
Showing posts from January, 2012

javascript - "Focus" and activate Google Map Embed Programmatically -

I am very new to the Google Maps API. I am creating a simple map app for our TV platform at work, the TV uses the custom webkit browser and I have confirmed that the map API works well on it. Currently when you load a simple app like this on our TV (code is given in the link below): Before you To focus on "mouse", you need to use the mouse to "click" on the screen, only then, the map embeds "active" and you use up, down, left, right keys to navigate the map can do. My problem is this; You do not have a mouse on a TV so that you can not "click" on "focus"! Can you "Focus" on Google Maps programmatically so that I can use the arrow keys on the remote so that the map is usually mapped to the top, bottom, left, right keys to navigate the map ? Thanks in advance, Mark update: My code can be seen here - Complete in codepay The screen app is here - The hosted full screen app (at least the codepeck markup in...

How do I implement an InfoWindowAdapter interface in Xamarin? -

I am using Xamarin and I want to create a CustomWindowAdapter which implements the GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter interface. I have tried to do this now: Public class custom window adapter: InfoWindowAdapter {} I get this error Error: Error CS0246: Type or namespace name 'InfoWindowAdapter' is not found (Do not you have access instructions or an assembly reference?) Here is the documentation for the interface: Can I do some help? What do I need to use? Thank you in advance Step 1: Get Google Play services component from components store Step 2: GoogleMap using Android. Apply on IIFODONFOAD . Gms.Maps; Using Android. Gms.Maps.Model; Using Android. See; Public class InfoWindow: Java.Lang.Object, GoogleMap.IInfoWindowAdapter {#region IInfoWindowApply View Public to GetInfoContents (Marker p0) {New NotImplementedException (); } View public GetInfoWindow (Marker p0) {New NotImplementedException Throwing; } #endregion}

ruby on rails - How to write foreign keys in many-to-many rich join? -

I am trying to include several rich people with the table joining in the AdminUser and SectionEdit . This model has been created by producing. Create inside_section_edits, we write create_table: section_edits do | T | T.integer: admin_user_id t.integer: section_id t.timestamps t.string: summary end Any difference in using : admin_user_id and Is "admin_user_id" ? The same goes for the second primary key, the Admin_user_id is the foreign key. No, but better practice is to use symbol : admin_user_id As an alternative idea: create_table: section_edits do | T | T.references: admin_user, index: true t.references: clause, index: true t.string: summarize t.temestamps end In this way, note that you can add foreign key index index: true context:

javascript - jshint - Create custom warnings/rules -

Is it possible to create custom jshint rules, add it to existing inbuilt rules, configure it (on or off) projects? Is it worth growing, like how do we create your own custom work in Grunt? Sometimes we need to implement the JavaScript coding practice in our environment. For example, we apply to our developers using () instead of Date.getTime (). Want to do You should consider using this case. Each rule is a standalone one. So you can take one of the default rules in the form of a template, and write your own.

OpenDJ GET method using RestAPI gives 400 bad request response -

I'm trying to retrieve a record using open API call from OpenDJ I am using version 2.6.0 of OpenDJ I am using the following URL: It always returns a bad request 400 error message. What can be the problem? Thank you Without further explanation, it is difficult to answer your question. Most likely some configuration issues have you checked error logs, HT_logs for more information? However, you can get a better response directly from the OpenJJ mailing list. Regards, Ludovic

inheritance - Static variables in Java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब वर्ग अभिभावक { सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग sName = "माता-पिता"; स्थिर {System.out.println ("अभिभावक स्थिर ब्लॉक कहा जाता है"); SName = "माता-पिता"; }} वर्ग बाल अभिभावक {सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक स्ट्रिंग sName1; स्थिर {System.out.println ("बच्चे को स्थिर ब्लॉक कहा जाता है"); SName = "बाल"; SName1 = "बाल"; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग विरासत {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {System.out.println (Child.sName); Println (Parent.sName); }} ऊपर कोड स्निपेट में मेरे पास एक ' जनक ' वर्ग और '' बाल वर्ग है जो माता-पिता को विस्तारित करता है I मैं इस तथ्य को समझता हूं कि स्थिर चर को माता-पिता और उसके सभी उप-वर्गों के बीच साझा किया जाता है जब मैं उपरोक्त कार्यक्रम चलाता हूं तो आउटपुट होता है अभिभावक अभिभावक माता पिता को नामित स्थैतिक ब्लॉक मुझे आश्चर्य है कि बच्चे के स्थैतिक ब्लॉक को निष्पादित करने के बाद भी निष्पादित नहीं किया जाता है ' println (Child.sNam...

android - Custom Font for Entire Application -

I want to change the font for the whole app content (textview, edit, button, etc) I have found that I can make setup style for the application but here I can not put the font in my custom style xml from the property folder. I have to put my custom TTF font in the Typeface Element in the Style XML from the Asset folder. I can not convert the monospace font in my custom font to my style & lt; Resources & gt; & Lt; Style name = "heading_text" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: textColor" & gt; # Ff000000 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Text Style" & gt; Bold & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: text size" & gt; 16sp & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Typeface" & gt; Monospace & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; Hi, go to my blog where you can download There are codes too. What you need to do is to ...

php - How to validate form fields without model name in cakephp -

How can I validate form data without model name? When I $ this-> Print the data , I get the data in the following array format. But the field does not have the model name [Select_family] = & gt; [Select_cores] = & gt; Select [select_color] = & gt; Select [select_color] = & gt; [Select_back_color] = & gt; Select [select_panel] = & gt; Select [select_design] = & gt; [Select_thickness] Select & gt; Select [select_edge] & gt; Select [volume] = & gt; [Save] = & gt; Save) Thanks Advance. You should use the model name because verification did not know where and what is valid. You can set the name of the model before validation (like before validity callback or $ this-> model-> set () in the admin)

java - Concurrency Control on my Code -

I am working on order capture and generator application. The application is working fine with concurrent users working on different orders. The problem begins when two users of different systems / locations try to work on the same sequence. For the same order how the business is affecting it, the application will generate duplicate data because two users are working together on that order. I tried to synchronize that method, where I am generating an order, but this would mean that no other user can work on any new order because of synchronization of that method Will be locked for. This will definitely prevent all users from issuing an order, when an order is increasing, as it will affect the synchronized code. I have also tried with the criteria incompetence for an order, but there is no success. Can someone please suggest proper perspectives ?? All suggestions / comments are welcome Thanks in advance. Instead of synchronizing the method level, you can use block-level synchro...

