
Showing posts from April, 2011

c# - Is "get" called when we call "set" for a property -

This may be a trivial question, but I have been really confused about it. I have an asset with some argument in it. Private SomeObject _someProperty; Public SomeObject SomeProperty {Here are some checks, return _supportery; } Set {_someProperty = value; }} What happens now when I am going to assign something to this property. SomeProperty = new SomeClass (); What I was thinking here would be said to get here. This term can be said that like get someProperty and set that property but what I have seen is that it is not called received Only called seater (correct me if I am wrong here). I want to know that if is found is not called, then what is the reason for it? No, when setting the property, the balloon of a property is not called, as easily Can be displayed: Fixed class program {static zero main (string [] arg) {Foo foo = new Foo}; Foo.Number = 7; }} Public class Foo {Private entity number; Receive public integer number {console {console} WrightLine (in...

update indexedDB data -

I am trying to update my indexed DB data. What have I done .. function update_doc () {var id = document.getElementById ("txt_id"). Values; Var Name = document.getElementById ("txt_name"). value; Console.log ("+ + + + + +" + "+" to update about); Var transaction = db.transaction (["stud_store"], "text"); Var store = transaction.objectStore ("stud_store"); Var Stud = {ID: ID, Name: Name, Created: New Date ()} var putresult = store.put (studs); Putresult.onsuccess = Event (e) {Warning ("Successfully concluded ...!"); Console.log ("What was this!"); }; Putresult.onerror = function (e) {warning ("Something is wrong (error name:" + + "error message:" + + ")."); Console.log ("Error",; Console.dir (; }} (where ID is unique) I am getting the following error ... Do you have a data...

prototypal inheritance - Javascript extend from constructor -

चलिए कहते हैं मेरे पास यह है: फ़ंक्शन फ़ू () { = " fooos "; }; अब स्क्रिप्ट में मेरे पास Foo का संदर्भ है, और तत्काल मुताबिक फू को गुण जोड़ने के लिए क्या करना है मैं ऐसा कुछ कर सकता हूं: Foo.prototype.myProp = 3; Foo = नया Foo (); उम्मीद (foo) ( 'नाम'); उम्मीद (foo) ( 'myProp'); जब तक मुझे कोई ऑब्जेक्ट प्रोटोटाइप के साथ संलग्न करने की आवश्यकता न हो, तब तक यह बहुत अच्छा काम करता है: Foo.prototype.myProp = {bar: 3}; मुद्दा यह है कि अब उदाहरणों को बार पर राज्य साझा किया जाएगा (जैसा कि बार केवल एक संदर्भ है): foo = नया फू (); Foo2 = नया फू (); = 5; उम्मीद ( .to.equal (5); जो वांछनीय नहीं है हालांकि यदि वस्तु निर्माता के अंदर जोड़ दी जाती है तो उदाहरण राज्यों को साझा नहीं करते हैं। क्या इस के आस पास कोई रास्ता है? मेरे पास कंस्ट्रक्टर का उपयोग करने के लिए इसका उपयोग नहीं है। मुझे प्रोटोटाइप से किसी वस्तु को एक वस्तु संलग्न करने की आवश्यकता है। गुणों को प्रो...

c++ - gdb shows weird stack trace -

I have a C ++ daemon that has a firefighter after a few days of work. I compiled it with the debug option (I'm sure I did it well, because I tested it with prequoted crashes and GDB showed the correct stack trace), but in the "real" crash on the output only I See the following trace: (GDB) where # 0x00007ffff674d5a7 ?? () To /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # 1 0xffffffffff in ?? () # 2 in 0x0000000000000000 ?? () What does this mean? There is a potential problem with the following source code because it is the only new code because the daemon becomes shaky: namespace Foo {bar> time :: instance = zero; Times * times: getInstance () {if (example! Example) example = new bar (); Return example; } Bar :: Bar () {curl = curl_easy_init (); CURLE_OK! = Curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1l) || CURLE_OK! = Curl_easy_setopt (curl, crio oak!) = Curl_ac_stopt (curl_ok! CURL_OK! CURLOPT_TIMEOUMSMS, bar :: timed out)) {std :: runtime_error (std :: string ... - Cannot download exe files through -

I have created a website through which when I click the .EXE file on a button, Should be downloaded from a specific path. / P> But instead of downloading the ASPX page of the website, it is not to download the XI file. I use the following code: WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient (); // Insert domain with web resource file name MyWebClient.DownloadFile ("http: // localhost: 1181 / compile / compiler / sample 2.exe", "sample2.exe"); Would you please try it. string file name = "yourfilename"; If (file name! = "") {String path = Server.MapPath (filename); System.IO.FileInfo file = New System.IO.FileInfo (path); If (file.Exists) {Response.Clear (); // Content-Displacement will tell the browser how to handle files. (For example, in the case of a JPG file, either to display the file in the browser or to download it) // Here the key is the importance of the attachment. Which is reporting browsing as an attachment and name that is...

