Failed to build gem native extension for ruby-debug-base19x -

I'm new on Ruby on Rail, I'm installing Gems-debug-base 19x gem. But without success I got some similar answers but no help was found.

  Basic extension building may take some time ... Error: Error installing ruby-debug-base19x: Error: Mani failed to create native extension. /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/bin/ruby For extconf.rb check vm_core.h ... no /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9. 1 /gems/ruby_core_source-0.1.5/lib/ruby_core_source.rb39: Using RbConfig instead of obsolete and excommunicated configs is checking for Vm_core.h ... not *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not make makefile due to some reason, maybe there is a lack of necessary libraries and / or headers. For more information check the mkmf.log file. You may need configuration options. Configurable options available: - With-Opt-Direction - Without - OPTION DIRECTION - OP-IN - WITHOUT OPTION = $ {opt-dir} / include --with-opt-lib-without-opt-in -lib = $ {opt-dir} / lib - with-makeup -pag - without-make-handling --srcdir =. --Cardir - RBI = / Opt / RedMine-2.4.2-0 / Rabbi / Bin / Rabbi - Together-Ruby-Direre - Non-Ruby-Direction - Together-Ruby - Include - Non-Ruby- Include = $ {Ruby-dir} / include --with-ruby-lib --without-ruby-lib = $ {ruby-dir} / lib /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/ Gemstones / 1.9 .1 / gemstone / ruby_core_source-0.1.5 / lib / contrib / uri_ext.rb: 270: In reading 'block (2 level)': Failed to download pub / Prohibited (runtime error) from Ruby / 1.9 / ruby-1.9.3-p484.tar.gz: /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb: 1323 From 'transport_request' to: / opt /redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb2672 ` 'Redmine-2.4.2-0 / ruby ​​/ lib / ruby ​​/ 1.9.1 / net / http.rb: 1322: /opt/redmine-2.4.2-' from / opt / in the lock (level 2) 1.9.1 / net / 'http.rb: 1317 in block' transport_request 'from 0 / ruby ​​/ lib / ruby ​​/ / http/rb: 1317: /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/ In `catches' from http.rb: 1317: from 'transport_request' to /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1294:IN/opt/redmine- 2.4.2-0 / ruby ​​/ lib / from 'request' dark red / 1.9 1 / Pure / http.rb: 1287: In 'block in request' /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:746: 'start' / opt Ruby / Gem / 1.9 from 'Request' from /redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb1285:/opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ Gems / 1.9 in 'Block Reading' from 1 / gemstone / ruby_core_source -0.1.5 / lib / contrib / uri_ext.rb: 23 9: /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/ 1 / gemstone / ruby_core_source -0.1.5 / lib / contrib / uri_ext.rb: 286: in 'connect' to /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9. 1 / gem / ruby_core_source-0.1.5 / lib / contrib / uri_ext.rb: 234: in 'read' from /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ In `Downloads' from Ruby_core_source-0.1.5 / lib / contrib / uri_ext.rb: 128: /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/ruby_core_source-0.1 5 / lib / ruby_core_source.rb: 55: in 'open_makefile_with_core block' from /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tempfile.rb:320 / in 'Open' / Opt / Redmiene-2.4.2-0 / Rabbi / Lib / Ruby / Gem / 1.9.1 / Gem / Ruby_core_source -0.1.5 / BB / Ruby_core_sos.rb: 51: `million Eate_makefile_with_core 'from extconf.rb: 19:` & Lt; Main & gt; ' Requesting Http:// Gems files are installed in /opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib Will remain /ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/linecache19-0.5.12/opt/redmine-2.4.2-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/linecache19-0.5.12 for inspection Login Results in /ext/trace_nums/gem_make.out   

I also check mkmf.log,

  has_header: check vm_core.h .. -------------------- No "GCC-A-I / OPT / Redmin-2.4.2-0 / Ruby / Included / Ruby-1.9.1 / x86_64 -linux -i / opt / redmine-2.4.2-0 / ruby ​​/ included / ruby-1.9.1 / ruby ​​/ backward-eye / opt / radimine-2.4.2-0 / ruby ​​/ included / ruby-1.9.1 -i - I / opt / redmine-2.4.2-0 / ruby ​​/ included / ruby-1.9.1 / ruby-1.9.3-P484 -i / opt / redemption-2.4.2-0 / common / included- FPIC- I / BitMemy / Ruby Stax-Linux-X64 / Output / ImageMagic / ImageMagic-I / Bitnami / rubystack-linux-x64 / output / imagemagick / include / imagemagick -O3 conftest.c -o conftest.i "conftest.c: 3: 21: Error: vm_core.h: There was no such file or directory check program: / * start * / 1: #include "ruby.h" 2: 3: #include & lt; Vm_core.h & gt; / * End * /   

You received 403 downloads for the source Turboball From the log:[-snipped-].tar.gz Failed to download: Forbidden   

I just tried the URL and it is accessible to me and try again. Maybe it was a hiccup of a time


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