c# - WPF best way to compare edited value and original value -

Imagine that I have a textbox connected to the values ​​received from the database. And I have a cancel button. Something like the following: & lt; Text box text = "{binding [some viewsmodel] .stustara, mode = twain}" & gt; & Lt; / Textbox & gt; Now the value of TestVar is 10, and when the user has updated the price and press the cancel button, then I have a popup to tell the user Will show that your data will be lost Are you sure you want to proceed? My idea is either using TextChanged or UpdateSourceTrigger = "PropertyChanged" to update a boolean flag and Check onclick on the Cancel button. But this thing is that the user is updating the value from 10 to 5, then back to 10? Then when the user clicks the cancel button, there should be no warning message. Can I know what would be the most effective way of achieving the objective? There are several ways to achieve this. Make a deep clone of your view-model and validate tw...

Cast companion library android - addmediarouterbutton(View v) -

I am trying to integrate the cast SDK I have read that if using CastCompanionLibrary - Android it will be the easiest I have included it in my project only one thing I know that you can only add a MediaRouterButton through the actionbars. In my special use I am not using the actionbars but a custom view that includes ImageButtons Nbvta menu Itms is possible to integrate partner CAST library instead of shots? Just a your layout file In

jquery - how to go bottom of a website like back to top using javascript? -

I use coding on HTML, CSS & amp; By using Back to Top ; Javascript combination I now want to include in that can work as a protest against back to top which means go down to return to the top I By including the code: HTML & lt; Div id = "back-top" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#top" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" /> & Lt; Br / & gt; Top & LT; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; # Back-Top {color: text-decoration: none;} #back-top {color: # Ff0000; Status: fixed; Bottom: 25px; Left: 125px; font-weight: bold; } JavaScript $ (function () {$ (window) .scroll (function () {if ($ (This) .scrollTop ()> 300) {$ ('#back top') fadein ();} else {$ ('#back top') fadeOut ();}}...

Remove leading zeros from time series in R -

I have a time series with the following method and I am wondering if a smart move to remove a leading driver Can show. The reason why I want to save is that this prediction can have a negative impact on the selection of the model. Example Series Series: Time-series & lt; - ts (c (0 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 10, 10, 16, 7, 13, 0, 9, 1, 11, 2, 11, 3, 11, 4, 1, 20, 13, 18, 19, 16, 16, 16, 15 , 14, 27, 24, 35, 8, 18, 21, 20, 19, 22, 18, 21), start = c (2001,6), frequency = 12) I can visualize a process of doing several tests with the time series subsets and then reducing the leading series of zero with subsets with only zero, however, it would be a cumbersome process, in terms of calculation There is a possibility of being disabled. Is anyone already aware of doing this efficiently with any existing work or process? Only the principal zeroes and leaves are removed in this other void: From time to time [cumsum]! = 0] # [...

c# - Error with Query from the System Table -

I want to ask you one problem that I have a query in the system table. This is the code that I have wrong. String current_query = "* [[system [timecmitted [[systemtime] + + + + + + + '']]]) and (system [time-credited [system time] ; Lt; '"+ datenext +"']])] "; Console.WriteLine (current_query); Event Logic Events = New Event Lolakation (Log_Location, PathType, FilePath, Current_query); Event logger logger = new event logger (events); There are datatyonyx and datacentet datetime variables. I think the problem is that I read the table twice, but I need to read it twice because I need to get the log of system all day and I think that I should compare between two system times. Any suggestions on how to remix the consultation. UPDATE: I try this question with the same result. current_query = "* [(event / system / timerized / @ systemtime)" + dateini + ") and (event / system / timeline / @ systemtime & amp; lt;" + daten...

visual studio 2012 - VS2012 built Windows Application Crashes -

After creating my code in VS2012 Update 4 , the problem below is signed in my application . Problem signature: Problem Name: BEX64 Application Name: App.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 52fdbd9d fault module name: MSVCR110.dll fault module version: 11.0.51106.1 defects module timestamp: 50 9 8826e exception offset: 000000000006d4f9 exception code: c0000417 exception data: 0000000000000000 OS version: 6.1.7601. locale ID: 1033 additional information 1: 1032 additional information 2: 103247eabca85d12954263c679d66e19 additional information 3: 7fa2 additional information 4 : 7fa2470b0fea6279055c0db583abca71 Any help is appreciated. "Redistribution for Visual C ++ Visual Studio 2012 update 4" read some posts online It seems that the problem can be solved by reinstalling it. You can download it here:

Facebook API - Android:How to post in Facebook wall using Facebook API? -

I'm totally new to Facebook API, it was run in my project, but I have absolutely zero signal How to post a Facebook account on the wall? I've read about the OpenGraph API, but this is only for browsers? I do not have a clue what I need for him. I have heard of Facebook SDK but how not to use it. Any help would be appreciated. Yes you will need Socialite-4.4. or socialauth-android-3.1.rar To use Facebook and any other API, you first need to create an ADI.

javascript - replace "[ with [ and ]" with ] json -

मेरे पास एक JSON नीचे है: [{"type": "point" , "निर्देशांक": "[- 77.0338.90]"}, "गुणधर्म": {"शहर": 3, "url": ""}] मुझे चाहिए "[ के साथ [ और ]" के साथ ] को बदलने के लिए