Android : Put SQLite data in BaseAdapter -

Currently creating custom list view with base (base image, ressource and database) with basebed. I have a problem putting data from SQL data inside basadapter. My code looks like this, database code: public hashmap and here my base adapter looks: singlerow_info {string A, B, C; Int img; Singlerow_info (String A, String B, String C, IIT IIG) {this.A = A; Ii = b; c = c; this.img = img;}} class result adder extends the baseAdapter {// Get the YEAR value from the previous activity Intent intent = getIntent (); string year = intent .getStringExtra (" YEAR "); Hashmap Questionmap = myDb.getResult (year); ArrayList & quot; singlerow_info> list; results adapter (reference C) {List = New Arrestist & lt; singlerow_info & gt; (); // Get String A from String Resources and get the string [] B and [] from the C database resource ress = c.getResources (); String [] a = ress.getStringArray (R.array.exam_question); // here is obtained B, C to DB, here im stuck with...

How to take Password Text box in Xamarin using C# for Android -

I take the text box for my Xamarin App to get the text box using C # Mobile Application.So The main need to create two text edit zodiac .xml.They are as follows & lt; EditText Android:. Id = "@ + id / edittext" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" & gt; & Lt; Requestfocus / & gt; & Lt; / EditText> & Lt; Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: inputType = "textVisiblePassword" / & gt; EditText: Android: password = "true" Android: id = "@ + id / txtPassword" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" & Lt; Requestfocus / & gt; And I'm using this way for a password on my activity: on EditPassword = new EditText (this); Edit Password.Id = Resource.Id.txtPassword; But password is visible in the text box instead of normal ************************** After th...

Failed to build gem native extension for ruby-debug-base19x -

I'm new on Ruby on Rail, I'm installing Gems-debug-base 19x gem. But without success I got some similar answers but no help was found. Basic extension building may take some time ... Error: Error installing ruby-debug-base19x: Error: Mani failed to create native extension. /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/bin/ruby For extconf.rb check vm_core.h ... no /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9. 1 /gems/ruby_core_source-0.1.5/lib/ruby_core_source.rb39: Using RbConfig instead of obsolete and excommunicated configs is checking for Vm_core.h ... not *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not make makefile due to some reason, maybe there is a lack of necessary libraries and / or headers. For more information check the mkmf.log file. You may need configuration options. Configurable options available: - With-Opt-Direction - Without - OPTION DIRECTION - OP-IN - WITHOUT OPTION = $ {opt-dir} / include --with-opt-lib-without-opt-in -lib = $ {opt-dir} / lib - with-makeup -pag - without-make-hand...

twitter flight - Jasmine test event with asynchronous call -

Issue handlers have to test with asynchronous internal methods, which are implemented by the SDK like Facebook. The plain test is: Description ('some listen', function) (this (and 'anthreatage trigger', function) {var eventSpy = spyOnEvent (document, Run (function () {hope (eventSpy) .toHaveBeenTriggeredOn (document); var data = {param1: 'param1', param2: 'param2',} this.component.trigger ('somevent', data); run ;});});}); When some event begins with the option, the component handler is removed: this.handler = function (e, data) { SDK.apicall (data, function (mistake, response) {if (mistake!) {DoSomething ();} // trigger data event J. string (document, 'annotherrets');}); }; }; Jasmin 1.3 and earlier, a run without a previous waits still executes instantly it actually waits for this is what makes asynchronous space. Alternatively, if you really do not want to make external API calls during your tests, you can ...

regEx works in notepad++ but not in python -

Let's say we have it: ........ ....... === Operation 'ABCD :: DDCA: DSD' ends in 1.234 AS / 1.234 AS (100.00%) ............... . ^ \ = * Operation '([\ d \ D] *)' ended ( \ D *. S * s / (\ d *. \ D *) s \ ([\ d \ D] * \) Execution Time I want to Operation something I did not try \\ ( ), but it was not working. I think I do not have to do this because I use r "[exp]" Any idea about getting similar results in the form of Notepad ++? LE: Tried only with it: exp = re.compile (r "^ \ = * operation \ '([\ d \ D] *) \'", flags = re.multi) is still not getting anything. LE2: I am using the code later groups = exp.match (INPUT) and (n) Answers get added: The problem was match . Using search code> Fixed a problem The regular expression described in the question is working without any change for me. & gt; & Gt; S = "" ... ... ................. ... === Operation ...

