python - Cannot import visa after installing pyvisa on Mac OS X -
I installed the python with homebrew and installed PIVIS with PIIS, now when I It seems that this is searching for a ni-visa at the wrong place, how can I fix it? This is called on Pivisa website Error: Image not found This error occurs when you provide an invalid path to the Visa library We do. But how do I check the path? File that requires modification However, on Mac OS 'PIP' or 'easy_install' Installed PVISA packages will be installed under the .egg file: I could not find any way to modify it, so I downloaded it to the given director and compiled the original code when it is downloaded A file will be created in the same directory. and run Xcode or any other text editor Comment this line and give it to You can now Run your dragon in 32 bit Do not forget to know more. Here's more information. I hope this will be fixed in the next PVISA update! Good luck < / Html> import visa < / Code> Run, I got the following error:
OSError: dlopen (/usr/local/vxipnp/linux/bin/, 6): Image not found
$ mkdir pyvisacode $ Cd pyvisacode $ curl -OL
$ Tar -zxvf master
$ cd hgrecco-pyvisa-4cbdbc9 / pyvisa / legacy
$ open- an exodded open the search
path = "/ usr / local / vxipnp / linux / bin / "
#path =" / usr / local / vxipnp / linux / bin " Change with "/" path = "/ library / framework / visa.framework / visa"
$ cd by Install PyVISA ../../ $ sudo python install
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