Spring integration:Header value router not getting invoked everytime -

हम header-value-router का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। कॉन्फ़िगरेशन: & lt; int: हैडर-वैल्यू-राउटर इनपुट-चैनल = "अकाउंट सोमिरीआरयुएस्ट" हेडर-नेम = "वर्ड" डिफॉल्ट आउटपुट-चैनल = "खातासूचुरी अनुरोध" संकल्प-आवश्यक = "गलत" & gt; & Lt; int: मैपिंग वैल्यू = "xx" channel = "accountSummeryRequest" / & gt; & Lt; int: मानचित्रण मान = "yy" channel = "newRequestChannel" / & gt; & Lt; / पूर्णांक: हेडर-मान-रूटर & gt; & Lt; int: सेवा-उत्प्रेरक id = "accountServiceActivator" इनपुट-चैनल = "खाताउपयोगकर्ता अनुरोध" आउटपुट-चैनल = "खाताउपयोगी रिस्पांस" रिफ = "सेवागेटवेएडाप्टर" विधि = "अनुरोधहैंडलर" भेज-टाइमआउट = "60000" / & gt; & Lt; int: service-activator id = "caRequestActivator" इनपुट-चैनल = "newRequestChannel" आउटपुट चैनल = "खाताउपयोगरिपोर्ट" ref = "caServiceGatewayAdapter" विधि = "...

python - Passing a list as several arguments -

I am trying to use a list as arguments: & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; L = [1,2,3]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print (* L) I have an error: file "& lt; stdin>", line 1T * ^ syntax error: Invalid syntax I am using Python 2.7: gt; & Gt; Import systems and gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print sys.version 2.7.3 (default, 2 January 2013, 13:56:14) [GCC 4.7.2] What am I missing? Thanks! By default, print is not a function in Python 2.7. . To use the function instead of a statement in a given module, use a future statement: __future__ import print_function go to the top Need your file, any code that is not a future statement (or module docstring), because the compiler sees the future statement first, the rest of the module differently predicts future statements.

c# - Wait until file completely read and then display the result in a rich textbox -

I know that you can not have GUI controls for working in separate threads. On my form load, I would like to read from a text file and then display content in a rich text box. I'm studying in a different thread but later I would like to show this text on my rich textbox, my window still deposits and my loading spinner does not animate. Private async void PreviewFileForm_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {string fileName = Path. GetFileName (this.filePath); LblFileName.Text = fileName; RichtxtboxPreview.Visible = false; String file resource = wait readFileAsync (this.filePath); RichtxtboxPreview.Text = fileContents; RichtxtboxPreview.Visible = true; SpinnerLoadFile.Visible = false; } Async works & lt; String & gt; ReadFileAsync (string file path) {string s = String.Empty; Wait for the job. ({=} ({StreamReader sr = file.} Using open text (file path) {s = sr.ReadToEnd ();}}); Return s; } What can I do to indicate that my loading time is waiting for reading and then th...

generics - Is there a simple way to combine two lists in Dart? -

I was thinking that it was an easy way to add two lists to the dart to create a new list item. I could not find anything else: var newList = list1 + list2; is not valid. You can use: var newList = new list From (list1) .. addAll (list2);

php - Composer, move files from /vendor/ folder -

I have just started using the computer because I'm bored to manually download dependencies from Gitb. But there are some things that I do not understand. Composer always downloads files in the / vendor folder such as I add twitter bootstrap - it's downloaded to / vendor / twitter / bootstrap folder Will go But I should be in my / webroot / bootstrap / directory. How do you take these files? Because if I move it manually - then they will not be updated later using the Composer update command. Or if I use the micro php framevork slim I've added the Thin / Slim Dependency but it is / Seller / Slim / Slim / ... , then what should I do? Use Fing or some other deployment tool to transfer files from the desired destination / vendor to the destination? What do you use This is not a fast that I want, but it works for CSS / JS / etc. "config": {"seller-dir": "path / to / where" }, in your composer.json file

javascript - images are displayed in chrome and mozila but not to displayed in IE? -

I tried to code bellow images coming in chrome and možila but not coming in IE image Format is .jpg Plz help me bodycontent + = '& lt; Tr class = "span12" & gt; & Lt; Td square = "span12" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "span12" & gt; & Lt; Img class = "span12" src = "'+ buildingdata.imu url +" "& gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / Tr & gt; '; and use instead of " bodycontent + = '& lt; tr class = & amp; nbsp; span12 & amp; quot; & gt; & lt; td class = & amp; quot; span12 & amp; ;;; Div square = & amp; quot; span12 & amp; quot; & gt; & lt; img class = & amp; quot; span12 & amp; quot; src = & amp; quot; '+ Building Data.IMUULL +' and & quot;> FYI -

HTTPS Login using Java -

I have a problem logging in to a website via https . Works) for http access is written: string user = user; String password = psw; String authString = user + ":" + password; Byte [] authEncBytes = Base64.encodeBase64 (authString.getBytes ()); String authStringEnc = new string (authEncBytes); URL Connection Connection = url.openConnection (); Connection.setRequestProperty ("Authority", "Basic" + authStringEnc); Connection.setRequestProperty ("content-type", "app / json"); Connection.setRequestProperty ("Accept", "App / JS"); Connection.connect (); I want to do the same thing but via https . Is this possible? You can, please use HttpsURLConnection Checkout sample program

C# calling C++ dll attempts to read or write protected memory -

I am trying to use function drom to use DLL, but I get the XamlParseException But I'm seeing my program running from the stage while I get a AccessViolationException , which I think is the reason for the first exception. In fact, to use different sections to interact with the program what the function was supposed to do, log me into a program directory. I do not have access to the source of DLL, but I have some documents to use it, even if nobody has a lot of information here, here's how to use it: logon (BSTR directory path, BSTR error file, int Lang) And here is my code: Public partial square main window: Window {[DllImport ("kernel32.dll")] static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary (string dllToLoad); [DllImport ("kernel32.dll", Charset = CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)) Public static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress (IntPtr hModule, String Procedure Name); [Unmanaged Function Pointer (Calling Convention Winpipe)] Personal R...

ruby on rails 4 - Creating analytics / demographics report from scratch -

Is it possible to create analytics / Demographics reports from scratch on rails Ruby? I do not want to use Google Analytics, I want to report from scratch based on my needs. In Thanks in advance Edit: I need based on the data in my database to create the report. You can use Uchccharts gem, as you do not want to use Google Analytics.