Stripe webhook authentication - Ruby -

Near uses bar to pay my Ruby on-Rails application card holder through which the provision of Vebhoks It contacts me back on my application and gives information about every transaction - successful or failed For this, my controller has something like this: class stripe Controller & lt; ApplicationController def webhook data_json = JSON.parse p data_json [ 'data'] [ 'object'] [customers'] and My question is how do I validate Can the authenticity of this webhook? To understand my knowledge and understand it can easily mimic this (human-in-the-middle attack). bar: If security is a concern, or if It is important to confirm that Stripe has sent Webhock, you should only use the ID sent in your webhole and request the remaining details directly from the Strip API.

twitter bootstrap - Two containers overlap -

I created a new container after an existing container (background image set). The newly added container is overlapped with the old I have increased the padding top and it works well, but is it necessary for all the container sections to be used? View image () .. & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-lg-5 col-lg-offset-1 col-xs-5 col-xs-offset-1" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / logo-1png" class = "img-responsive" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-lg-5 col-lg-offset-1 col-xs-5 col-xs-offset-1" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / logo-2.png" class = "img-responsive" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; -! Line - & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - Second container - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container is-bg1" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class =...

Android - Facebook GraphUser has no email attribute -

I checked online sources about this issue and checked it twice - but I still get the email attribute Can not Facebook Response As indicated on the launch, I have applied the permissions ("original_third", "email", "user_bridade") to read on the login buttons. Also set the same permissions when creating a session (session .createFromExistingAccessToken). However, on the callback function, when the GraphUser and Response object is logged, I was still not able to retrieve the user's email. Why the error still persists, what are the possible reasons for this? Am I missing some steps? ** onCreate () ** ((Login button) ViewById ( .setPublishPermissions (FBSessionV2.getPermissions ()); String & gt; GetPermissions () {if (permissions.ISTT)} {PERMISSIONS.add ("basic_info"); PERMISSIONS.add ("email"); PERMISSIONS.add ("publish_actions"); PERMISSIONS.add ("user_birthda...

c++ - #define to double - different value? -

There are two different ways that I am defining the same value. I want it to be present as a 64-bit (double exact) float point number (aka double). #define THISVALUE -0.148759f double myDouble = -0.148759; If I do the following operation double try = THISVALUE; And when I look at the value while debugging or printing it, I can see that it's tryIt at -0.14875899255275726 . I think a floating point is not correct, but it's just a crazy difference that actually throws my math. Specifying double in the straightforward code block gives me the value of -0.14875 9, 00000000000 in the debugger - it should be exactly the same way. Any thoughts on what's going on? Because -0.14875 9f a double No, this is a name . Therefore it is almost certainly different precision which is doing the difference. Either you should give the same result in these two variations: #define THISVALUE -0.148759 double myDouble = - 0.148759; // Both doubled #define THISV...

html - align text and image in center of div -

I have div and two components in it, logo and phone number I managed to manage the logo in the center of the div, But the phone number is not at the center at all: I need a phone number a bit (text.height / 2) below. how to do this? & lt; Div class = "payments-mobile-cash-insert-round-corner-div payment-mobile-cash-insert-number-box" & gt; & Lt; Img id = "service-logo" src = "//: 0" data-bound = "attr: {src: paymentService.image}" /> & Lt; Span id = "phone-number" class = "textstyle-4" data-bound = "text: notice line [0] .value" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; . Payment-mobile-cash-dart-round-corner-div (margin: auto; range: 1px solid #dfdfdf; border-radius: 7px; width: 1170px; text align: center;} .payment-mobile-cache -Remove-number-box {height: 196px;} Pay-mobile-cache-insert-number-box img {vertical-align: center;}. Payment-mobile-cache-insert-number-box ...

sql - Trying relational division on oracle (right parenthesis missing?) -

I am trying to execute the following queries in Oracle: SELECT c Id_cliente, C.nombre_cliente, c.apellidos_cliente, C does not exist from the customer (SELECT f.id_finca FROM finca f WHERE f.habitaciones = 3 Select V.id_fincas from v.id_cliente = c.id_cliente) but I'm getting the "missing missing parentheses" error The brackets are well balanced, how can I solve this error? Use MINUS instead of EXCEPT . SELECT c .id_cliente, c.nombre_cliente, c.apellidos_cliente, C does not exist from the client (select F.ID_FINNA from Fenfie F ou F. Baviceinz = 3 minimum selection v.id_fincas Visers v.id_cliente = c.id_cliente)

node.js - how to use node-webkit with express server? -

I am developing an app that uses nodes and express. I want to export it as a package with node-webkit. How can I start the server and run the app with it? I'm working on it's self-learning here to convert an express app into a node webkit app. The basics are. I think that you have two modules installed on a node.js app. First express.js and some other template engine I am using handlers so I will use it for this example. The app I want to convert to you is probably the simplest possible, in short I would say that you are using Express to do two things - run a server and by one path Answers that give a view file Step 1 Download the node WebKit: Step 2. Open it Step 3 Open the console and the CD in the newly created folder (I will call this directory the app - transparency is out here). When you are there - run this command: Install npm Express when it is done: Npm app-parent Express-handler Step 4: to create two additional ...

