jquery - how to show an empty kendo grid in cshtml -
I want to show an empty kendro grid without any data in a div section, but I am not able to do this . I can not understand what is wrong. I am using the following code
$ ('# sample'). KendoGrid: {field: "column1", title: "column1", width: true, sortable: correct, page qualified: {Fresh: true, page size: right, buttoncount: 5}, column: [width: 140}, {region: "column 2", title: "column 2", width: 190}, {field: "column 3", title: column 3 ", width: 140}]}); < / Pre>
What error are you getting or what is happening?
This is your exact There is a bella with code and it works. Are you positive that you have
/ Pre> I had to add the code snippet to post Bella.
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