c# - PhoneCallTask always prompts -

This is related to PhoneCallTask ​​ for Windows Phone 8. I was planning to make an emergency app for Windows Phone and tried using PhoneCallTask ​​ . This job does I work to add to it: Phonalkotusk call = new phonecoltask (); Call.DisplayName = "name"; Call. Phone number = "0123456789"; Call.Show (); This is well and good but there is one thing which really frustrates me, to get the whole point of this app accelerated and to call when you like the normal phone call app Now whenever I click on the call button a message box says, do I want to dial the number. It's really annoying. I was just wondering if there was any way to get rid of it and go straight to the call? As is said: Users have their applications Use the phone call function to enable a phone call from. The phone call function launches the phone application and displays the phone number and displays the name you specify. Phone calls are not kept until the user clicks the call bu...

parsing - Erlang - How Can I Parse RFC1123 Dates Into An Erlang Term? -

Without using third-party modules, what steps should I take to replace it: & lt; & Lt; "Mon, 17 February 2014 11:07:53 GMT" & gt; & Gt; In this: [17, 2, 2014, 10, 07, 53] Most of my It has been suggested to use one of the answers given by the library. Until now, I suspect that I can get somewhere with the pattern matching the formatted date string. Something like this: & lt; _: 5 / binary, date: 2 / binary & gt; & Gt; = & Lt; & Lt; "Mon, 17 February 2014 11:07:53 GMT" & gt; & Gt; ... I think the following 'match' should be created date = 17 ... It is based on an idea found here - is this a good way? Any BIF or module which can help with this? And apart from this, how do I convert "February" into an integer? Let's try to open that: 1> ; & Lt; & Lt; _: 5 / binary, date: 2 / binary & gt; & Gt; = & Lt; & Lt; "Mon, 17 February 2014 11:...

php - Windows azure push notication and catch the notification to a particular website page -

Hi is working on a project that has an existing iOS app that uses Windows Cloud Platform. To create a website is one of the requirements to be able to catch the information created by the mobile app. For example, if there is a new user, push notifications will be triggered and a website will catch link notifications and save the data in the database. My question is, is it possible to get information from Windows Azure push notifications by a php script event listener? I have no background on windows auction and I have no access to Windows Azure account there. He said that the only thing is to give them a link to the script which will catch the notification. What are some steps that need to be done? Thanks I'm not sure this is possible. Notification centers have established communication so that you can send a notice to a number of different platforms at one time (an apple, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8, etc.) in one app. Each device is registered with the informa...

php - wordpress wp-admin cannot access -

This is a new website, there are no other new plugins and themes when I have installed Wordpress, then log in, but I can not use wp-admin if I input error user or password, it reminds me of a user or password error. And if I input sub URLs such as in my browser, this is fine, then what is the problem, it surprised me several days. Thanks a lot! :) Try it out in your .htaccess file. # BEGIN WordPress & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteEngineRescriptBase / RewriteConnect% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite Convert% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Revert-Raul /index.php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # And WordPress It seems that you have removed one permission error already or already. There is actually no stack overflow question .. though a super user query IMO

android - SyncAdapter for detecting changes in device's native contacts list -

I used the content observer to inform about the change in the device's contact list. The problem is that I need to work in the background (when the application is closed as well), then I have used a service for it, but still it dosn't work (unless I Announce the service to work on the foreground - and we do not want to do this). So I have another solution to use SyncAdapter. I have my own storage solution and I am not using ContentProvider in my application. I also have my own implementation for finding out which contacts have been changed / removed / find out. The only thing I need to know when it is informed about this and about it. Do I need a stub content provider to achieve this? Is it enough to declare as the right to sync adapter? I already have to configure them ... Thank you some help with thanks! Rotum o.k. So I finally discovered things. To achieve this, (Notifications about the device are only being reported about changes), ...

Android. Memory usage limits -

I am using a 'bigger' in-memory data object in my Android app. Object size is ~ 3 MB It works fine on my device and emulator. Do I have any unusual problems with weak devices? Which objects are very big and are OK to use in the Android mobile app? You can guess getMemoryClass () function: This gives an int , allowing the memory per application on one device, which specifies the approximate quantity of memory available per app in megabytes.

java - How do I properly use an array with JComboBox? -

I am running with my code in some code which is about implementing an ArrayList in JComboBox. I'm able to do this by using code like "codeList.addItem (selectItem)" code; without an array The one I am trying to accomplish is to use a new list to send new information in the second part of the GII so that I use that array to save and load data while the user starts a GUI. Can do Question: How do I use an array with JComboBox? I have seen some tutorials, but I do not think get the combobox to update with elements in the array. I am making a mistake somewhere, if you can help, I would be really grateful.) // This piece of code is the main Java file; Order is in order system order = new order system (); Outerst & lieutenant; String & gt; List = order.getArrayList (); // Retrieves the selected data from JComboBox (one from a separate) and adds it to the array list. JComboBox & lt; String & gt; Test = room.getRoomType (); Strin...

jquery - Traverse DOM over and down -

I have a radio button group in a device, which has a cybill divis which has different text boxes, level 4 . If the radio button 'false' is checked, then I have to check all the text boxes in that group and if there is a value in a text box, then pop up a warning. Now it pops up two alerts, regardless of the values ​​in the text box, any 'incorrect' radio buttons I'm not sure why the warning for any 'false' radio button is doubly, But I am pretty sure that it is not really reading the text box. I agree that the search () method will show below many levels of children. Edit - I should also mention that there are 5 questions, so the entire 'question' class is repeated 5 times and when the submit button is clicked, then it will have to check every question . / P> Here's the markup: & lt; Div class = "question" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "radio-button" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" nam...

twitter bootstrap - How to recreate menu like the right nav menu at -

On the website for bootstrap, they have a nav menu on the right that stays in place while you scroll, and This will follow you as well as your book through sections How does this work? I have tried to see the source of the page, and it is not called anywhere or it can not be found. Any help would be great. All thanks. I recently answered it. See it here Or I pasted it down. If you want to add a fixed sidebar such that the bootstrap uses for their docs, as noted here, try it: Add id = "Foo" data-spy = "affix" data-offset-top = "100" data-offset-bonus = "10" or in place on the scroll you want to lock. And add javascript at the bottom of your page: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ('#foo') (Offset: {top: 100, bottom: function} (return (this. Bottom = $ ('.pad'). External Het (true))}}) From there, you Would like to adjust the height at which you want to lock by adjusting the...