Script# Call a Rest Service -

I tried to use this code in SCRIpt # Uri uri = new Uri (string) .format (string.Concat ("http: // localhost: 49,175 / GetProjects"))); WebRequest requests = WebRequest.Create (uri); request. Method = WebRest Methods. Hpp gate; Request.ContentType = "App / Jason"; (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ()) using {var reader = new (feedbackGetterSponsScream ())} {string tmp = reader.ReadToEnd (); Return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; List & lt; String & gt; & Gt; (TMP); }} But I have this error: error 3 assembly 'C: \ program files (x86) \ reference assemblies \ Microsoft \ framework NETFramework \ v4.0 \ System.dll 'is not a valid script assembly. Is this the way to use System.Net , system? IO.StreamReader and Newtonsoft.Json in script #? If this is impossible, how can I change this code? I solved the problem like this string tfsIntegration = String.Format (string.Concat ("http...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver - Not Working -

This question is already an answer here 6 replies I run Trying this program import java.sql. *; Import * *; Public Class First Example {// JDBC Driver's Name and Database URL Fixed Last String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; Fixed final string DB_URL = "jdbc: mysql: // localhost / emp"; // database credential static last string USER = "root"; Fixed last string PASS = "pass"; Public static zero main (string [] args) {connection conn = null; Description stmt = null; Try {// STEP 2: Register JDBC Driver Class. ForName ("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // STEP 3: Open a connection System.out.println ("Connecting to the database ..."); Conn = DriverManager.getConnection (DB_URL, USER, PASS); // STEP 4: Perform a query system. Out.println ("Creating Statements ..."); Stmt = conn.createStatement (); String sql; Sql = "Select Title, Duration, Protocol, URL, Thumb URL, Favorites from Video...

java - Elasticsearch Analysis -

मैं यह क्रोम अर्थ प्लगइन में कैसे चला सकता हूँ: प्राप्त / _analyze? Analyzer = मानक क्या है? Text = 'यह एक परीक्षा है' मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है, सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि क्या गायब है: {"error": "ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException [पाठ अनुपलब्ध है] "," स्थिति ": 400} इसमें एक टाइपो है आपके अनुरोध। दूसरा '?' एक '& amp;' प्राप्त / _analyze = analyzer = standard & amp; text = 'यह एक परीक्षा है' होना चाहिए

messagebox - C# UserControl as message box -

I want to create a new message box from the UserControl class as the code below, but when I call the show method I do not see it. I have no problem with this .. Please help me .. They have just one button right on this user control, labeled as MSG, image in the form of icon. If the button clicks, the control will be settled. Sorry for poor english .... partial class CMMAT: UserControl {public static string OK; Public static string warning; Public static string error; Public static string notification; Public Cmme () {Initial group (); } Show public stable dialog results (string title, string msg) {CMessage form = new CMessage (); Form.Show (); Return form. Return value (title, msg); } Public DialogResult ReturnValue (String Title, String msg) {ICON.Image = Icon (Title). ToBitmap (); MSG.Text = Title; MSG.Text + = '\ n' + msg; This.Visible = true This display (); Return DialogResult.OK; } Private mark mark (string title) {If (heading == CMessage.Ok) returns to the system....

javascript - Header resizing not working in Chrome -

I am using very theme from themingengnam with a certain navbar. When scrolling down, navbar should be turned into a small state. Both Firefox and Safari are working fine, tested on OSX. Chrome is showing a few places after the logo is disappearing or after scrolling back to the top. I made it to show the problem. The developer tested the site and said it should be a problem with my Chrome browser. But after visiting the site with Chrome, one of my friends gets the same problem. It seems that the script is not loaded. Is the site working properly with your system? If it is so why is not it working with my Chrome, it works for me with Chrome 32 (Windows 7) I think your issue relates to a specific version of Chrome. I suggest you contact the developer, and tell which specific version you use are doing. In this way, he (probably) will be able to reproduce the problem, and will solve it.

multithreading - Thread is freezing an activity on Android Application -

I am trying to use a thread on my application to delay the thread without any exhaustion activity. . The problem is that the thread on the activity thread is still freeze even when it is sleep (). What I want to do is a game like Simon says, I want to lighten a button for 2 seconds without deleting the activity, but it gets freeze. Thread is called a novo caller, and I start it at the end of the creative method. I'll paste the code, thanks in advance. package com.example.simondice; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import android App Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.util.log; Import android.widget.Button; Public class broadens gigers activity {public button boton1Rojo; Public Button Button 2 Azul; Public button boton3veerde; Public button boton4 amarillo; Public Arrestist & lt; Integer & gt; ArrayJuego; // S. Guadra La Secucia del Jégigo Public Arrestist & lt; Integer & gt; ArrayJugador; // Start the Start for C Guard Lawrence @ O...

