ios - ARC AC Algorithm used by Objective c for memory management, is this garbage collection? -

Since Apple began counting automatically terms in 2011, but never really thought about it, but if you all According to the objects are destroyed after some time.

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And if I release you Video looks like so you can see that it is not garbage collector question is if it uses garbage collector algorithms tend to be lost in all the objects that end, the garbage collector, why not?

Sorry that has been asked before, but I'm really confused about this matter and I need help in understanding it well

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this is a bit of a philosophical question, but essentially, it's a compile-time garbage collector, which is a Run-time is in the form of a protest against the garbage collector.

The garbage manages to maintain the vehicle, together with the program, instead of collecting the collected subsystem and ensures that all the necessary releases and maintenance are kept in the right place.

The practical consequence of this is that because it is done by the compiler, it is less error than maintaining manual / release -impacts, and because it compile Time on It is faster than the garbage collector.

This issue should put more light on.


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