javascript - angular ng-repeat and html -

तो मेरे पास सूचकांक में अगले डिवेल है: ... फू नियंत्रक "सलाखों" संपत्ति के तहत HTML स्निपेट्स की एक सरणी रखता है। ब्लॉक की तरह दिखता है: & lt; div वर्ग = "ब्लॉक" एनजी-दोहराने = "बार में बार" & gt; & Lt; div ng-bind-html-unsafe = "{{बार}}" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और जो मैं प्राप्त कर रहा हूं वह वर्ग "ब्लॉक" के साथ div में टेक्स्ट के रूप में html है, जिसका अर्थ है कि इसे html के रूप में मूल्यांकन नहीं किया गया है। धन्यवाद। एनजी-बाइंड-html-unsafe को 1.2 में हटा दिया गया है। इसके बजाय एनजी-बििंग-एचटीएल का प्रयोग करें और सर्बिया के ब्रेसिज़ को हटा दें जैसे सेबैस्टियन ने कहा। एनजीएसनेटिटाइज़ मॉड्यूल को अपने ऐप के निर्भरता के रूप में शामिल करें और अपने जेएस को शामिल करना मत भूलना।

c - Can I reuse (ephemeral) ports connecting to different hosts? -

Whether an operating system can reuse source port number for a connection to a different destination address / port combination is? If I have connect for the host and keep those connections open, in the end I'm going out of unique source ports, ending the temporary limit , Non-root category (1025- 65,535; assuming non-root) or full range (0-65,535) I want to know whether they represent the actual range for the number of hosts. I can have a simultaneous connection I agree that what criteria Promises (or not), as well as the reality on Linux (windows bonus will be). I know that the number of other limitations likely to open many connections; This is a different issue and the question is. If it matters, then this large scale connection process will be split into a large number of such kind. I'm interested in this matter where I am requesting a short-term port, manually dam () if not reused under ports of "normal" conditions, then user- There are ways to chang...

python - Cannot import visa after installing pyvisa on Mac OS X -

I installed the python with homebrew and installed PIVIS with PIIS, now when I import visa Run, I got the following error: OSError: dlopen (/usr/local/vxipnp/linux/bin/, 6): Image not found It seems that this is searching for a ni-visa at the wrong place, how can I fix it? This is called on Pivisa website Error: Image not found This error occurs when you provide an invalid path to the Visa library We do. But how do I check the path? File that requires modification However, on Mac OS 'PIP' or 'easy_install' Installed PVISA packages will be installed under the .egg file: $ / library / Python 2/7 / site-package / PVSA-1.5.dev4-py2.7.egg I could not find any way to modify it, so I downloaded it to the given director and compiled the original code $ mkdir pyvisacode $ Cd pyvisacode $ curl -OL when it is downloaded $ Tar -zxvf master A file will be created in the ...

Android Flat ActionBar (without shadow) -

I'm trying to create a flat action bar without shadows Attached image: my style xml & lt; Resources & gt; & Lt ;! - Topics applicable to the application or activity - & gt; & Lt; Style name = "custom actionbeartheme" parent = "@ Android: style / theme. Hollow. Light" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: actionBarStyle" & gt; @ Style / myactionbar & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt ;! - Action style - & gt; & Lt; Style name = "MyActionBar" Original = "@Android: Style / Widget.Hello Light.Actionbar.Solid Andres" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: windowContentOverlay" & gt; @ Null & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: windowActionBarOverlay" & gt; True & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "Android: Background" & gt; @drawable / white_bg & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; It...

javascript - is it possible to play a sound file onclick depends on url? -

Is it possible to onclick a sound file depends on the url? Example: url / sample / # 1 Click on sound 1 url / sample / # 3 onclick play sound 2 Why do not you use html5 data-assets, they make HTML very clean & lt; Ul id = "audiolist" & gt; & Lt; Li data-auditive = "url_of_audio_file_1" & gt; Voice 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li data-auditive = "url_of_audio_file_2" & gt; Sound 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; and JavaScript & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("# audiologist lee"). ("Click", function () {$ ("# audio"). Attr ({"src": $ (this) .attr (" ATR ({"src": $ ("# audiologist lee"). Eq (0) .attr ("data-audial") ("data-audial") "octal": "autoplay": "autoplay"})} $ ("# Audio"). "}})}} & Lt; / script> ...

javascript - Using more than one unirest requests with Sails -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है अनुक्रमणिका: फ़ंक्शन (रिक, रिस) {var अनुरोध = Unirest.get ("")। शीर्षलेख ({"एक्स-मैशप-प्राधिकार": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"})। अंत (फ़ंक्शन (प्रतिक्रिया ) {खिलाड़ियों = प्रतिक्रिया; शो, शोडाउन_टाटल = खिलाड़ी.शोडाउन। लांघ; शोडाउन = एरे ();}); console.log (खिलाड़ियों); // एक JSON प्रतिक्रिया res.view भेजें ({हैलो: 'विश्व', // खिलाड़ी: खिलाड़ी}); }, अगर मैं res.view बिना किसी भी प्राप्त करें को जोड़ता हूं, तो यह बहुत अच्छा काम करता है, लेकिन मैं उन चर को भेजना चाहता हूं देखें और एक और अस्थिर अनुरोध जोड़ने में सक्षम हो आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद इसी तरह Node.js में काम करता है। असल में, जब एक ऑपरेशन ASAP का मूल्यांकन नहीं करता है, नोड इसके लिए इंतजार नहीं करता है यह सिर्फ कहते हैं, "ठीक है, कोई चिंता नहीं, बस मुझे बताओ जब आप कर रहे हैं" .. की तरह। बात, अपने कोड में, आप नहीं बताते हैं जब आपके अनुरोध प्राप्त करें नोड पूरा हो गया है। अनुरोध फ़ंक्शन यहां ...