python - Celery beat - different time zone per task -

I'm using celery green to determine some functions. I am able to use the CELERY_TIMEZONE setting to schedule tasks using the Contrabab schedule and it runs at scheduled time in the scheduled time zone. But I want to be able to set more than one such function in the same timezone (single django in the same application. I know at what time the job must be run, when the task is being determined Is it possible to specify a different time zone for each task? I am using degena (1.4) with celery (3.0.11) and degengo cellari (3.0.11). I have seen the djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseSudular class and this is the base class, but I can not understand how and how time is being used. Can I write a custom scheduler which can run each job in different timezones? Thank you, You have time-zone-aware time of individual tasks in a salary schedule -Certification can be achieved. By specifying different functions for each cellular schedule This way you can adjust loca...

html - How to overwrite css style in a specific page? -

& lt; head & gt; & Lt; link href = "index.css" rel = "स्टाइलशीट" & gt; & LT; शैली & gt; # हमर_डि_दंडो {color: #ffffff; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div id = 'divL' & gt; & Lt; div id = 'amor_di_mundo' & gt; अमोर डि मुंडो & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = 'quem_boe' & gt; क्वेम बोए & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; index.css #divL div {color: # 800000; } index.css एक div (# amor_di_mundo) में रंग: 800000 के साथ स्टाइल किया गया है एक विशिष्ट फ़ाइल में मुझे इसे color: #ffffff के साथ ओवरराइट करने की आवश्यकता है लेकिन इसे ओवरराइट नहीं किया गया है! समस्या सीएसएस की विशिष्टता के साथ है: एक इनलाइन शैली में बाहरी फ़ाइल की तुलना में अधिक शक्ति है। एक ही चयनकर्ता का प्रयोग करें, और इनलाइन शैलियों को एक डिफ़ॉल्ट स्टाइलशीट में ले जाएं, फिर अपनी इच्छित शैली में अपनी नई शैली जोड़ें और पहले से डिफ़...

c# - How to cast UIElement to Rectangle -

I have some rectangular canvas stored in it. Children, and when canvas walks. Children, I for (int i = 0; i However I do not know how to convert UI into system. Windows Shape. Reference. Can anyone help? A useful answer can be found in this. In addition to this, a useful guide for casting can be found on MSDN. Hope this will be helpful.

Create an excel file from java code -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: हाय मैं एक जावा कोड से एक एक्सेल फ़ाइल बनाना होगा, मैं ग्रहण पर इस कोड डाल लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं आयात करें; आयात करें org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; आयात करें; सार्वजनिक कक्षा TestPOI1 {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {// नई कार्यपुस्तिका बनाएं कार्यपुस्तिका कार्यपुस्तिका = नया HSSFWorkbook (); प्रयास करें {// हार्ड ड्राइव पर दस्तावेज़ को बचाने के लिए आउटपुट स्ट्रीम बनाएं FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream ("Test1.xls"); // हार्ड ड्राइव कार्यपुस्तिका पर फ़ाइल लिखें। लिखना (आउटपुट); // दस्तावेज़ आउटपुट को बंद करके इसे खत्म करो। क्लोज़ (); } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {e.printStackTrace (); कंसोल में, यह संदेश लिखा है उपयोग: BiffDrawingToXml [options] inputWorkbook विकल्प: -अनुवाद-कार्यपुस्तिका को बाहर करना निर्दिष्ट नाम के साथ -sheet-namek आउटपुट पत्रक और मैं अपना हार्ड ड्राइव में या फ़ाइल प्रोजेक्ट में Excel फ़ाइल मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। ...

How does this YouTube latest video code work? -

I have used some code to find the latest video from a specific channel, I can see how it Works, but I'm not sure how this is the source of the video if someone can explain that would be great & Lt; Div id = "static_video" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - Source Latest Video - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function show video (feedback) {if (feedback data & {var item =; If (items length = gt; {var items = objects [0]; Var videid = ""; Console.log ("Latest ID: '" + + VideoID + "' '); Var video =" & lt; Iframe width = '720' height = '480' src = '"+ VideoID +' frameborder = '0' permission screen & gt; & lt; / iframe & gt;"; . $ ('# Static_video') HTML (video); }} & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = ...

objective c - Is there an API that lets one sync an iOS app with its OSX counterpart via USB? -

I am developing an iOS app, for which the need to synchronize large amounts of data with my OSX equivalent app There may be an Internet connection available to connect to any device (iOS device and Mac) in the case where the app is used in case of use. Is there an official Apple API without using an iOS app, and its OSX equivalent, Internet or iCOUD? As far as I can tell, there is no way less than joining the MFI program. If you do not drag the user around by dragging some documents around, you can create a document Can be accessed via iTunes:

python pexpect sendcontrol key characters -

I'm working with Python Packeters to automate the tasks, to use with the sender control Need help finding main characters, how can one send a control key? And how can we get key characters for future reference? Here is the code that I'm working on. #! / Usr / bin / env python imported pexeter id = pexpect.spawn ('ftp') Id.expect_exact ('name') id.sendline ('anonymous') id.expect_exact ('password') * # is sure How to Enter Control Key ID Codecontrol ('???') * id.expect_exact ('Ftp') id. Sendline ('dir') id.expect_exact ('ftp') line = id.before.split ('\ n') For: print line Pax no sendcontrol () is not the method. In your example, you try to send an empty line. To do this, use it: id.sendline ('') If you need to send a real control letter, you can Send () is a string that contains the appropriate character value. For example, you want to send a control-c: id...

