sql - MAX function... use Max function for column name from select statement -
I'm not sure I can do something like this:
In the selection statement I used the following Did the statement:
case when Table 1 Effective Date & gt; This works and it displays the result column
but still I want to display the maximum (result).
How can I do this? Select
when Table 1 Effective Date & gt; Table1.IssueDate then Table 1. Affected Data and Table 1.IssueDate end as a result as a ?? | where ?? | Group Byâ |? |
You have almost answered your question
SELECT max (When Table 1. Effective Data> Table 1. IssueDate, Then Table 1. Effective Data and Table 1.IssueDate termination as result?) | Where one ?? | If you still want to get both of them: Select the result, select the maximum (result) (
when the table 1 Effective Date> Table 1. Issueet Table 1. Effective data and table 1. A ?? where one ?? |) Group
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