html - Why does importing components on localhost not work? -

मेरे पास यह कोड है & lt; head & gt; & Lt; script src = "bower_components / platform / platform.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; link rel = "import" href = "bower_components / voice-elements / dist / voice-player.html" & gt; & Lt; link rel = "import" href = "bower_components / voice-elements / dist / voice-recognition.html" & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; सब कुछ सर्वर पर ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन मेरे स्थानीय मशीन पर नहीं। मेरी स्थानीय मशीन पर स्रोत देखना और यूआरओ पर मँडरा सही स्थान पर फैलता है। अगर मैं पृष्ठ के स्रोत को देखता हूं, तो href लिंक पर क्लिक करने से कुछ नहीं होता .. जबकि सामान्य तौर पर यह खुलेगा वह फाइल अगर यह एक सर्वर पर चल रही थी अपने ब्राउज़र में विस्तारित यूआरएल टाइप करने से फाइल को मेरी स्थानीय डिस्क पर दिखाया जाता है। इसलिए मैं उलझन में हूँ यह स्थानीय रूप से काम क्यों नहीं कर रहा है? मुझे लगता है कि आपने जावास्क्रिप्ट के साथ अपाचे को सक्षम किया है? यदि ऐसा ...

c++ - Vector4 crossproduct -

I am working on eliminating the function in some code, and I am working on the following functions, which I Return the cross product from a 4 degree vector Vector 3 Vector 4 :: Cross (Constant Vector 4 and Other) const {// TODO return vector3 (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0) F)} I'm not sure about finding cross-produce only for 4 degree vectors. If you want to find the cross product of X, Y and Z components, > 3D-vector and produce a normal cross, because 4D-vector s is not defined in general.

javascript - CKEDITOR: Display Source mode as tabs instead of single button -

Is there any way to show CKEDITOR the source mode option as two tabs instead of one source (HTML / SOURCE view) is? button? But with little help, this is a piece of cake (). HTML Tabs are based on the "radio + label" technology, which is very common and is described here. Note that there is no need to create a real tab because the editor will change its contents. I did to reduce JS ??? If you want you can still control your tabs with JS. & lt; Div class = "tabs" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" id = "tab-wysiwyg" name = "mode" checked & gt; & Lt; Label = "tab-wysiwyg" & gt; WYSIWYG & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" id = "tab-source" name = "mode" & gt; & Lt; Label = "tab-source" & gt; Source & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Textarea id = "editor" & gt; Hello! & Lt; / Textarea & gt; ...

javascript - How Do I Update A Button's Text in Meteor's Leaderboard Example? -

I'm totally new to the meteor, and I was doing this. I have a little problem with my code. I was trying to add a toggle button to toggle the sorting. Toggleing and all are working fine, but the button text does not get updated. My Javascript code: if (Meteor.isClient) {Meteor.startup (function () {session .set ("Sort Math", "Score"); }); ... Template.leaderboard.players = function () {if (session. Angle ("sort mode", "name")) player return. ({}, {Sort: {name: 1}}); Otherwise if (session "angle" ("sort mode", "score")) players return. ({}, {Sort: {Score: 1}}); }; ... Template.leaderboard.sortMethod = function () {return Session.get ("sortMethod"); } ... ({click on 'input.sortToggle': function () {session .equals ("sortMethod", "name")? Session .set ("sort mode", "score") : Season Set ("Sort Methi", "Name...

javascript - js google earth placemarks -

I have lost so much. I am trying to understand how to put placemarks in a global variable. We have the following code: // placemark var placemark = earth.createPlacemark (""); Placemark.setName (PASSENGERS [i] .name + "to" + PASSENGERS [I] House); // create icon var icon = earth.createIcon (""); Icon.setHref (url + "/ img /" + passenger [ii] .use + + ".jpg"); // style style style = earth.createStyle (""); Style.getIconStyle () setIcon (icon) Style.getIconStyle () setScale (4.0). // Stylemap Prepare More Style map = earth.createStyleMap (""); StyleMap.setNormalStyle (style); StyleMap.setHighlightStyle (style); // collaborative stylemap with Placemark placemark.setStyleSelector (styleMap); // Ready point var point = earth.createPoint (""); Point.setAltitudeMode (earth.ALTITUDE_RELATIVE_TO_GROUND); Point.setLatitude (; Point.setLongitude (building.lng); Point.setAltitude (0.0); // Associate...

Suggestion on replacing an is_regex call in Elixir -

Can anyone replace me in this alcacer case? def (archive), element) do r = case collection when is_tuple (c) -> Element (t) c in tuple_to_list when is_list (c) - & gt; Element is in C when is_regex (element) - & gt; Regex.match? (Element, c) when is_bitstring (element) - & gt; String.contains? (C, element) end if (not r), do: (collection, element, __ENV __. Function) end thanks You Regex.regex? (Element) .

sql - Breeze "Unable to update the value of concurrency property before saving" error -

I'm winding up and in my first project, before saving I have to update the value of the concurrency property For the "new in-going" error, so far, I have 'worked' and 'read' parts worked but could not 'update' I saw this, but I saw this problem to see where Not sure To access the database through LightSwitch Odata service and then angular to air my setup SQL Server (11.0.3128.0). is where do I start? Is this a SQL Server problem, Breeze issue, or bug my programming? This error appears when I'm just calling with an em.saveChanges () a modified unit. The error is reporting on the field that has not been modified, but this may be the first field (?). Edit ---------------- Because the model is automatically generated by LightSwitch, I have no access to the code But here is the metadata for the field (fName) which is throwing the error. & lt; Property name = "faam" type = "Adam String" Nullable = "false...

c++ - Valgrind gives an error for nearly everything (Warning: client switching stacks?) -

I am corrupting some way memory because my program crashes at random places without error. I am compiling with - leak-check = full using valgrind, with -O0 -g , and the first problem It detects that the first line in int main is () Caut with == 5089 == Warning: Client switching stack? SP changes: 0x7ff0004f8 - & gt; 0x7feb7de10 to suppress == == 5089, use: --max-stackframe = 4,728,552 or size 0x41E107 8 == 5089 == than writing invalid more == 5089 == Key (Dgn.cpp: 2833) == 5089 = address 0x7feb7de08 thread 1 to pile is run with == 5089 == size 0x5DE6E10 8 == 5089 == Illegal reading: Std :: basic_ostream & lt; Char, std :: char_traits & lt; Char & gt; & Gt; & Amp; Std :: operator's & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Std :: char_traits & lt; Four & gt; & Gt; (Std :: basic_ostream & LT; char, std :: char_traits & LT; four & gt; & gt; & amp;, four constants *) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in 18...