c++ - Start a external program at pre-start in Visual Studio -

I wrote a program that packs my resources in a file, and before I start my main program How can I start the program by clicking on "debug" or "start" before starting my main program? If you have project properties - & gt; Configuration Properties - & gt; Debugging , you can edit the Command section and add your program.

java - Spring, component-scan causes FatalBeanException around NamespaceHandler -

I get an exception exception when I use component-scan: Reason: Organization .springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: [org.springframework.context.config.ContextNamespaceHandler] for namespace [] [org.springframework.beans.factory]. Xml does not apply org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.difaultNamespaceHandlerResolver.resolve (org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement) on Org.springframework on org.springframework on org.springframeswork.beans.factory .xml.BeanDefinitionParserDelegate.parseCustomElement org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.parseBeanDefinitions ( at ( org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader .deRegisterBeanDefinitions ( Here the XML configuration is. & lt ;? Xml vers...

localization - Localise dynamic text string in iOS -

I started working on localizing my iOS app and now I have to face some such problems I was hoping someone could help me together I have worked fine for my string file using genstrings for English and French text and for all the static text in my app. However, for the dynamic string, the genstrings do not make a key in my string file because I used a variable for strings in the NSLocalyped string () macro. It tells me the error that the string is not a literal string. Which is understandable, I'm actually using allocated dynamic data, and some values ​​from pars and core data will be used in my app on runtime Pls guides me that I Where's the wrong, I understand that I have to make a key for all the possible combinations of wires that I will get in my string file. And depending on the text I receive, do I have to add a check to my code for each string? If I have 20 strings from the parse for the label, then I will get 20 checks for that label? Is there an easy way to do t...

mysql - execute multiple query with temp table in php -

I have the following query, to copy one line to the table and make changes in some columns. Make a temporary table as temp_table * Table 1 to WHERE offertecode = '1c12a23453453458e492230df420 972'; UPDATE temp_table SET offertecode = '82a24c7da2342423424351804ab043', id = NULL, reference = '[copy] subject'; Include in Table 1 SELECT * FROM temp_table; Drop temporary table temp_table; This works perfectly well in phpmyadmin, but I can not do it from within PHP, I get an error: You have an error in SQL syntax; Check the manual that matches your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use on the 'UPDATE temp_table SET offertecode =' 82a24c7da234242342435180420043 ', id =' line 5. To execute this query in PHP? PHP Code: $ mysqli-> Query ("Create temporary table as temp_table * WHERE offertecode = '1c12a23453453458e492230df420972' from table 1; Update temp_table SET offertecode = '82a24c7da2342423424351804a...

recursion - Can't recursively call function in VB.NET -

As a little program to learn about language, I apply linq to The method of trying (usually known as a map outside of VB), although it seems that I have participated in a small problem, it will not let me call the function again because It assumes that the type does not match here is the code: Iterator function map (A, B (As a joke, A, B), In the form of input (AK)) as IEnumerable (B) If there is nothing in input then there is no use when the fun (head) input map (Fun, Input)) 'Error Here End End Function Note here that head () is a function that is the first element of the input list , And tail () is a method that gives everything, but the first element I did a test first For what would a function I (A, B) was possible to have a function, such as I; / Code> has the following signature: In the form of the function head (tk) (i.e. as IEnumerable (tk)) as t ... and function Function TEL (TK) (as IEInumerable (T)) as IEnumerable (TK) ... end func...

R: Count items in a nested list -

How do you count items in a nested list efficiently? For example, my title is a list of names: header.names & lt; - Listings ("Post Unique References", "Name", "Grade (or Equivalent)", "Date", "Date"), List ("Name", "Organization", "Unit", "Senior Reporting "," Grade "," date ")) I want to calculate the number of times a header is generated can be a simple approach is required (str_count (str_count (unlist (header.names), "date")) though: "Name" should be a count of 2. The count of "date" should also be generated 2 because every list is counted once. The count "grade" should yield 1 - how does a non-exact search look like it produces 2? Duplicate within each element of the list Should be ignored, so you need a loop in the list of unique values. Unique_headers Once you have to deal with everything, ...

web services - Best approach for building a chat application ios 6 -

We need to create a chat application with the deployment target of iOS 6. I have the following doubts about this, 1. Does the apple provide an SDK for such an application? 2. Is the timer used to pull chat messages by pulling from the server on real time using bridge requests? If so, will it affect memory performance and app performance ?? 3. Do we have to maintain a local cache of each message ?? 4. With recent research, I have learned about CCLL Framework. Is this a good choice to create chat applications ?? I can advise you to use for iOS This is an open source project that implements XMPP protocol Does. Based on XML format, it is easy to expand functionally by adding custom tags to store any additional data you need. Most platforms (client- and server-side) in XMPP protocol You can use for server side. Answer to your questions: No, Apple does not offer special solutions for chat apps. XMPP Framework based on sockets (push notification mechanism). XMPPFramew...

