r - "Permission denied" when playing WAV file -

I'm trying to play a wav file using tuner package research. I do not know the background of the function, but it seems that it tries to be saved in a temporary file to WAV file that does not have access, I do the following:

  & gt; # Install the package if you do not have it & gt; Install.packages ("tuneR") & gt; Library (Tune R) & gt; # Load some WAV files & gt; MySound = readWave ("Beethoven."); & Gt; # The plot to see if things are working: & gt; Plot (mySound) & gt; #Sounds and gt; Play (mySound) sh: /var/folders/qv/sw8_92hn4qg0rb5w40gz9mf40000gn/T//RtmpKU9kVN/tuneRtemp.wav: Permission denied   

So clearly it does not have access to this folder. How can I change either this folder or give R access to this folder?

I'm working on MacOSX 10.7.5 with RStudio version 0.98.501.

OSX time command line audio in the built-in / usr / bin using a simple solution using Player afplay. (See:

then use: setWavPlayer ('/ usr / bin / afplay')


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