switch statement - If...else if...else in REBOL -

I've found that a has not been created in REBOL ... if ... altif ... and syntax, like this: theVar: 60 {This will not work} if theVar & gt; 60 [Print "Greater than 60 Greater!" ] Elsf theVar == 3 [Print "It's 3!" ] Elsf Thyvir & lt; 3 [Print "This is less than 3!" ] And [print "this is something else!" ] I have found an alternative solution, but it is very important: thevar: 60 or thevar> 60 [Print "Greater than 60 Greater!" ] [Either verse == 3 [print "it's 3!" ] [Either Ver & lt; 3 [Print "This is less than 3!" ] [Print "It's Something else!" Is there a more concise way to implement a ... and if ... and chain in the rebole? The construct you look for will be CASE. This situation and code takes a series of blocks, to evaluate, only evaluates the blocks if the situation is correct and to stop after the first true situation is completed. theVar: 60...

javascript - CSS Inline Scroll only -

For each article included in the Contatiner div, the "inline example", the goal is that they load on the right and none Vertical overflow but dynamically CSS can be added to each additional article on the right. & lt; Div id = "inlineExample" & gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; Block 1 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; Article & gt; Block 2 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; Article & gt; Block 3 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; Articles & gt; Block 4 & lt; / Article & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; target block 1 block 2 block 3 block 4 All inline with overflow in the x direction will be, no one in the bottom of the y direction . Examples of Jeffild: Any solution Welcome I am developing in ASP.Net MVC. Try this: Meaning: For your article, you want to: Article {/ * Other Properties * / Display: Inline-Block; / * Float * Container {Overflow-X: Skol; Overflow-y: hidden; Limit: 1px solid # 000; Bound...

Write a short C++ program that outputs all possible strings formed by using each of the characters ’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’, and ’f’ exactly once -

I came to this question and I am unable to resolve it. I had all the code for small strings such as ab, ac, ad, ae, af and not for long strings like abc, abcd, etc . It would be really good if someone could give me directions for some sort of solution I like without recycling , but if not, then recursion is also fine. Here's my code: Add # & lt; Iostream & gt; #to & lt include, vector & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; using namespace std; Of vector & lt; String & gt; Make_string (vector & lt; char> vec, char ch) {int i = 0; Vec.erase (Remove (vec.begin (), vec.end (), ch), vec.end ()); Int size = vec.size (); Of vector & lt; String & gt; All_strings; String Answer = ""; For (i = 0; i & lt; size; i ++) // Here is the "flesh" here I can add more to the loops for longer strings but I think it will only become dirty. {Answer = Answer + f + vk [i]; All_strings.push_back (answer); Answer = "...

Can you use string formatting for classes in Python? -

I have to name the classes some things, for example: a border (10): Classroom class # "% s" (object):% (num) '' 'class material' '' num + = 1 My question, is this possible And if not, is there any alternative? You can use this metaclass (the stuff used to create the square). Example: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Type ('classname', (), {}) & lt; Class' __main __. ClassName '& gt; The second argument is a tuple of base classes, the third argument is a dictionary in which the attribute name - & gt; Add attribute value : & gt; & Gt; & Gt; CLS = type ('classname', (object,), {'varname': 'var'})> gt; & Gt; & Gt; From Cls.varname 'var' to: With three arguments, return a new type of object. This is essentially a dynamic form of class statement. The name string is the name of the class and the __name___ attribute is created; Base bases determine...

sql - query on mysql table creation composite primary key from foreign keys of two tables -

मेरे पास निम्न तालिकाओं हैं पुस्तकें (बीकेड varchar (255), bkname varchar ( 255), बंकथ वरचर (255), बीक्यूप वक्रार (255), बीकेएएनएन इंट (10)) सदस्य (मेमिड वर्चार (255), मेम्मन वर्चार (255), मेमड्र वखार (255), मेमन वक्रार (255), मेम्मेल वक्रार ( 255)) bkid और memid प्राथमिक कुंजी हैं। अब मैं एक समग्र प्राथमिक कुंजी (बीकेआईडी और मेमिड) को टेबल पुस्तकें और सदस्यों, से विदेशी कुंजी के रूप में लेते हुए वाक्यविन्यास मुझे कुछ त्रुटियां दे रहा है और मैं हूं नई तालिका बनाने में सक्षम नहीं है सारणी मुद्दा (255), मेमिड varchar (255), इश्युस्टेटस varchar (255), संदर्भ विदेशी कुंजी bkid (किताबें), विदेशी कुंजी memid (सदस्यों) संदर्भ, प्राथमिक कुंजी (बकिड, मेमिड)); आपका टेबल विवरण गलत है I यह काम (पर परीक्षण) टेबल मुद्दा पुस्तिकाएं (बीकेड varchar (255) संदर्भ bkid (पुस्तकें), memid varchar (255) संदर्भ memid (सदस्यों), issuestatus varchar (255), प्राथमिक कुंजी (बकिड, मेमिड)); सलाह ... यदि आप कर सकते हैं तो VARCHAR (255) के बजाय पूर्णांक आईडी कॉलम का उपयोग करें ... आप...

xaml - How to use windows phone toolkit in windows phone 8.1 universal app -

I've added the Windows Phone Toolkit using the Nugget Package in Windows 8.1 Universal App Project. It has been successfully added, but I can not see reference assemblies in the project nor can I add references to the page xaml to use toolkit controls. How can Windows Window Toolkit be used in the universal Windows Phone 8.1 app? Currently the Windows Phone Toolkit (26th) April, 2014) only supports Silverlight 8.0 / 8.1 applications. We do. If you want to reuse the components, you will need individual components in a Windows Runtime Library project and have to port them. However, this can be a huge part of the work for it.

javascript - Angular $location. How could be parsed a query string in html5Mode(true) if user submit an URL with hashbang? -

I am developing a search page and need to store another state in all selected filters and URLs , so that users can share the results of their work. I use the angle $ () to update and parse the URL. The location provider is following the settings: $ locationProvider.html5Mode (true) .hashPrefix ('!'); The problem begins when Users of legacy browsers share a link with a modern browser user with Hashbang in such a case $ ( ) Nothing will return As I have understood that "#" is in html5 mode, $ location.hash () and not $ () but what is the purpose of hashreffics ('! ')? I thought that this kind of issue should be resolved ... How can I parse a query string in html5Mode (true) if a user submits a URL with hashbank? What I think, if you have the html5 Mode set to True and no legacy browser supports it, it will automatically come back to the hash tag routing. If a person had to capture that URL, ...

