python - Cannot import visa after installing pyvisa on Mac OS X -

I installed the python with homebrew and installed PIVIS with PIIS, now when I import visa < / Code> Run, I got the following error:

  OSError: dlopen (/usr/local/vxipnp/linux/bin/, 6): Image not found   

It seems that this is searching for a ni-visa at the wrong place, how can I fix it?

This is called on Pivisa website

Error: Image not found

This error occurs when you provide an invalid path to the Visa library We do.

But how do I check the path?

File that requires modification However, on Mac OS 'PIP' or 'easy_install' Installed PVISA packages will be installed under the .egg file: $ / library / Python 2/7 / site-package / PVSA-1.5.dev4-py2.7.egg

I could not find any way to modify it, so I downloaded it to the given director and compiled the original code

  $ mkdir pyvisacode $ Cd pyvisacode $ curl -OL   

when it is downloaded

  $ Tar -zxvf master   

A file will be created in the same directory.

  $ cd hgrecco-pyvisa-4cbdbc9 / pyvisa / legacy   

and run Xcode or any other text editor

  $ open- an exodded open the search  
  path = "/ usr / local / vxipnp / linux / bin / "  

Comment this line and give it to

  #path =" / usr / local / vxipnp / linux / bin " Change with "/" path = "/ library / framework / visa.framework / visa"   

You can now

  $ cd by Install PyVISA ../../ $ sudo python install   

Run your dragon in 32 bit Do not forget to know more. Here's more information.

I hope this will be fixed in the next PVISA update!

Good luck < / Html>


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