css - Bootstrap 3 class visible-lg moves span to a new line -

How do I create the class visible-lg , and not to move the span to the new line ? The following HTML presents as a line: & lt; P & gt; The device is: & lt; Span & gt; Unknown & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; However , the following HTML renders large is the device on the bottom line : & lt; P & gt; The device is: & lt; Span class = "visible-lg" & gt; Big & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; update for bootstrap v3.2.0 According to the solution in Bootstrap v3.2.0 with the form : As v3.2.0, .visible- - each Classes for breakpoint come in three variations, one for each CSS display property value listed below: Group of squares | CSS display . Visual - * - Block | Display area; . Visible - * - Inline | Display: Inline; .visible - * - Inline-block | Display: Inline-block; So in your case, you want to use it: & lt; P & gt; The device is: & lt; Span class = ...

java - Arrays are being filled with null instead of names and 0 instead of numbers -

I have to fill two different arrays with a text file and the name from the related account balance. The file looks like this 10 Helen 1000 Jordan 755 EV 2500 Ken 80 Andrew 99 9 17 17 Admin Amy 12 Shaun 98 Patrick 7 Joy 14 Where is the number of accounts import java.util *; Import * *; Import java.util.Arrays; Public square bank countmen {public static zero main (string [] args) filenotfound exception {scanner infix = faucet; {InFile = Try New Scanner (New File ("account.txt")); ; } Hold (FileNotFoundException e) {System.out.println ("File not found!"); System.exit (0); } Int count = 0; Int accounts = inFile.nextInt (); String [] name = new string [accounts]; Int [] Balance = new int [accounts]; While (inFile.hasNextInt ()) { (); Name [count] = (); InFile.nextInt (); Balance [count] = inFile.nextInt (); Count ++; } System.out.println (Arrays.toString (name)); Println (Arrays.toString (balance)); }} Your loop is poorly...

sql - MAX function... use Max function for column name from select statement -

I'm not sure I can do something like this: In the selection statement I used the following Did the statement: case when Table 1 Effective Date & gt; This works and it displays the result column but still I want to display the maximum (result). How can I do this? Select when Table 1 Effective Date & gt; Table1.IssueDate then Table 1. Affected Data and Table 1.IssueDate end as a result as a ?? | where ?? | Group Byâ |? | You have almost answered your question SELECT max (When Table 1. Effective Data> Table 1. IssueDate, Then Table 1. Effective Data and Table 1.IssueDate termination as result?) | Where one ?? | If you still want to get both of them: Select the result, select the maximum (result) ( when the table 1 Effective Date> Table 1. Issueet Table 1. Effective data and table 1. A ?? where one ?? |) Group

c# - Single line when binding XmlDataProvider to ListView -

I want to show XmlData within a ListView XmlDataProvider is filled correctly but the list view only shows the first line of XmlDocument What do I have to do to show all the rows inside? & lt; window. Resources & gt; & Lt; XmlDataProvider x: key = "xmlData" /> & Lt; /Window.Resources> & Lt; DockPanel & gt; & Lt; ListView Padding = "4" & gt; & Lt; ListView.ItemsSource & gt; & Lt; Binding source = "{StaticResource xmlData}" XPath = "*" /> & Lt; /ListView.ItemsSource> & Lt; ListView.View & gt; & Lt; GridView & gt; & Lt; GridViewColumn Header = "Info" width = "256" DisplayMemberBinding = "{Binding XPath = Message}" /> & Lt; / GridView & gt; & Lt; /ListView.View> & Lt; / ListView & gt; & Lt; / DockPanel & gt; In the back code: Private void RefreshList (XmlDocument document) {XmlDataProvider Provide...

c++ - trivial regarding isalpha() in while() -

Ignore the unclear number of headers I am using. I'm just copying the code snippet in which I have a problem, and have included every headers because it is hurt. I'm doing a simple check whether the user input for a desired integer is not character. If the user inputs a character, they will be brought to the beginning of the loop until an integer is entered. while (edge ​​langs & lt; 4 || age gender> 12) {// ..} ensures that 4 And no number between 12 is recorded, and it works. My question: Why is it that when I enter any character, then say 'x', while the content of the loop loop is infinite? I specify the isalpha (edgeLength) is a condition to look for, but there is no luck #include & lt; Math.h> // #include for exponents & lt; Iostream & gt; // for cout & lt; & Lt; And cin & gt; & Gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; // for exit () and rand () #include & lt; Ctype.h & gt; // For upper case conve...

