / x-www-form-urlencoded '}}). Then (function (feedback) {console.log (feedback); $ scope.topics =;}); And this is my unsuccessful attempt with unsafe requests:
var topic = $ resource ('http: //api.discussorama com / v1 {'X-Api-secret': 'xxx', 'authorization': '/': 'id', {id: '@id'}, {query: {isArray: false, method: 'GET', header: Xxx ',' content-type ':' application / x-www-form-urlencoded '}}}); Var response = topic.kudi (); $ Realm Subject = response. Subject; Console.log (feedback); EDIT: After updating the above code I am getting into the console.
f {$ promise: object, $ solution: wrong, get $: function, $ save: function, $ query: functionâ |? | $$ Promise: Object $ Hull: True Error: False Subject: Array [10] __Pooto__: f Although I change the console log:
Console.log (response.topics); Console just returns:
undefined Where am I wrong with this? If it helps in the link of the page in question then
You are not promising that $ resources Hand back It should be handled like a $ http call on you
var topic = $ resource ('', {id: '@id'}, {query: {isArray: false} , Method: 'GET', header: {'X-AP-secret': 'xxx', 'authorization': 'xxx', 'content-type': 'application / x-www-form-urlencoded'}}} }); Var response = topic.kudi (); Pledge $ Promise Then (function (data) {$ scope.topics = data. Subject; // changed to data.topics});
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