Rails Validations - Reverse of Confirmation Validation -

I have to make sure that the two attributes do not have the same value with verification in my Rails4 application. I know about confirmation verification, but I want exactly the opposite. Is this kind of railroad recognition? You need to create a custom verification that I believe: validate: check_edit1 and_datite2def def_attribute1_and_attribute2 if attribute_1 == attribute_2 errors.add (hopefully: column_2, 'value can not be equal to value 1!') And end hope Does that help :)

Renaming files using hash table in perl -

I have created a Perl code that is shown below. What I'm trying to do here is to get input from the text file that contains a HTTP URL with a title. Thus the first regex is the title and the second regex receives the ID from within the url. All of these values ​​are entered in the hash table% myfilenames (). Then there is the key as the URL ID in this hash table, and the title is in the form of the title. Even everything works fine, now I have a set of files on my computer, which has an ID, which we have removed from the URL. What I want to do is that if the ID hash table, then the name of the files should be changed into the assigned value. Now the output is correct on the print statement in the last function, but I am unable to rename the file. I tried many things, but nothing worked. Someone can help please. Example Content: URL: & lt; --- ID value (new title): ABC file on file = file-789012 & lt; ---- ID new file name = abc My code...

java - Attachments under File system vs databases? -

I need to mess on the server side. I either store them under the database's Blobes column or under the file directory I can do My question is, who is more reliable, scalable and maintainable? Edit: - If we go to the file system, then we have to handle the synchronization ourselves. Isn't it ? For example, if two users are trying to create / update files in the same directory, how will we handle concurrency with file system? Data storage is more reliable due to indexing and receiving data and other operations. Just store the file path in DB and store that file in the directory. When many data store requests come to the server, it is very difficult and difficult to handle very requests. Therefore it is better to store data on the directory so that access to data is much faster and it becomes very important after increasing the DB storage on a daily scale, when you start all the studies well before any system And then decide what to do or what technology will be the be...

python - Checking db-models on uniqueness. INSERT OR IGNORE by means of Flask-SQLAlchemy -

I have a question about how to add new but unique items to the database. app = Flask (__ Nam__, Templet_folder = 'template') app.config.from_object ( 'config') db = SQLAlchemy (app) classes this many-to-see several implementations: connection = db.Table ( 'connections', db.metadata, db.Column ( 'book_id', db.Integer, db .ForeignKey ( '')), dB. column ( 'author_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey ( ''))) class author (dB. model): __tablename__ = 'authors' __searchable__ = [ 'a_name'] __table_args__ = { 'sqlite_autoincrement': truth id} = db.Column (db.Integer, primary_key = true) a_name = db.Column (db.String (80), unique = true) def __repr __ (self ): Return Unicode (self.a_name) class Ustk (dB. Model): __tablename__ = 'books' __searchable__ = [ 'b_name'] __table_args__ = { 'sqlite_autoincrement'}: true} id = dB. Columns (DB Integer, Primary_Keys = True) B_N...

python - An installing error about castro -

लिंक: कास्त्रो जानकारी: एक कस्टम एपीआई के माध्यम से स्वचालित स्क्रीनकास्ट रिकॉर्ड करने के लिए कास्त्रो एक लाइब्रेरी है। / P> मैंने पहले से ही vnc सर्वर स्थापित किया है और फिर "easy_install castro", अंत में त्रुटि के बाद के रूप में अनुसरण किया गया है, मैं इसे googled लेकिन castro के बारे में कुछ जानकारी है। इसका सामना किया, pls समाधान बताएं, धन्यवाद! त्रुटि: चेतावनी, नहीं "सेटअप" फ़ाइल मौजूद है, "" चल रहा है Windows कॉन्फ़िगरेशन का उपयोग करना ... एसडीएल के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। बहुत बुरा है जो एक आवश्यकता है! "सेटअप" को हाथ-ठीक करें फ़ॉंट के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। IMAGE के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। MIXER के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। SMPEG के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। PNG के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। JPEG के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। PORTMIDI के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। COPYLIB_tiff के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। COPYLIB_z के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। नहीं मिला COPYLIB_vorbis के लिए पथ। COPYLIB_ogg के लिए पथ नहीं मिला। यदि आप संस्थापक के दौरान कंपाइलर त्रुटियां प...

r - "Permission denied" when playing WAV file -

I'm trying to play a wav file using tuner package research. I do not know the background of the function, but it seems that it tries to be saved in a temporary file to WAV file that does not have access, I do the following: & gt; # Install the package if you do not have it & gt; Install.packages ("tuneR") & gt; Library (Tune R) & gt; # Load some WAV files & gt; MySound = readWave ("Beethoven."); & Gt; # The plot to see if things are working: & gt; Plot (mySound) & gt; #Sounds and gt; Play (mySound) sh: /var/folders/qv/sw8_92hn4qg0rb5w40gz9mf40000gn/T//RtmpKU9kVN/tuneRtemp.wav: Permission denied So clearly it does not have access to this folder. How can I change either this folder or give R access to this folder? I'm working on MacOSX 10.7.5 with RStudio version 0.98.501. OSX time command line audio in the built-in / usr / bin using a simple solution using Player afplay. (See: then use: setWavPlayer ('/ u...

Removing two closest table rows with jQuery -

$ ('तालिका # आइटम')। पर ('क्लिक करें', 'tr input # delItem', फ़ंक्शन (ई) {$ (यह) .clostest ('tr')। निकालें ();}); हाय सब कृपया मुझे बताएं, एक के बजाय दो तालिका पंक्तियों को निकालने का सही समाधान क्या है? धन्यवाद निम्न कोड निकटतम पंक्ति से अगली और पिछली पंक्ति को निकाल देगा। $ ('तालिका # आइटम')। .clostest ('tr'); closestRow.add (closestRow.prev ()) जोड़ें। (निकटतम। रो।) ())। निकालें ();});