How do I implement an InfoWindowAdapter interface in Xamarin? -
I am using Xamarin and I want to create a CustomWindowAdapter which implements the GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter interface.
I have tried to do this now:
Public class custom window adapter: InfoWindowAdapter {} I get this error Error:
Error CS0246: Type or namespace name 'InfoWindowAdapter' is not found (Do not you have access instructions or an assembly reference?)
Here is the documentation for the interface:
Can I do some help?
What do I need to use?
Thank you in advance
Step 1: Get Google Play services component from components store
Step 2: GoogleMap using Android. Apply on IIFODONFOAD
. Gms.Maps; Using Android. Gms.Maps.Model; Using Android. See; Public class InfoWindow: Java.Lang.Object, GoogleMap.IInfoWindowAdapter {#region IInfoWindowApply View Public to GetInfoContents (Marker p0) {New NotImplementedException (); } View public GetInfoWindow (Marker p0) {New NotImplementedException Throwing; } #endregion}
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