php - Problems using Acute in phpmailer subject -

कोड: $ mail = नया PHPMailer (); $ मेल & gt; isSendmail (); $ मेल- & gt; सेटफ्रम ('इन्फ़ो_रेनओआरओ', 'रेने'); $ मेल & gt; addAddress ($ _ पोस्ट [ 'ईमेल'], $ _ पोस्ट [ 'नाम']); $ मेल- & gt; विषय = 'Confirmación'; Ive ने अपना "³ used" का उपयोग किया है, और विषय इस प्रकार दिखाई देगा: ConfirmaciÃÆ'à एक € ™ Ã⠀, मैंने भी कोशिश की है: $ mail = नया PHPMailer (); $ मेल & gt; isSendmail (); $ मेल- & gt; सेटफ्रम ('इन्फ़ो_रेनओआरओ', 'रेने'); $ मेल & gt; addAddress ($ _ पोस्ट [ 'ईमेल'], $ _ पोस्ट [ 'नाम']); $ मेल- & gt; विषय = 'Confirmaci & amp; oacute; n'; और ऐसा दिखाई देता है: Confirmaci & amp; ओ एक सी यू टी ई; एन मैं इस लोगों को कैसे हल कर सकता हूँ इसे ईमेल इनबॉक्स में दिखाई देने की आवश्यकता है: ConfirmaciÃÆ'à एक € ™ Ã⠀ SA, एक आप अपने पहले अक्षर एन्कोडिंग बग का सामना कर रहे हैं। बधाई! आपने अपंग विरासत और भारी गलतियों की दुनिया में अपन...

php - How to rename each file before uploading to server to a time-stamp -

I am using the following code to upload some files, but alright, some names change because the name Are the same. I just want to know how to change the name, I tried, but I tried to mess around myself with the whole code. PHP if (empty ($ _ files ["album_art"])) {$ myFile = $ _FILES ["album_art" ]; If ($ myFile ["error"]! == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {resonant "& lt; p> an error occurred. Go out; } $ Name = preg_replace ("/ [^ A-Z0-9 ._-] / i", "_", $ myFile ["name"]); $ I = 0; $ Parts = pathinfo ($ name); While (file_exists (name UPLOAD_DIR. $)) {$ I ++; $ Name = $ parts ["filename"] "-" $ I. "." . $ Parts ["extension"]; } $ Success = step_upload_file ($ myFile ["tmp_name"], UPLOAD_DIR. '/'. $ Name); If (! $ Success) {resonance "& lt; p & gt; unable to save file. & Lt; / p & gt;"; Go out; } And {$ Dir = UPLOAD_DIR. '/' $ _...

android - What's the benefits of using repo instead of git -

Google initiated repo to manage Android source code as stated in the document, repo means Android It's easy to work with. Why do I not see in the document from in the document, make synonyms only with git commands in repo, then how easy is the repo to work with Android? I agree that you have already read: repo There is a repository management tool that we built on top of the guit. When necessary, the repo connects many GIT repositories, uploads our revision control system, and automates the part of the Android development workflow. Repo is not meant to change the guit, only in the context of Android Git's Easy to work with, the repo command is an executable python script that you can place anywhere on your own. In working with Android source files, you will use repo for the entire network operation. For example, with a single repo command you can download files from many local repositories to your local work directory. Simply put, this is for managing many GI...

What to study next? - Computer Science -

I have taken courses about Java and C ++ and I have taught myself python so far I know that How syntax and OOP are used, but I am able to learn all these languages. Based on what I have learned, I consider myself new enough for computer programming, but I am ambitious and want to learn a lot. My problem is that I am not getting any website or a book that just teaches more than basics or how to improve your programming skills. I have been disappointed that I can not find the next layer of learning. I have also purchased Raspberry Pi to know whether some projects can be made to help me learn something, but the problem is that I have a program Never been taught about making! I know that a program can be created before it should be learned more, but I do not know where to start from. Actually, I do not know why I should read more now because I am learning basic things for everything. Any advice is greatly appreciated. You may start learning more about algorithms by going outside. ...

java - spring-data detchated entity on child object -

Setting up the following tests using the Spring-Data CrudRepository @Test Public Zero Test CreateEventsThatShareallocation () {CreateFirstPlannedEvent (); CreateSecondPlannedEvent (); } @ Transactional Private Wide vs. Esconded Plan () {Planned Event Plan} = New planned adventure (); Location location = locationRepository.findByName (LOCATION_NAME); PlannedEvent.setLocation (location); (plannedEvent); } @TransactionationPublicOndevelopedOfFirstPlanEvent () {Planned Avented PlanEvent = New planned adventure (); Location Locations = Place to Create (LOCATION_NAME); PlannedEvent.setLocation (location); (plannedEvent); } Create public place Location (string name) {location location = new location (); Location.setName (name); Location.setSomeOtherStuff .... (); // does not call the method to save the repository of the location (no repository for location) return location; } When I run this test, I am getting it when the other...