update indexedDB data -

I am trying to update my indexed DB data. What have I done ..

  function update_doc () {var id = document.getElementById ("txt_id"). Values; Var Name = document.getElementById ("txt_name"). value; Console.log ("+ + + + + +" + "+" to update about); Var transaction = db.transaction (["stud_store"], "text"); Var store = transaction.objectStore ("stud_store"); Var Stud = {ID: ID, Name: Name, Created: New Date ()} var putresult = store.put (studs); Putresult.onsuccess = Event (e) {Warning ("Successfully concluded ...!"); Console.log ("What was this!"); }; Putresult.onerror = function (e) {warning ("Something is wrong (error name:" + e.target.error.name + "error message:" + e.target.error.message + ")."); Console.log ("Error", e.target.error.id); Console.dir (e.target); }}   

(where ID is unique) I am getting the following error ...

 Enter the image details

Do you have a database? var request = window.indexedDB.open ("MyDatabase", 3);

docs -

You can create your database and show some more code to open.


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